Phi Delta Epsilon

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity
Founded October 1, 1904 (1904-10-01)
Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University
Type Professional fraternity
Emphasis Medicine
Mission statement To foster and achieve bonding among physicians of high moral character devoted to education and philanthropy for a lifetime.
Motto Facta Non Verba, Deeds Not Words
Colors Purple and Ivory          
Jewel Amethyst and Pearl
Headquarters 2655 Collins Avenue, Suite 912
Miami, Florida, USA

Phi Delta Epsilon (ΦΔΕ) is an international medical fraternity.[1]


In October 1904, Aaron Brown and eight of his friends founded Phi Delta Epsilon at Cornell University Medical College. During the first decade of this century there were many doors closed to Jewish medical students and physicians, doors which would not fully open until after World War II. In 1904, it was not uncommon for American medical schools to have quotas limiting admission of Jewish students, and medical fraternities. So Aaron Brown and his friends decided they would start their own fraternal organization, guided by the precepts of philanthropy, deity, and equity.

The success of the Cornell chapter soon led to the organization of other chapters in the East and Midwest. In 1918, Phi Delta Epsilon amalgamated with Alpha Phi Sigma, a medical fraternity organized in 1908, whose ideals and principles were similar to those of PhiDE. Its chapters were in the Midwest and West, making for an ideal union.

Following the amalgamation, the United States was divided into districts and, by 1930, enough members had graduated from medical schools allowing for the formation of graduate clubs. In 1926, an Endowment Fund was started giving the Fraternity long-term stability. In the 1940s the Aaron Brown Lectureship Program was begun and has remained a vital chapter event through the years.

In the late 1960s, the Fraternity opened its membership to women and encouraged recruitment of medical students of all races, nationalities and religious beliefs. The past 25 years have seen the Fraternity's membership become diverse, reflecting the diversity of the medical profession today. The addition of the premedical affiliation in 1994 at Binghamton University rounded out the Fraternity's membership, which now spans an entire lifetime of medical education and practice.


The pin, the emblem of Phi Delta Epsilon, is a three lettered one, forming the Greek letters Phi, Delta and Epsilon. Joining the Phi and the Epsilon is a bow, emblematic of friendship. In the center of the bow is a ruby in honor of Alpha, the mother Chapter organized at Cornell. The sides of the Delta are set with pearls and the angles with amethysts. These are the colors of the Phi Delta Epsilon - purple and ivory. These stones are identical in all Chapters. From the Delta to the bow is a torch, the torch of knowledge, with which ignorance is dispelled. The center of the Delta is empty but as occasion demands various stones be placed therein in order to designate successful completion of a term in a specific office.

The seal of the Fraternity consists of the scales of justice (with the hopes that the member will keep at an even balance) with the letters Phi, Delta and Epsilon on the sides and at the bottom. The scale is balanced upon a caduceus with a Delta as its base. Above the scale are the spread wings of the Phoenix, a bird which is said never to die, signifying an everlasting life for Phi Delta Epsilon. The letter Alpha appears beside the left wing and the letter Sigma beside the right. Above the center of the wings is a star containing the letter Phi. These letters, Alpha, Phi and Sigma represent the amalgamation with Alpha Phi Sigma Fraternity in 1918.


