National Anthem of El Salvador

Himno Nacional de El Salvador
English: National Anthem of El Salvador

National anthem of  El Salvador

Lyrics Juan José Cañas, 1856
Music Juan Aberle, 1879
Adopted 1879

Music sample
National Anthem of El Salvador performed by the United States Navy Band

"Himno Nacional de El Salvador" (National Anthem of El Salvador) is the national anthem of El Salvador.


The lyrics were written by General Juan José Cañas in 1856, with music composed by the Italian Juan Aberle in 1879. The anthem was adopted on September 15, 1879, and officially approved by the regime on December 11, 1953.


Spanish lyrics English translation
Saludemos la patria orgullosos
De hijos suyos podernos llamar
Y juremos la vida animosos,
Sin descanso a su bien consagrar.


De la paz en la dicha suprema,
Siempre noble soñó El Salvador;
Fue obtenerla su eterno problema,
Conservarla es su gloria mayor.
Y con fe inquebrantable el camino
Del progreso se afana en seguir
Por llenar su grandioso destino,
Conquistarse un feliz porvenir.
Le protege una férrea barrera
Contra el choque de ruin deslealtad,
Desde el día que en su alta bandera
Con su sangre escribió: ¡LIBERTAD!

CORO (Repita)


Libertad es su dogma, es su guía
Que mil veces logró defender;
Y otras tantas, de audaz tiranía
Rechazar el odioso poder.
Dolorosa y sangrienta es su historia,
Pero excelsa y brillante a la vez;
Manantial de legítima gloria,
Gran lección de espartana altivez.
No desmaya en su innata bravura,
En cada hombre hay un héroe inmortal
Que sabrá mantenerse a la altura
De su antiguo valor proverbial.

CORO (Repita)


Todos son abnegados, y fieles
Al prestigio del bélico ardor
Con que siempre segaron laureles
De la patria salvando el honor.
Respetar los derechos extraños
Y apoyarse en la recta razón
Es para ella, sin torpes amaños
Su invariable, más firme ambición.
Y en seguir esta línea se aferra
Dedicando su esfuerzo tenaz,
En hacer cruda guerra a la guerra:
Su ventura se encuentra en la paz.
Let us salute, the Motherland, proudly
To be its children, called we can
And let us swear our lives spiritedly
Without rest to its good, consecrate!


Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness
El Salvador always nobly dreamed.
To achieve this has been Her eternal proposition,
To keep it, Her greatest glory.
With inviolable faith, the path of progress
She strives to follow
To fulfil Her great destiny
And conquer a happy future.
A stern barrier protects Her
Against the clash of vile disloyalty,
Ever since the day when Her soaring Flag,
Wrote Freedom with Its blood.

CHORUS (Repeat)


Freedom is Her dogma and Her guide;
A thousand times She has defended it,
And as many times has She repelled
The hateful power of atrocious tyranny.
Her history has been bloody and sad,
Yet at the same time sublime and brilliant,
A source of legitimate glory
And a great lesson in spartan pride.
Her innate bravery shall not waver:
In every man there is an immortal hero
Who knows how to maintain the level
Of the proverbial valour of old.

CHORUS (Repeat)


All are self-denying and faithful
To the tradition of warlike ardour
With which they have always reaped fame
By saving the Motherland's honour.
To respect the rights of others
And base Her actions on right and justice
Is for Her, without infamous intrigue,
The constant and most firm ambition.
And in following this line She persists,
Dedicating her tenacious efforts
In giving hard battle for battle;
Her happiness is found in peace.

CHORUS (Repeat)[1]


  1. Although there are three verses, only the chorus and first verse are commonly sung.

External links

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