Modern Greek grammar
The grammar of Standard Modern Greek, as spoken in present-day Greece and Cyprus, is basically that of Demotic Greek, but it has also assimilated certain elements of Katharevousa, the archaic, learned variety of Greek imitating Classical Greek forms, which used to be the official language of Greece through much of the 19th and 20th centuries.[1][2] Modern Greek grammar has preserved many features of Ancient Greek, but has also undergone changes in a similar direction as many other modern Indo-European languages, from more synthetic to more analytic structures.
General characteristics
The predominant word order in Greek is SVO (subject–verb–object), but word order is quite freely variable, with VSO and other orders as frequent alternatives.[3] Within the noun phrase, adjectives precede the noun (for example, το μεγάλο σπίτι, [to meˈɣalo ˈspiti], 'the big house'), while possessors follow it (for example, το σπίτι μου, [to ˈspiti mu], 'my house'; το σπίτι του Îίκου 'Nick's house').[4] Alternative constructions involving the opposite order of constituents are possible as a marked option (e.g. το σπίτι το μεγάλο 'the big house'; του Îίκου το σπίτι 'Nick's house')[5]
Greek is a pro-drop language, i.e. subjects are typically not overtly expressed whenever they are inferable from context.[6] Whereas the word order of the major elements within the clause is fairly free, certain grammatical elements attach to the verb as clitics and form a rigidly ordered group together with it. This applies particularly to unstressed object pronouns, negation particles, the tense particle θα [θa], and the subjunctive particle να [na]. Likewise, possessive pronouns are enclitic to the nouns they modify.
Greek is a largely synthetic (inflectional) language. Although the complexity of the inflectional system has been somewhat reduced in comparison to Ancient Greek, there is also a considerable degree of continuity in the morphological system, and Greek still has a somewhat archaic character compared with other Indo-European languages of Europe.[7] Nouns, adjectives and verbs are each divided into several inflectional classes (declension classes and conjugation classes), which have different sets of endings. In the nominals, the ancient inflectional system is well preserved, with the exception of the loss of one case, the dative, and the restructuring of several of the inflectional classes. In the verbal system, the loss of synthetic inflectional categories is somewhat greater, and several new analytic (periphrastic) constructions have evolved instead.
Characteristics of the Balkan language area
Modern Greek shares several syntactic characteristics with its geographical neighbours, with which it forms the so-called Balkan language area (sprachbund).[8] Among these characteristics are:
- The lack of an infinitive. In Greek, verbal complementation in contexts where English would use an infinitive is typically formed with the help of finite (subjunctive) verb forms (e.g. θÎλω να πάω, [ˈθelo na ˈpao], literally 'I-want that I-go', i.e. 'I want to go').
- The merger of the dative and the genitive case. In Greek, indirect objects are expressed partly through genitive forms of nouns or pronouns, and partly through a periphrasis consisting of the preposition σε ([se], 'to') and the accusative.
- The use of a future construction derived from the verb 'want' (θÎλει να [ˈθeli na] → θα [θa]).
- A tendency to use pre-verbal clitic object pronouns redundantly (clitic doubling), doubling an object that is also expressed elsewhere in the clause: for example, το είδα το αυτοκίνητο ([to ˈiða to aftoˈcinito], 'I saw it, the car", literally 'It I-saw the car').
On the other hand, one prominent feature of the Balkan language area that Greek does not share is the use of a postposed definite article. The Greek article (like the Ancient Greek one) stands before the noun.
Modern Greek has a stress accent, similar to English. The accent is notated with a stroke (΄) over the accented vowel and is called οξεία (oxeia, "acute") or τόνος (tonos, "accent") in Greek. The former term is taken from one of the accents used in polytonic orthography which officially became obsolete in 1982.
Most monosyllabic words take no accent such as in το ([to], "the") and ποιος ([pços], "who"). Exceptions include the conjunction ή ([i], "or"), the interrogative adverbs πώς ([pos], "how") and Ï€Î¿Ï ([pu], "where") in both direct and indirect questions and some fixed expressions such as Ï€Î¿Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ Ï€Î¿Ï ([pu ce pu], "occasionally") and πώς και πώς ([pos ce pos], "cravingly"). Moreover, weak personal pronouns are accented in cases where they may be mistaken for enclitics (see below). For example, ο σκÏλος Î¼Î¿Ï Î³Î¬Î²Î³Î¹ÏƒÎµ ([o ˈscilos mu ˈɣavÊise], "the dog barked at me") instead of ο σκÏλος μου γάβγισε ([o ˈscilos‿mu ˈɣavÊise], "my dog barked").[9]
Enclitics are pronounced very closely to the previous word. Most enclitics are weak personal pronouns. Enclitics do not modify the accent of the previous word when this word is accented on the ultimate or penultimate syllable, for example οδηγός μας ([oðiˈɣos‿mas], "our driver") and βιβλίο σου ([viˈvlio‿su], "your book"). However, when the previous word is accented on the antepenultimate syllable, the enclitic causes the ultimate syllable to be accented too. For example, δάσκαλος ([ˈðaskalos], "teacher") but δάσκαλός μου ([ˈðaskaËŒlos‿mu], "my teacher") and φόÏεσε ([ˈforese], "wear (IMP)") but φόÏεσΠτο ([ˈforeËŒse‿to], "wear it"). Finally, enclitics are accented only when they precede another enclitic and these two determine an imperative accented on the penultimate syllable. For example, φÎÏε Î¼Î¿Ï Ï„Î¿ ([ˈfere‿ˌmu‿to], "bring it to me").[9]
In digraphs which are pronounced as simple phonemes such as αι [e], οι [i] and ει [i] and in the case of αυ ([af] or [av]) and ευ ([ef] or [ev]), the accent is placed on the second letter as in αί, εί, Î±Ï etc. When the accent is placed on the first letter, the sequence is pronounced as an accented diphthong, for example άι [á͜i] as in γάιδαÏος ([ɣá͜iðaros], "donkey"). When the second letter takes a diaeresis, the sequence is often pronounced as a diphthong, for example αϊ [aÍœi] as in παϊδάκια ([paÍœiˈðaca], "ribs"). Finally, when the accent is placed on the second letter together with diaeresis, the vowels are pronounced separately and the second vowel is accented, for example αΠ[aˈi] as in σαÎτα ([saˈita], "paper airplane").
As in Ancient Greek, in Modern Greek the accent cannot be placed before the antepenultimate syllable (Greek: νόμος της Ï„Ïισυλλαβίας, law of limitation, sometimes historically called Dreimorengesetz). As a result many imparisyllabic nouns, i.e. nouns that do not have the same number of syllables in all their inflections, have the accent placed on the next syllable when a syllable is added, if the antepenult is already accented. For example NOM SG μάθημα ([ˈmaθima], "lesson") but GEN SG μαθήματος [maˈθimatos] and NOM PL μαθήματα [maˈθimata] etc. However, the transposition of the accent without the addition of a syllable is due to historical reasons; long vowels and diphthongs occupied two morae which had the same result as with the addition of a syllable. For example NOM SG άνθÏωπος ([ˈanθropos], "human") but GEN SG ανθÏώπου [anˈθropu], GEN PL ανθÏώπων [anˈθropon] and ACC PL ανθÏώπους [anˈθropus].[10]
Greek verb morphology is structured around a basic 2-by-2 contrast of two aspects, namely imperfective and perfective, and two tenses, namely past and non-past (or present). The aspects are expressed by two separate verb stems, while the tenses are marked mainly by different sets of endings. Of the four possible combinations, only three can be used in indicative function: the present (i.e. imperfective non-past), the imperfect (i.e. imperfective past) and the aorist (i.e. perfective past). All four combinations can be used in subjunctive function, where they are typically preceded by the particle να or by one of a set of subordinating conjunctions. There are also two imperatives, one for each aspect.
