Ministry of National Defence (Romania)
Ministry of National Defence | |
Coat of arms of the Romanian Ministry of Defence | |
Formation | 28 November 1858 |
First holder |
General Ion Emanoil Florescu as Minister of War (Ministru de Război) |
Website | |
The Ministry of National Defence (Romanian: Ministerul Apărării Naționale) is one of the fifteen ministries of the Government of Romania.
Since 17 November 2015, the Minister of National Defence has been Mihnea Motoc.

The Ministry of National Defence is the specialized body of the central public administration submitted to the Government conducting the national defence activity according to the stipulations of law and to the strategy of national security, with a view to safeguarding national sovereignty, state independence and unity, territorial integrity and constitutional democracy.
The Ministry of National Defence is responsible to the Parliament, the Supreme Council of National Defense and the Government for implementation of provisions of the Constitution, laws in force, decisions of the Supreme Council of National Defense and of the Government, of international treaties ratified by Romania in fields of its activity.
Structure and function
The Ministry of National Defence is structured on central structures. MoND central structures subordinated to the minister of National Defence:
- Department of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Defence Policy
Coordinates the Euro-Atlantic integration process and the development of military international relations, is in charge of the defence policy enforcement, ensures the integrated defence planning and controls the research activity in its area of responsibility.
Department of Relations with the Parliament, Legislative Harmonization and Public Relations
Ensures the relations with the Parliament, other public authorities and NGOs, coordinates the legislative activity, presents the drafts of laws in the Parliament, coordinates the process of harmonization with defence stipulations of the NATO and UE members, coordinates the public relations and the research activity in its area of responsibility.
- Armaments Department
Is in charge with military acquisitions and coordinates the research in its area of responsibility.
- General Staff
Ensures the military management of the Armed Forces, is in charge with the combat capacity of the Armed Forces, fulfills the programs of Euro-Atlantic integration and political-military cooperation for its own structures and controls the research activity in its area of responsibility.
The General Staff is headed by the chief of the General Staff, named by the President of Romania at the suggestion of the minister of National Defense and the Prime Minister's approval.
The chief of the General Staff is the highest military rank in the Armed Forces.
A Committee of chiefs of staffs with deliberative role is established at the General Staff level.
Its organization and function are established by the rule approved by order of the minister of National Defense.
- Inspectorate of the Ministry of National Defense
The structure through which the minister of National Defense exercises the control and evaluates the activities developed in the Armed Forces.
The Inspectorate organizes and controls the environment and labor protection, technical and metrological overwatch.
The Inspectorate is managed by the general inspector designated by order of minister of National Defense.
- General Secretariat
Controls the subordinated directorates and services established by order of minister of National Defense and ensures the secretariat, administrative and protocol works at the minister level.
The General Secretariat is headed by the general secretary, a civil servant, nominalized by order of minister of National Defense.
- Defense Intelligence General Directorate
The specialized structure for gathering, processing, confirming, stocking (filing) and evaluating the internal and external military and non military risks and threats affecting the national security; also in charge of developing the intelligence security concept, the cryptographic activity and ensuring the geographic data required by the Armed Forces. Defense Intelligence General Directorate is headed by a general director appointed by the decision of the Prime Minister at the recommendation of the Minister of National Defense.
- Human Resources Management Directorate
The specialised structure in elaborating the politics, strategies and rules in professionalised human resources management.
- Financial-Accounting Directorate
The MoND specialized structure ensuring the fulfillment of economic, financial-accounting activities of the minister as the chief accountant.
- Internal Audit Directorate
The specialized structure of endogenous and expost verifications on patrimony administration and use of the public money according to the criteria of efficiency and economy.
The minister of National Defense also has in his subordination: - counselors of minister; - diplomatic counselor; - minister's cabinet; - control body of the minister. - The Military Courts Directorate and the Military Prosecutor's Section are subordinated to the minister of National Defense only regarding the aspects established by common order of minister of National Defense, minister of Justice and General Prosecutor.
The Ministry of National Defence subordinates the service staffs, commands, directorates, education and research institutes, formations and other structures.
