Transparent Complaint Procedure
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The Transparent Complaint Procedure (TCP) is a proposed three line clause procedure from Right To Recall team to eliminate corruption in India. The proposed TCP Gazette Notification(GN) has only 3 clauses. Please note that third clause is a mere declaration. So as such, the proposed TCP GN has only two operational clauses.TCP has many other names . CTOGD Citizen's Transparent Opinion Gathering and Display, TOG Transparent opinion gathering.
Today, if some common citizen, who does not have connections or is not rich, wants to spread information to the masses, (s)he has to approach the mainstream media. But to put any article in a good newspaper or TV channel requires lot of money or connections, which the common citizen does not have. The mainstream media is owned by only a handful of people and extremely few people can reach the masses and meagre dominate the society. But if the common citizens have right to get their affidavit scanned onto Prime Minister's website or any other specified central government public website by going to any of the 700 district collector offices, the application will come `as it is` and common citizens can reach the masses. In this way, the monopoly of few people in society will break. If any government officer tries to manipulate the affidavit, he/she will be exposed to crores with proof. As of today, collector office in every district has all the facilities – scanning machine, internet, magistrate to verify the affidavit filer`s name, staff to scan and put the affidavit on PM website etc.
Later, this procedure can be extended to General Post Office and Tehsildar`s office also, meaning that there will be thousands of places where common citizens can go and get his affidavit scanned onto PM website.
Following is the procedure of TCP in three clauses.
Clause No | Officer | Procedure |
1 | Collector (or his clerk) | The President hereby orders Collector that: if a woman voter or dalit voter or senior citizen voter or poor voter or farmer voter or ANY citizen-voter in his district submits a Right to Information application or complaint against corruption or any affidavit to the Collector and requests to be SCANNED on the website of Prime Minister, the Collector or his/her designated clerk will issue a serial number and put that affidavit on the website of the Prime Minister for a fee of Rs 20 per page. |
2 | Talati, Patwari, Village Officer (or his clerk) | The President orders Patwari that: (2.1) if any citizen-voter comes with voter ID, and specifies Yes-No on an RTI application, complaint or (2.2) The Patwari will also allow citizen to change his/her Yes-No for Rs 3 fee. (2.3) The fee will be Re 1 for BPL card holder. (2.4) The Collector may create system of sending SMS feedback to voters. (2.5) The Collector may create a system of taking finger-print and picture of the voter and putting it on (2.6) The PM may create a system where by citizens can register YES/NO via ATM using ATM-cards (2.7) PM may enable citizens to register YES/NO via SMS for 5 paise. |
3 | [To all Citizens, Officers, Ministers …] | (3.1) This TCP GN is not a referendum procedure. The Yes-No count will not be a binding on PM, CMs, officers, judges etc. If over 51% women voters, dalit voters, senior citizen voters, poor voters, farmer voters or ANY 51% citizen-voters register Yes on a given affidavit, then the PM may or need not take necessary action on the affidavit ; may print it in Gazette or the PM may or need not resign. PM‘s decision will be final. (3.2) Further, the Collector may design and propose a system to collect Yes-No in clause-2 over SMS, |
Some benefits of the proposed procedure
This transparent complaint procedure will ensure that the citizens` complaint / proof / suggestion is VISIBLE and VERIFIABLE by anyone, anywhere and anytime so that the complaint cannot be suppressed by the politicians, officials(lokpal etc.), judges or media. This procedure will ensure that the evidences are not suppressed. This procedure also gives objective proof about the opinions of the citizens. This is also will serve as an alternate media, whereby every citizen can be a reporter and every citizen a broadcaster. The public can get free, verifiable info via this media.
This can help in knowing about public actions of persons and can help the people deciding about which persons and which procedures are good or bad for the country.
Do all citizens in India have Internet to use this law?
This is the most common “wrong question” that is being asked. TCP does NOT require the citizen to have an internet connection begin with. Whether the citizen has internet or not, (s)he must visit the Collector‟s office in person to submit his/her complaint or RTI application. And whether (s)he has internet or not, (s)he must visit Talati‟s (Lekhpal, Patwari, VO) office in person to register YES on a complaint or affidavit. So, internet is not at all required to use this law. The law can be used by all citizens of India above 18 years of age. If (s)he has internet connection, (s)he can read the affidavits with ease and so as someone without internet --- (s)he only needs to ask someone who has internet or ask for a print out.
Working of TCP
The day Prime Minister signs this TCP law, some concerned citizens will submit about 200 affidavits. The first affidavit is known as Mineral Royalties for Citizens and Military (MRCM). The MRCM affidavit is a 7-page proposed law listed at chapter 5 of[1] It is expected in a democracy like India that citizens should be the owners of all the assets of nation-state. The proposed MRCM law creates an administrative system by which each citizen DIRECTLY gets his/her rightful part of mineral royalties and land rents from GoI plots. E.g. Say in Dec-2008, the mineral royalties and land rent from GoI plots was Rs 30000 crores. Then as per the proposed MRCM law, Rs 10000 cr will go towards Military. And for rest Rs 20000 cr, each citizen will get about Rs 200 deposited in his local SBI account or local post office bank account. If each of the adult citizens of India visits bank once a month to withdraw the cash, only about 100,000 clerks will be needed. Well, existing SBI has staff of over 300,000 and all PSU banks together have staff of over 600,000. Also, most citizens don‟t visit bank because of ATM machines. Hence, the staff needed to support MRCM is not very large.
At this point, some questions can be framed for the reader to make sure (s)he understand the concept properly. It would be wise to proceed with the article once you're done with the questions proposed below.
Background information for First Question
1. Say Prime Minister has been forced to sign TCP law when crores of people come to know about it and demand it.
2. Say some citizens have submitted MRCM affidavit which says that mineral royalties and land rent should directly go to citizens.
