Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2

Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2
Compilation album by Ruja
Released 1999
Genre Progressive rock
Label RUJA/HyperElwood
Ruja chronology
Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1
Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 2

Need ei vaata tagasi... (These won't look back...) is a 5-CD compilation by Estonian rock band Ruja. The purpose of this project was to release the whole of Ruja's works, although many songs are absent from the compilation.

Osa 2 (Part 2) contains the last 3 CD-s. It is preceded by "Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1".

Track listing


  1. Must ronk (Black crow) (Rein Rannap/Ott Arder) – 2:50 (1981)
  2. Leiutaja ja laiutaja (Inventor and boaster [roughly]) (Rannap/Arder) – 1:49 (1981)
  3. Tule metsa (Come to the woods) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:10 (1981)
  4. Kes kellega käib (Who dates who) (Rannap/Arder) – 2:20 (1982)
  5. Aafrika mehed (African men) (Rannap/Juhan Liiv) – 2:06 (1981)
  6. Sa oled mul teine (You're my second) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:19 (1982)
  7. Rahu (Peace) (Rannap/Urmas Alender) – 3:34 (1981)
  8. Õunalaul (Apple song) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:11 (1981)
  9. Tule minuga sööklasse (Come to the diner with me) (Rannap/Arder) – 2:34 (1981)
  10. Dr. Noormann (Rannap/Rannap) – 2:54 (1981)
  11. Suudlus läbi jäätunud klaasi (Kiss through a frozen glass) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:17 (1982)
  12. Igapäevane rock (Everyday rock) (Rannap/Arder) – 2:38 (1982)
  13. Inimene õpib (Human learns) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:28 (1981)
  14. Eile nägin ma Eestimaad (Yesterday I saw Estonia) (Rannap/Liiv, Arder) – 2:13 (1981)
  15. To Mr. Lennon (Alender/Alender) – 3:31 (1981)
  16. Praegu (Now) (Rannap/Juhan Viiding) – 2:19 (1980)
  17. Ars longa (Art long [in Latin, from the saying ars longa, vita brevis (art long, life short)]) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:01 (1982)
  18. Rumal rahutus (Foolish anxiety) (Rannap/Arder) – 2:52 (1982)
  19. Tango (Rannap/Arder) – 3:07 (1982)
  20. Noor teab mis teeb (Young knows what he's doing) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:55 (1982)
  21. Rävala rock (Rannap/Viiding) – 2:38 (1982)
  22. Rujaline roostevaba maailm (Scientific-fictional rust-free world [a word play – "ruja", the name of the band, was also a proposed neologism for "science fiction"]) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:36 (1982)
  23. Mida me räägime teistest (What we talk about others) (Rannap/Arder) – 3:35 (1982)
  24. Head ööd (Good night) (Rannap/Lydia Koidula) – 2:23 (1982)

CD4: Sildade põletajad (Bridge-burners)

  1. Kes meeldida tahab... (Who wants to be liked...) (Igor Garšnek/Liiv) – 2:26 (1985)
  2. Dokumentideta võõras linnas (In a strange town without documents) (Toomas Rull/Alender) – 3:15 (1985)
  3. Mida teeksid siis? (What would you do then?) (Alender, Jaanus Nõgisto, Garšnek/Alender) – 3:29 (1985)
  4. Vaiki kui võid (Be silent if you may) (Alender/Alender) – 3:59 (1985)
  5. Sõbra käsi (Friend's hand) (Alender/Alender) – 3:33 (1985)
  6. Sildade põletajad (Bridge-burners) (Garšnek/Alender) – 3:26 (1985)
  7. Teisel pool vett (On the other side of the water) (Alender/Alender) – 3:16 (1986)
  8. Murtud lilled (Broken flowers) (Garšnek/Hando Runnel) – 3:32 (1986)
  9. Veerev kivi (Rolling stone) (Nõgisto/Vladislav Koržets) – 5:48 (1986)
  10. Oled sa järv? (Are you a lake?) (Garšnek/Alender) – 4:27 (1986)
  11. Lootuselaul (Hope song) (S. P. Gulliver/Alender) – 4:30 (1986)
  12. Kahe näoga Janus (Two-faced Janus) (Alender, Nõgisto, Garšnek/Alender) – 3:07 (1986)
  13. Pime sõda (Blind war) (Garšnek/Alender) – 2:58 (1985)
  14. Meeste laul (Men's song) (Nõgisto/Nõgisto) – 3:37 (1986)
  15. Mis teha? (What to do?) (Garšnek, Nõgisto/Garšnek, Nõgisto) – 3:50 (1987)
  16. Isamaa pale (Face of the fatherland) (Garšnek/Runnel) – 3:11 (1986)
  17. Tulekell (Fire clock) (Garšnek/Alender) – 3:12 (1986)
  18. Eleegia (Elegy) (Alender/Alender) – 3:27 (1985)
  19. Aeg on nagu rong (Time is like a train) (Garšnek/Malle Värk) – 3:25 (1985)
  20. Ahtumine (Narrowing) (Alender, Nõgisto, Garšnek/Artur Alliksaar) – 2:56 (1985)

Note: There is also another song titled "Ahtumine", which is also on "Need ei vaata tagasi... Osa 1".

CD5: Tundmatu RUJA (Unknown RUJA)

  1. Avamäng karjega (Overture with a scream) (Garšnek) – 1:50 (1986)
  2. Ärka otsiv vaim (Wake seeking spirit) (Garšnek/Alender) – 2:45 (1985)
  3. Mu isamaa on minu arm (My fatherland is my love) (Rannap/Koidula) – 2:08 (1982)
  4. Laulu sisu (The content of the song) (Rannap/Koidula) – 4:28 (1984)
  5. Raske aeg (Though time) (Rannap/Viiding) – 2:52 (1980)
  6. Ma mustas öös näen... (In the black night I see...) (Olav Ehala/Viiding) – 2:47 (1980)
  7. Tööaskeldus (Work bustling) (Nõgisto/Mati Unt) – 3:03 (1979)
  8. Meediaaskeldus (Media bustling) (Nõgisto/Unt) – 1:48 (1979)
  9. Rahvalaulufraas (Folksongphrase) (Nõgisto/Viiding) – 4:56 (1979)
  10. Laul surnud linnust (Song of a dead bird) (Ehala/August Sang) – 4:03 (1980)
  11. Killud toovad õnne (Shards bring luck) (Rannap/Arder) – 4:37 (1982)
  12. Käsi (Hand) (Rannap/Arder) – 2:59 (1982)
  13. Aeg (Time) (Rannap/Runnel) – 6:43 (1983)
  14. Viru vanne (Viru vow) (Rannap/Runnel) – 3:18 (1983)
  15. Oota mind (Wait for me) (Andres Valkonen/Leelo Tungal) – 3:09 (1985)
  16. Ih-ih-hii ja ah-ah-haa (He-he-hee and ha-ha-ha) (Garšnek, Alender, S. P. Gulliver/Alender) – 3:48 (1988)
  17. Päikeselapsed (Children of the Sun) (Nõgisto/Nõgisto) – 4:01 (1987)
  18. Kui mõtled enda pääle (When you think about yourself) (Nõgisto/Runnel) – 3:37 (1982)
  19. Laul võimalusest (Song of a chance) (Ehala/Sang) – 3:52 (1980)
  20. Luigelaul (Swan song) (Garšnek/Alender) – 3:58 (1987)
  21. Nii vaikseks kõik on jäänud (1985) (It has all become so quiet) (Rannap/Ernst Enno) – 1:51 (1971/1985)



Sildade põletajad

Tundmatu RUJA

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