Phi Delta Chi

Phi Delta Chi
Founded November 2, 1883
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
Type Professional Pharmacy

Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget

"Each Needs the Help of the Other"
Colors Old Gold and Dregs of wine
Flower Red Carnation
Chapters 95
Headquarters 116 N Lafayette, Suite B
South Lyon, Michigan, United States of America

Phi Delta Chi (ΦΔΧ) was founded on 2 November 1883 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor by 11 men, led by Dean Albert B. Prescott. The fraternity was formed to advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its brothers, now both male and female.



Phi Delta Chi develops leaders to advance the profession of pharmacy. Phi Delta Chi, a lifelong experience, promotes scholastic, professional and social growth in its Brothers. Brothers strive to provide quality services to their patients, thereby advancing public health.


Phi Delta Chi Brothers seek enhanced professional and personal success. Phi Delta Chi helps both pharmacy students and pharmacists improve personal and professional skills, inspiring confidence and character and providing insight into human nature. Phi Delta Chi encourages Brothers to develop as leaders, as excellent pharmacists and well-rounded citizens. Excellent pharmacists are the most important product of Phi Delta Chi. In this union, they are Brothers for life.

Phi Delta Chi Brothers aim to improve the health of their patients through the delivery of optimal pharmaceutical care. By training, educating, preparing, and connecting excellent pharmacists, Phi Delta Chi advances public health and the profession.


As a national organization, Phi Delta Chi develops programs to better serve Brothers, the Pharmacy profession and society. Brothers are bonded by the fraternity to grow as pharmacists and citizens, for the benefit of all. Phi Delta Chi strives to strengthen the local and national bonds with alumni Brothers across the country.


Since 1883, Phi Delta Chi has worked to advance the profession of pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its Brothers. Phi Delta Chi continues to be a valuable resource for the profession.

Primary programs that improve Brothers, their communities and beyond include:

History of Phi Delta Chi

On November 2, 1883, 11 men at the University of Michigan formed the fraternity. At that time, there were a number of literary societies at Michigan, but Phi Delta Chi's founders believed something should be organized exclusively for the College of Pharmacy. A Quotation from the early records reads: "Both students and faculty recognized that such an organization would bring students of pharmacy together for the discussion of scientific questions pertaining to pharmacy and its sister sciences."

Albert Benjamin Prescott (1832–1905) then Dean of College of Pharmacy at Michigan, encouraged the 11 founders in the formation of the society. He was made the first honorary member and then served as the group's sponsor. Dean Prescott's name has been associated with the highest and finest traditions and awards of the fraternity throughout the years. Prescott is to this day considered an innovator in pharmaceutical education.

The Communicator, the official publication for Phi Delta Chi was first published nationally in 1906 and has been published regularly since. Today, The Communicator is published four times a year.

Phi Delta Chi originally accepted only men in the fields of pharmacy and chemistry, the latter including both chemistry majors and chemical engineers. During the depression days of 1928-1933, however, difficulties arose because the fraternity was serving two professions. As a result, membership requirements changed to include pharmacy only. It has been a matter of considerable pride to Phi Delta Chi brothers that the organization not only be kept intact through wars and economic crises, but that brothers also come forward to carry on the work of the organization and to expand it. Since being founded in 1883, Phi Delta Chi has chartered more than 70 collegiate Chapters and has welcomed more than 50,000 men and women.

Centennial celebrations in 1983 culminated with the dedication of a plaque at the University of Michigan School of Pharmacy, commemorating Phi Delta Chi's first 100 years of accomplishments. Today, the Alpha Chapter hosts brothers from every chapter annually on November 2, to celebrate the founding of Phi Delta Chi in 1883. Since the late 1980s, many new chapters have been founded and that number is continuing to due to the rapid expansion of new schools of pharmacy in the 1990s and 2000s. Phi Delta Chi also hosts an annual leadership development seminar, which members attend to gain key skills.

Well-known Members of Phi Delta Chi

Collegiate Chapters

Phi Delta Chi Facts

Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute (PLEI)

Phi Delta Chi’s 60th Grand Council (Memphis, 1995) authorized the Fraternity's Executive Council to establish a not-for-profit foundation to advance the leadership, educational, and other benevolent missions of the Fraternity. This charge was fulfilled in the creation of the Pharmacy Leadership & Education Institute, Inc. (PLEI), which held the inaugural meeting of its Board of Directors during APhA's 143rd Annual Meeting in Nashville, March 1996.

The Institute is the Fraternity’s charitable and educational arm, advancing the Fraternity’s mission of training pharmacy’s future leaders. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes the Institute as a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The PLEI coordinates the Prescott Pharmacy Leadership Award, the Leader Development Seminar, and other educational events for the Fraternity’s Brothers and other members of the pharmacy profession. The Institute is led by a Board of Directors of distinguished Brothers and colleagues. The Grand President, Grand Past President, and Executive Director serve ex officio on the PLEI Board of Directors.

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