Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1

Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1
Compilation album by Ruja
Released 1999
Genre Progressive rock
Label RUJA/HyperElwood
Ruja chronology
Must lind
Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1
Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2

Need ei vaata tagasi... (These won't look back...) is a 5-CD compilation by Estonian rock band Ruja. The purpose of this project was to release the whole of Ruja's works, although many songs are absent from the compilation.

Osa 1 (Part 1) contains the first 2 CD-s. It is followed by "Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2".

Track listing

CD1: Parandamatu (Irreparable)

  1. Õhtunägemus (Evening vision) (Rannap/Juhan Viiding) – 4:03 (1972)
  2. Tsepeliini triumf (Zeppelin's triumf) (Rannap/Viiding) – 6:14 (1971)
  3. Rukkilõikus (Rye harvest) (Traditional/Viiding) – 3:41 (1972)
  4. Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud (It has all become so quiet) (Rannap/Ernst Enno) – 3:31 (1971)
  5. Noore fotograafi uppumine (The drowning of a young photographer) (Rannap/Viiding) – 3:31 (1973)
  6. Pajats (Zany) (Rannap/Rimmel) – 2:31 (1973)
  7. Enne seda suurt nalja (Before that big joke) (Rannap/Viiding) – 1:42 (1973)
  8. Parandamatu (Irreparable) (Rannap/Viiding) – 2:25 (1973)
  9. Vana auruvedur (Old steam locomotive) (Rannap/Eha Lättemäe) – 3:30 (1974)
  10. Ikaros (Rannap/Ilus) – 4:09 (1975)
  11. Ah, ma teadsin... (Oh, I knew it...) (Rannap/Heiti Talvik) – 2:41 (1973)
  12. Laul näidendist "Protsess" (A song from the play "Process") (Rannap/Komissarov) – 3:45 (1975)
  13. Tütarlaps kloaagis (Young lady in cloaca) (Rannap/Viiding) – 2:24 (1972)
  14. Sügispäev (Autumn day) (Rannap/Sinervo) – 3:23 (1973)
  15. Ülemlaul (Song of songs) (Rannap/Viivi Luik) – 4:57 (1973)
  16. Need ei vaata tagasi (These won't look back) (Rannap/Enno) – 3:59 (1971)
  17. Kel on laulud laulda (Who has songs to sing) (Rannap/Hando Runnel) – 3:38 (1979)
  18. Must lind (Black bird) (Rannap/Karl Eduard Sööt) – 5:33 (1981)
  19. Eesti muld ja Eesti süda (Estonian soil and Estonia's heart) (Rannap/Lydia Koidula) – 3:26 (1982)

CD2: Üle müüri (Over the wall)

  1. Mis saab sellest loomusevalust? (What will become of this pain of human nature) (Nõgisto/Alliksaar) – 7:33 (1976)
  2. Ei mullast (Not from the ground) (Kappel/Runnel) – 2:43 (1978)
  3. Avanemine (Opening) (Tüür/Erkki-Sven Tüür) – 4:19 (1978)
  4. Üleminek (Changeover) (Nõgisto) – 1:55 (1976)
  5. Laul teost (Song of a snail) (Kappel/Viiding) – 2:24 (1977)
  6. Klaperjaht (Chase) (Kappel/Viiding) – 1:11 (1976)
  7. Põhi, lõuna, ida, lääs... (North, South, East, West...) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 6:05 (1978)
  8. Isamaa (Fatherland) (Kappel/Runnel) – 1:07 (1977)
  9. Ajaloo õppetund (A lesson in history) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 2:32 (1978)
  10. Elupõline kaja (Life-indigenous echo) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 4:49 (1978)
  11. Omaette (By itself) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 2:40 (1978)
  12. Ha, ha, ha, ha (Couplet in Estonian) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 4:15 (1978)
  13. Keldrikakand (Rough woodlouse) (Kappel/Runnel) – 0:58 (1977)
  14. Perekondlik (Familial) (Rannap/Runnel) – 3:38 (1979)
  15. Miks on teile jumalat vaja? (Why do you need God?) (Peeter Volkonski/Mati Unt) – 3:19 (1979)
  16. Kassimäng (Cat's play) (Nõgisto) – 2:49 (1977)
  17. Läänemere lained (Wave's of the Baltic Sea) (Nõgisto/Juhan Liiv) – 3:13 (1977)
  18. Üle müüri (Over the wall) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 3:39 (1977)
  19. Kaks pihtimust (Two confessions) (Kappel/Alender) – 7:44 (1976)
  20. Ahtumine (Narrowing) (Kappel/Artur Alliksaar) – 8:03 (1976)

Note: the two last tracks, "Kaks pihtimust" & "Ahtumine", are incorrectly switched on the back cover and in the booklet. There is also another song titled "Ahtumine", which is also on "Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2".



Üle müüri

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