Mexico's Next Top Model (cycle 1)

Mexico's Next Top Model, Cycle 1

Promotional Photograph featuring the cycle 1 cast of Mexico's Next Top Model
Country of origin Mexico
Original network Sony Entertainment Television
Original release 1 October 2009 (2009-10-01) – 17 December 2009 (2009-12-17)

Mexico's Next Top Model, Cycle 1 was a reality show hosted by supermodel Elsa Benítez, which aimed to find the next top fashion model.

The winner received a US$100,000 contract, management and representation by Shock Modeling and a photo shoot for the cover and a six-page spread within Glamour magazine. Also a trip to San Francisco, a trip to London by Sedal and $20.000 by Sears.

The cycle featured 13 contestants. The destination during this cycle was Ixtapa, Mexico. The winner of the competition was 18-year-old Mariana Bayón from Torreón, Coahuila.


Episode 1

First aired: October 1, 2009

The 20 semifinalists came to the Puebla's hotel La Purificadora and then they met Oscar Madrazo, Jo Lance and the famous top model and host Elsa Benítez. They did a photo shoot and showed his coach Oscar Madrazo how was their runway. They later went to meet individually with the panel of judges (Elsa Benítez, Oscar Madrazo and Jo Lance) to show how was their personality, and emerging conflicts among girls, which the judges said was the excess of Ana Laura and discrimination that Silvia suffered as a child for being Mulata. Then the girls got together and Oscar Madrazo told them he had envelopes with a picture of each of the 20 girls where it said if they were accepted or not, in this round 3 girls were eliminated.

After this, the girls celebrate the birthday of Nohemí and the next day they have their first photo shoot, and that will determine who will be the 13 finalists and who will go to live at the house in Mexico City. The girls were photographed as angels and then the judges deliberated and chose. In this second round, 4 more girls were eliminated.

Episode 2

First aired: October 8, 2009

The girls arrive at their new home in Mexico City and receive their first Elsa's Mail that tells them to prepare to leave early the next morning. The girls chose their beds and Yatzil is left out without a bed to sleep on and this flares a dispute between Paulina, Andrea and Silvia. In the end, Ana Laura decides to share her bed with Yatzil (as seen at the beginning of episode 4).

The next day the girls came to Sears next to the Palace of Fine Arts, where they met Elsa, who introduces them to Glenda Reyna, the panel judge which gives the girls a critique, one by one, about their dress and overall appearance. Mariana received a lot of positive feedback from Glenda, she was praised for having the height, body figure and skin of a model, while Nohemí was criticized for being too short and Silvia for having a short torso. Then Elsa introduces Edgar Smolensky, Sears representative, who introduces the girls to the challenge of the week, which is to dress appropriately, with exclusive brands in just 10 minutes. Ana Laura and Paulina were criticized for their bad choices and lack of combining accessories while Silvia was severely criticized for not using her imagination and the fact that she stole the complete outfit from a mannequin, but ultimately Cecilia wins the challenge. Her prize is the outfit she chose, and three pieces chosen by the rest of the bunch.

In the photo shoot this week, Oscar Madrazo introduces girls to the photographer Tito Trueba and three dogs who would pose in the photo, where they have to portray a dog walker in sexy lingerie. Some girls struggle with handling three dogs while exposing their semi nude bodies on set.

At the panel of judges, Mauricio Olvera was the guest judge. Fernanda, Verónica, Cecilia, Andrea and Ana Laura received good reviews, especially Verónica for showing a sexy sensual side while still remaining confident and Kathya and Yatzil fall into the bottom two: the first because she looks overposed, while the other for her lack of poses. At the end, Kathya was eliminated for showing vulgarity in her pose.

Episode 3

First aired: October 15, 2009

The girls arrived at the house and receive a farewell message from Kathya. The next morning, Oscar woke the girls and introduces M·A·C PR Jorge Rios, who would be the judge in this challenge, which consisted in showing what they can do with makeup counting only 5 minutes. Anelís, Fernanda and Verónica were the best and Verónica won the challenge.