In addition to these basic forms, Greek also has several periphrastic verb constructions. All the basic forms can be combined with the future particle θα (historically a contraction of θÎλει να, 'want to'). Combined with the non-past forms, this creates an imperfective and a perfective future. Combined with the imperfective past it is used as a conditional, and with the perfective past as an inferential. There is also a perfect, which is expressed with an inflected form of the auxiliary verb Îχω ('have'). It occurs both as a past perfect (pluperfect) and as a present perfect.
Modern Greek verbs additionally have three non-finite forms. There is a form traditionally called "απαÏÎμφατο" (i.e. 'infinitive', literally the 'invariant form'), which is historically derived from the perfective (aorist) infinitive, but has today lost all syntactical functions typically associated with that category. It is used only to form the periphrastic perfect and pluperfect, and is always formally identical to the 3rd person singular of the perfective non-past. There is also a passive participle, typically ending in -menos (-meni, -meno), which is inflected as a regular adjective. Its use is either as a canonical adjective, or as a part of a second, alternative perfect periphrasis with transitive verbs. Finally, there is another invariant form, formed from the present tense and typically ending in -ontas, which is variably called either a participle or a gerund by modern authors. It is historically derived from an old present participle, and its sole use today is to form non-finite adjunct adverbial clauses of time or manner, roughly corresponding to an -ing participle in English.
- Regular perfect periphrasis, with aparemphato ("invariant form"), for example:
- Έχω γÏάψει την επιταγή ([ˈexo ˈɣrapsi tin epitaˈÊi], 'I have written the cheque')
- Alternative perfect periphrasis, with passive participle, for example:
- Έχω την επιταγή γÏαμμÎνη ([ˈexo tin epitaˈÊi É£raˈmeni], 'I have written the cheque')
- Adverbial clause with present participle/gerund form, for example:
- ΈτÏεξε στο δÏόμο Ï„Ïαγουδώντας ([ˈetrekse sto ˈðromo traÉ£uˈðondas], 'he ran along the street singing')
The tables below exemplify the range of forms with those of one large inflectional class of verbs, the 1st Conjugation.
First conjugation
Aspect | Stem | Non-past | Past | Imperative | |
Imperfective | γÏαφ- | Present (indic. + subj.) |
Imperfect | [continuous] | |
('I write') | ('I was writing') | ('write!') | |||
1.Sg. | γÏάφω | ÎγÏαφα | γÏάφε | ||
2.Sg. | γÏάφεις | ÎγÏαφες | |||
3.Sg. | γÏάφει | ÎγÏαφε | |||
1.Pl. | γÏάφουμε | γÏάφαμε | γÏάφετε | ||
2.Pl. | γÏάφετε | γÏάφατε | |||
3.Pl. | γÏάφουν | ÎγÏαφαν | |||
Perfective | γÏαψ- | Subjunctive | Aorist | [once] | |
('that I write') | ('I wrote') | ('write!') | |||
1.Sg. | γÏάψω | ÎγÏαψα | γÏάψε | ||
2.Sg. | γÏάψεις | ÎγÏαψες | |||
3.Sg. | γÏάψει | ÎγÏαψε | |||
1.Pl. | γÏάψουμε | γÏάψαμε | γÏάψτε | ||
2.Pl. | γÏάψετε | γÏάψατε | |||
3.Pl. | γÏάψουν | ÎγÏαψαν | |||
Perfect | εχ- γÏάψει |
Present Perf. | Past Perf. | ||
('I have written') | ('I had written') | ||||
1.Sg. | Îχω γÏάψει | είχα γÏάψει | |||
2.Sg. | Îχεις γÏάψει | είχες γÏάψει | |||
3.Sg. | Îχει γÏάψει | είχε γÏάψει | |||
1.Pl. | Îχουμε γÏάψει | είχαμε γÏάψει | |||
2.Pl. | Îχετε γÏάψει | είχατε γÏάψει | |||
3.Pl. | Îχουν γÏάψει | είχαν γÏάψει | |||
With subordinating particle "να" | With future particle "θα" | |||||||
Non-past | Past | Non-past | Past | |||||
Imperfective | να γÏάφει | '(that) he write', 'to be writing' | να ÎγÏαφε | '(that) he was writing, 'to have been writing' | θα γÏάφει | 'he will be writing' | θα ÎγÏαφε | 'he would write' |
Perfective | να γÏάψει | '(that) he write', 'to write' | να ÎγÏαψε | '(that) he wrote', 'to have written' | θα γÏάψει | 'he will write' | θα ÎγÏαψε | 'he probably wrote' |
Second conjugation
Below are the corresponding forms of two subtypes of another class, the 2nd conjugation.[11] Only the basic forms are shown here; the periphrastic combinations are formed as shown above. While the person-number endings are quite regular across all verbs within each of these classes, the formation of the two basic stems for each verb displays a lot of irregularity and can follow any of a large number of idiosyncratic patterns.
verbs in -(α)ω/ώ (αγαπώ 'love') |
verbs in -ώ ( ↠-εω) (οδηγώ 'lead') | |||
Present | Imperfect | Present | Imperfect | |
1.Sg. | αγαπώ, -άω | αγαποÏσα* | οδηγώ | οδηγοÏσα |
2.Sg. | αγαπάς | αγαποÏσες | οδηγείς | οδηγοÏσες |
3.Sg. | αγαπάει, -ά | αγαποÏσε | οδηγεί | οδηγοÏσε |
1.Pl. | αγαπάμε | αγαποÏσαμε | οδηγοÏμε | οδηγοÏσαμε |
2.Pl. | αγαπάτε | αγαποÏσατε | οδηγείτε | οδηγοÏσατε |
3.Pl. | αγαποÏν(ε), -άν(ε) | αγαποÏσανε | οδηγοÏν | οδηγοÏσαν(ε) |
Subj. | Aorist | Subj. | Aorist | |
1.Sg. | αγαπήσω | αγάπησα | οδηγήσω | οδήγησα |
2.Sg. | αγαπήσεις | αγάπησες | οδηγήσεις | οδήγησες |
3.Sg. | αγαπήσει | αγάπησε | οδηγήσει | οδήγησε |
1.Pl. | αγαπήσουμε | αγαπήσαμε | οδηγήσουμε | οδηγήσαμε |
2.Pl. | αγαπήσετε | αγαπήσατε | οδηγήσετε | οδηγήσατε |
3.Pl. | αγαπήσουν | αγάπησαν(ε) | οδηγήσουν | οδήγησαν |
*Alternative forms: αγάπαγα, -αγες, -αγε, -άγαμε, -άγατε, -αγαν(ε) | ||||
