Mineral Royalties for Citizens and Military
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The Mineral Royalties for Citizens and Military ( MRCM ) is a proposed Indian law draft from the Right To Recall team. This procedure which will enable a national level officer to deposit rent of Government plots and mineral royalty directly into each citizen’s bank account. This law has to be enacted by Transparent Complaint Procedure, and printer in the Gazette of India, Gazette Notification (GN).
DDMRCAM - Direct Deposit of Mineral Royalty to Citizen's Account & Military is the new name accepted and replacing MRCM. (On April 2014).
The land rent over Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) plot, Jawaharlal Neheru University (JNU) plot, all University Grant Commission plots, Ahmedabad airport plot, all airports plots and 10000s of such Government Of India plots and royalties from all minerals, coals and crude oil of India must go we the Citizens of India and our Military and no one else. And royalty, rent must come directly, not via any schemes. For example, lets say rents from Government Of India plots and mineral royalties in Apr-2013 comes as Rs 45,000 crores. Then as per the DDMRCAM Gazette Notification proposed by Right To Recall team, Rs 15000 crores will go to the Military and about Rs 300 will go to each citizen in his post office or bank account. If every citizen withdraws cash once or twice a month, this would need no more than 150,000 clerks all over India. Existing nationalized banks have over 600,000 clerks. So the distribution of cash is feasible. The direct cash distribution DDMRCAM draft would create may translate into an income of over Rs 8000 per person per year and also lowering of land/house prices. Per person, not just per family. And thus DDMRCAM draft will reduce poverty, increase income and thus increase demands for goods. The increase in demand for goods will increase local industries and thus increase employment. The increase in local industries will improve engineering skills and this will improve weapon manufacturing So less poor Hindus will turn towards Christianity or Naxalism or both. And one year after this law-draft passes, if 3rd child is born, then both the parents will get 33% less rent (those who already have third child won’t be effected). So this law-draft will also control population.
Section No | Description | Procedure For | Procedure/Instruction |
1 | Registering citizens Approvals for NLRO candidates | ||
The word citizen would mean a registered voter. This GN will become effective only after over 51% citizens have registered YES on it. | |||
PM | 1.1 PM would appoint an IAS officer as NLRO (National Land Rent Officer). | ||
Cabinet Secretary(CS) | 1.2 If any citizen wishes to be NLRO, he may appear in person or place affidavit before CS. The CS is hereby ordered to accept his candidacy for NLRO after taking fee same as deposit amount for MP election. CS will issue him a serial number. | ||
CS | 1.3 The CS may assign above task to any class-1 officer. | ||
Village Officer(VO)[Talathi or Patwari] | 1.4 A citizen can come in person to VO's office, pay Rs 3 fee and approves at most five persons for NLRO position. The VO will enter his approvals in the computer and issue him a receipt with his voter ID number, date/time and the persons he approved. | ||
Village Officer(VO) | 1.5 The VO will put the preferences of the citizen on government website as decided by the CS or Collector with citizen’s voter ID number and his preferences. | ||
Village Officer(VO) | 1.6 If a citizen comes to cancel his Approvals, the VO will cancel one of more of his approvals without any fee. | ||
CS | 1.7 On every Monday, CS may publish approval counts for each candidate. | ||
2 | Replacement of NLRO | ||
PM | 2.1 The word citizen would mean a registered voter of India | ||
PM | 2.2 If a candidate gets approval of over 50% of ALL registered citizen-voters (ALL, not just those who have filed their approval) in a district, then PM may expel the existing NLRO and appoint the person with highest approval count as NLRO. | ||
PM | 2.3 If the person on the seat has come by approvals, and the person with highest approval must have 2% more approvals than existing one, then and then only the PM will appoint the person with highest approvals for that position. | ||
PM | 2.4 If the person’s approval is below 33%, then PM may or needed not replace him with his appointee. But as long as approval is above 33%, PM need not replace him with his appointee. Discretion of PM will be final. | ||
3 | Ownership of plots under Government of India | ||
