Municipalities of Yucatán

The Mexican state of Yucatán is made up of 106 municipios (municipalities), organized into 7 administrative regions.[1][2] Most of the names of the municipalities come from the Yucatec Maya language, which is still spoken by more of 30% of the population, according to INEGI (2000).

Municipalities of Yucatán by region
Region INEGI
Municipality Municipal seat Population
Region 2 Noroeste 001 Abalá Abalá 5,976
Region 2 Noroeste 002 Acanceh Acanceh 14,312
Region 7 Sur 003 Akil Akil 9,765
Region 2 Noroeste 004 Baca Baca 5,357
Region 4 Litoral centro 005 Bokobá Bokobá 1,958
Region 5 Noreste 006 Buctzotz Buctzotz 8,379
Region 4 Litoral centro 007 Cacalchén Cacalchén 6,399
Region 5 Noreste 008 Calotmul Calotmul 3,839
Region 4 Litoral centro 009 Cansahcab Cansahcab 4,738
Region 6 Oriente 010 Cantamayec Cantamayec 2,283
Region 1 Poniente 011 Celestún Celestún 6,269
Region 5 Noreste 012 Cenotillo Cenotillo 3,540
Region 2 Noroeste 013 Conkal Conkal 8,495
Region 6 Oriente 014 Cuncunul Cuncunul 1,503
Region 3 Centro 015 Cuzamá Cuzamá 4,800
Region 6 Oriente 016 Chacsinkín Chacsinkín 2,577
Region 6 Oriente 017 Chankom Chankom 4,340
Region 7 Sur 018 Chapab Chapab 2,922
Region 6 Oriente 019 Chemax Chemax 30,023
Region 2 Noroeste 020 Chicxulub Pueblo Chicxulub 3,848
Region 6 Oriente 021 Chichimilá Chichimilá 7,439
Region 6 Oriente 022 Chikindzonot Chikindzonot 4,045
Region 1 Poniente 023 Chocholá Chocholá 4,339
Region 7 Sur 024 Chumayel Chumayel 2,937
Region 7 Sur 025 Dzán Dzán 4,587
Region 4 Litoral centro 026 Dzemul Dzemul 3,263
Region 4 Litoral centro 027 Dzidzantún Dzidzantún 8,165
Region 4 Litoral centro 028 Dzilam de Bravo Dzilam de Bravo 2,248
Region 4 Litoral centro 029 Dzilam González Dzilam González 5,841
Region 6 Oriente 030 Dzitás Dzitás 3,443
Region 4 Litoral centro 031 Dzoncauich Dzoncauich 2,782
Region 5 Noreste 032 Espita Espita 14,432
Region 1 Poniente 033 Halachó Halachó 18,125
Region 3 Centro 034 Hocabá Hocabá 5,824
Region 3 Centro 035 Hoctún Hoctún 5,586
Region 3 Centro 036 Homún Homún 6,951
Region 3 Centro 037 Huhí Huhí 4,497
Region 1 Poniente 038 Hunucmá Hunucmá 28,100
Region 2 Noroeste 039 Ixil Ixil 3,598
Region 3 Centro 040 Izamal Izamal 24,334
Region 2 Noroeste 041 Kanasín Kanasín 51,774
Region 3 Centro 042 Kantunil Kantunil 5,362
Region 6 Oriente 043 Kaua Kaua 2,556
Region 1 Poniente 044 Kinchil Kinchil 5,964
Region 1 Poniente 045 Kopomá Kopomá 2,217
Region 7 Sur 046 Mama Mama 2,697
Region 7 Sur 047 Maní Maní 4,867
Region 1 Poniente 048 Maxcanú Maxcanú 20,830
Region 7 Sur 049 Mayapán Mayapán 2,972