The use of the past tense prefix ε- (e-), the so-called augment, shows some variation and irregularity between verb classes. In regular (demotic) verbs in standard modern Greek, the prefix is used depending on a stress rule, which specifies that each past tense verb form has its stress on the third syllable from the last (the antepenultimate); the prefix is only inserted whenever the verb would otherwise have fewer than three syllables. In these verbs, the augment always appears as Î-. A number of frequent verbs have irregular forms involving other vowels, mostly η- (i-), for example, θÎλω → ήθελα ('want'). In addition, verbs from the learned tradition partly preserve more complex patterns inherited from ancient Greek. In learned compound verbs with adverbial prefixes such as πεÏι- (peri-) or υπο- (ipo-), the augment is inserted between the prefix and the verb stem (for example, πεÏι-γÏάφω → πεÏι-Î-γÏαψα ('describe'). Where the prefix itself ends in a vowel, the vowels in this position may be subject to further assimilation rules, such as in υπο-γÏάφω → Ï…Ï€-Î-γÏαψα ('sign'). In addition, verbs whose stem begins in a vowel may also display vocalic changes instead of a syllabic augment, as in ελπίζω → ήλπιζα ('hope'). The table below presents some further examples of these patterns:
Type of verb | Present tense | Meaning | Past tenses | ||||
Perfective | Imperfective | ||||||
Simple | γÏάφω | [ˈɣrafo] | write | ÎγÏαψα | [ˈeÉ£rapsa] | ÎγÏαφα | [ˈeÉ£rafa] |
Composite | πεÏιγÏάφω ↠πεÏί + γÏάφω | [peɾiˈɣrafo] | describe | πεÏιÎγÏαψα | [peɾiˈeÉ£rapsa] | πεÏιÎγÏαφα | [peɾiˈeÉ£rafa] |
υπογÏάφω ↠υπό + γÏάφω | [ipoˈɣrafo] | sign | Ï…Ï€ÎγÏαψα | [iˈpeÉ£rapsa] | Ï…Ï€ÎγÏαφα | [iˈpeÉ£rafa] | |
διαγÏάφω ↠δια + γÏάφω | [ðiaˈɣrafo] | delete | διÎγÏαψα | [ðiˈeÉ£rapsa] | διÎγÏαφα | [ðiˈeÉ£rafa] | |
Initial vowel | ελπίζω | [elˈpizo] | hope | ήλπισα | [ˈilpisa] | ήλπιζα | [ˈilpiza] |
Composite and initial vowel | υπάÏχω ↠υπό + άÏχω | [iˈparxo] | exist | υπήÏξα | [iˈpirksa] | υπήÏχα | [iˈpirxa] |
Irregular augment | είμαι | [ˈime] | be | —— | —— | ήμουν | [ˈimun] |
Îχω | [ˈexo] | have | —— | —— | είχα | [ˈixa] | |
θÎλω | [ˈθelo] | want | θÎλησα (no augment) | [ˈθelisa] | ήθελα | [ˈiθela] | |
ξÎÏω | [ˈksero] | know | —— | —— | ήξεÏα | [ˈiksera] | |
πίνω | [ˈpino] | drink | ήπια | [ˈipia] | Îπινα | [ˈepina] |
Grammatical voice
Greek is one of the few modern Indo-European languages that still retains a morphological contrast between the two inherited Proto-Indo-European grammatical voices: active and mediopassive. The mediopassive has several functions:
- Passive function, denoting an action that is performed on the subject by another agent (for example, σκοτώθηκε 'he was killed');
- Reflexive function, denoting an action performed by the subject on him-/herself (for example, ξυÏίστηκε 'he shaved himself');
- Reciprocal function, denoting an action performed by several subjects on each other (for example, αγαπιοÏνται 'they love each other');
- Modal function, denoting the possibility of an action (for example, Ï„Ïώγεται 'it is edible');
- Deponential function: verbs that occur only in the mediopassive and lack a corresponding active form. They often have meanings that are rendered as active in other languages: εÏγάζομαι 'Ι work'; κοιμάμαι 'I sleep'; δÎχομαι 'I accept'. There are also many verbs that have both an active and a mediopassive form but where the mediopassive has a special function that may be rendered with a separate verb in other languages: for example, active σηκώνω 'I raise', passive σηκώνομαι 'I get up'; active βαÏάω 'I strike', passive βαÏιÎμαι 'I am bored'.
γÏάφω 'write' | αγαπώ 'love' | οδηγώ 'lead' | ||||
Present | Imperfect | Present | Imperfect | Present | Imperfect | |
1.Sg. | γÏάφομαι | γÏαφόμουν | αγαπιÎμαι | αγαπιόμουν* | οδηγοÏμαι | οδηγοÏμουν |
2.Sg. | γÏάφεσαι | γÏαφόσουν | αγαπιÎσαι | αγαπιόσουν | οδηγείσαι | οδηγοÏσουν |
3.Sg. | γÏάφεται | γÏαφόταν(ε) | αγαπιÎται | αγαπιόταν(ε) | οδηγείται | οδηγοÏνταν(ε) |
1.Pl. | γÏαφόμαστε | γÏαφόμασταν | αγαπιόμαστε | αγαπιόμασταν | οδηγοÏμαστε | οδηγοÏμασταν |
2.Pl. | γÏάφεστε | γÏαφόσασταν | αγαπιÎστε | αγαπιόσασταν | οδηγείστε | οδηγοÏσασταν |
3.Pl. | γÏάφονται | γÏάφονταν | αγαπιοÏνται, -άν(ε) | αγαπιοÏνταν | οδηγοÏνται | οδηγοÏνταν |
Subj. | Aorist | Subj. | Aorist | Subj. | Aorist | |
1.Sg. | γÏαφτώ | γÏάφτηκα | αγαπηθώ | αγαπήθηκα | οδηγηθώ | οδηγήθηκα |
2.Sg. | γÏαφτείς | γÏάφτηκες | αγαπηθείς | αγαπήθηκες | οδηγηθείς | οδηγήθηκες |
3.Sg. | γÏαφτεί | γÏάφτηκε | αγαπηθεί | αγαπήθηκε | οδηγηθεί | οδηγήθηκε |
1.Pl. | γÏαφτοÏμε | γÏαφτήκαμε | αγαπηθοÏμε | αγαπηθήκαμε | οδηγηθοÏμε | οδηγηθήκαμε |
2.Pl. | γÏαφτείτε | γÏαφτήκατε | αγαπηθείτε | αγαπηθήκατε | οδηγηθείτε | οδηγηθήκατε |
3.Pl. | γÏαφτοÏν | γÏάφτηκαν | αγαπηθοÏν | αγαπήθηκαν | οδηγηθοÏν | οδηγήθηκαν |
There also two other categories of verbs, which historically correspond to the ancient contracted verbs.
εγγυώμαι ('guarantee') | στεÏοÏμαι ('lack') | |||||
Present | Imperfect | Imperative | Present | Imperfect | Imperative | |
Impf. | εγγυώμαι εγγυάσαι εγγυάται εγγυόμαστε εγγυάστε εγγυώνται |
εγγυόμουν εγγυόσουν εγγυόταν εγγυόμασταν εγγυόσασταν εγγυόνταν |
— — |
στεÏοÏμαι στεÏείσαι στεÏείται στεÏοÏμαστε στεÏείστε στεÏοÏνται |
στεÏοÏμουν στεÏοÏσουν στεÏοÏνταν and στεÏείτο στεÏοÏμασταν στεÏοÏσασταν στεÏοÏνταν |
— — |
Subjunctive | Aorist | Imperative | Subjunctive | Aorist | Imperative | |
Pf. | εγγυηθώ εγγυηθείς εγγυηθεί εγγυηθοÏμε εγγυηθείτε εγγυηθοÏν |
εγγυήθηκα εγγυήθηκες εγγυήθηκε εγγυηθήκαμε εγγυηθήκατε εγγυήθηκαν |
εγγυήσου εγγυηθείτε |
στεÏηθώ στεÏηθείς στεÏηθεί στεÏηθοÏμε στεÏηθείτε στεÏηθοÏν (στεÏηθοÏνε) |
στεÏήθηκα στεÏήθηκες στεÏήθηκε στεÏηθήκαμε στεÏηθήκατε στεÏήθηκαν (στεÏηθήκανε) |
στεÏήσου στεÏηθείτε |
Îχω εγγυηθεί | Îχω στεÏηθεί |
- There are also more formal suffixes instead of -μασταν, -σασταν: -μαστε, -σαστε. In this case the suffixes of the first person of the plural of present and imperfect are the same.