Supreme Court judges (SCj), High Court judges (HCj), PM, all citizens | 3.1 The Citizens of India hereby decide and declare the plot of IIMA, plots of all IIMs and the plot of JNU as the property jointly and equally owned by the Citizens of India. These plots are NOT property of the State or the State of India or the Union of India or any other private/Government party, but these plots are property of the Citizens of India. Further, all the plots of all UGC funded universities and colleges not owned by private companies or trusts are declared as the property of the citizens of India. All the officers and judges of India, including the PM, all the High Court judges and all the Supreme Court judges, are hereby requested NOT to admit any plea that opposes this decision and verdict of the Citizens of India. | ||
SCjs, HCjs, PM, All citizens | 3.2 All plots under following Ministries/Departments will come under NLRO:
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PM, All officers | 3.3 All IITs, NITs and IISc shall be made part of DRDO, and the DRDO director shall be the Chief Officer of these colleges or shall appoint Deputy Chief Officers in these colleges to run the day today operations. The other colleges teaching science and engineering will come under Ministry of Science and will not come under NLRO. | ||
4 | Collection of rents from Government of India owned plots | ||
NLRO | 4.1 For the unused land, NLRO will divide the land in plots of appropriate sizes as he seems most profitable. NLRO will hold auction for each plot. The conditions for auction will be
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NLRO | 4.2 During the lease time, NLRO will revise the rent every 3 years based on % change in the land prices in the 1 km2 area around that plot and % change in prime lending interest rate from the day the plot was leased and the day when rent revision occurs. | ||
NLRO | 4.3 After the lease time is over, NLRO will hold a fresh auction, where in existing lease holder will get benefit, so his weight will get multiplied by 1.1 to 1.5 depending on number of years he has paid rent.
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NLRO | 4.4 But if existing lease holder loses the auction, then he can move or sell the fixtures on that land. But he will need to vacate that land. | ||
NLRO | 4.5 If the plot is held by an existing entity, the entity will get 25% plus (25% x lease in months / 300), maximum of 50%, bonus in the bid i.e. its bid will be multiplied with 1.25 to 1.50, but no more. | ||
NLRO | 4.6 If the plot is currently being used and occupied, NLRO will take the mean land price in past 3 years of sale in 1 km area round the plot and decide the price of plot and set (market_price x prime_interest_rate / 3) as yearly rent for next 10 years. The rents will be revised every 3 years. After 10 years, rules stated from clause-1 onwards of this section will apply | ||
NLRO | 4.7 NLRO will give 34% of rent collected to Defense Minister for the purpose of strengthening Military and providing weapons and weapon-use education to all citizens. | ||
NLRO | 4.8
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NLRO | 4.9 One year after this law-draft is passed, the rent a person obtains will change as follows:
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NLRO | 4.10 The rent paid will be 33% higher for men above 60 and women above 55; and will be 66% higher for men above 75 and women above 70. | ||
NLRO | 4.11 No rent shall be paid to child below 7 years ; the rent to citizens between 7 to 14 will be 1/3rd the normal and between 14 and 18 will be 2/3rd of the normal rent paid. The rent for children below 14 years will be given to the mother, unless a Jury has instructed NLRO to give it to father or other relative or mother has died. Further, if a Jury has found that husband with one or more child is uncaring, then Jury can instruct NLRO to give half the rent to be obtained by the father to the mother. In such case, NLRO will give half the rent to father and other half to the wife. | ||
5 | Collection of Mineral Royalties | ||
All Dept Secretaries | 5.1 All the Department Secretaries who are in-charge of mines or crude oil wells or collecting royalties from mines or crude oil wells are ordered to send the royalties collected to NLRO. | ||
NLRO | 5.2 The NLRO shall divide the royalties amongst Military, the citizens residing in the State and citizens of India in the same ratio as land rent described in the Ordinance dealing with distribution of land rent. | ||
6 | Citizens’ voice | ||
District Collector (DC) | 6.1 If any citizen wants a change in this law-draft, he may submit an affidavit at DC’s office and DC or his clerk will post the affidavit on the website of Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20/- per page. | ||
Village Officer(VO) | 6.2 If any citizens want to register his opposition to this law-draft or any section or wants to register YES-NO to any affidavit submitted in above clause, and he comes to VO’s office with voter ID and pays Rs 3 fee, VO will enter YES/NO and give him a receipt. The YES-NO will be posted on the website of the Prime Minister. |
Enactment of this law
Like all other procedure drafts of Right To Recall team, DDMRCAM law also has to be enacted in Gazette notification through TCP only.
