State Council of South Korea

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The State Council of South Korea (Hangul: êµ­ë¬´íšŒì˜; hanja: åœ‹å‹™æœƒè­°; RR: Gungmuhoeui) is the chief executive body and national cabinet of the Republic of Korea involved in discussing "important policies that fall within the power of the Executive" as specified by the Constitution. The most influential part of the executive branch of the South Korean government are the ministries. [1]


As of 2013, executive branch of South Korea consists of 18 ministries, two agencies and five boards. State Council includes its 18 ministers, the prime minister and the president. Any ministers must be appointed into the State Council before he or she can be confirmed by the National Assembly. There must be no more than thirty and no less than fifteen council members excluding the President and the Prime Minister. The President is the Chairperson of the State Council, and the Prime Minister is the Vice-Chairperson.

Although not the official members of the State Council, the Presidential Chief of Staff (대통령비서실장), the Minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination (국무조정실장), the Minister of Government Legislation (법제처장), the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (국가보훈처장), the Minister of Food and Drug Safety (식품의약품안전처장), the Chairperson of Korea Fair Trade Commission (공정거래위원회위원장), the Chairperson of Financial Services Commission (금융위원회위원장), the Mayor of Seoul Special City (서울특별시장), and other officials designated by law or deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the State Council can also attend the State Council meetings and speak in front of the State Council without the right to vote on the matters discussed in the meetings [2] The Mayor of Seoul, although being the head of a local autonomous region in South Korea and not directly related to the central executive branch, has been allowed to attend the State Council meeting considering the special status of Seoul as a Special City and its mayor as the only cabinet-level mayor in Korea.

Ministry Incumbent Minister
대통령, 大統領
Park Geun-hye
Prime Minister
국무총리, 國務總理
Hwang Kyo-ahn
Ministry of Strategy and Finance
기획재정부, 企劃財政部
Hyun Oh-Seok
Ministry of Education
교육부, 敎育部
Hwang Woo-yeo
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
미래창조과학부, 未來創造科學部
Choi Yang-hee
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
외교부, 外交部
Yun Byung-Se
Ministry of Unification
통일부, 統一部
Ryoo Kihl-jae
Ministry of Justice
법무부, 法務部
Hwang Kyo-ahn
Ministry of National Defense
국방부, 國防部
Kim Kwan-jin
Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
행정자치부, 行政自治部
Chong Jong-sup
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
문화체육관광부, 文化體育觀光部
Yoo Jin-yong
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
농림축산식품부, 農林畜産食品部
Lee Dong-phil
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
산업통상자원부, 産業通商資源部
Yoon Sang-jick
Ministry for Health and Welfare
보건복지부, 保健福祉部
Chin Young
Ministry of Environment
환경부, 環境部
Yoon Seang-kyu
Ministry of Employment and Labor
고용노동부, 雇用勞動部
Phang Ha-Nam
Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
여성가족부, 女性家族部
Cho Yoonsun
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
국토교통부, 國土交通部
Suh Seoung-hwan
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
해양수산부, 海洋水産部
Lee Ju-young
Ministry of Public Safety and Security
국민안전처, 國民安全處
Park In-yong


The State Council is the highest body for policy deliberation and resolution in the executive branch of the Republic of Korea. Article 89 of the South Korean constitution specifies what "important policies that fall within the power of the Executive" the State Council has to deliver: [3]

  1. Basic plans for state affairs, and general policies of the Executive;
  2. Declaration of war, conclusion of peace and other important matters pertaining to foreign policy;
  3. Draft amendments to the Constitution, proposals for national referenda, proposed treaties, legislative bills, and proposed presidential decrees;
  4. Budgets, settlement of accounts, basic plans for disposal of state properties, contracts incurring financial burden on the State, and other important financial matters;
  5. Emergency orders and emergency financial and economic actions or orders by the President, and declaration and termination of martial law;
  6. Important military affairs;
  7. Requests for convening an extraordinary session of the National Assembly;
  8. Awarding of honors;
  9. Granting of amnesty, commutation and restoration of rights;
  10. Demarcation of jurisdiction among the Ministries of the Executive;
  11. Basic plans concerning delegation or allocation of powers within the Executive;
  12. Evaluation and analysis of the administration of state affairs;
  13. Formulation and coordination of important policies of each Executive Ministry;
  14. Action for the dissolution of a political party;
  15. Examination of petitions pertaining to executive policies submitted or referred to the Executive;
  16. Appointment of the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Staff of each armed service, the presidents of national universities, ambassadors, and such other public officials and managers of important state-run enterprises as designated by Act; and
  17. Other matters presented by the President, the Prime Minister or a member of the State Council.

It has to be noted that the State Council of the Republic of Korea performs somewhat different roles than those of many other nations with similar forms. As the Korean political system is basically a presidential system yet with certain aspects of parliamentary State Council system combined, the State Council of the Republic of Korea also is a combination of both systems. More specifically, the Korean State Council performs policy resolutions as well as policy consultations to the President. Reflecting that the Republic of Korea is basically a presidential republic the State Council resolutions cannot bind the president's decision, and in this regard the Korean State Council is similar to those advisory counsels in strict presidential republics. At the same time, however, the Constitution of the Republic of Korea specifies in details 17 categories including budgetary and military matters, which necessitates the resolution of the State Council in addition to the President's approval, and in this regard the Korean State Council is similar to those State Councils in strict parliamentary State Council systems. [3]


Although the president is the chairman of the council, the Prime Minister nevertheless frequently holds the meetings without the presence of the President as the meeting can be lawfully held as long as the majority of the State Council members are present at the meeting. Also, as many government agencies have recently been moved out of Seoul into other parts of the country, the need to hold State Council meetings without having to convene in one place at the same time has been growing, and therefore the law has been amended to allow State Council meetings in a visual teleconference format. [4]

See also


  1. ↑ "Executive Branch". Government of South Korea. Prime Minister's Office of South Korea. Retrieved 29 May 2013.
  2. ↑ 대한민국 국무회의 규정 제8조
  3. 1 2 Article 89 of the Constitution of South Korea Section 4, Constitution of South Korea (October 29, 1987; in English). Retrieved on June 4, 2013.
  4. ↑ 대한민국 국무회의 규정 제6조 제2항
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