Medical Chapter University Location Date Founded
Alpha Cornell University Ithaca, NY 1904
Beta New York University Manhattan, NY 1905
Gamma Columbia University Manhattan, NY 1905
Zeta SUNY Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, NY 1906
Theta Fordham University Bronx, NY 1907
Iota College of Physicians and Surgeons Baltimore, MD 1907
Kappa Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 1907
Lambda Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 1907
Mu Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, PA 1916
Nu University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 1911
Xi Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL 1913
Omicron New York Medical College Manhattan, NY 1913
Rho Harvard University Boston, MA 1916
Sigma Temple University Philadelphia, PA 1916
Tau SUNY Upstate Medical University Syracuse, NY 1919
Upsilon Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 1919
Phi University of Louisville Louisville, KY 1921
Chi Ohio State University Columbus, OH 1921
Psi George Washington University Washington, DC 1920
Omega University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 1921
Alpha Alpha University of Illinois Chicago, IL 1918
Alpha Beta Northwestern University Chicago, IL 1918
Alpha Gamma Rush Medical College Chicago, IL 1918
Alpha Delta Wayne State University Detroit, MI 1918
Alpha Epsilon University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA 1979
Alpha Zeta College of Physicians and Surgeons San Francisco, CA 1918
Alpha Eta University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 1918
Alpha Theta Tufts University School of Medicine Boston, MA 1918
Alpha Iota Tulane University New Orleans, LA 1918
Alpha Kappa Washington University St. Louis, MO 1922
Alpha Lambda Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI 1922
Alpha Mu Medical College of Virginia Richmond, VA 1923
Alpha Nu University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, TX 1923
Alpha Xi University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 1922
Alpha Omicron Boston University Boston, MA 1923
Alpha Pi St. Louis University St. Louis, MO 1924
Alpha Rho Yale University New Haven, CT 1924
Alpha Sigma University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada 1924
Alpha Tau Indiana University Indianapolis, IN 1924
Alpha Upsilon University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 1924
Alpha Phi University of California San Francisco, CA 1925
Alpha Chi Creighton University Omaha, NE 1925
Alpha Psi University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 1926
Alpha Omega University of Oregon Portland, OR 1926
Beta Alpha New Jersey Medical School Newark, NJ 1968
Beta Beta University of Colorado Denver, CO 1926
Beta Gamma University of Kansas Kansas City, KS 1926
Beta Delta McGill University Montreal, QC 1926
Beta Epsilon University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 1928
Beta Zeta Hahnemann Medical College Philadelphia, PA 1929
Beta Eta University of Tennessee College of Medicine Memphis, TN 1929
Beta Theta Baylor University Houston, TX 1929
Beta Iota Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA 1929
Beta Kappa State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 1929
Beta Lambda University of Vermont Burlington, VT 1930
Beta Mu Dalhousie University Halifax, NS 1930
Beta Nu Emory University Atlanta, GA 1930
Beta Xi Georgetown University Washington, DC 1935
Beta Omicron Louisiana State University New Orleans, LA 1938
Beta Pi UT Southwestern Medical School Dallas, TX 1943
Beta Rho University of Nebraska Omaha, NE 1944
Beta Sigma Medical College of South Carolina Charleston, SC 1949
Beta Tau Chicago Medical School Chicago, IL 1949
Beta Upsilon SUNY Buffalo Buffalo, NY 1951
Beta Phi UCLA Los Angeles, CA 1953
Beta Chi University of Miami Miami, FL 1953
Beta Psi University of Toledo Medical Center Toledo, OH 1980
Beta Omega Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 1968
Delta Alpha Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, MD 1982
Delta Beta Northeast Ohio Medical University Kent, OH 1981
Delta Gamma UC San Diego San Diego, CA 1989
Delta Delta Stanford University Palo Alto, CA 1983
Delta Epsilon University of Maryland Baltimore, MD 1912
Delta Zeta University of Florida Gainesville, FL 1992
Delta Eta University of South Florida Tampa, FL 1986
Delta Iota Eastern Virginia Medical School Norfolk, VA 1989
Delta Kappa Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Tulsa, OK 1990
Delta Lambda Des Moines University Des Moines, IA 1990
Delta Omicron Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Kirksville, MO 1988