The girls arrived to a beauty salon where Elsa introduces them to the International Makeup Artist Alex Lopez, who reveals the girls, that they will have theirs makeovers. Most girls have trouble accepting their makeovers, especially Andrea who was complaining about her makeover and Oscar warned her that if she doesn't she will be placed out of the competition so she finally accepted the makeover.

Back at the house, the girls are surprised by Sedal Hair products at their home, which of a token of their gratitude they receive a hair kit for hair treatment. The girls notice that Anelís was making fun of Andrea's new haircut and the girls start to bully Anelís for being rude to Andrea.

For the next photo shoot they meet up with Oscar and David Franco the (photographer this week), and they are told that they will be paired in two's for their next photo shoot and to lay down on fabric with a lot of prints and color and to try to stand out from the fabric while posing and creating strong facial expressions.

Ana Laura & Paulina
Anelís & Ma. Fernada
Andrea & Nohemí
Cecilia & Silvia
Ma. Isabel & Yatzil
Mariana & Verónica

At panel, Desiré Navarro, President of Mexico's International Fashion Group, was the guest judge. Nohemí, Paulina and Andrea were the best during the photoshoot, Cecilia was praised for showing the right facial expressions and showing improvement from last week, while Ana was criticized for looking slightly fat in her photo. Verónica and Mariana were also criticized for being the most beautiful girls out of the bunch and to not use that to their advantage. At the end, despite delivering one of the best photos, Andrea lands in the bottom two for her bad attitude during makeovers. However the judges agreed that the lack of effort by Yatzil was just intolerable, and she was eliminated from the competition.

Episode 4

First aired: October 22, 2009

The challenge of the day leads to a circus where they are told that in this profession they should be able to tame, but this is not about lions or elephants, but rather about taming the runway and the public. The girls meet "JLo", a runway expert, who does not hesitate to tell them face-to-face the "right" way to do their jobs.

They played really tame their audience when they send them to march on a runway wearing the clothes of a young Mexican designer . At the end of the Challenge, Isabel and Cecilia were praised for their strong walks, meanwhile Silvia was Criticized for her weak walk, and Andrea was severely judged on how she couldn't manage to walk without swinging her arm, but at the end of the day Cecilia won the challenge, winning a mini spread on Glamour magazine. Isabel was angry at herself because someone else won the challenge. Isabel also mentioned to the girls that she should have won because she had previous experience from doing catwalks. This started a dispute between Isabel and Paulina.

Back at the house the girls receive Elsa mail giving them a hint that they will be upside down. For the next photo shoot they meet up with Oscar Madrazo and he gives them an insight on their next photo shoot challenge, where each contestant will be hanging from a harness, upside down dressed as Dolls. Most girls had complications but got used to the exposure.

Ana struggled at first during the session because she had the flu and she felt nausea. Most girls felt dizzy during the photo shoot, but most managed to pull off a decent photo. Andrea was complaining and was against the fact that she will be hung upside down, and Oscar was disappointed on her. Silvia, Nohemí and Anelís performed well during the photo shoot.

When the judges deliberate finally recognize the efforts and momentum of Silvia, who has always felt like the "Underdog" in the eliminations. The judges were amazed and shocked at Aneli's performance in the session, thus producing a stellar photo that would grace the pages of Vogue. Silvia, Anelís, Nohemí and Paulina produce the best photos of the bunch, while Andrea was Severely judged by judge, Glenda Reyna, for having an attitude of a Spoiled Snob, and being unprofessional, despite having a nice photo. Judges also criticized Cecilia's inability to maintain herself in the harness, which looked like she was really uncomfortable and lacked facial expressions. Verónica failed to deliver a decent photo and judges thought she was just relying on just pretty and Isabel just produced a lackluster photo, thus sending her packing.

Episode 5

First aired: October 29, 2009

Back in the house, Paulina tells Andrea, Silvia and Cecilia her impressions of them at the start of the competition, at the same time, they criticize Isabel, the most recently eliminated contestant.

