Meanings of minor planet names: 30001–31000

As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center, and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified span of numbers that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names. Besides the Minor Planet Circulars (in which the citations are published), a key source is Lutz D. Schmadel's Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Meanings that do not quote a reference (the "†" links) are tentative.

Minor planets not yet given a name have not been included in this list.

Name Provisional Designation Source of Name
30004 Mikewilliams 2000 BP33 Mike Williams (b. 1952) was a lead engineer at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
30005 Stevenchen 2000 CJ23 Steven Chen (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project.
30007 Johnclarke 2000 CV45 John Anthony Clarke (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his earth and planetary science project.
30008 Aroncoraor 2000 CE49 Aron Coraor (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his chemistry project.
30012 Sohamdaga 2000 CB67 Soham Daga (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project.
30017 Shaundatta 2000 CQ95 Shaun Datta (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his physics project.
30022 Kathibaker 2000 DZ14 Kathi Baker (1954-2014) was involved with administrative support for the NASA HiRISE mission to Mars, as well as supporting many faculty, staff and students at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. Most recently, Kathi served as executive assistant to the LPL Director.
30025 Benfreed 2000 DJ26 Benjamin Freed (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project.
30027 Anubhavguha 2000 DA42 Anubhav Guha (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials science project.
30028 Yushihomma 2000 DL42 Yushi Homma (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30029 Preetikakani 2000 DR58 Preeti Kakani (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project.
30030 Joycekang 2000 DY61 Joyce Blossom Kang (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her engineering project.
30031 Angelakong 2000 DZ63 Angela Xiangyue Kong (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her biochemistry project.
30032 Kuszmaul 2000 DC65 William Henry Kuszmaul (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30033 Kevinlee 2000 DP68 Kevin Lee (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioengineering project.
30035 Charlesliu 2000 DX77 Charles Xin Liu (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project.
30036 Eshamaiti 2000 DF78 Esha Maiti (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project.
30037 Rahulmehta 2000 DU78 Rahul Siddharth Mehta (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project.
30039 Jameier 2000 DE100 Joshua Abraham Meier (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health


30040 Annemerrill 2000 DO112 Anne Merrill (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her environmental science project.
30042 Schmude 2000 EY3 Richard Schmude (b. 1958), a Professor of Astronomy at Gordon State College.
30043 Lisamichaels 2000 EJ17 Lisa P. Michaels (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project.
30048 Sreyasmisra 2000 EB37 Sreyas Misra (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioengineering project.
30049 Violamocz 2000 EX38 Viola Mocz (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project.
30050 Emilypang 2000 EK39 Emily Pang (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project.
30051 Jihopark 2000 ED41 Jiho Park (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project.
30053 Ivanpaskov 2000 EG44 Ivan Spassimirov Paskov (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project.
30054 Pereira 2000 EO44 Brianna Pereira (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project.
30055 Ajaysaini 2000 EL47 Ajay Saini (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project.
30057 Sarasakowitz 2000 EK56 Sara Sakowitz (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her biochemistry project.
30060 Davidseong 2000 EL60 David Seong (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project.
30061 Vishnushankar 2000 EX61 Vishnu Shankar (b. 1996) is a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project.
30063 Jessicashi 2000 EX63 Jessica Shi (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project.
30064 Kaitlynshin 2000 ER64 Kaitlyn Shin (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for her space science project.
30065 Asrinivasan 2000 EF66 Anand Srinivasan (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project.
30066 Parthakker 2000 EV68 Parth Thakker (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials science project.
30067 Natalieng 2000 EL70 Natalie Ng (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel STS, and was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel ISEF, for her medicine and health project.
30070 Thabitpulak 2000 ES84 Thabit Pulak (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel ISEF, for his environmental science project.
30073 Erichen 2000 EP94 Eric Shu Chen (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel STS, and was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel ISEF for his microbiology project.
30081 Zarinrahman 2000 EY108 Zarin Ibnat Rahman (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2014 Intel STS, and was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel ISEF, for her behavioral and social sciences project.
