Manyame River
The Manyame River, also known as Panhame and formerly as Hunyani is a river located in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, and a tributary of the Zambezi River.[1]
| | | Rivers | |
| Landforms |
- Mhembwe hills
- Horseshoe hills
| Settlements | |
| Protected areas |
- Mwari Raphia Palm Botanical Reserve
- Tingwa Raphia Palm Botanical Reserve
| Education |
- Chapoto Primary School
- Chapoto Secondary School
- Chifamba Secondary School
- Kabvuma Primary School
- Hambe Primary School
- Magwenya Secondary School
- Magaya Secondary School
- Makwatsine Primary School
- Makuvatsine Secondary School
- Mhokwe Primary School
- Nyamhondoro Seconadry School
- Nyakapupu Secondary School
- Kondo Seconadry School
- St. Francis Secondary School
- Mushumbi High School
- Mushumbi Primary School
- Howard high school
- Gwakwe Primary School
- Mushoshoma Primary school
- Mushoshoma Secondary School
| Culture and sport | |
| Notable people | |
| Constituencies |
- Guruve North
- Guruve South
- Guruve senatorial constituency
 Mbire District |
| | | Rivers | |
| Settlements | |
| Protected areas | |
| Notable people | |