Osaka Chinese School

Osaka Chinese School
The Osaka Chinese School is a Chinese international school in Naniwa-ku, Osaka, Japan.[1] It serves grades 1-9Ú.[2]
In 1986 Chang Hwei-chin, then the school principal, stated that every year students of the Chinese school's junior high school entered Japanese senior high schools after passing entrance examinations for admission. During the 1980s the school had experienced financial difficulties and principal Chang stated that the school had a "survival problem" in 1986.[3]
The government of Osaka Prefecture classifies the school as a "miscellaneous school".[4] The municipal government of Osaka allows OCS graduates who are Chinese citizens and people of Chinese descent to sit for public high school examinations, but the government has refused the same permission to OCS graduates who are Japanese citizens not of Chinese descent.[5]
See also
Japanese international schools in Taiwan, Republic of China:
Further reading
- 二宮 一郎. "創立53年をむかえた大阪中華学校--1999年10月10日運動会見学記." Journal of Taiwan Studies (現代台湾研究) (19), 95-104, 2000-03. 台湾史研究会. See profile at CiNii.
- "民族学校を訪ねて(2)大阪中華学校." Sai 42, 31-33, 2002. 大阪国際理解教育研究センタ-. See profile at CiNii.
External links
| Osaka/Osaka area | Closed |
- Sakai Korean Elementary School (堺朝鮮初級学校)
- Senshu Korean Elementary School (JA)
| Kobe area | Closed |
- Akashi Korean Elementary School (JA)
- Amagasaki East Korean Elementary School (JA)
- Takarazuka Korean Elementary School (JA)
Norwegian School
| Kyoto | Closed/Merged/Renamed |
- Maizuru Korean Elementary and Junior High School (JA)
- Kyoto Korean No. 1 Elementary School (JA)
- Kyoto Korean No. 3 Elementary School (JA) which may now be Kyoto Korean ES
| Schools with asterisks " (*)" are recognized as Article 1 private schools under the School Education Act. Some schools may need to be designated as such. Schools that are not recognized under Article 1 are categorized as " miscellaneous schools". |