The Ministry of National Defence is led and represented by the minister of National Defence. The minister of National Defence in exercising the leadership is assisted by State Secretaries and chief of the General Staff.
At the Ministry of National Defence level exist: - College of Ministry of National Defence with consultative role; - Council of Defense Planning with deliberative role.
List of Ministers
Minister Title | No. | Name | Term start | Term end | Cabinet | Party | ||
United Principalities | ||||||||
Minister of War Ministru de Război |
1 | Prince Ioan Grigore Ghicai | 19 July 1861 | 29 September 1862 | ||||
2 | General Ion Emanoil Florescui | 30 August 1862 | 11 October 1863 | |||||
3 | General Alexandru Iacovache | 12 October 1863 | 11 April 1864 | |||||
4 | General Savel Manu | 12 April 1864 | 29 January 1866 | |||||
5 | Colonel Alexandru Solomon | 30 January 1866 | 10 February 1866 | |||||
6 | Maior Dimitrie Leccai | 11 February 1866 | 10 May 1866 | |||||
(1) | Prince Ioan Grigore Ghicaii | 11 May 1866 | 5 August 1866 | |||||
7 | Colonel Nicolae Haralambie | 6 August 1866 | 7 February 1867 | |||||
8 | General Tobias Gherghely | 8 February 1867 | 23 May 1867 | |||||
9 | General Gheorghe Adrian | 24 May 1867 | 11 August 1868 | |||||
10 | Ion C. Brătianui | 12 August 1868 | 15 November 1868 | PNL | ||||
11 | Colonel Ioan Duca | 16 November 1868 | 13 January 1869 | |||||
12 | General Gheorghe Manui | 14 July 1869 | 17 December 1870 | |||||
13 | Colonel Pencovici Eustasie | 18 December 1870 | 10 March 1871 | |||||
14 | General Christian Tell | 11 March 1871 | 13 March 1871 | |||||
(2) | General Ion Emanoil Florescuii | 14 March 1871 | 26 April 1876 | |||||
15 | General Gheorghe Slăniceanu | 27 April 1876 | 1 April 1877 | |||||
16 | General Alexandru Cernati | 2 April 1877 | 19 August 1877 | |||||
(16) | General Alexandru Cernatii | 19 March 1878 | 24 November 1878 | |||||
17 | Colonel Nicolae Dabija | 8 January 1879 | 10 July 1879 | |||||
(6) | Major Dimitrie Leccaii | 11 July 1879 | 28 April 1880 | |||||
Kingdom of Romania | ||||||||
Minister of War Ministru de Război |
(10) | Ion C. Brătianuii | 1 August 1882 | 22 June 1884 | PNL | |||
18 | General Ștefan Fălcoianu | 23 July 1884 | 12 January 1886 | |||||
19 | General Alexandru Anghelescu | 21 February 1886 | 4 November 1887 | |||||
(10) | Ion C. Brătianuiii | 5 November 1887 | 23 March 1888 | PNL | ||||
20 | General Constantin Barozzi | 23 March 1888 | 11 November 1888 | |||||
(12) | General Gheorghe Manuii | 12 November 1888 | 4 November 1889 | |||||
22 | General Matei Vlădescu | 5 November 1889 | 20 February 1891 | |||||
23 | General Iacob Lahovaryi | 21 February 1891 | 21 February 1894 | |||||
24 | Lascăr Catargiu | 22 February 1894 | 11 June 1894 | PC | ||||
25 | Constantin Poenaru | 12 June 1894 | 3 October 1895 | |||||
26 | Constantin I. Stoicescu | 21 November 1896 | 24 November 1896 | |||||
27 | General Anton Berindei | 25 November 1896 | 10 April 1899 | |||||
(29) | General Iacob Lahovaryii | 11 April 1899 | 13 February 1901 | |||||
30 | D. A. Sturza | 14 February 1901 | 21 December 1904 | PNL | ||||
(12) | General Gheorghe Manuiii | 22 December 1904 | 11 March 1906 | |||||
31 | General Alexandru Averescu | 13 March 1906 | 3 March 1909 | |||||