Be and have
The verbs είμαι ('be') and Îχω ('have') are irregular and defective, because they both lack the aspectual contrast. The forms of both are given below.
The Greek nominal system displays inflection for two numbers (singular and plural), three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), and four cases (nominative, genitive, accusative and vocative). As in many other Indo-European languages, the distribution of grammatical gender across nouns is largely arbitrary and need not coincide with natural sex.[12] Case, number and gender are marked on the noun as well as on articles and adjectives modifying it. While there are four cases, there is a great degree of syncretism between case forms within most paradigms. Only one sub-group of the masculine nouns actually has four distinct forms in the four cases.
There are two articles in Modern Greek, the definite and the indefinite. They are both inflected for gender and case, and the definite article also for number. The article agrees with the noun it modifies.
Definite article
The definite article is used frequently in Greek, such as before proper names and nouns used in an abstract sense. For example,
- Ο ΑλÎξανδÏος ήÏθε χθες (O Alexandros irthe chthes, "Alexander came yesterday")
- Η ειλικÏίνεια είναι η καλÏτεÏη Ï€Ïακτική . (I eilikrineia einai i kalyteri praktiki, "Honesty is the best policy")
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Singular | Nominative | ο | η | το |
Accusative | τον | την | το | |
Genitive | του | της | του | |
Plural | Nominative | οι | οι | τα |
Accusative | τους | τις | τα | |
Genitive | των | των | των | |
Indefinite article
The indefinite article is identical with the numeral one and has only singular. The use of the indefinite article is not dictated by rules and the speaker can use it according to the circumstances of his speech.[13] Indefiniteness in plural nouns is expressed by the bare noun without an article. For example,
- ΑγόÏασα Îναν υπολογιστή (Agorasa enan ypologisti, “I bought a computerâ€)
However, the indefinite article is not used in Greek as often as in English because it specifically expresses the concept of "one". For example,
- Είναι δικηγόÏος (Einai dikigoros, “He is a lawyerâ€)
- Τι καλό παιδί! (Ti kalo paidi, “What a good boy!â€)
Singular | ||||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||||
Nominative | Îνας | [ˈenas] | μία | [ˈmia] | Îνα | [ˈena] |
Accusative | Îναν | [ˈenan] | μία(ν)[note 1] | [ˈmia(n)] | Îνα | [ˈena] |
Genitive | ενός | [eˈnos] | μιας | [mjas] | ενός | [eˈnos] |
Greek nouns are inflected by case and number. In addition each noun belongs to one of three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. Within each of the three genders, there are several sub-groups (declension classes) with different sets of inflectional endings.
Masculine nouns
The main groups of masculine nouns have the nominative singular end in –ος [–os], –ης [–is], –ας [–as], –εας [–ˈeas]. Nouns in –os are identical to the Ancient Greek second declension, except for the final –n of the accusative singular. However, in other parts of speech that follow the same declension and where clarity is necessary, such as in pronouns, the –n is added. When the word has more than two syllables and the antepenult is accented, the accent fluctuates between the antepenult and the penult according to whether the last syllable has one of the ancient long diphthongs, –ου, –ων or –ους. Nouns in –is correspond to the ancient first declension and have the accent on the ultima syllable in genitive plural, and so do some nouns ending in –ίας [–ˈias].[14] Nouns in –as stem from the ancient third declension. They formed their nominative singular from the accusative singular and retain the original accent in genitive plural.[14] Nouns in –eas stem from the ancient third declension and form their plural respectively.
Moreover, there are other categories and forms too that have to do either with Demotic or Katharevousa. For example, through Demotic, many nouns, especially oxytones (those that are accented on the last syllable) in -άς (-as) or -ής (-is) form their plural by adding the stem extension -άδ- (-ad-) and -ήδ- (-id-) respectively. Although this declension group is an element of Demotic, it has its roots in Ionic Greek that influenced later Koine.[15] On the other hand, from Katharevousa, nouns such as μυς (mys, "muscle") follow the ancient declension in all cases except for the dative.
-ος/-οι άνθÏωπος ([ˈanθropos] 'human') |
-ης/-ες πολίτης ([poˈlitis] 'citizen') |
-ας/-ες πατÎÏας ([paˈteras] 'father') |
-εας/-εις Ï€ÏοβολÎας ([provoˈleas] 'floodlight') |
-ας/-αδες ψαÏάς ([psaˈras] 'fisherman') | |||||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
άνθÏωπος ανθÏώπου άνθÏωπο άνθÏωπε |
[-os] [-u] [-o] [-e] |
πολίτης πολίτη πολίτη πολίτη |
[-is] [-i] [-i] [-i] |
πατÎÏας πατÎÏα πατÎÏα πατÎÏα |
[-as] [-a] [-a] [-a] |
Ï€ÏοβολÎας Ï€ÏοβολÎα Ï€ÏοβολÎα Ï€ÏοβολÎα |
[-eas] [-ea] [-ea] [-ea] |
ψαÏάς ψαÏά ψαÏά ψαÏά |
[-as] [-a] [-a] [-a] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative |
άνθÏωποι ανθÏώπων ανθÏώπους |
[-i] [-on] [-us] |
πολίτες πολιτών πολίτες |
[-es] [-ˈon] [-es] |
πατÎÏες πατÎÏων πατÎÏες |
[-es] [-on] [-es] |
Ï€Ïοβολείς Ï€ÏοβολÎων Ï€Ïοβολείς |
[-is] [-eon] [-is] |
ψαÏάδες ψαÏάδων ψαÏάδες |
[-aðes] [-aðon] [-aðes] |
Feminine nouns
Most feminine nouns end in -η [-i], -α [-a] and -ος [-os]. Those that end in -i and many that end in -a stem from the ancient first declension and have the accent on the ultima syllable in genitive plural. The rest of those that end in -a originate from the ancient third declension and have formed their nominative singular from the ancient accusative singular; those nouns keep the accent unchanged in genitive plural. The nouns that end in -os are identical to the respective masculine nouns. Finally, many feminine nouns that end in -η (-i) correspond to Ancient Greek nouns in -ις (-is). Their singular forms have been adapted to the rest of the feminine nouns, while their plural forms have retained the ancient pattern in -εις (-eis). The forms of the genitive singular -εως (-eos) are also found as a stylistic variant and they are fully acceptable.