Because if the pro-DDMRCAM activists insist on waiting till they get majority in Parliament and then printing DDMRCAM draft in Gazette, then there is possibility that DDMRCAM activists be waiting for ever. First they may never get majority in Parliament. And worse, even if they get majority, there is possibility that their own MPs will sell out and refuse to print DDMRCAM draft in Gazette. For example in 1977, Janata Party MPs had promised to enact Right to Recall laws before election, and after getting elected, later they all refused to pass Right to Recall laws. So, as pe the Right To Recall group, DDMRCAM activists should focus on creating mass movement on TCP draft, and then use TCP draft to get DDMRCAM draft passed rather than wait for election victory. A mass movement on DDMRCAM draft is not a bad option — it will give positive feedback to mass-movement for TCP draft. The drawback of mass movement on DDMRCAM draft is that nonintellectuals will get enough chances to raise doubts against DDMRCAM draft and thus disperse the movement. That’s because DDMRCAM draft is over four pages long and nonintellectuals can raise questions on each clause. Whereas since TCP draft is only 2 to 3 clauses, it is difficult for nonintellectuals to disperse the movement for TCP draft by raising frivolous questions.
Cost of dispatching payments to 120 crore citizens
This task can be done using Universal Banking System (described later) in which every citizen will have exactly one citizen-account in State Bank of India (or a Govt Bank or Post Office) at the branch of his choice. The amount dispatched by NLRO will be added to the citizen’s account and withdrawal can be done at most once a week in denominations of Rs 100/- for free. The account owner will need to bring his passbook with photo and the cheque with signature and thumb print to be put in from of cashier and camera inside the bank. Later, ATM can also be used. With this very restricted procedure a cashier can give out 30 payments per hour or about 200 persons in his 8 hour shift or about 5000 payments in a month. So to deliver one payment a month to 120 crores citizens, the SBI would need 120cr/5000 = about 240,000 cashiers. Further, till a child is of 14 years, the payment will go into mothers’ account and so the number of clerks required will reduce by about 30% to 180,000 clerks. According to the right to recall team, using about 180,000 cashiers India wide, some 10000 supervisors and 10000 other staff, it is possible to dispatch 120cr payments every month. And as ATM become more widespread, the number of clerks needed will further reduce and number of cash-outs per month can be increased to 3 per month.
To decrease impostering, the persons in a locality may form a group of at least 10 person and maximum of 20 persons to be referred as “group of reciprocal witnesses”. If the person is member of group of 10, then restriction is that at least 5 persons in that group must accompany him when he goes for withdrawal. In general, all ten will go for withdrawal on the same day and same time. If the person is part of such group, everyone in group will get the amount at together and thumb prints of five mutual witnesses will be taken on the payment receipt.