A new Elsa Mail reports they were going to learn to pose that week. The day after, the girls arrive at the famous Etro boutique in Polanco where they watch Oscar and Jo posing as mannequins out in a window display. Then, they meet up with Andrea Ororica, the boutique manager and she tells the girl's that they will be posing in duos as this week's challenge. Cecilia was criticized for not using her accessories the right way, and Mariana could not manage to remain stable during her pose. Andrea Ororica (boutique owner) let the girls know that there will be another challenge in which the girls will compete in couples. The Couples were:

Cecilia & Paulina
Ana Laura & Anelís
Mariana & Nohemí
Silvia & Verónica
Andrea & Fernanda

Their challenge was to pose in the windows of the boutique and before Oscar's mark they should change their poses, having a total of three poses. Andrea was criticized for her lack of poses, and Cecilia kept projecting the same poses, as well as Silvia who was stiff throughout the whole challenge. Jo, Andrea Ororica and Oscar praised Verónica's versatility and her graceful movements and Nohemí's wide selection of poses and stable facial expressions, at the end Andrea Ororica announced the winner as Nohemí, her award was a $4,000 USDA dress from the boutique Etro, but also had to choose another girl, who would receive a Wallet, Nohemí chose Andrea to receive the second prize.

Back at the house, the girls make jokes about Silva and Verónica, due to their close friendship they have towards each other.

In this week's photo shoot, the girls had to pose as "La Catrina" a Mexican Death Symbol that portrays a wealthy woman of Class and power, but a haute couture version using the beautiful setting of a park. Ana Laura, Nohemí, Cecilia and Paulina, perform very well, and manage to capture the true essence of "La Catrina" meanwhile Fernanda, Verónica and Mariana, are considered the worst of the week, and Andrea and Anelís, didn't meet expectations nor portrayed "La Catrina" in an exceptional way.

At the panel of judges, Nohemí's and Ana Laura's photos are the best of the bunch, Nohemí was Praised for her stellar photo and her graceful body of language, and Ana's Strong Facial expressions, and were congratulated, meanwhile Mariana, Verónica, Anelís and Fernanda were criticized because of their poor performance. Finally, Nohemí got the first call-out, and Anelís and Fernanda were in the bottom two. Anelís was there because she disappointed the judges after having one of the best photos each week, and Fernanda was there because she couldn't reflect her beauty in photos. Anelís got another chance, and Fernanda was sent home. For producing a lackluster photo despite her beauty.

Episode 6

First aired: November 5, 2009

As the girls arrive at the top Model house, they receive a letter from Fernanda, and they all get very upset from her elimination, and they preferred Fernanda to stay over Anelís, because they dislike Anelís and her attitude. Later on, the girls have a drinking game at the house, doing body shots. Paulina got carried away with her drinking as usual and the girls started to notice that she can't handle her drinking.

The next day the girls arrive at the Nahuacatl, a Historic site Museum where Diego Rivera had his art Expositions. They meet up with Oscar and Female Model Paulina Flores where they discuss and practice how to show emotions with a mirror. For the challenge each and one of them had to evoke different personalities through photographs in a photobooth. Verónica, Andrea and Maríanna were severely criticized for their lack of versatility. The Challenge winners were Silvia, Paulina and Nohemí where they won a trip to Jolie Spa.

Back at the House, Ana took offense when Paulina called her fat, but she misunderstood, thus creating a dispute between Paulina and Ana.

For this week's photo'shoot, the girls had to pose as Criminals taking their mug shots. Each were assigned different criminal stereotypes and had to portray it. Anelís, Ana and Verónica struggled to take good direction from the photographer. While the others did a good job at portraying their assigned character.

Model Character
Ana Laura Violent Celebrity
Andrea Drug Addict
Anelís Riot Hippie
Cecilia Party Girl
Mariana Prostitute
Nohemí Substance intoxication Wedding Crasher
Paulina Rich Scammer
Silvia Public Conflict with Verónica
Verónica Public Conflict with Silvia

At panel, the judges were surprised at Marianas photo this week, and they praised her for finally taking a good photo. Cecilia was also praised for being creative and interacting with her prop, Nohemí delivered an exceptional photo as always and Andrea was praised for being photogenic. The judges severely criticized Verónica for not showing improvement this week, and Ana for not taking good direction from the photographer thus landing her and Anelís in the bottom two. Ana was eliminated for not portraying her character and descending performance, thus giving Anelís another chance.

