Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
In the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, the following works are published:
State archives of Assyria cuneiform texts
The following works are published in the series: State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts:
- 1997–SAACT-Volume I..---The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, by Simo Parpola, 1997.
- 2001–SAACT-Volume II..--The Standard Babylonian Etana Epic, by Jamie R. Novotny, 2001.
State archives of Assyria studies
The following works are published in the series: State Archives of Assyria Studies:
- 1992–SAAS-Volume I..----Neuassyrische Glyptik des 8.-7.Jh. v. Chr. unter besonderer Berūcksichtigung der Siegelungen auf Tafeln und Tonverschlŭsse, by Suzanne Herbordt, 1992.
- 1994–SAAS-Volume II..---The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910–612 BC, by Alan Millard, 1994.
- 1995–SAAS-Volume III..--The Use of Numbers and Quantifications in the Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, by Marco De Odorico, 1995.
- 1996–SAAS-Volume IV..--Nippur in Late Assyrian Times c. 755–612 BC, by Steven W. Cole, 1996.
- 1996–SAAS-Volume V..---Neo-Assyrian Judicial Procedures, by Remko Jas, 1996.
- 1997–SAAS-Volume VI..--Die neuassyrischen Privatrechtsurkunden als Quelle fŭr Mensch und Umwelt, by Karen Radner, 1997.
- 1998–SAAS-Volume VII..-References to Prophecy in Neo-Assyrian Sources, by Martti Nissinen, 1998.
- 1998–SAAS-Volume VIII..-Die Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr. nach Prismenfragmenten aus Nineve und Assur, by Andreas Fuchs, 1998.
- 1999–SAAS-Volume IX..---The Role of Naqia/Zakutu in Sargonid Politics, by Sarah C. Melville, 1999.
- 1999–SAAS-Volume X..----Herrschaftswissen in Mesopotamien: Formen der Kommunikation zwischen Gott und Kǒnig im 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr, by Beate Pongratz-Leisten, 1999.
- 2000–SAAS-Volume XI..---The King's Magnates; A Study of the Highest Officials of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, by Raija Mattila, 2000.
- 2000–SAAS-Volume XII..--A Survey of Neo-Elamite History, by Matthew W. Waters, 2000.
- 2000–SAAS-Volume XIII..-A Sketch of Neo-Assyrian Grammar, by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, 2000.
See also
- Cole, S. Nippur in Late Assyrian Times, c. 755-612 BC, by Steven W. Cole, (The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, University of Helsinki, by Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy, Finland), c 1996.
- Novotny, J. The Standard Babylonian Etana Epic, by Jamie R. Novotny, (University of Helsinki, Ibid.), c 2001.
External links
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