-η/-ες μάχη ([ˈmaçi], 'battle') |
-α/-ες θάλασσα ([ˈθalasa], 'sea') |
-ος/-οι μÎθοδος ([ˈmeθoðos], 'method') |
-η/-εις δÏναμη ([ˈðinami], 'force') | ||||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
μάχη μάχης μάχη μάχη |
[-i] [-is] [-i] [-i] |
θάλασσα θάλασσας θάλασσα θάλασσα |
[-a] [-as] [-a] [-a] |
μÎθοδος μεθόδου μÎθοδο μÎθοδε |
[-os] [-u] [-o] [-e] |
δÏναμη δÏναμης and δυνάμεως δÏναμη δÏναμη |
[-i] [-is] and[-eos] [-i] [-i] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative |
μάχες μαχών μάχες |
[-es] [-ˈon] [-es] |
θάλασσες θαλασσών θάλασσες |
[-es] [-ˈon] [-es] |
μÎθοδοι μεθόδων μεθόδους |
[-i] [-on] [-us] |
δυνάμεις δυνάμεων δυνάμεις |
[-is] [-eon] [-is] |
Neuter nouns
Most neuter nouns end either in -ο [-o] (plural: -α [-a]) or -ι [-i] (plural: [-ja] or -ia). Indeed, most of them that end in -i initially ended in -io, an ending for diminutives that many nouns acquired already since Koine Greek. As a result, the endings of the plural and of the genitive singular are reminiscent of those older forms. For example, the diminutive of the ancient Greek word παῖς (pais, "child") is παιδίον (paidion) and hence the modern noun παιδί (paidi).[16] Other neuter nouns end in -α (-a) and -ος (-os) and their declension is similar to the ancient one. Moreover, some nouns in -ιμο (-imo), which are usually derivatives of verbs, are declined similarly to those that end in -a. Finally, all neuter nouns have identical forms across the nominative, accusative and vocative.
-ο/-α βιβλίο ([viˈvlio], 'book') |
-ί/-ιά παιδί ([peˈði], 'child') |
-α/-ατα Ï€Ïόβλημα ([ˈprovlima], 'problem') |
-ος/-η μÎγεθος ([ˈmeÊeθos], 'size') |
-ιμο/-ίματα δÎσιμο ([ˈðesimo], 'tying') | |||||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative |
βιβλίο βιβλίου βιβλίο |
[-o] [-u] [-o] |
παιδί Ï€Î±Î¹Î´Î¹Î¿Ï Ï€Î±Î¹Î´Î¯ |
[-i] [-ˈju] [-i] |
Ï€Ïόβλημα Ï€Ïοβλήματος Ï€Ïόβλημα |
[-a] [-atos] [-a] |
μÎγεθος μεγÎθους μÎγεθος |
[-os] [-us] [-os] |
δÎσιμο δεσίματος δÎσιμο |
[-o] [-atos] [-o] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative |
βιβλία βιβλίων βιβλία |
[-a] [-on] [-a] |
παιδιά παιδιών παιδιά |
[-ˈja] [-ˈjon] [-ˈja] |
Ï€Ïοβλήματα Ï€Ïοβλημάτων Ï€Ïοβλήματα |
[-ata] [-ˈaton] [-ata] |
μεγÎθη μεγεθών μεγÎθη |
[-i] [-ˈon] [-i] |
δεσίματα δεσιμάτων δεσίματα |
[-ata] [-ˈaton] [-ata] |
For other neuter nouns, the ancient declension is used. For example, το φως (fos, "light") becomes του φωτός, τα φώτα and των φώτων and Î¿Î¾Ï (oxy, "acid") becomes του οξÎος, τα οξÎα and των οξÎων.
Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, case and number. Therefore, each adjective has a threefold declension paradigm for the three genders. Adjectives show agreement both when they are used as attributes, e.g. η όμοÏφη γυναίκα (i omorfi gynaika, "the beautiful woman") and when they are used as predicates e.g. η γυναίκα είναι όμοÏφη (i gynaika einai omorfi, "the woman is beautiful").
Most adjectives take forms in -ος (–os) in the masculine, –ο (–o) in the neuter and either –η (–i), –α (–a) or –ια (–ia) in the feminine. All those adjectives are declined similarly with the nouns that have the same endings. However they keep the accent stable where nouns change it. Nouns with a consonant before the ending usually form the feminine with –η, those with a vowel before the ending in –α and some nouns that end in –κός ([-ˈkos], –kos) or –χός ([-ˈxos], -chos) usually form it in –ια although the ending –η is applicable for those too.
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |||
Singular | Nominative | όμοÏφος ([ˈomorfos], "beautiful") |
όμοÏφος | όμοÏφη | όμοÏφο |
νÎος ([ˈneos], "new, young") |
νÎος | νÎα | νÎο | ||
γλυκός ([ɣliˈkos], "sweet") |
γλυκός | γλυκιά | γλυκό |
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |||||||||
for όμοÏφος | for νÎος | for γλυκός | |||||||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
όμοÏφος όμοÏφου όμοÏφο όμοÏφε |
[-os] [-u] [-o] [-e] |
όμοÏφη όμοÏφης όμοÏφη όμοÏφη |
[-i] [-is] [-i] [-i] |
νÎα νÎας νÎα νÎα |
[-a] [-as] [-a] [-a] |
γλυκιά γλυκιάς γλυκιά γλυκιά |
[-ja] [-jas] [-ja] [-ja] |
όμοÏφο όμοÏφου όμοÏφο όμοÏφο |
[-o] [-u] [-o] [-o] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
όμοÏφοι όμοÏφων όμοÏφους όμοÏφοι |
[-i] [-on] [-us] [-i] |
όμοÏφες όμοÏφων όμοÏφες όμοÏφες |
[-es] [-on] [-es] [-es] |
νÎες νÎων νÎες νÎες |
[-es] [-on] [-es] [-es] |
γλυκÎÏ‚ γλυκών γλυκÎÏ‚ γλυκÎÏ‚ |
[-es] [-on] [-es] [-es] |
όμοÏφα ὀμοÏφων όμοÏφα όμοÏφα |
[-a] [-on] [-a] [-a] |
Other classes of adjectives include those that take forms in –ης (–is) in both masculine and feminine and in –ες (–es) in neuter. They are declined similarly with the ancient declension. Those that are not accented on the ultima usually raise the accent in the neuter. Another group includes adjectives that end in –υς ([–is], –ys). Although some are declined somewhat archaically such as οξÏÏ‚ (oxys, "acute"), most of them are declined according to the rules of Demotic Greek and in many cases and persons they acquire other endings, such as in the case of πλατÏÏ‚ (platys, "wide").