Region 2 Noroeste 050 Mérida Mérida 781,146
Region 2 Noroeste 051 Mocochá Mocochá 2,915
Region 4 Litoral centro 052 Motul Motul de Carrillo Puerto 31,547
Region 7 Sur 053 Muna Muna 11,763
Region 4 Litoral centro 054 Muxupip Muxupip 2,627
Region 1 Poniente 055 Opichén Opichén 5,619
Region 7 Sur 056 Oxkutzcab Oxkutzcab 27,084
Region 5 Noreste 057 Panabá Panabá 7,543
Region 6 Oriente 058 Peto Peto 22,386
Region 2 Noroeste 059 Progreso Progreso 49,454
Region 6 Oriente 060 Quintana Roo Quintana Roo 965
Region 5 Noreste 061 Río Lagartos Río Lagartos 3,272
Region 7 Sur 062 Sacalum Sacalum 4,272
Region 1 Poniente 063 Samahil Samahil 4,764
Region 3 Centro 064 Sanahcat Sanahcat 1,526
Region 5 Noreste 065 San Felipe San Felipe 1,838
Region 7 Sur 066 Santa Elena Santa Elena 3,617
Region 2 Noroeste 067 Seyé Seyé 8,997
Region 4 Litoral centro 068 Sinanché Sinanché 2,972
Region 6 Oriente 069 Sotuta Sotuta 8,081
Region 5 Noreste 070 Sucilá Sucilá 3,714
Region 3 Centro 071 Sudzal Sudzal 1,560
Region 4 Litoral centro 072 Suma de Hidalgo Suma de Hidalgo 1,768
Region 6 Oriente 073 Tahdziú Tahdziú 3,891
Region 2 Noroeste 074 Tahmek Tahmek 3,501
Region 7 Sur 075 Teabo Teabo 5,602
Region 2 Noroeste 076 Tecoh Tecoh 15,438
Region 3 Centro 077 Tekal de Venegas Tekal de Venegas 2,464
Region 3 Centro 078 Tekantó Tekantó 3,780
Region 7 Sur 079 Tekax Tekax de Álvaro Obregón 37,454
Region 7 Sur 080 Tekit Tekit 9,163
Region 6 Oriente 081 Tekom Tekom 2,933
Region 4 Litoral centro 082 Telchac Pueblo Telchac 3,404
Region 4 Litoral centro 083 Telchac Puerto Telchac Puerto 1,626
Region 4 Litoral centro 084 Temax Temax 6,764
Region 6 Oriente 085 Temozón Temozón 14,008
Region 3 Centro 086 Tepakán Tepakán 2,091
Region 1 Poniente 087 Tetiz Tetiz 4,468
Region 3 Centro 088 Teya Teya 1,968
Region 7 Sur 089 Ticul Ticul 35,621
Region 2 Noroeste 090 Timucuy Timucuy 6,351
Region 6 Oriente 091 Tinúm Tinúm 9,960
Region 6 Oriente 092 Tixcacalcupul Tixcacalcupul 6,173
Region 2 Noroeste 093 Tixkokob Tixkokob 16,151
Region 7 Sur 094 Tixméhuac Tixméhuac 4,329
Region 2 Noroeste 095 Tixpéhual Tixpéhual 5,001
Region 5 Noreste 096 Tizimín Tizimín 69,553
Region 3 Centro 097 Tunkás Tunkás 3,421
Region 7 Sur 098 Tzucacab Tzucacab 13,564
Region 6 Oriente 099 Uayma Uayma 2,997
Region 2 Noroeste 100 Ucú Ucú 3,057
Region 2 Noroeste 101 Umán Umán 53,268
Region 6 Oriente 102 Valladolid Valladolid 68,863
Region 3 Centro 103 Xocchel Xocchel 2,935
Region 6 Oriente 104 Yaxcabá Yaxcabá 13,909
Region 2 Noroeste 105 Yaxkukul Yaxkukul 2,656
Region 4 Litoral centro 106 Yobaín Yobaín 2,056


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