3. Now in some other article, it is explained how millions of Indian citizens will come to know about the proposed MRCM affidavit after it gets submitted.
4. Of the 72 crore Universal Adult Franchise of India, for the purpose of this question, consider the economically bottom 80% i.e. Economically bottom 58 crores adult citizens of India.
First question
How many of these 58 crores voters who are at economic bottom, will say – they do not want their rightful Rs 200/ person/month (approx) and let this money go into Government of India account?
Reader's thoughtful answer for aforementioned question is a prerequisite to understand the following text.
Answer: Considering all the expected parameters to understand the daily consumption of such citizens, less than 5% may consider for not availing Rs 200 per person per month. So now most of these citizens in bottom 58 crores of the 72 crores adult citizens can think --- "what do they lose? Only Rs 3/- and nothing more.
If PM signs MRCM law, then they can actually receive their rightful share of Indian assets i.e. Rs 200 /person/month. This could be end of common's exploitation."
Background information for Second Question
1. Say PM has been forced to sign TCP law.
2. Say someone has submitted MRCM affidavit and 40-50 crores citizens have submitted YES on it.
3. Now, re-read the clause-3 of the TCP law. The clause clearly states that even if all 72 crores citizens submit YES on an affidavit, then the PM is not at all required to sign the law proposed in the affidavit.
Second question
if any citizen think that PM will dare to say that “MRCM law will not be signed/favored by him/her”? i.e. Will any PM dare to defy the YES from 40 -50 crores or more citizens?
Reader's thoughtful answer for aforementioned question is a prerequisite to understand the following text.
Answer PM will sign the MRCM law. Why? Because each citizen who has registered YES knows that (s)he has 50 crores fellow citizens supporting his/her demand, and so they will confront PM openly through means they see legitimate. And PM knows that citizens will agitate and (s)he also knows that his/her 15 lakh policemen can't stop huge array of citizens. So PM out of fears will not dare to defy so many citizens.
So within 1–2 months after TCP law comes, the citizens will be able to force the PM to sign MRCM law. And within 1–2 months after MRCM law is signed, the citizens will start getting mineral royalties and land rent from Government of India plots, and thus poverty will reduce. Now Confident Citizens will demand to implement productive laws. Later, the tax reforms suggested will increase industrial production and remove poverty significantly. These tax reforms are enumerated in chapter 25,[1]
Third question
Why is corruption in the USA policemen low (except in drugs related cases)?
Answer: The one and only one reason is because citizens in USA have procedure to expel District Police Commissioner of their district. So Police Commissioner in US takes very less bribes and also ensures that the staff doesn‟t take much bribes. If Police Commissioner in US comes to know that his/her junior staff is taking bribes, (s)he will immediately run a sting operation; gather evidences and gets them expelled. Because (s)he fears that if corruption in junior staff increases, the citizens may expel him/her. The corruption in US police in drugs related cases is because most citizens in US do not have much aversion against drugs. But since in India, citizens have NO procedure to expel Police Chief, the Chief not only collects bribes, (s)he asks his/her juniors to collect maximal bribes. A typical Police Commissioner is alleged of keeping half of what (s)he collects and passes the half to MLAs, Home Minister and CM. How come you, the reader, did not know that US citizens can expel their Police Chiefs? Because the EIIs(Eminent Intellectuals of India), who control most of the media and the textbooks, do not want citizens of India to know that “US citizens have procedure to expel District Police Chiefs” because EIIs don‟t want citizens of India to demand such procedures.
The Right To Recall team has prepared the draft of law, which when signed by CM will create a procedure by which citizens of district can replace the District Police Commissioner. This draft is coined as DPC-RP i.e. District Police Commissioner Replacement Procedure (see chapter 22,[1]). The draft is 100% consistent with the each of the 33 dozen Articles of our Constitution and all existing laws.
Fourth question
Will any CM of India sign a law allowing citizens to replace DPC?
Answer: NO. Because if citizens get procedure to expel Police Commissioner, then the Commissioner‟s will have to reduce his/her monthly bribe collection from Rs 1 crores to mere Rs 1 lakh. And in that case, the monthly hafta[bribe] Police Commissioner[alleged] gives to MLAs, Home Minister and Chief Minister will also fall from Rs 50 lakh to mere Rs 50,000. And so MLA, Home Minister, CM etc. as of now will refuse to enact such a law.
But the scenarios changes after PM is forced to sign TCP. Say PM has passed TCP,then second affidavit DPC-RP can be filed by citizens immediately and with ease. Most citizens will be able to think “if this DCP-RP reduces the corruption in police even by 5%, their Rs 3 is vasool[recovered]”. The biggest reason motivating citizens to register YES on DPC-RP can surely be the discontent against corrupt policemen, who make lakhs of rupees a month while a common man barely makes few thousand in the same period after hard labor. So again, if 70% to 80% of citizens of a State register YES using clause-2 of TCP, the CM out of fear will mellow down, lose all his bravado and will sign DPC-RP law. The fear of losing job is Supreme in a govt. officer or a judge. So within 14 days after citizens get procedure to expel District Police Commissioner, the corruption in Police Commissioner as well as other policemen will reduce by over 99%. Thus within 3 months after TCP passes, corruption in policemen will become near-zero.
RTRPC is just beginning. Next citizens can replace PM, CM, MLAs, MPs, Supreme Court/High Court Chief judges, Reserve Bank Governor, State Bank Chairman, District Education Office, Mayor and officials at 251 positions at National, State and District levels.
Which recall law citizens will oppose?
Expected answer is: NONE. So after TCP passes, chances are very high that within 6 months citizens will force PM to enact replacement procedures over 251 positions. And so corruption in all these positions will end for good.
See also