Delta Chi Howard University College of Medicine Washington, DC 1971
Kappa Pi University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 1907
Kappa Rho University of California Irvine Irvine, CA 1962
Kappa Psi University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 1978
Upsilon Theta University of Texas Medical School Houston, TX 1979
District 14 Autonomous University of Guadalajara Guadalajara, Mexico 1979
District 13 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville, TN
Delta Psi University of Alabama Birmingham Birmingham, AL 2007
Delta Omega Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Dublin, Ireland 2007
Epsilon Alpha Universidad de Monterrey Monterrey, Mexico 2007
Epsilon Beta Ross University School of Medicine Portsmouth, Dominica 2007
Epsilon Gamma Midwestern University Downers Grove, Illinois 2008
Epsilon Delta American University of Antigua Antigua 2008
Epsilon Epsilon Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Cleveland, OH 2008
Epsilon Zeta Colony University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, AR 2008
Epsilon Eta Marshall University School of Medicine Huntington, WV 2010
Epsilon Theta Medical University of Gdańsk Gdansk, Poland 2011
Epsilon Iota Northeast Ohio Medical University Rootstown, OH 2012
Premedical Chapter University Location Date Founded
NY Alpha Binghamton University Binghamton, NY 1994
CAN Alpha McGill University Montreal, QC 1994
NY Beta St. Lawrence University Canton, NY 1995
OH Alpha Wright State University Dayton, OH 1995
TX Alpha University of Texas San Antonio San Antonio, TX 1996
NY Gamma Manhattan College Bronx, NY 1996
OH Beta Kent State University Kent, OH 1996
GA Alpha Oglethorpe University Atlanta, GA 1996
IL Alpha Chicago State University Chicago, IL 1996
MI Alpha Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 1996
MI Beta Saginaw Valley State University Saginaw, MI 2010
NY Delta SUNY Albany Albany, NY 1996
NY Epsilon Marist College Poughkeepsie, NY 1997
NY Zeta Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 1997
CA Alpha Pepperdine University Malibu, CA 1997
CAN Beta Simon Fraser University Burnaby, BC 1998
KY Alpha Transylvania University Lexington, KY 1998
NY Heta SUNY Buffalo Buffalo, NY 2001
KY Beta University of Louisville Louisville, KY 2003
NJ Alpha Ramapo College Mahwah, NJ 2003
CA Beta UC San Diego San Diego, CA 2003
CA Gamma UCLA Los Angeles, CA 2004
CA Delta UC Riverside Riverside, CA 2004
CA Epsilon UC Irvine Irvine, CA 2004
CA Zeta Concordia University Irvine, CA 2005
CA Heta University of San Diego San Diego, CA 2005
OH Gamma Miami University Oxford, OH 2006
NY Theta New York University NY, NY 2007
NY Iota Hofstra University Long Island, NY 2007
FL Alpha Florida International University Miami, FL 2007
CAN Gamma University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC 2007
CA Theta California State University, Northridge Los Angeles, CA 2007
OH Delta Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 2007
CA Iota UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 2007
CA Kappa UC Davis Davis, CA 2007
CA Lambda UC Merced Merced, CA 2008
IL Beta University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Urbana, Illinois/Champaign, Illinois 2008
NJ Beta Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 2008
DE Alpha University of Delaware Newark, DE 2008
NY Kappa United States Military Academy West Point, NY 2008
GA Gamma Georgia Southern University Statesboro, GA 2009
OH Epsilon University of Akron Akron, OH 2009
FL Beta University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 2009
DC Alpha Howard University Washington, DC 2010
KS Alpha University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 2010
MA Alpha University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, Massachusetts 2010
NY Mu Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 2011
NY Nu Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 2011
FL Gamma University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida 2011
NY Lambda Cornell University Ithaca, New York 2011
GA Epsilon Georgia Gwinnett College Lawrenceville, GA 2012
IA Alpha (Colony) Drake University Des Moines, Iowa 2012
IN Alpha Indiana University Bloomington, IN 2012
NV Alpha University of Nevada, Reno Reno, Nevada 2012
PA Alpha University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2013
GA Delta Morehouse College Atlanta, GA 2013
FL Epsilon University of South Florida Tampa, Florida 2014
CA Nu UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 2015


External links

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