One argument that the right to recall team get against DDMRCAM is that managing a network of 200,000 clerks will be impossible and so instead the money should be spent in education, health etc. Well, to teach 25 cr kids between age of 5 and 17, we would one teacher per 100 students at least i.e. 25 lakhs teachers. The floor space needed in schools needed will be at least about 1 sq m per student i.e. 25 crores sq m of floor space. To serve 100 crores citizens in Hospitals, we would need at least one doctor per 2000 citizens i.e.500,000 doctors and about 10,00,000 nurses. In addition, we would require 1000s of buildings for hospitals. As per the right to recall team, providing education to 25 crores students and health to 100 crores citizens requires 20-100 times more staff than staff to dispatch 100 crores rent payments. So while I do support education, health etc. I see no need to cancel the “rent dispatch” scheme on the grounds of “number of clerks” needed. The number of clerks needed to 100 crores payments every month dispatch payments is no more than 2,00,000 and is far less than alternative schemes.
Impact on government income
The 33% of mineral royalties do go to Government (Military), which can be seen as 33% income tax on every common and his income from mineral royalties and land rent. Now this 33% will INCREASE after 67% goes to citizens. How?
Consider mineral royalties today. Today, for a granite block that is worth Rs 100 in market, whose extraction and transportation cost is below Rs 10, Govt gets royalties of Rs 5 or even less. Why are the bids so low? Because the local mining contractors hire criminals to ensure that more miners cannot come and bid in the Collectors’ offices to submit the bids. But the criminals are able to operate ONLY because they have support of MLAs, MPs, Ministers, CMs, PM, IPS, IAS and relative lawyers of the judges. IOW today, using criminals, MLAs, MPs, Ministers, CMs, PM, IPS, IAS and relative lawyers of the judges ensure that lion's share of deemed royalties come into their hands via the mine contractors and criminals they bless. Now today, I activists were to tell commons that commons should fight against these Ministers, IPS, IAS and judges’ relative lawyers, then two key questions arise –
1. how can a common fight? and
2. why should a common risk his lives or spend time to do so?
The name DDMRCAM-Recall answers both these key questions. DDMRCAM answers the second question : if mineral royalties are going to citizens then the citizens have reason to ensure that criminals who stop good mining contractors getting killed or imprisoned. And the Recall answers the first question : using Right to Recall over Policemen, judges, CM etc. the citizens can ensure that police chiefs, judges, Ministers who promote criminals are replaced ASAP by individuals who are pro-common. So “DDMRCAM-Recall” will increase the mineral royalties to several fold, and that will also increase the royalties that Military gets. Thus, the sum total of govt income from minerals will increase from DDMRCAM, NOT decrease.
In the same way, consider the issue of Govt plots. Today, PM, CMs give away a large number of GoI plots for a price fraction of market price. The Right to Recall CMs, RTR-PM provides means by which citizens can stop this. And DDMRCAM i.e. giving land rent to commons and Military gives a reason to citizens to stop this. Every time, a CM, PM rents out the land for rent below market value, the citizens will feel a loss, and when the loss exceeds some tolerance amount, they will spend Rs 3 file for an approval and replace him. Or better, fear of replacement and subsequent punishments will put a check on CMs, PM while doling away lands for bribes. So the net rents will increase and so the 1/3rd of the rent that goes to the Govt (Military) will also increase.
So DDMRCAM-Recall proposals increase the net Govt incomes from minerals and land rent – they do not decrease it. It also increases the incomes of the commons. Then who loses? The criminals and mine contractors will be small losers — the real losers will be IPS, IAS, Ministers, CMs, PM, super elitemen who own huge mine, relative lawyers of judges etc. And those who oppose DDMRCAM-Recall proposals, are only benefiting the criminals, mineral ore contractors, IAS, IPS, relatives of judges, super elitemen who own huge mines etc. and no own else. Many intellectuals are on their payrolls and so vigorously oppose DDMRCAM-Recall proposals to serve their interests.
See also
- Right To Recall
- Transparent Complaint Procedure
- http://righttorecall.info
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/rrgindia/
- http://www.righttorecall.info/
- http://www.righttorecall.info/301.pdf
- http://rtrrecommendations.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/5-second-rrp-proposal-mineral-royalties-for-citizens-military/
- http://rahulmehta.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/rrgindia/
- https://www.facebook.com/rightorecall/