Episode 7

First aired: November 12, 2009

Back at the House when the girls arrive, they receive Ana's letter. The girls complain about how Ana should have stayed instead of Anelís. The girls start Hating on Anelís, especially Cecilia and Mariana. The girls start to notice the close relationship between Verónica and Silvia, and start speculating that they might like each other. But Verónica denies and says that she has a boyfriend back at home.

Next day, the girls go to Polanco to Shock Model agency and meet up with Estela Saenz the Director of Shock Model agency in Mexico. She tells the contestants that they will be going on Go-sees meeting up with famous designers from Mexico city. The girls are grouped by fours, Cecilia, Mariana, Silvia and Anelís. Verónica, Nohemí, Andrea and Paulina are the other group. The designers love Verónica's look, and Cecilia's High fashion look, while one of the designers commented that Silvia does not look like a model and her walk was very weak, and Andrea was criticized by her insecurities.

The girls have trouble finding the designers, but at the end they meet up with Grypho head designer Mauricio Olvera and they all have a final runway to show off their assets. Cecilia was praised by her unique fresh look and Verónica was yet again performing a great job and acting professional. At the end of the day, Paulina, Verónica, Nohemí and Andrea won the Go see challenge, and Verónica was chosen as the Best one, as a prize they all get a rack of clothes from the designers.

Back at the House the girls yet again make fun of Verónica and Silvia for their love that they have going on, and Paulina crosses the line with her drinking and the girls start to notice, and Anelís and Paulina have a dispute over how Drinking can become a problem, especially for a model.

The next day the girls go to El Centro de los Espectaculos in the Arena Naucalpan, famous for "lucha Libre" Freestyle wrestling, where the girls are terrified when they encounter a pack of Lucha Libre wrestlers in the ring. Oscar tells them that for the next photo shoot they will be dressed as Very sophisticated woman while in the wrestling ring with a couple of professional wrestlers. Where some of the girls have trouble concentrating and keeping a right facial expression.

At Panel, the judges severely criticize most girls' performance this week. Mariana was Praised by the judges for delivering a High Fashion photo and with a lot of strength and showing great improvement from the last sessions. Cecilia, Paulina and Andrea were also praised for their stellar photos, but Paulina was judged on how she normally over poses and over thinks her performances. Silvia and Verónica land in the bottom two, Verónica because she has not showed any progress in the photo shoots despite her beauty, and Silvia because she lacked variety in her photos. At the end Elsa eliminated Silvia, giving Verónica another chance, thus believing in her potential.

Episode 8

First aired: November 19, 2009

When the girls arrive at the house, they receive a Video from Silvia, the previous eliminated contestant. Verónica, Nohemí, Mariana and Anelís start to cry as they watch the video, especially Verónica because she was very close to her. Cecilia and Mariana talk about how they were surprised how Anelís is still in the competition, and they question her position in the competition.

A new Elsa Mail reports that that this week the girls will be learning about acting. The next day they meet up with Freddy Garza, a Commercial Director who will be leading the girls to their next workshop about acting. Then later on that day, Freddy introduces the girls to famous Mexican actor and Icon Poncho Herrera a member from the famous Pop band RBD, whom which will be acting a short scene with the girls. Most girls perform well, but Mariana was criticized for showing her nerves, and Anelís wasn't performing at her best. At the end Poncho and Freddy chose Cecilia was the winner of the challenge, as a prize she received a shopping spree, and had an option to bring a friend along, and she chose Mariana to join her.

Drama happens back at the house, when Paulina, Cecilia and Mariana start to form a clique, while alienating the other girls in the house. Then Paulina, Cecilia and Mariana start to Bully Andrea and begin influencing her into drinking Tequila, and this causes a heated dispute between the girls, and Andrea verbally abuses Paulina calling her an alcoholic.

The next day they meet up with Oscar, Laura Ramirez the president of Sedal Hair care, and Mario Muñoz a movie director. Oscar informs the girls that they will be doing a commercial for Sedal Hair Care while reading the lines off a teleprompter and interact with the product and advertise it. Most girls do well on set, while some have difficulties reading the teleprompter, especially Andrea who talks fast during the session, and Oscar told her to slow down a bit, which causes her to perform bad.