-ης, -ες/-εις, -η συνεχής ([sineˈçis], 'continual') |
-Ï…Ï‚, -ια, –υ/-ιοι, –ιες, -ια πλατÏÏ‚ ([plaˈtis], 'wide') |
-Ï…Ï‚, -εια, –υ/-εις, -ειες, –εα οξÏÏ‚ ([oˈksis], 'acute') | |||||||||||||||
Masc. & Fem. | Neuter | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||||||||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
συνεχής συνεχοÏÏ‚ συνεχή συνεχής |
[-is] [-us] [-i] [-is] |
συνεχÎÏ‚ συνεχοÏÏ‚ συνεχÎÏ‚ συνεχÎÏ‚ |
[-es] [-us] [-es] [-es] |
πλατÏÏ‚ Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Î¹Î¿Ï Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Ï Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Ï |
[-is] [-ju] [-i] [-i] |
πλατιά πλατιάς πλατιά πλατιά |
[-ja] [-jas] [-ja] [-ja] |
Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Ï Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Î¹Î¿Ï Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Ï Ï€Î»Î±Ï„Ï |
[-i] [-ju] [-i] [-i] |
οξÏÏ‚ οξÎος Î¿Î¾Ï Î¿Î¾Ï |
[-is] [-eos] [-i] [-i] |
οξεία οξείας οξεία οξεία |
[-ia] [-ias] [-ia] [-ia] |
Î¿Î¾Ï Î¿Î¾Îος Î¿Î¾Ï Î¿Î¾Ï |
[-i] [-eos] [-i] [-i] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
συνεχείς συνεχών συνεχείς συνεχείς |
[-is] [-on] [-is] [-is] |
συνεχή συνεχών συνεχή συνεχή |
[-i] [-on] [-i] [-i] |
πλατιοί πλατιών πλατιοÏÏ‚ πλατιοί |
[-ji] [-jon] [-jus] [-ji] |
πλατιÎÏ‚ πλατιών πλατιÎÏ‚ πλατιÎÏ‚ |
[-jes] [-jon] [-jes] [-jes] |
πλατιά πλατιών πλατιά πλατιἀ |
[-ja] [-ja] [-ja] [-ja] |
οξείς οξÎων οξείς οξείς |
[-is] [-eon] [-is] [-is] |
οξείες οξειών οξείες οξείες |
[-ies] [-ion] [-ies] [-ies] |
οξÎα οξÎων οξÎα οξÎα |
[-ea] [-eon] [-ea] [-ea] |
The adjective πολÏÏ‚ (polys, "many, much") is irregular:
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | |||||
Singular | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
πολÏÏ‚ Ï€Î¿Î»Î»Î¿Ï Ï€Î¿Î»Ï Ï€Î¿Î»Ï |
[-is] [-u] [-i] [-i] |
πολλή πολλής πολλή πολλή |
[-i] [-is] [-i] [-i] |
Ï€Î¿Î»Ï Ï€Î¿Î»Î»Î¿Ï Ï€Î¿Î»Ï Ï€Î¿Î»Ï |
[-i] [-u] [-i] [-i] |
Plural | Nominative Genitive Accusative Vocative |
πολλοί πολλών πολλοÏÏ‚ πολλοί |
[-i] [-on] [-us] [-i] |
πολλÎÏ‚ πολλών πολλÎÏ‚ πολλÎÏ‚ |
[-es] [-on] [-es] [-es] |
πολλά πολλών πολλά πολλά |
[-a] [-on] [-a] [-a] |
Comparative and superlative
Adjectives in Modern Greek can form a comparative for expressing comparisons. Similar to English, it can be formed in two ways, as a periphrastic form (as in English POS beautiful, COMP more beautiful) and as a synthetic form using suffixes, as in English ADJ tall COMP tall-er. The periphrastic comparative is formed by the particle πιο ([pço], pio, originally "more") preceding the adjective. The synthetic forms of the regular adjectives in -ος, -η and -o is created with the suffix -οτεÏος (-oteros), -οτεÏη (-oteri) and -οτεÏο (-otero). For those adjectives that end in -ης and -ες or -Ï…Ï‚, -εια and -Ï… the corresponding suffixes are -εστεÏος (-esteros) etc. and -υτεÏος (-yteros) etc. respectively.
A superlative is expressed by combining the comparative, in either its periphrastic or synthetic form, with a preceding definite article. Thus, Modern Greek does not distinguish between the largest house and the larger house; both are το μεγαλÏτεÏο σπίτι.
Besides the superlative proper, sometimes called "relative superlative", there is also an "absolute superlative" or elative, expressing the meaning "very...", for example ωÏαιότατος means very beautiful. Elatives are formed with the suffixes -οτατος, -οτατη and -οτατο for the regular adjectives, -εστατος etc. for those in -ης and -υτατος for those in -Ï…Ï‚.
Simple form | Comparative form | Superlative form | |||||
Relative | Absolute (elative) | ||||||
Periphrastic | Synthetic | Periphrastic | Synthetic | ||||
Adjectives | ωÏαίος | nice | πιο ωÏαίος | ωÏαιότεÏος | ο πιο ωÏαίος | ο ωÏαιότεÏος | ωÏαιότατος |
βαθÏÏ‚ | deep | πιο βαθÏÏ‚ | βαθÏτεÏος | ο πιο βαθÏÏ‚ | ο βαθÏτεÏος | βαθÏτατος | |
επιεικής | lenient | πιο επιεικής | επιεικÎστεÏος | ο πιο επιεικής | ο επιεικÎστεÏος | επιεικÎστατος | |
Participles | μεθυσμÎνος | drunk | πιο μεθυσμÎνος | — | ο πιο μεθυσμÎνος | — | — |
Adverbs | ωÏαία | nicely | πιο ωÏαία | ωÏαιότεÏα | — | — | ωÏαιότατα |
επιεικώς | leniently | πιο επιεικώς | επιεικÎστεÏα | — | — | επιεικÎστατα |
The numerals one, three and four are declined irregularly. Other numerals such as διακόσιοι (diakosioi, "two hundred"), Ï„Ïιακόσιοι (triakosioi, "three hundred") etc. and χίλιοι (chilioi, "thousand") are declined regularly like adjectives. Other numerals including two are not declined.
Singular | Plural | |||||||||||||
Îνας (enas, "one") | Ï„Ïεις (treis, "three") | Ï„ÎσσεÏις (tesseris, "four") | ||||||||||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | Masc. & Fem. | Neuter | Masc. & Fem. | Neuter | ||||||||
Nominative | Îνας | [ˈenas] | μία | [ˈmia] | Îνα | [ˈena] | Ï„Ïεις | [tris] | Ï„Ïία | [ˈtria] | Ï„ÎσσεÏις | [ˈteseris] | Ï„ÎσσεÏα | [ˈtesera] |
Genitive | ενός | [eˈnos] | μιας | [mɲas] | ενός | [eˈnos] | Ï„Ïιών | [triˈon] | Ï„Ïιών | [triˈon] | τεσσάÏων | [teˈsaron] | τεσσάÏων | [teˈsaron] |
Accusative | Îναν[note 1] | [ˈenan] | μία | [ˈmia] | Îνα | [ˈena] | Ï„Ïεις | [tris] | Ï„Ïία | [ˈtria] | Ï„ÎσσεÏις | [ˈteseris] | Ï„ÎσσεÏα | [ˈtesera] |
Personal pronouns
There are strong pronouns (stressed, free) and weak pronouns (unstressed, clitic). Nominative pronouns only have the strong form (except in some minor environments) and are used as subjects only when special emphasis is intended, since unstressed subjects recoverable from context are not overtly expressed anyway. Genitive (possessive) pronouns are used in their weak forms as pre-verbal clitics to express indirect objects (for example, του μίλησα, [tu ˈmilisa], 'I talked to him'), and as a post-nominal clitic to express possession (for example, οι φίλοι του, [i ˈfili tu], 'his friends'). The strong genitive forms are relatively rare and used only for special emphasis (for example, Î±Ï…Ï„Î¿Ï Î¿Î¹ φίλοι, [afˈtu i ˈfili], 'his friends'); often they are doubled by the weak forms (for example, Î±Ï…Ï„Î¿Ï Ï„Î¿Ï… μίλησα, [afˈtu tu ˈmilisa], ' him I talked to'). An alternative way of giving emphasis to a possessive pronoun is propping it up with the stressed adjective δικός ([ðiˈkos], 'own'), for example, οι δικοί του φίλοι ([i ðiˈci tu ˈfili], ' his friends').
Accusative pronouns exist both in a weak and a strong form. The weak form is used as a pre-verbal clitic (for example, τον είδα, [ton ˈiða], 'I saw him'); the strong form is used elsewhere in the clause (for example, είδα αυτόν, [ˈiða afˈton], 'I saw him'). Third-person pronouns have separate forms for the three genders; those of the first and second Person do not. The weak third-person forms are similar to the corresponding forms of the definite article. The strong third-person forms function simultaneously as generic demonstratives ('this, that').
The strong plural forms of the third person in the genitive and accusative (αυτών, αυτοÏÏ‚ etc.) have optional alternative forms extended by an additional syllable [-on-] or [-un-] (αυτωνών, αυτουνοÏÏ‚ etc.)
