Miss Teen International

Miss Teen International is an annual beauty pageant for teen aged girls from the Americas and other regions of the world. The first contest was held in Costa Rica. Created by Enrique González in 1993, he was born in San José, Costa Rica and is owner of Mr Costa Rica and Miss Teen Costa Rica pagents. The last 22th 2015, competition and final was made at RIU Hotels Palace Guanacaste, Costa Rica, official Results: Winner: Ailin Adorno, Paraguay First Runner-Up: Paola Carolina Ramírez, Puerto Rico, Second Runner-Up: María Falso, Canada, Third Runner-Up: Yoselyn Bogantes Costa Rica, Fourth Runner-Up: Andrea Ximena Perú, Fifth Runner-Up: Nicola Recintos Guatemala.


Year Winner Country/Territory
2016 Riem El Kadiri  Morocco
2014 Ailin Adorno  Paraguay
2013 Isabella Novaes  Brazil
2012 Valerie Hernandez  Puerto Rico
2011 Adriana Paniagua  Nicaragua
2010 Lynette Do Nascimento  Aruba
2009 Nazareth Cascante  Costa Rica
2008 Isabele Sanchez  Brazil
2007 Jenny Quiroga Bravo  Mexico
2006 Mayra Matos[1]  Puerto Rico
2004 Lauryn Eagle  Australia
2003 María Teresa Rodríguez  Costa Rica
2002 Fabriella Quesada Sequeira  Costa Rica
2001 Yara Lasanta[2]  Puerto Rico
2000 Ayanette Mary Ann Statia  Curaçao
1999 Carolina Raven Perez  Aruba
1998 Vanessa Martins Fernandes  Brazil
1997 Katherine González Rivera  Puerto Rico
1996 Karina Renata Cavazzana  Brazil
1995 Kristen Elizabeth Hungerford  Sweden
1994 Ana Carina Góis Homa  Brazil
1993 Sofia Andersson  Sweden

See also


  1. Lobo, Isaac (March 11, 2006). "Island charm". Al Día. Retrieved 23 October 2010.
  2. Aponte Alequín, Héctor (June 8, 2010). "Por fin se le da a Yara Lasanta y es designada Miss Mundo de Puerto Rico". Primera hora. Retrieved 19 October 2010.

External links

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