At the Panel of judges, Nohemí, Mariana and Cecilia receive good reviews about their commercial, while Anelís, Verónica and Paulina were critiqued for producing lackluster commercials. Anelís was severely judged, because she has not showed improvement in the last 3 weeks and she didn't respond wisely when she was asked if she still wanted to remain in the competition. Verónica was also judged on how she wasn't acting natural during her commercial, and Paulina on how she was being over the top during her commercial, which lands her in the bottom 2 for the first time. The judges eliminate Anelís, for giving up and not showing enthusiasm in the competition.

Episode 9

First aired: November 26, 2009

When the girls arrived to the house after the elimination, they found a letter from Anelís, the last eliminated contestant. The letter was for only 3 girls: Nohemí, Verónica and Andrea. The other girls did not receive a letter from her, neither did they care too much because for them, her elimination wasn't so painful.

On the next day, they went to a photo studio, there was Allan Fis doing a photo shoot with Aishlyn Derbez, a Mexican model. Then, he explained to them that the communication between the photographer and the model was very important in the industry. Then they had a challenge evaluated by Allan himself. They were divided in couples because one of them was going to be the photographer, and the other the model in the set. The couples were:

Mariana & Nohemí
Cecilia & Verónica
Andrea & Paulina

Nohemí, Mariana and Paulina made an exceptional job on set, but Andrea, Verónica and Cecilia had some problems in terms of directing. At the end of the challenge, Allan said there was gonna be only one winner, and he chose Paulina as the winner of the challenge. As a prize for her challenge, she was told that a special person will be meeting with her at the airport, which ended up being Paulina's husband, and they had Dinner together at a famous restaurant.

Later, when Paulina went back to the house, Mariana and her talked about arranging a party for Andrea, who was turning 21 the next day, and Cecilia, who was turning 22 the day after.

On the next day, the girls met up with Oscar Madrazo, in an empty field, as the setting for their next photo shoot. He told them they were gonna be doing a photo shoot with the Brazilian male model Guillerme Casali using a vehicle as a prop and portraying stuck in a traffic and portraying different interactions, but they had a very nice surprise when he told them the photographer for the shooting was Nigel Barker.

Model Situation
Paulina Lustful with boyfriend
Andrea Aggressiveness with the boyfriend
Mariana Angry for being the designated driver
Cecilia Clandestine love
Nohemí Angry for being stuck in the traffic
Verónica Dealing with a broken down vehicle

During the photo shoot, Nigel liked Nohemí. Paulina was great but lacked her role to portray lust, Mariana was inconsistent, Andrea was too aggressive with the male model and Verónica didn't know how to use her great body to her advantage in the photo shoot.

That night, when they arrived to the house, Mariana and Paulina prepared a party for Andrea and Cecilia, Andrea received a big pony doll piñata and Cecilia a big man doll.

At the panel of judges, Allan told the girls they had to point out one by one and tell the judges who they thought was the girl with most potential and who was the girl with less potential. Verónica, Andrea, Paulina and Cecilia said the girl with most potential in the competition was Nohemí. Nohemí and Mariana said Cecilia was the second one in the competition with the most model potential. The girl that was labeled with the less potential was Mariana.

Later, the judges evaluated the photos, Paulina, Mariana and Nohemí were considered as the best photos of the week, Cecilia was severely criticized for not projecting face expressions throughout the session, both Andrea and Verónica had many problems with producing a variety in their photos. Verónica was severely judged on how she has not improved in the last five weeks of the competition, and not using her modelesque beauty to her advantage, thus landing her and Andrea in the bottom two this week, and the judges eliminated Verónica, because they were frustrated that she has not improved in her photo shoots in the competition, despite being the most modelesque looking out of the bunch.

Episode 10

First aired: December 3, 2009

The show starts, and Mariana is crying for the fact that she has been pointed out as the weakest in the competition by the other girls. Paulina tried to calm her down and tried to make her feel better. When the girls arrive at the house they receive a mail from Verónica, the girl who was recently eliminated. Then the girls receive an Elsa mail, reporting that they will be doing something for Glamour magazine.

