Montenegrin municipal election, 2004
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Montenegrin municipal elections were held in 2004.
Herceg Novi
Round One
- Registered voters: 23,490
- Votes: 14,750
- Valid votes: 11,660 (97.9%)
- Invalid votes: 255 (2.1%)
- Turnout: 62.8%
- Stanko Zloković - 5,931 (41.3%)
- Dejan Mandić - 5,326 (37.1%)
- Vasilije Ilić - 1,201 (8.4%)
- Savo Zarubica - 593 (4.1%)
- Nada Setenčić - 489 (3.4%)
- Helena Vučetić - 405 (2.8%)
- Olivera Doklestić - 405 (2.8%)
Round Two
- Registered voters: 23,490
- Votes: 15,952
- Valid votes: 15,694 (98.4%)
- Turnout: 67.9%
- Dejan Mandić - 8,402 (53.5%)
- Stanko Zloković - 7,292 (46.5%)
- Registered voters: 23,437
- Votes: 14,713
- Valid votes: 14,203 (96.6%)
- Invalid votes: 510 (3.4%)
- Turnout: 62.68%
Party | Votes | % | Seats |
SNP - SNS - SRS, "Together for Herceg Novi, Our Town" (СНП - СНС - СРС, "Заједно за Херцег Нови, наш град") | 5,519 | 38.9% | 15 |
"DPS-SDP for Herceg Novi" ("ДПС-СДП за Херцег Нови") | 4,093 | 28.8% | 11 |
"People's Party - Dr Vasilije Ilić" ("Народна странка - др Василије Илић") | 1,145 | 8.1% | 3 |
Democratic Serb Party - Dr Božidar Bojović and Dr Nada Setenčić (Демократска српска странка - др Божидар Бојовић и др Нада Сетенчић) | 701 | 4.9% | 2 |
"A Recognizable Herceg Novi - Savo Zarubica" ("Препознатљив Херцег Нови - Саво Зарубица") | 642 | 4.5% | 1 |
"New People for Our Novi" Liberal Alliance of Montenegro ("Нови људи за наш Нови" Либерални савез Црне Горе) | 612 | 4.3% | 1 |
Civic Party - "Herceg Novi to Citizens" (Грађанска партија - "Херцег Нови грађанима") | 602 | 4.2% | 1 |
Democratic Party of Montenegro Herceg Novi (Демократска странка Црне Горе Херцег Нови) | 519 | 3.7% | 1 |
Labour Party of Montenegro (Лабуристичка партија Црне Горе) | 198 | 1.4% | 0 |
NSS of Montenegro "For a Herceg Novi with Heart and Mind" (НСС Црне Горе "За Херцег Нови са срцем и разумом") | 172 | 1.2% | 0 |
Round One
- Registered voters: 17,301
- Votes: 10,793
- Valid votes: 10,396 (96.3%)
- Invalid votes: 396 (3.7%)
- Turnout: 62.4%
- Marija Ćatović - 4,464 (42.9%)
- Branko Ivanović - 3,583 (34.5%)
- Andrija Popović - 1,331 (12.8%)
- Emil Kriještorac - 556 (5.3%)
- Dragica Perović - 462 (4.4%)
Round Two
- Registered voters: 17,301
- Votes: 10,259
- Valid votes: 10,010 (97.6%)
- Invalid votes: 249 (2.4%)
- Turnout: 59.3%
- Marija Ćatović - 5,218 (52.1%)
- Branko Ivanović - 4,792 (47.9%)
- Registered voters: 17,301
- Votes: 10,793
- Valid votes: 10,323 (95.6%)
- Invalid votes: 470 (4.4%)
- Turnout: 62.4%
Party | Votes | % | Seats |
Democratic Party of Socialists-Social Democratic Party | 3,711 | 35.9% | 14 |
Socialist People's Party | 2,611 | 25.3% | 9 |
Liberal Party | 1,010 | 9.8% | 3 |
Croatian Civic Initiative | 643 | 6.2% | 2 |
Serb People's Party | 619 | 6% | 2 |
People's Party | 590 | 5.7% | 2 |
Democratic Serb Party | 446 | 4.3% | 1 |
Civic Party | 282 | 2.7% | 0 |
Liberal Alliance | 221 | 2.1% | 0 |
Serbian Radical Party "Vojislav Šešelj" | 180 | 1.7% | 0 |
Round One
- Registered voters: 10,495
- Votes: 6,062
- Valid votes: 5,870 (96.8%)
- Invalid votes: 175 (2.9%)
- Turnout: 57.8%
- Miodrag Kankaraš - 2,378 (40.5%)
- Lj. Samardžić - 1,725 (29.4%)
- Z. Petković - 1,305 (22.2%)
- V. Kovačević - 361 (6.1%)
- Radoš Gospić - 118 (2%)
Round Two
- Registered voters: 10,495
- Votes: 6,031
- Valid votes: 5,834 (96.7%)
- Invalid votes: 197 (3.3%)
- Turnout: 57.5%
- Miodrag Kankaraš - 3,158 (54.1%)
- Lj. Samardžić - 2,676 (45.9%)
- Registered voters: 10,495
- Votes: 6,062
- Valid votes: 5,861 (96.7%)
- Invalid votes: 201 (3.3%)
- Turnout: 57.8%
Party | Votes | % | Seats |
DPS, SDP and DPZSCG - For a European Tivat (ДПС, СДП и ДПЗСЦГ - За европски Тиват) | 1,962 | 33.48% | 11 |
We Can, Tivat Wants - SNP, SNS (Мо можемо, Тиват хоће - СНП, СНС) | 1,347 | 22.98% | 8 |
Croatian Civic Initiative (Хрватска грађанска иницијатива) | 1,045 | 17.8% | 6 |
Tivat Liberals - What else! (Тиватски Либерали - Него што!) | 458 | 7.81% | 2 |
Democratic Serb Party (Демократска српска странка) | 410 | 7% | 2 |
People's Party (Народна странка) | 341 | 5.82% | 2 |
Serbian Radical Party Dr Vojislav Šešelj (Српска радикална странка др Војислав Шешељ) | 183 | 3.12% | 1 |
Civic Group Mr Radoš Gospić (Грађанска група мр Радош Госпић) | 83 | 1.42% | 0 |
NSS CG (НСС ЦГ) | 32 | 0.5% | 0 |
- Registered voters: 3,405
- Votes: 2,892
- Valid votes: 2,863 (99%)
- Invalid votes: 29 (1%)
- Turnout: 84.9%
- Isailo Šljivančanin - 1,513 (52.8%)
- Uroš Stijepović - 1,350 (47.2%)
- Registered voters: 3,405
- Votes: 2,892
- Valid votes: 2,785 (96.3%)
- Invalid votes: 107 (3.7%)
- Turnout: 84.9%
Party | Votes | % | Seats |
Democratic Party of Socialists | 1,158 | 41.6% | 14 |
Socialist People's Party-People's Socialist Party-Serbian Radical Party | 791 | 28.4% | 10 |
Democratic Serb Party | 293 | 10.5% | 3 |
People's Party | 231 | 8.3% | 2 |
Serb People's Party | 141 | 5.1% | 1 |
Social Democratic Party | 141 | 5.1% | 1 |
Liberal Alliance | 30 | 1.1% | 0 |
External links
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 09, 2013. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.