30085 Kevingarbe 2000 EZ112 Kevin Matthew Garbe (b. 1995), a finalist in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30097 Traino 2000 EQ148 Alan Traino, American astronomer and caver
30100 Christophergo 2000 EL157 Christopher Go (b. 1970), a Philippine astrophotographer.
30109 Jaywilson 2000 FQ17 Jay Wilson, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30110 Lisabreton 2000 FH20 Lisa Breton, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30111 Wendyslijk 2000 FJ20 Wendy Slijk, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30117 Childress 2000 FW36 Stephanie Childress, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30119 Lucamatone 2000 FS37 Luca Matone, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30122 Elschweitzer 2000 FC40 Ellen Schweitzer, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30123 Scottrippeon 2000 FF40 Scott Rippeon, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30125 Mikekiser 2000 FF41 Mike Kiser, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30126 Haviland 2000 FS41 Maureen Haviland, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30128 Shannonbunch 2000 FJ44 Shannon Bunch, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30129 Virmani 2000 FT44 Rajeev Virmani, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30130 Jeandillman 2000 FK46 Jean Dillman, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30136 Bakerfranke 2000 FO60 Baker Franke, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30140 Robpergolizzi 2000 GO5 Robert Pergolizzi, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30141 Nelvenzon 2000 GT24 Nel Venzon, Jr., a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30142 Debfrazier 2000 GS26 Debbie Frazier, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30144 Minubasu 2000 GP31 Minu Basu, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30146 Decandia 2000 GQ34 Maria DeCandia, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30147 Amyhammer 2000 GV41 Amy Hammer, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30149 Kellyriedell 2000 GW45 Kelly Riedell, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30150 Laseminara 2000 GC46 Laurie Seminara, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30151 Susanoffner 2000 GX46 Susan Offner, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30152 Reneefallon 2000 GW49 Renee Fallon, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30153 Ostrander 2000 GT50 Peter Ostrander, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30154 Christichil 2000 GO52 Christi Chilton, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30155 Warmuth 2000 GQ52 Audrey Warmuth, a mentor of finalist in the 2013 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors.
30157 Robertspira 2000 GL55 Robert Spira, a mentor of finalist in the 2004 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30158 Mabdulla 2000 GQ55 Muhammad Ugur Oglu Abdulla (b. 1999), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his mathematics and computer science project.
30159 Behari 2000 GR55 Nikhil Behari (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his mathematics and computer science project.
30160 Danielbruce 2000 GD57 Daniel Sebastian Bruce (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his animal & plant sciences project.
30161 Chrepta 2000 GM57 Benjamin Joseph Chrepta (b. 1999), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his mathematics and computer science project.
30162 Courtney 2000 GO57 Joshua Michael Courtney (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his animal & plant sciences project.
30164 Arnobdas 2000 GC59 Arnob Das (b. 1999), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his biochemistry, medicine, health science, and microbiology project.
30166 Leodeng 2000 GC62 Leo Z. Deng (b. 1999), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his environmental sciences project.
30167 Caredmonds 2000 GR62 Caroline S Edmonds (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her animal & plant sciences project.
30168 Linusfreyer 2000 GG66 Linus Alexander Freyer (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his biochemistry, medicine, health science, and microbiology project.
30169 Raghavganesh 2000 GU67 Raghav Ganesh (b. 2002), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his engineering project.
30170 Makaylaruth 2000 GG68 Makayla Ruth Gates (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her physical sciences project.
30172 Giedraitis 2000 GZ71 Alden Shea Giedraitis (b. 1999), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his engineering project.
30173 Greenwood 2000 GG72 Floyd S. Greenwood (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his biochemistry, medicine, health science, and microbiology project.
30174 Hollyjackson 2000 GY72 Holly Marie Jackson (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her physical sciences project.
30175 Adityajain 2000 GS73 Aditya Jain (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his biochemistry, medicine, health science, and microbiology project.
30176 Gelseyjaymes 2000 GX73 Gelsey Elise Jaymes (b. 2002), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental sciences project.
30177 Khashayar 2000 GV76 Sahar A Khashayar (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her engineering project.
30179 Movva 2000 GY79 Rajiv Movva (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his biochemistry, medicine, health science, and microbiology project.
30183 Murali 2000 GL95 Chythanya Murali (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental sciences project.
30184 Okasinski 2000 GM95 Jonathan Guanghong Okasinski (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his physical sciences project.
30186 Ostojic 2000 GY95 Annie Ostojic (b. 2002), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her mathematics and computer science project.
30187 Jamesroney 2000 GN96 James Peter Roney (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his animal & plant sciences project.