Then the next day they meet with Mar Abascal, the Director for Glamour Magazine, and he explains to the girls that the winner of the competition will receive a fashion spread in the magazine. Then they meet Oscar at a bar where the girls watch the model Dinorah Cetina walking on the table from the bar. Then Oscar lets the girls know that they will be doing the same thing as their next challenge. The challenge was that the girls had to keep a fierce catwalk while balancing and dodging beer bottles and wine glasses, while wearing the clothes from the famous Mexican designer Jose María Torres, the lead designer from the brand "8". After the challenge the girls were evaluated. Cecilia and Nohemí received good reviews while Andrea was criticized for not improving her catwalk and she kept looking down, something a runway model should never do. Although stumbling and spilling a few wine glasses and showed confidence, Cecilia won the challenge, as a reward she received a private photo shoot session with Panel judge Allan Fis.

Back at the house the girls receive a pleasant surprise at the front door, the male models they met previously at the bar during the challenge, they were over for dinner and a few drinks, thus causing some drama in the house with Cecilia drinking a lot and messing around with one of the male models. When later on she reveals that she was very drunk and that she missed the presence of a man.

The next day the girls meet with Oscar for their next photo shoot, where they were introduced to the fashion photographer, Gregory Allen. For this week's photo shoot, the girls had to perform a photo shoot poster for Telenovelas with famous Mexican actor Eric Elias. The girls were given different roles to portray.

Model Telenovela
Paulina Prisoners of love
Andrea Scarred by destiny
Mariana Wild Solitude
Cecilia Love at Duplicate
Nohemí Rock Love

During the session, Cecilia delivered her role, but was struggling with maintaining a relaxed face during the session, Paulina performed well and Mariana, Nohemí and Andrea all struggled to fit into their roles. Mariana was told by Oscar that she was modeling throughout the session and her role was not to model and Andrea was to afraid to show passion with the actor.

At the panel of judges, Paulina and Cecilia produced the best photos of the week. The judges praised Paulina for getting into her character and showing strong passion and sensuality in her photo. Cecilia was also praised for her stellar photo, but was slightly criticized for not showing a vulnerable and soft expression and that on most of her photos she gives strong facial expressions. While Andrea was criticized for her lack of professionalism on the set and Nohemí for not relaxing her body, not portraying her rock and roll photo and for not delivering a great photo as she usually does. The judges also noticed that Mariana failed to deliver a photo that portrays her role without modeling too much on the set. At the end Nohemí and Andrea landed in the bottom two, Nohemí for failing to portray her character, and Andrea for acting like a spoiled snob on set as usual. Elsa eliminated Andrea for lack of professionalism despite her being extremely photogenic.

Episode 11

First aired: December 10, 2009

When the girls arrive at the house they notice that they do not receive a letter from Andrea, the previous eliminated contestant. Most girls were not surprised at that. Later on, Nohemí was crying due to the fact that she was in the bottom two last week, for her weak performance. This causes Mariana and Cecilia to talk about Nohemí's inability to maintain confidence without beating herself down. Later on, the girls receive a surprise at the front door of their house, famous TV conductor Rebeca de Alba, whom where she talks to the girls about the public press, and how to handle certain situations where they have to deal with self-esteem and competing with other models out in the industry. This makes Nohemí feel a lot better about herself.

The next day they meet up with Oscar, where he introduces the girls to Candela Ferro famous celebrity interviewer, whom which will be interviewing the girls as if they were Mexico's next top model as this week's challenge. Nohemí struggled to respond wisely, and Oscar judged her on how she could not manage to talk without using her hands. Paulina and Mariana were also judged on how they couldn't keep up with responding with legitimate answers, and Paulina was severely judged on how she kept on changing the topic, and Mariana kept talking about her personal life. At the end, Cecilia was the winner of the challenge, winning the privilege of stealing 50 percent more frames from one of her competitors for their next photo shoot, thus choosing Mariana who will have 50 percent less frames for this week's photo shoot. Also as another prize, Cecilia won a trip for two at Playa del Carmen resort for 4 days and 4 nights.