32 | Toma Stelian | 4 March 1909 | 31 October 1909 | |||||
33 | General Grigore Crăiniceanu | 1 November 1909 | 28 December 1910 | |||||
34 | Nicolae Filipescu | 29 December 1910 | 27 March 1912 | |||||
35 | General Ioan Argetoianu | 29 March 1912 | 13 October 1912 | |||||
36 | General Constantin Harjeui | 14 October 1912 | 3 January 1914 | |||||
37 | Ion I. C. Brătianui | 4 January 1914 | 14 August 1916 | PNL | ||||
38 | Vintilă Brătianui | 15 August 1916 | 9 July 1917 | PNL | ||||
(38) | Vintilă Brătianuii | 9 July 1917 | 19 July 1917 | PNL | ||||
39 | General Constantin Iancovescu | 20 July 1917 | 5 March 1918 | |||||
(36) | General Constantin Harjeuii | 6 March 1928 | 23 October 1918 | |||||
40 | General Eremia Grigorescu | 24 October 1918 | 28 November 1918 | |||||
41 | General Arthur Văitoianu | 29 November 1918 | 26 September 1919 | |||||
42 | General Ioan Rășcanui | 27 September 1919 | 1 March 1920 | |||||
43 | General Traian Moșoiu | 2 March 1920 | 11 March 1920 | |||||
(42) | General Ioan Rășcanuii | 12 March 1920 | 15 December 1921 | |||||
44 | General Ștefan Holban | 17 December 1921 | 18 January 1922 | |||||
(37) | Ion I. C. Brătianuii | 19 January 1922 | 19 April 1922 | PNL | ||||
45 | General George Mărdărescu | 20 April 1922 | 29 March 1926 | |||||
46 | General Ludovic Mircescu | 30 March 1926 | 3 June 1927 | |||||
47 | General Paul Angelescui | 4 June 1927 | 9 November 1928 | |||||
48 | General Henry Cihoschi | 10 November 1928 | 4 April 1930 | |||||
49 | Iuliu Maniu | 5 April 1930 | 13 April 1930 | PNȚ | ||||
50 | General Nicolae Condeescu | 14 April 1930 | 18 April 1931 | |||||
51 | General Amza C. Ștefănescu | 19 April 1931 | 11 August 1932 | |||||
52 | General Nicolae Samsonovici | 11 August 1932 | 14 November 1933 | |||||
53 | General Nicolae Uica | 14 November 1933 | 1 June 1934 | |||||
54 | Gheorghe Tătărescu | 1 June 1934 | 26 July 1934 | PNL | ||||
(47) | General Paul Anghelescuii | 27 July 1934 | 8 August 1937 | |||||
55 | Aviation General Radu Irimescu | 28 August 1937 | 4 September 1937 | |||||
56 | Division General Constantin Ilasievici | 4 September 1937 | 27 December 1937 | |||||
57 | Division General Ion Antonescui | 28 December 1937 | 30 March 1938 | Mil | ||||
58 | Division General Gheorghe Argeșanu | 30 March 1938 | 13 October 1938 | |||||
59 | Division General Nicolae Ciupercă | 13 October 1938 | 1 February 1939 | |||||
60 | Armand Călinescu | 1 February 1939 | 21 September 1939 | |||||
61 | Army Corps General Ioan Ilcușu | 21 September 1939 | 4 July 1940 | |||||
62 | General Constantin Nicolaescu | 4 July 1940 | 6 September 1940 | |||||
(57) | Division General Ion Antonescuii | 6 September 1940 | 27 January 1941 | Mil | ||||
63 | General Iosif Iacobici | 27 January 1941 | 22 September 1942 | |||||
(57) | Division General Ion Antonescuiii | 22 September 1941 | 23 January 1942 | Mil. | ||||
64 | General Constantin Pantazi | 23 January 1942 | 23 August 1944 | Mil. | ||||
65 | Army Corps General Ioan-Mihai Racoviță | 24 August 1944 | 5 November 1944 | Mil. | ||||
66 | Army Corps General Constantin Sănătescu | 6 November 1944 | 6 December 1944 | Mil. | ||||
67 | Army Corps General Ion Negulescu | 7 December 1944 | 6 March 1945 | Mil. | ||||