30188 Hafsasaeed 2000 GR96 Hafsa Naseem Saeed (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her environmental sciences project.
30190 Alexshelby 2000 GW96 Alexander Lloyd Shelby (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his physical sciences project.
30191 Sivakumar 2000 GJ98 Aditya Diwakar Sivakumar (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his physical sciences project.
30192 Talarterzian 2000 GB100 Talar Victoria-Grace Terzian (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her engineering project.
30193 Annikaurban 2000 GL100 Annika Frances Urban (b. 2001), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for her engineering project.
30194 Liamyoung 2000 GM100 Liam Hayden Young (b. 2000), a finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students, for his environmental sciences project.
30195 Akdemir 2000 GB101 Nilgun Akdemir, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30197 Nickbadyrka 2000 GP102 Nick Badyrka, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30199 Ericbrown 2000 GX103 Eric Brown, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30200 Terryburch 2000 GG104 Terry Burch, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30201 Caruana 2000 GA105 Chris Caruana, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30203 Kimdavis 2000 GK106 Kim Davis, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30204 Stevedoherty 2000 GX107 Steven Doherty, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30205 Mistyevans 2000 GV108 Misty Evans, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30206 Jasonfricker 2000 GD109 Jason Fricker, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30208 Guigarcia 2000 GN115 Guillermo Garcia, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30209 Garciaarriola 2000 GG116 Alfonso Garcia Arriola, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30211 Sheilah 2000 GN123 Sheila Harrington, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30216 Summerjohnson 2000 GV125 Summer Johnson, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30218 Paulaladd 2000 GC126 Paula Ladd, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30221 LeDonne 2000 GX126 Sarah LeDonne, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30222 Malecki 2000 GA134 Eva Malecki, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30235 Kimmiller 2000 GR179 Kim Miller, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30240 Morgensen 2000 HF8 Kristen Morgensen, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30241 Donnamower 2000 HN8 Donna Mower, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30242 Naymark 2000 HQ8 Alissa Naymark, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30244 Linhpham 2000 HP10 Linh Pham, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30245 Paigesmith 2000 HC12 Paige Smith, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30248 Kimstinson 2000 HV13 Kim Stinson, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30249 Zamora 2000 HF14 Suzanne Zamora, a mentor of finalist in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle school students.
30251 Ashkin 2000 HR22 Emily Lorin Ashkin (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel ISEF, for her medicine and health project.
30252 Textorisová 2000 HE24 Izabela Textorisová, Slovak botanist
30253 Vítek 2000 HF24 Antonín Vítek, Czech biochemist, computer specialist, author, and media space popularizer
30257 Leejanel 2000 HH32 Jihyeon (Janel) Lee (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel ISEF, for her computer science project.
30259 Catherineli 2000 HC35 Catherine J. Li (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel ISEF, for her materials science project.
30267 Raghuvanshi 2000 HQ49 Anika Raghuvanshi (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel ISEF, for her engineering project.
30268 Jessezhang 2000 HM50 Jesse Zhang (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel STS, and was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel ISEF, for his earth and planetary science project.
30269 Anandapadmanaban 2000 HS50 Eswar Anandapadmanaban (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioengineering project.
30270 Chemparathy 2000 HJ51 Augustine George Chemparathy (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his plant science project.
30271 Brandoncui 2000 HZ51 Brandon Bichemg Cui (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his engineering project.
30272 D’Mello 2000 HA52 Ryan D´Mello (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30273 Samepstein 2000 HV52 Samuel Epstein (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his animal sciences project.
30275 Eskow 2000 HP53 Nicole Eskow (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her medicine and health project.
30276 Noahgolowich 2000 HB55 Noah Golowich (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30295 Anvitagupta 2000 HV74 Anvita Gupta (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her biochemistry project.
30296 Bricehuang 2000 HZ76 Brice Huang (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30298 Somyakhare 2000 HJ81 Somya Khare (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her microbiology project.
30299 Shashkishore 2000 HW81 Shashwat Kishore (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his mathematics project.
30301 Kuditipudi 2000 HK87 Rohith Kuditipudi (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project.
30302 Kritilall 2000 HS88 Kriti Lall (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his environmental science project.