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | ||||||||||
Masc. | Fem. | Neut. | ||||||||||
Strong | Singular | Nominative | εγώ | [eˈɣo] | ÎµÏƒÏ | [eˈsi] | αυτός | [afˈtos] | αυτή | [afˈti] | αυτό | [afˈto] |
Genitive | εμÎνα | [eˈmena] | εσÎνα | [eˈsena] | αυτoÏ | [afˈtu] | αυτής | [afˈtis] | Î±Ï…Ï„Î¿Ï | [afˈtu] | ||
Accusative | εμÎνα | [eˈmena] | εσÎνα | [eˈsena] | αυτόν | [afˈton] | αυτήν | [afˈtin] | αυτό | [afˈto] | ||
Plural | Nominative | εμείς | [eˈmis] | εσείς | [eˈsis] | αυτοί | [afˈti] | αυτÎÏ‚ | [afˈtes] | αυτά | [afˈta] | |
Genitive | εμάς | [eˈmas] | εσάς | [eˈsas] | αυτών | [afˈton] | αυτών | [afˈton] | αυτών | [afˈton] | ||
Accusative | εμάς | [eˈmas] | εσάς | [eˈsas] | αυτοÏÏ‚ | [afˈtus] | αυτÎÏ‚ | [afˈtes] | αυτά | [afˈta] | ||
Weak | Singular | Nominative | – | – | τος | [tos] | τη | [ti] | το | [to] | ||
Genitive | μου | [mu] | σου | [su] | του | [tu] | της | [tis] | του | [tu] | ||
Accusative | με | [me] | σε | [se] | τον | [ton] | την[note 1] | [tin] | το | [to] | ||
Plural | Nominative | – | – | τοι | [ti] | τες | [tes] | τα | [ta] | |||
Genitive | μας | [mas] | σας | [sas] | τους | [tus] | τους | [tus] | τους | [tus] | ||
Accusative | μας | [mas] | σας | [sas] | τους | [tus] | τις/τες | [tis]/[tes] | τα | [ta] |
Besides αυτός [afˈtos] as a generic demonstrative, there are also the more specific spatial demonstrative pronouns τοÏτος, -η, -ο ([tuˈtos], 'this here') and εκείνος, -η, -ο ([eˈcinos], 'that there').
In Demotic Greek, prepositions normally require the accusative case: από (from), για (for), με (with), μετά (after), χωÏίς (without), ως (as) and σε (to, in or at). The preposition σε, when followed by a definite article, fuses with it into forms like στο (σε + το) and στη (σε + τη). While there is only a relatively small number of simple prepositions native to Demotic, the two most basic prepositions σε and από can enter into a large number of combinations with preceding adverbs to form new compound prepositions, for example, πάνω σε (on), κάτω από (underneath), πλάι σε (beside) etc.
A few prepositions that take cases other than the accusative have been borrowed into Standard Modern Greek from the learned tradition of Katharevousa: κατά (against), Ï…Ï€ÎÏ (in favor of, for), αντί (instead of). Other prepositions live on in a fossilised form in certain fixed expressions (for example, εν τω Î¼ÎµÏ„Î±Î¾Ï 'in the meantime', dative).
The preposition από (apó, 'from') is also used to express the agent in passive sentences, like English by.
Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in Greek include:
Kinds | Conjunctions | Meaning |
Copulative | και (κι), οÏτε, μήτε, ουδÎ, μηδΠ| and, neither |
Separatist | ή, είτε | or, either |
Negative | μα, αλλά, παÏά, όμως, ωστόσο, ενώ, αν και, μολονότι, μόνο | but, although, however, whereas |
Inferential | λοιπόν, ώστε, άÏα, επομÎνως, που | so, so as, thus, that |
Explanatory | δηλαδή | so, in other words |
Special | ότι, πως, που | that |
Temporal | όταν, σαν, ενώ, καθώς, αφοÏ, αφότου, Ï€Ïιν (Ï€Ïιν να), μόλις, Ï€ÏοτοÏ, ώσπου, ωσότου, όσο που, όποτε | when, while, after, before, just, until |
Explaining | γιατί, διότι, επειδή, Î±Ï†Î¿Ï | because |
Hypothetical | αν, εάν, άμα, σαν | if |
Final | να, για να | so as, (in order)to |
Efficacious | ώστε (να), που | so as, in order to |
Hesitant | μη(ν), μήπως | maybe, perhaps |
Comparative | παÏά | to, than |
The word να ([na]) serves as a generic subordinator corresponding roughly to English to (+ infinitive) or that in sentences like Ï€Ïοτιμώ να πάω ([protiˈmo na ˈpao], 'I prefer to go', literally 'I prefer that I go') or Ï€Ïοτιμώ να πάει ο Γιάννης ([protiˈmo na ˈpai o ˈÊannis], 'I prefer that John go'). It marks the following verb as being in the subjunctive mood. Somewhat similar to the English to-infinitive its use is often associated with meanings of non-factuality, i.e. events that have not (yet) come true, that are expected, wished for etc. In this, it contrasts with ότι [ˈoti] and πως [pos], which correspond to English that when used with a meaning of factuality. The difference can be seen in the contrast between μας είπε να πάμε βόλτα ([mas ˈipe na ˈpame ˈvolta], 'he told us to go for a walk') vs. μας είπε πως πήγε βόλτα ([mas ˈipe pos ˈpiÊe ˈvolta], 'he told us that he went for a walk'). When used on its own with a following verb, να may express a wish or order, as in να πάει! ([na ˈpai], 'let him go' or 'may he go'). Unlike the other subordinating conjunctions, να is always immediately followed by the verb it governs, separated from it only by any clitics that might be attached to the verb, but not by a subject or other clause-initial material.
For sentence negation, Greek has two distinct negation particles, δε(ν) ([ˈðe(n)], de(n)) and μη(ν)[note 1] ([ˈmi(n)], mi(n)). Δεν is used in clauses with indicative mood, while μην is used primarily in subjunctive contexts, either after subjunctive-inducing να or as a negative replacement for να. Both particles are syntactically part of the proclitic group in front of the verb, and can be separated from the verb only by intervening clitic pronouns.[17] The distinction between δεν and μην is a particularly archaic feature in Greek, continuing an old prohibitive negation marker inherited from Indo-European.[18] As such, μην is often associated with the expression of a wish for an event not to come true:
- Δεν του ζήτησα να ÎÏθει. (Den tou zitisa na erthei, "I didn't ask him to come.")
- Του ζήτησα να μην ÎÏθει. (Tou zitisa na min erthei, "I asked him not to come.")
When used alone with a subjunctive verb in the second person, prohibitive μην serves as the functional equivalent to a negative imperative, which itself cannot be negated. Thus, the negation of the positive imperative Ï„ÏÎξε ([ˈtrekse], 'run!') is μην Ï„ÏÎξεις ([min ˈtreksis], 'don't run!').
The particle όχι serves as the stand-alone utterance of negation ('no'), and also for negation of elliptical, verbless sentences and for contrastive negation of individual constituents:
- Κάλεσα την ΜαÏία, όχι τον ΓιώÏγο. (Kalesa tin Maria, ochi ton Giorgo, "I invited Mary, not George.")
For constituent negation, Greek employs negative concord. The negated constituent is marked with a negative-polarity item (e.g. κανÎνας 'any, anybody/nobody', τίποτα 'anything/nothing', πουθενα 'anywhere/nowhere'), and the verb is additionally marked with the sentence negator δεν (or μην).[19] In verbless, elliptical contexts the negative-polarity items can also serve to express negation alone.
