Radical 169

Radical 169 (U+2FA8)
é–€ (U+9580) "gate"
Pinyin: mén
Bopomofo: ㄇㄣˊ
Wade–Giles: men2
Jyutping: mun4
Cantonese Yale: mun4
Hiragana: モン, かど mon, kado
Kanji: 門構 mongamae
Hangul: 문 mun
Sino-Korean: 문 mun
Stroke order animation

Radical 169 meaning "gate" is 1 of 9 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 8 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 246 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 169

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes é–€ é—¨
1 additional stroke 閁 閂 闩
2 additional strokes é–ƒ é–„ é–… é—ª
3 additional strokes 䦌 䦍 閆 閇 閈 閉 閊 闫 闬 闭 问 闯
4 additional strokes 䦎 䦏 䦐 䦑 開 閌 閍 閎 閏 閐 閑 閒 間 閔 閕 閖 閗 闰 闱 闲 闳 间 闵 闶 闷
5 additional strokes 䦒 䦓 䦔 閘 閙 閚 閛 閜 閝 閞 閟 閠 闸 闹
6 additional strokes 䦕 䦖 䦗 䦘 䦙 䦚 䦛 䦶 閡 関 閣 閤 閥 閦 閧 閨 閩 閪 闺 闻 闼 闽 闾 闿 阀 阁 阂
7 additional strokes 䦜 䦝 䦞 䦟 䦷 閫 閬 閭 閮 閯 閰 閱 閲 閳 閴 阃 阄 阅 阆 閭
8 additional strokes 䦠 䦡 䦢 䦣 䦤 䦥 䦦 䦧 䦨 閵 閶 閸 閹 閺 閻 閼 閽 閾 閿 闀 闁 闂 阇 阈 阉 阊 阋 阌 阍 阎 阏 阐
9 additional strokes 䦩 䦪 䦫 䦬 䦭 䦮 䦯 䦸 閷 闃 闄 闅 闆 闇 闈 闉 闊 闋 闌 闍 闎 闏 阑 阒 阓 阔 阕
10 additional strokes 闐 闑 闒 闓 闔 闕 闖 闗 闘 阖 阗 阘 阙
11 additional strokes 䦰 闙 闚 闛 關 闝 阚
12 additional strokes 䦱 闞 闟 闠 闡
13 additional strokes 䦲 䦳 䦴 闢 闣 闤 闥 闦 阛
14 additional strokes 䦵 闧


See also

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 169.
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, February 14, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.