30305 Severi 2000 JA Francesco Severi, 19th-20th-century Italian mathematician, historian, educator and philosopher
30306 Frigyesriesz 2000 JD Frigyes Riesz, 19th-20th-century Hungarian mathematician, elder brother of Marcel Riesz
30307 Marcelriesz 2000 JE Marcel Riesz, 19th-20th-century Hungarian-born Swedish mathematician \
30308 Ienli 2000 JN1 Ien Li (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his behavioral and social sciences project.
30310 Alexanderlin 2000 JO9 Alexander Lin (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project.
30312 Lilyliu 2000 JC11 Lily Liu (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her chemistry project.
30314 Yelenam 2000 JH14 Yelena Mandelshtam (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her mathematics project.
30316 Scottmassa 2000 JT14 Scott Massa (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his biochemistry project.
30321 McCleary 2000 JT17 Jennifer McCleary (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her chemistry project.
30323 Anyam 2000 JV17 Anya Michaelson (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project.
30324 Pandya 2000 JS19 Dhaivat Nitin Pandya (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project.
30325 Reesabpathak 2000 JV20 Reesab Pathak (b. 1998), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health project.
30326 Maxpine 2000 JS21 Max pine (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his animal sciences project.
30327 Prembabu 2000 JP22 Saranesh Prembabu (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials science project.
30328 Emilyspencer 2000 JX22 Emily Jane Spencer (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her materials science project.
30330 Tiffanysun 2000 JY24 Tiffany Sun (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her behavioral and social sciences project.
30332 Tanaytandon 2000 JW26 Tanay Tandon (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his computer science project.
30333 Stevenwang 2000 JH27 Steven Wang (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioinformatics and genomics project.
30334 Michaelwiner 2000 JN28 Michael Winer (b. 1996), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his physics project.
30336 Zhangyizen 2000 JD29 Yizen Zhang (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her animal sciences project.
30337 Crystalzheng 2000 JO29 Crystal Zheng (b. 1997), a finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her biochemistry project.
30347 Pattyhunt 2000 JY37 Patricia Hunt, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30348 Marizzabailey 2000 JD38 Marizza Bailey, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30350 Beltecas 2000 JA39 Steven Beltecas, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30353 Carothers 2000 JQ39 Patti Carothers, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30357 Davisdon 2000 JJ45 Don Davis, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30362 Jenniferdean 2000 JD54 Jennifer Dean, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30363 Dellasantina 2000 JW54 Nicole Della Santina, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30365 Gregduran 2000 JO55 Gregory Duran, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30368 Ericferrante 2000 JT57 Eric Ferrante, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30370 Jongoetz 2000 JA59 Charles Jon Goetz III, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30371 Johngorman 2000 JR59 John Gorman, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30372 Halback 2000 JK62 Damon Halback, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30373 Mattharley 2000 JO62 Matthew Harley, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30374 Bobbiehinson 2000 JU62 Bobbie Hinson, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30375 Kathuang 2000 JD63 Katherine Huang, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30384 Robertirelan 2000 KK3 Robert W. Irelan, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30386 Philipjeffery 2000 KL16 Philip Jeffery, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30388 Nicolejustice 2000 KJ17 Nicole A. Justice, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30389 Ledoux 2000 KW17 Veronica Ledoux, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30396 Annleonard 2000 KV36 Ann C. Leonard, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30406 Middleman 2000 KU54 Elaine Middleman, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30407 Pantano 2000 KK55 Alessandra Pantano, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30409 Piccirillo 2000 KY55 Angelo Piccirillo, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30414 Pistacchi 2000 KC69 Mike Pistacchi, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30416 Schacht 2000 KG76 Scott Schacht, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30417 Staudt 2000 LF Karl Georg Christian von Staudt, 19th-century German mathematician
30418 Jakobsteiner 2000 LG Jakob Steiner, 19th-century Swiss-German mathematician
30421 Jameschafer 2000 LM2 James R. Schafer, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30425 Silverman 2000 LP7 Emily Silverman, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30426 Philtalbot 2000 LU8 Phil Talbot, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30430 Robertoegel 2000 LO16 Robert Toegel, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30431 Michaeltran 2000 LR16 Michael Tran, a mentor of finalist in the 2015 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors.