68 | Army Corps General Vasile-Constantin Vasiliu-Rascanu | 7 March 1945 | 29 November 1946 | Mil. | ||||
69 | Army Corps General Mihail Lascăr | 29 November 1946 | 27 December 1947 | Mil. | ||||
Communist Romania | ||||||||
Minister of War Ministru de Război |
70 | Army General Emil Bodnăraș | 27 December 1947 | 3 October 1955 | Mil./PMR | |||
Minister of National Defense Ministrul Apărării Naționale |
71 | Army General Leontin Sălăjan | 3 October 1965 | 28 August 1966 | Mil./PCR | |||
72 | Army General Ioan Ioniță | 29 October 1966 | 16 June 1976 | Mil. | ||||
73 | Colonel General Ioan Coman | 16 June 1976 | 29 March 1980 | Mil. | ||||
74 | Colonel General Constantin Olteanu | 29 March 1980 | 16 December 1985 | Mil. | ||||
75 | Colonel General Vasile Milea | 16 December 1985 | 22 December 1989 | Mil. | ||||
Romania since 1989 | ||||||||
Minister of National Defense Ministrul Apărării Naționale |
76 | Army General Nicolae Militaru | 22 December 1989 | 16 February 1990 | Mil. | |||
77 | Army General Victor Stănculescu | 16 February 1990 | 29 April 1991 | Mil. | ||||
78 | Lieutenant General Niculae Spiroiu | 30 April 1991 | 6 March 1994 | Mil. | ||||
79 | Gheorghe Tinca | 6 March 1994 | 12 December 1996 | Văcăroiu I | ||||
80 | Victor Babiuc | 12 December 1996 | 11 February 1998 | PD | ||||
81 | Constantin Dudu Ionescu | 12 February 1998 | 16 April 1998 | PNȚCD | ||||
82 | Victor Babiuc | 16 April 1998 | 13 March 2000 | PD | ||||
83 | Sorin Frunzăverdei | 13 March 2000 | 28 December 2000 | Isărescu I | PD | |||
84 | Ioan Mircea Pașcu | 28 December 2000 | 28 December 2004 | Năstase I | PDSR/PSD | |||
85 | Teodor Atanasiu | 28 December 2004 | 25 October 2006 | Tăriceanu I | PNL | |||
Minister of Defense Ministrul Apărării |
(83) | Sorin Frunzăverdeii | 25 October 2006 | 10 April 2007 | PD | |||
86 | Teodor Meleșcanu | 10 April 2007 | 22 December 2008 | Tăriceanu II | PNL | |||
Minister of National Defense Ministrul Apărării Naționale |
87 | Mihai Stănișoară | 22 December 2008 | 23 December 2009 | Boc I | PD-L | ||
88 | Gabriel Oprea | 23 December 2009 | 9 February 2012 | Boc II | Indep./UNPR | |||
9 February 2012 | 7 May 2012 | Ungureanu | ||||||
89 | Corneliu Dobrițoiu | 7 May 2012 | 20 December 2012 | Ponta | PNL | |||
90 | Mircea Dușa | 21 December 2012 | 17 November 2015 | Ponta | PSD | |||
91 | Mihnea Motoc | 17 November 2015 | Incumbent | Cioloș Cabinet | Independent |
Romania used the Julian calendar until 1919, but all dates are given in the Gregorian calendar.
The following party abbreviations are used:
PNL = National Liberal Party | PC = Conservative Party |
PNR = Romanian National Party | PP = People's Party |
PCD = Conservative-Democratic Party | PNȚ = National Peasants' Party |
PND = Democratic Nationalist Party | PNC = National Christian Party |
FRN = National Renaissance Front (from 1940 PN; Party of the Nation) | FP = Ploughmen's Front |
PMR = Romanian Workers' Party (from 1965 PCR; Romanian Communist Party) | FSN = National Salvation Front |
PDSR = Party of Social Democracy in Romania (from 2001 PSD; Social Democratic Party) | PNȚCD = Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party |
PSDR = Romanian Social Democratic Party | PD = Democratic Party |
PD-L = Democratic Liberal Party | |
Mil. = Military | Ind. = Independent |
See also
External links