Members of the New South Wales Legislative Council, 1925–1927

This is a list of members of the New South Wales Legislative Council from 1925 to 1927. At this time the Council was composed of individuals appointed for life by the Governor on the advice of the Premier. This list includes members between the 1925 state election on 30 May 1925 and the 1927 state election on 8 October 1927.

Name Party Years in office
William Ainsworth 5 ALP 1925–1934
Carl Akhurst 4 ALP/Independent 1925–1934
Alexander Alam 4 ALP 1925–1958, 1963–1973
George Archer 4 ALP 1925–1949
James Ashton Nationalist 1907–1934
George Black Nationalist 1917–1934
Reginald Black Nationalist 1900–1928
Francis Boyce Nationalist 1923–1932
Sir Henry Braddon Nationalist 1917–1940
William Brennan 4 ALP 1925–1934
Charles Bridges 4 ALP 1925–1937, 1940–1943
William Brooks Nationalist 1917–1934
Alexander Brown 13 Nationalist 1892–1926
Joseph Browne Independent 1912–1932
Francis Bryant ALP/Nationalist 1912–1934
Nicholas Buzacott Nationalist 1899–1933
William Carey 4 ALP 1925–1928
Sir Joseph Carruthers Nationalist 1908–1932
Joseph Coates ALP 1921–1943
James Concannon 4 ALP 1925–1958
Michael Connington ALP 1917–1930
Lawrence Cotter 4 Independent 1925–1934
Sir Owen Cox Nationalist 1922–1930
John Creed Nationalist 1885–1930
Robert Cruickshank ALP 1921–1928
John Culbert 4 ALP 1925–1943
George Dewar ALP 1921–1934
William Dick Nationalist 1907–1932
William Dickson 6 ALP 1925–1934, 1940–1966
Jeffrey Dodd 8 Nationalist 1917–1925
Henry Doyle Independent 1912–1929
Thomas Doyle 4 ALP 1925–1934
George Earp Nationalist 1900–1933
John Estell ALP 1922–1928
John Farleigh Nationalist 1908–1934
Ernest Farrar Nationalist 1912–1952
Robert Fitzgerald Nationalist 1901–1933
Frederick Flowers Nationalist 1900–1928
Edward Grayndler ALP 1921–1934, 1936–1943
John Hepher ALP 1899–1932
Simon Hickey 4 ALP 1925–1934
John Higgins ALP 1921–1936
James Hoad 4 ALP 1925–1931
Thomas Holden ALP 1912–1934
Percy Hordern 7 ALP 1921–1926
Henry Horne Nationalist 1917–1955
Sir Thomas Hughes Nationalist 1908–1930
Alfred Hunt Progressive 1916–1930
Sydney Innes-Noad Nationalist 1917–1931
Sir Norman Kater Progressive 1923–1955
Edward Kavanagh ALP 1912–1934
John Keegan 4 ALP 1925–1934
William Kelly 4 ALP/Independent 1925–1932
John Lane Mullins Nationalist 1917–1934
William Latimer Nationalist 1920–1934
James Lyons 4 ALP/Independent 1925–1934
James Macarthur-Onslow Nationalist 1922–1934
James Mackay Nationalist 1899–1934
Charles Mackellar 10 Nationalist 1885–1903, 1903–1925
Edward Magrath 2 ALP 1925–1943
Robert Mahony ALP 1921–1961
James Malone 4 Independent 1925–1934
George McDonald Independent 1921–1930
Patrick McGirr ALP 1921–1955
Hugh McIntosh Nationalist 1917–1932
Sir Alfred Meeks Nationalist 1900–1932
James Minahan 4 ALP 1925–1934
Sir James Murdoch Nationalist 1923–1934
Thomas Murray ALP/Independent 1921–1958
John Nash 11 Nationalist 1900–1925
Charles Oakes 1 Nationalist 1925–1928
Broughton O'Conor Nationalist 1908–1940
John O'Regan ALP 1921–1940
John Peden Nationalist 1917–1946
John Percival ALP 1921–1934
Robert Pillans 4 ALP 1925–1934
Charles Roberts 14 Nationalist 1890–1925
William Robson Nationalist 1920–1951
James Ryan Nationalist 1917–1940
Mick Ryan 4 ALP 1925–1943
Thomas Shakespeare Nationalist 1923–1934
Andrew Sinclair Nationalist 1912–1934
Duncan Smith 4 ALP 1925–1934
Sir James Joynton Smith Independent 1912–1934
Tom Smith ALP 1921–1934
Frank Spicer 4 ALP 1925–1973
Robert Sproule ALP 1920–1934
Thomas Storey ALP 1921–1934
John Suttor ALP 1921–1934
Sir Allen Taylor Nationalist 1912–1940
John Travers ALP 1908–1934
Arthur Trethowan Progressive 1916–1937
Thomas Tyrrell 3 ALP 1925–1942
George Varley Nationalist 1917–1934
Thomas Waddell Nationalist 1917–1934
Frank Wall Nationalist 1917–1941
Winter Warden Nationalist 1917–1934
John Wetherspoon Nationalist 1908–1928
James White 9 Nationalist 1908–1927
Albert Willis 1 ALP 1925–1933
James Wilson 12 ALP 1899–1925
John Wise Nationalist 1917–1934
Edwin Wrench 4 ALP 1925–1934
Arthur Yager 4 ALP 1925–1934
1 Appointed 24 June 1925.
2 Appointed 12 August 1925.
3 Appointed 26 August 1925.
4 Appointed 21 December 1925.
5 Appointed 22 December 1925.
6 Appointed 23 December 1925.
7 Died 1 April 1926.
8 Died 16 October 1925.
9 Died 18 January 1927.
10 Died 24 June 1925.
11 Died 4 June 1925.
12 Died 24 September 1925.
13 Died 28 March 1926.
14 Died 14 August 1925.
Members of the Parliament of New South Wales
Legislative Council


Legislative Assembly


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