30439 Moe 2000 MB Moe Howard (Harry Moses Horwitz), 20th-century American comedian, the mop-haired leader of the slapstick comedy team of the Three Stooges
30440 Larry 2000 MG Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg), 20th-century American comedian, long time member of the Three Stooges (the one in the middle with a scared-porcupine hairstyle)
30441 Curly 2000 MX Curly Howard (Jerome Horwitz), 20th-century American comedian, one of the Three Stooges
30443 Stieltjes 2000 NR Thomas Jan Stieltjes, 19th-century Dutch physicist and mathematician
30444 Shemp 2000 NY1 Shemp Howard (Samuel Horwitz), 20th-century American comedian, one of the original vaudeville-era Three Stooges, appearing on film in 1946 to replace his ailing brother Curly
30445 Stirling 2000 NJ2 James Stirling, 18th-century Scottish mathematician
30448 Yoshiomoriyama 2000 NV3 Yoshio Moriyama, Japan planetaria constructor
30473 Ethanbutson 2000 OP23 Ethan Butson (b. 1995), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his medicine and health sciences project.
30487 Dominikovacs 2000 QG10 Dominik Kovaks (b. 1994), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials and bioengineering team project.
30488 Steinlechner 2000 QJ11 Thomas Gunther Steinlechner (b. 1993), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials and bioengineering team project.
30509 Yukitrippel 2000 YQ105 Yuki Trippel (b. 1994), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials and bioengineering team project.
30514 Chiomento 2001 HQ49 Gabriel Chiomento da Motta (b. 1995), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her materials and bioengineering team project.
30539 Raissamuller 2001 OT13 Raissa Muller (b. 1995), awarded second place in the 2014 Intel Science Talent search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for his materials and bioengineering team project.
30558 Jamesoconnor 2001 OC68 James O'Connor, Irish amateur astronomer
30564 Olomouc 2001 OC77 Olomouc, an old city in Moravia, the Czech Republic
30566 Stokes 2001 OO81 Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet, 19th-century Irish mathematician and physicist
30593 Dangovski 2001 QZ16 Rumen Rumenov Dangovski (b. 1995) was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his mathematical sciences project.
30596 Amdeans 2001 QQ65 Alexander Matthew Deans (b. 1997) was awarded second place in the 2014 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project.
30698 Hippokoon 2299 T-3 Hippokoon, mythological friend of king Rhesos of Thracia, awoken by Apollo as Odysseus and Diomedes were killing the Thracians (from the Iliad)
30704 Phegeus 3250 T-3 Phegeus, mythological oldest son of Dares (a priest of Hephaistos), fatally wounded by Diomedes during the Trojan War
30705 Idaios 3365 T-3 Idaios, mythological younger son of Dares (a priest of Hephaistos) and herald of king Priam, who tells him that Paris and Menelaos want to start a duel
30708 Echepolos 4101 T-3 Echepolos, first mythological hero of the great fight after the duel of Paris against Menelaos, killed by Antilochos
30719 Isserstedt 1963 RJ Isserstedt is a part of Jena, situated high above the town and near the scene of the 1806 battle of Jena-Auerstedt. F. Börngen.
30718 Records 1955 RB1 Brenda Records, American departmental office manager for the Indiana University Astronomy Department, the discovery site.
30722 Biblioran 1978 RN5 Bibliotheka (Rossijskoj) Akademii Nauk (RAN) (Библиотеку (Российской) Академии Наук, "Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences") +
30724 Peterburgtrista 1978 SX2 St. Petersburg tricentenary (2003)
30767 Chriskraft 1983 VQ1 Christopher C. Kraft, who oversaw rocket launches and the design of space modules from Mercury to Apollo, as well as creating Mission Control