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||||
Nominative Genitive Accusative |
κανÎνας or κανείς κανενός κανÎναν[note 1] |
[-enas] or [-is] [-enos] [-enan] |
καμία καμιάς καμία |
[-mia] [-mias] [-mia] |
κανÎνα κανενός κανÎνα |
[-ena] [-enos] [-ena] |
The negative pronoun κανείς ([kaˈnis], kaneis), i.e. nobody or anybody is declined in all three genders and three cases and can be used as the English determiner no.
- Δεν θÎλω κανÎναν εδώ. (Den thelo kanenan edo, "I want nobody here.")
- —Είναι κανείς εδώ; —Όχι, κανείς. (—Einai kaneis edo? —Ochi, kaneis, "'Is anyone here?' 'No, nobody.'")
- Δεν Îκανα κανÎνα λάθος. (Den ekana kanena lathos, "I have made no mistake.")
On the other hand, the negative pronoun ουδείς ([uˈðis], oudeis), from the learned tradition of Ancient Greek, is used without negative concord:
- Ουδείς πείστηκε. (Oudeis peistike, "No one was convinced.")
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||||
Nominative Genitive Accusative |
ουδείς ουδενός ουδÎνα |
[-is] [-enos] [-ena] |
ουδεμία ουδεμιάς ουδεμία(ν) |
[-mia] [-mias] [-mia(n)] |
ουδÎν ουδενός ουδÎν |
[-en] [-enos] [-en] |
Relative clauses
Greek has two different ways of forming relative clauses. The simpler and by far the more frequent uses the invariable relativizer που ([pu], 'that', literally 'where'), as in: η γυναίκα που είδα χτες ([i Êiˈneka pu ˈiða xtes], 'the woman that I saw yesterday'). When the relativized element is a subject, object or adverbial within the relative clause, then – as in English – it has no other overt expression within the relative clause apart from the relativizer. Some other types of relativized elements, however, such as possessors, are represented within the clause by a resumptive pronoun, as in: η γυναίκα που βÏήκα την τσάντα της (/i Êiˈneka pu ˈvrika tin ˈtÍ¡sanda tis/, 'the woman whose handbag I found', literally 'the woman that I found her handbag').
The second and more formal form of relative clauses employs complex inflected relative pronouns. They are composite elements consisting of the definite article and a following pronominal element that is inflected like an adjective: ο οποίος, η οποία, το οποίο ([o oˈpios, i oˈpia, to oˈpio] etc., literally 'the which'). Both elements are inflected for case, number and gender according to the grammatical properties of the relativized item within the relative clause, as in: η γυναίκα την οποία είδα χτες ([i Êiˈneka tin oˈpia ˈiða xtes], 'the woman whom I saw yesterday'); η γυναίκα της οποίας βÏήκα την τσάντα ([i Êiˈneka tis oˈpias ˈvrika tin ˈtÍ¡sanda], 'the woman whose handbag I found').
- ↑ Geoffrey Horrocks, Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, Longman, New York, 1997, ISBN 0582307090, p. 364
- ↑ (Greek) ΓεώÏγιος Μπαμπινιώτης (5 December 1999). "Τι γλώσσα μιλάμε". Τα ÎÎα; Retrieved June 2012
- ↑ Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997, §C.5.2
- ↑ Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997, §C.
- ↑ Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997, §C.2.11
- ↑ Joseph 1994
- ↑ Robert Browning, Medieval and Modern Greek, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, 1983, ISBN 0521299780
- ↑ Lindstedt 1998
- 1 2 ΚαÏανικόλας, Α. κά., Îεοελληνική ΓÏαμματική:ΑναπÏοσαÏμογή της μικÏής νεοελληνικής γÏαμματικής του Μανόλη ΤÏιανταφυλλίδη, ΟÏγανισμός Εκδόσεως Διδακτικών Βιβλίων, Αθήνα, 2004, pp. 22–26
- ↑ (Greek) Portal for the Greek Language: νόμος της Ï„Ïισυλλαβίας Retrieved June 2012
- ↑ Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997, §B.7.3–4
- ↑ Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997, §C.2.2
- ↑ ΧÏ. ΚλαίÏης, Γ. Μπαμπινιώτης, ΓÏαμματική της ÎÎας Ελληνικής: ΔομολειτουÏγική–Επικοινωνιακή, Ελληνικά ΓÏάμματα, Αθήνα, 2004, ISBN 9604068121
- 1 2 B.F.C. Atkinson, The Greek Language, Cambridge University Press, Second Edition, October 1933, p. 316
- ↑ (Greek) §§ α & β, ΧαÏαλαμπάκης, Χ. (1997; 1999), ΘÎματα ιστοÏίας της ελληνικής γλώσσας: ΔημιουÏγία της ελληνιστικής κοινής, edited by Îίκος Παντελίδης, 2007, Î Ïλη για την Ελληνική γλώσσα Retrieved May 2012
- ↑ (Greek) Παπαναστασίου, Γ. (2001), ΘÎματα ιστοÏίας της ελληνικής γλώσσας: ΔημιουÏγία της ελληνιστικής κοινής, edited by Îίκος Παντελίδης, 2007, Î Ïλη για την Ελληνική γλώσσα Retrieved May 2012
- ↑ B.D. Joseph, I. Philippaki-Warburton, Modern Greek, Great Britain, 1987, ISBN 0709914520, p. 62
- ↑ Wackernagel, Jacob (2009). Lectures on syntax, with special reference to Greek, Latin, and Germanic. Edited by David Langslow. Oxford: University Press. p. §11.258.
- ↑ B.D. Joseph, I. Philippaki-Warburton, Modern Greek, Great Britain, 1987, ISBN 0709914520, p. 65
- Hardy, D. A. and Doyle, T. A. Greek language and people, BBC Books, 1996. ISBN 0-563-16575-8
- Holton, David; Mackridge, Peter; Philippaki-Warburton, Irini (1997). Greek: A comprehensive grammar of the modern language. London: Routledge.
- Holton, David; Mackridge, Peter; Philippaki-Warburton, Irini (1998). Grammatiki tis ellinikis glossas. Athens: Pataki. [Greek translation of Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997]
- Holton, David; Mackridge, Peter; Philippaki-Warburton, Irini (2004). Greek: An essential grammar of the modern language. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-23210-4. [abridged version of Holton, Mackridge & Philippaki-Warburton 1997]
- Joseph, Brian D. (1994). "On weak subjects and pro-drop in Greek". In Philippaki-Warburton, Irini. Themes in Greek Linguistics (Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Reading, September 1993) (PDF). Amsterdam: Benjamins. pp. 21–32.
- Lindstedt, Jouko (1998). "On the Balkan Linguistic Type". Studia Slavica Finlandensia 15: 91–101.
- Lindstedt, J. 1999. "On the Nature of Linguistic Balkanisms". Paper read at the Eighth International Congress of the International Association of Southeast European Studies (AIESEE), Bucharest 24-28 August 1999.
- ΜαÏινÎτα, Δ. and Παπαχειμώνα, Δ. Ελληνικά ΤώÏα, Nostos, 1992. ISBN 960-85137-0-7
- Pappageotes, G. C. and Emmanuel, P. D. Modern Greek in a nutshell, Institute for language study, Montclair, N.J. 07042, Funk & Wagnalls, New York, 1958; "Vest Pocket Modern Greek", Owlets, 1990, ISBN 0-8050-1510-8, ISBN 0-8489-5106-9
- Pring, J. T. The Pocket Oxford Greek Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-19-860327-4
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