Realm of Garo

The fictional world of the Japanese tokusatsu series Garo features the conflict between Horrors, demons who manifest themselves through the darkness in humans, and the Makai, an ancient order dedicated to protecting normal humans from the Horrors. The primary fighting force of the Makai order is called the Makai Knights, who are dispatched mainly to exterminate Horrors and most of the time, each knight is assigned a district to watch over. There is also the Makai Priests, whose jobs are primarily to support the knights, mainly as their armorers, supports or as their sidekicks, but there are also those operating on their own. In addition, there are various magical areas within the world which display supernatural qualities or are home to otherworldly beings.


In the fight against Horrors, two groups are formed in the Makai Order: The armored warriors called Makai Knights and the magic users called Makai Priests. Though both groups are forbidden from killing humans, even if they are the ones behind Horror incidents, Makai Knights and Priests are allowed to execute those in their order who have turned into dangerous rogues whose actions threaten all, and those who have been infected with Horror blood as a form of mercy killing. Regardless of formality and familiarity, members of the order usually address each one by given names instead of family names.

In the Garo: The Animation's universe, rules regarding dealing with humans are even stricter. Knights and Priests alike are forbidden to raise arms against non-practicing humans under all circumstances, even for self-defense. The rule of not harming humans extends even to those within the Order, as while it is allowed to fight fallen fellow Knights and Priests, execution, be it on-site or as a verdict of a trial, is strictly forbidden. Punishment of the direst offenders is carried out by expulsion and branding them with cursed marks all over their body, which passes down the bloodline, both to remind the offender of the offense, and to prevent future association of the offender and their bloodline with the Makai Order.

Makai Knights

The Makai Knights (魔戒騎士 Makai Kishi) are the primary elite fighting force of the Makai and formed for one specific purpose only--to hunt down Horrors. As mentioned in the Madō Book of Origins, the seeds that Zedom would have used to create Madō Horrors are utilized by Makai Priests to create plants which Soul Metal is derived from. From mastering Soul Metal and forging it into wolf-themed suits of armor, the Makai Knights came into being. Like Makai Priests, Makai Knighthood is also known to be a family affair, with the Saezima and Yamagatana lines among the revered, and are documented in Makai books for information purposes. While title and armor of a Makai Knight is usually passed down the generations, it can also be inherited through the bond of master and apprentice. According to Kengi, one of Kouga's old mentors, only men are allowed to become Makai Knights for reasons yet to be explained. Regardless, raised to control their emotions and their yin and yang balance, Makai Knights are trained to use Soul Metal blades in combat with some incorporating magic in their fighting styles.

Due to rigorous daily training since young as well as perhaps using some magical means as well, Makai Knights are stronger, faster, tougher and better tuned to various types of physical sports than average humans and are capable of seemingly superhuman feats easily, often seen fighting for prolonged periods without tiring and brushing off otherwise severely crippling injuries. When injured, they also tend to heal faster and better than normal humans. Rei Suzumura is noted for his immunity to poisons, although it is not known if it is his unique physiological trait, or a common trait shared by all Makai Knights.

Up until around the time of Yami o Terasu Mono, many Makai Knights carry Madōgu as personal advisers and Horror detectors. All Makai Knights wear magical dusters as part of their everyday attire, as a way to identify themselves to the Makai community, augment their physical abilities, and for storing objects, primarily their weapons. There is no uniformed rule regarding colors and looks of these coats, as such, they vary greatly in design, with some ornately designed while others look plain. Depending on the magical properties of the coats, they can also sport other functions like changing sizes and looks, as in the case of Takeru Jakuzure where his duster can transform into a biker jacket. Makai Knights can summon mystical armored horses, possess lighters that emit Madō Fire to help detect Horrors, and can use Madō Fire to encompass their bodies and weapons to increase damage. Using the Madō Brush, they can perform a powerful technique called the Shooting Star of Light Arrow (光矢流星 Kōshi Ryūsei).