Back at the house, during dinner the girls decide to point out each other's flaws in the competition. Paulina and Cecilia get into a heated dispute, while Nohemí once again feels insecure with her flaws and Mariana has difficulties struggling with the fact that everyone calls her only pretty. The next day, the girls arrive at the Casa Azul, Frida Kahlo's home of the famous Mexican painter where she lived 30 years, which is now a famous museum for display. The girls are given a tour of the Museum, and after the tour they are told that they will be doing a photo shoot inspired by Frida Kahlo.

Later they arrive at a set, where they meet up with Oscar who introduces them to famous Mexican photographer Ivan Aguirre, who will be this week's photographer. The girls are told that for their photo shoot they are going to have to portray and evoke Frida Kahlo while painting on a white canvas which will be a self-portrait of their own face. Nohemí performed the best on set as usual, while Cecilia, Paulina and Mariana all struggled to get into character.

At the panel of judges, Elsa announces that the top three girls will be traveling to Ixtapa for this cycle's destination for the grand finale. The girls were asked why they should be Mexico's next top model. Most responded wisely. While evaluating their photos, Nohemí was yet again praised by the judges for producing a stellar strong photograph, compare to her last photo which was deemed as the weakest. Cecilia was also praised for getting into character, but was judged on how it took her a long time to portray her character and how she had 50 percent more frames than the other girls. Mariana and Paulina both landed in the bottom two for having the weakest photos, Mariana for being too stiff, and Paulina for showing a bad angle of her face. Elsa eliminated Paulina despite being the most consistent in the competition, but was lacking potential.

Episode 12

First aired: December 17, 2009

When the top three finalists arrive at the top model house, they get ready and pack up for their trip to Ixtapa for the grand finale of the cycle. As the girls arrive at their destination where they stay at the resort La casa que canta where they will be doing a commercial for Sedal Hair Care. Before the commercial, Mariana feels dizzy and gets nausea before the filming. During the session, Nohemí performs a great job during her take, while Mariana and Cecilia both struggle to act natural during the filming of the commercial.

After the filming they arrive at the beach where they meet up with Oscar and Allan Fis greets them into their next and final photo shoot for the competition, where they have to jump on a trampoline while wearing dresses. The challenge of the photo shoot is that the girls have to jump in the air while keeping a soft facial expression. Mariana and Cecilia both struggled once again with keeping a soft face expression, Cecilia didn't have grace throughout the session and Mariana failed to deliver graceful movements. Nohemí once again nailed the session, producing many stellar takes and moving with grace, something the other girls failed to do.

later on the girls receive an Elsa mail that announces another elimination to determine the final two.

At the panel of judges, the judges deliberate the girls' performance this week, on the commercial and on the photo shoot. Nohemí was praised for producing a great commercial and a photograph. Cecilia was severely criticized for not acting natural in her commercial take, and for having a weak facial expression on her photograph, despite having great body of language. Mariana was praised for a great commercial when she was feeling sick, although she failed to deliver a great photograph and for being very stiff on the session. Nohemí produced a stellar commercial along with a graceful photograph. The judges were impressed with Nohemí's performance this week as well as throughout the whole competition, thus receiving a spot in the top 2. After a long and hard deliberation and decision, Mariana and Cecilia land in the bottom 2 where they are both criticized on how they failed to deliver a good performance this week, therefore Cecilia was eliminated as the second runner-up of the competition. The judges felt that Cecilia was very monotone on her facial expressions, despite being one of the strongest and with the most consistency without ever appearing in the bottom two before. It was later revealed on a blog by Glenda that Mariana was originally going to be eliminated but production felt that a Nohemí and Cecilia final two would be too realistic.

After elimination, both Mariana and Nohemí were very exited to be in the final two, and the next challenge would be the final runway where they will be in a real fashion show with real fashion models where they get to walk in the most amazing attire. After the fashion show, both Mariana and Nohemí were congratulated by Elsa for doing a great job in the show and having strong catwalks. At the end of the fashion show, the girls arrive at the final judging, where they meet up with the panel of judges who will finally determine the winner of the competition. At panel, Nohemí was praised for her strong walk, and the judges were quite impressed with her improvement in her walk. Mariana was slightly criticized on how she was a bit stiff during her walk, although she looked gorgeous.