30773 Schelde 1986 RJ4 The Schelde river, in Gouy, France.
30775 Lattu 1987 QX Kristan Rosemary Lattu, American member (of Finnish extraction) of the JPL technical staff, space systems integration and operations specialist
30778 Döblin 1987 SX10 Alfred Döblin, 19th-20th-century German doctor and novelist, best known for Berlin Alexanderplatz and Babylonische Wanderung
30779 Sankt-Stephan 1987 UE1 Abbey Sankt-Stephan (Benediktinerkloster Sankt Stephan) in Augsburg, Germany, where the Benedictine monk Father Gregor (Bernhard Helms) is a physics-astronomy teacher, builder of his own observatory and of the school planetarium
30785 Greeley 1988 PX Ronald Greeley, American planetary geologist
30786 Karkoschka 1988 QC Erich Karkoschka, German-born American astronomer
30788 Angekauffmann 1988 RE3 Angelica Kauffman, 18th-century Swiss painter
30798 Graubünden 1989 CR5 Graubünden (a.k.a. Grisons, Grigioni, Grishun), largest canton of Switzerland and birthplace of Angelica Kauffman
30821 Chernetenko 1990 RR17 Yuliya Andreevna Chernetenko, Russian astronomer
30826 Coulomb 1990 TS1 Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, 18th-century French physicist, author of Sur l'électricité et le magnétisme
30827 Lautenschläger 1990 TE2 Manfred Lautenschläger, lawyer, entrepreneur and philanthropist
30828 Bethe 1990 TK4 Hans Albrecht Bethe, 20th-century German-American physicist and Nobelist
30829 Wolfwacker 1990 TE9 Wolfgang Wacker, German astronomer who worked at the Heidelberg Max-Planck-Institut
30830 Jahn 1990 TQ12 Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, 18th-19th-century German educator, writer and "father of gymnastics"
30835 Waterloo 1990 WB7 Waterloo, Belgium, site of the Battle of Waterloo.
30836 Schnittke 1991 AU2 Alfred Garriyevich Schnittke, 20th-century Russian composer, creator of "polystylism"
30837 Steinheil 1991 AW2 Carl August von Steinheil, 19th-century Swiss-German physicist and opticist
30840 Jackalice 1991 GC2 Jack Newton, Canadian astrophotographer, and his wife Alice
30844 Hukeller 1991 KE Hans-Ulrich Keller, 20th-century German astronomer
30847 Lampert 1991 RC5 Klaus Lampert, experienced amateur radio operator
30850 Vonsiemens 1991 TN2 Ernst Werner von Siemens, 19th-century German inventor and industrialist, inventor of the dynamo and founder of electrotechnology
30851 Reißfelder 1991 TD6 Günter Reißfelder, German physician and well-known expert on urology and ambulant surgery
30852 Debye 1991 TR6 Peter Joseph William Debye, 20th-century Dutch-born American physical chemist
30857 Parsec 1991 YY The first five digits of the parsec (in metres)
30879 Hiroshikanai 1992 KF Hiroshi Kanai, Japanese photographer, president of the Minox Club of Japan (1969–2005)
30882 Tomhenning 1992 SG2 Thomas Henning, managing director of the Heidelberg Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy
30883 de Broglie 1992 SW16 Louis-Victor, 7th duc de Broglie, 20th-century French physicist and Nobelist
30888 Okitsumisaki 1993 BG2 Okitsumisaki in western Kochi Prefecture, a small promontory jutting into the Pacific Ocean.
30917 Moehorgan 1993 HV1 Maureen "Moe" A. Horgan, American trombonist, conductor and teacher
30928 Jefferson 1993 TJ32 Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States (1801–1809)
30933 Grillparzer 1993 UW8 Franz Grillparzer, 19th-century Austrian dramatic poet and playwright
30934 Bakerhansen 1993 WH Lonny Baker and Todd Hansen, American space enthusiasts (Baker is the Planetary Society's Global volunteer leader, and Hansen wrote Deep Sky and other Enthusiasms)
30935 Davasobel 1994 AK1 Dava Sobel, American author
30937 Bashkirtseff 1994 BA4 Marie Bashkirtseff (1858–1884), known for her impressionistic paintings Automne (1883) and La Réunion (1884), and especially for her diary, with a personal account of the struggle of women artists in a bourgeois society.
30938 Montmartre 1994 BB4 Montmartre, a large hill in Paris (France)
30939 Samaritaine 1994 BE4 La Samaritaine, a department store near the Pont Neuf, Paris.
30942 Helicaon 1994 CX13 Helicaon, a Trojan warrior, was the son of Antenor and the husband of Laodice, daughter of Priamos, king of Troy
30955 Weiser 1994 PG29 Thorolf Weiser, German palaeontologic geologist
30963 Mount Banzan 1994 WO3 Mount Banzan, Japan, at the foot of which is the Sendai Astronomical Observatory Ayashi Station (and where the New Sendai Astronomical Observatory will be in 2008)
30991 Minenze 1995 SV53 Min Enze, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering
31000 Rockchic 1995 VV Nickname of Gail Swanson, American singer-songwriter
Preceded by
Meanings of minor planet names
List of minor planets: 30,001–31,000
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