Next, the judges evaluated their work throughout the whole competition. Both girls were praised for having great portfolios. Jo was impressed by Nohemí's versatility. While Oscar likes Mariana's look the most. The judges unanimously agree that Nohemí outperformed Mariana in both challenges and on the photoshoots. However Mariana managed to survive elimination two weeks before the finale and made a better story. After a long deliberation a debates the judges have made their final decision. When they call the girls back to panel, Elsa announces Mariana as the first winner of Mexico's next top model. Elsa hugs a saddened Nohemí and tells her that she can make it without the title, alluding that they necessarily did not crown the best girl to win.


(ages stated are at start of contest)[1]

Top 20 (Contestants eliminated in the preliminary round of the competition)

Name Age Height Home state Rank
Elizabeth Martínez 18 1.77 m (5 ft 9 12 in) Federal District First eliminated in Episode 1
Karla Luévano 19 1.79 m (5 ft 10 12 in) State of Mexico
Romina Yunes 27 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Guadalajara
Alejandra Villaseñor 20 1.77 m (5 ft 9 12 in) Nuevo León Second eliminated in Episode 1
Ana Karen Romero 20 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Nayarit
Estrella Ortega 27 1.71 m (5 ft 7 12 in) Quintana Roo
Karina Yunes 27 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Guadalajara

Top 13 (Finalists)

Name Age Home state Height Rank
Kathya Amor Rodríguez 19 Sinaloa 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) Eliminated in Episode 2
Ivonne Yatzil Rubio 22 State of Mexico 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in) Eliminated in Episode 3
María Isabel Nieto 22 Federal District 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Eliminated in Episode 4
María Fernanda Sánchez 20 State of Mexico 1.74 m (5 ft 8 12 in) Eliminated in Episode 5
Ana Laura Cubas 21 Nuevo León 1.72 m (5 ft 7 12 in) Eliminated in Episode 6
María Silvia Noyola 19 Federal District 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Eliminated in Episode 7
Anelís Echegaray 23 Morelos 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Eliminated in Episode 8
Verónica Sánchez 18 San Luis Potosí 1.79 m (5 ft 10 12 in) Eliminated in Episode 9
Andrea Carrión 20 Jalisco 1.71 m (5 ft 7 12 in) Eliminated in Episode 10
Paulina Haro 24 Monterrey, Nuevo León 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Eliminated in Episode 11
Cecilia Pérez 21 San Luis Potosí 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Eliminated in Episode 12
Nohemí Hermosillo 18 State of Mexico 1.71 m (5 ft 7 12 in) Runner-up
Mariana Bayón 18 Coahuila 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) Winner


Call-out order

Elsa's Call-out Order
1 Cecilia FernandaNohemí Anelís NohemíMariana Mariana Nohemí NohemíPaulinaNohemí Nohemí Mariana
2 Verónica Verónica Paulina Silvia Ana Laura NohemíCecilia Mariana Paulina Cecilia Cecilia Mariana Nohemí
3 Ana Laura CeciliaMariana Andrea Andrea Cecilia Paulina Andrea MarianaMariana Mariana Cecilia
4 Paulina Nohemí Cecilia Nohemí Cecilia Andrea Andrea Cecilia CeciliaNohemí Paulina
5 Mariana Mariana VerónicaPaulina Paulina Paulina Anelís Verónica Andrea Andrea
6 Yatzil IsabelAnelís Mariana Silvia Silvia Nohemí Paulina Verónica
7 Silvia AndreaAna LauraAna LauraMariana Verónica Verónica Anelís
8 Nohemí Ana LauraFernandaFernandaVerónica Anelís Silvia
9 FernandaAnelís Silvia Cecilia Anelís Ana Laura
10 IsabelPaulina IsabelVerónica Fernanda
11 Anelís Silvia AndreaIsabel
12 Kathya Yatzil Yatzil
13 Andrea Kathya
     The contestant was eliminated
     The contestant won the competition

Photo Shoot Guide


Post Top Model Careers


Other Cast Members


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, March 25, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.