The Soul Metal armor can change appearance permanently in some cases due to a variety of factors, as it did when the Garo armor was passed down from Taiga Saezima to his son, Kouga, then to Kouga's son Raiga, and then Ryuga Dougai from the Golden Knight who came before him; as well as when it transformed into the form known as Garo Flight (牙狼翔 Garo Shō) after Ryuga fought Ago. A common rule is that no Makai Knight can wear his armor for more than 99.9 seconds as it would consume them or turn into Lost Soul Beasts (心滅獣身 Shinmetsu Jūshin) if influenced by their inner darkness. The time limit is also circumvented whenever a Makai Knight is fighting in the home realm of a Horror or any area with a particularly strong magical presence. Furthermore, as seen in Garo: Makai Senki, experienced Knights like Kouga and Rei found means to briefly extend their armors' time limit. The armor can be temporarily enhanced by infusions of spiritual energy, evidenced by the different forms Garo takes during the series. For reasons yet to be explained, a Makai Knight's armor can be tarnished and blackened. The armor has the mystical effect of protecting the wearer from a wide varieties of otherwise fatal or crippling injuries even when breached, maintaining the integrity of the body parts and organs protected when the armor is lifted, but not preventing the knight from suffering the pain and other debilitating effects resulting from the injuries. The armors also have the mystical ability of keeping more than the wearers themselves in them, capable of fitting another human being other than the wearer in without problems.

Despite the fact that one of the key factors leading to the formation of the Makai Knights corp are the invention of Soul Metal armor, and Makai Knights are generally defined to be wearers of such armors, there are Makai Knights who do not possess titles, and therefore do not possess armors of their own. In fact, it is suggested that these knights form the bulk of the corp. However, the roles of these title-less knights as combat specialist task force members do not change with the absence of Makai armor, and are often at significant disadvantage due to being constantly forced to take on average to powerful Horrors armed only with their martial abilities and their Soul Metal blades. As such, mortality rates among these knights are high.

Within the context of Garo: The Animation, Makai Knight armor is able to emote to a degree, acting as more of a second face than a helmet. If the armor's face design features bared fangs, the mouth can also open as if roaring when the Makai Knight is sufficiently angered. Knights are even able to shed tears through their helmets.

Makai Priests

Prior to the emergence of Makai Knights, the Makai Priests (魔戒法師 Makai Hōshi) and Priestesses were the first to battle the Horrors before Zedom's sealing, which aftermath catalyzed the formation of the combat specialist task force. Despite their prestige, Makai Priests are ineffective in dealing with Horrors in straight-up fights, with teaming up to perform large scale and difficult sealing being the only method of defeating powerful and notable Horrors, resulting in lots of ancient artifacts containing sealed Horrors in present day. Casualties vary depending on the difficulty of the said sealing and the power of the Horror the Priests have to deal with. For instance, no casualties were documented in the sealing of Eyrith, while Makai Priests died by the dozens to seal Zedom. This ultimately made them more suited to dealing with weaker Horrors while Makai Knights replaced them as the combat specialist task force against Horrors. As a result, the Makai Priests become more of a Makai Knight's support, playing vastly different roles ranging from armorers or assistants, by creating and maintaining anti-Horror devices, the Madōgu, and various other weapons; to tacticians or advisers, by providing behind-the-scene support, coming up with ideas and tactics, and even directing actions; to partners or supports on the battlefield, by assisting in physical combat and fulfilling any on-site magical needs.

The Makai Priests possess a vast knowledge of spells, purification and sealing techniques to aid Makai Knights along with a varying degree of martial capabilities. All Makai Priests wield at least one Madō Brush as a means of channeling magical energies. Unlike the Knights who are combat specialists, areas of study as well as capabilities of Makai Priests seem to vary by great degrees, with some working mostly at the front-lines often to support Makai Knights, sporting advanced martial capabilities and adept use of combat magic; while some others work almost exclusively behind the scenes, specializing in magics that are more delicate and time-consuming and may be incapable of physical combat at all. Though very rare, they are indeed a few Makai Priests capable of using Soul Metal weapons. Unlike Makai Knights, they do not usually answer to specific authorities, and their duties and roles are very much self-defined. As such, while usually seen working for organizations like the Senate or with Makai Knights, Makai Priests who choose to work alone or with only fellow Priests are fairly common as well. In the absence of Makai Knights in an area, a Makai Priest can serve as that area's protector and opt to temporarily take the Knight's place in hunting Horrors. While their magics and the items they craft are often meant for locating, analyzing and combating Horrors, their expertise in magic do not necessarily always relate to the supernatural, as shown in Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono where Rian easily hacks into the classified SG-1 database with little more than a cauldron of water and her brush, and later disguising herself completely as Enhou.

In the context of Garo: The Animation, these magical practitioners are known as "Alchemists" rather than "Priests" and "Priestesses".

Makai Guides

The Makai Guides (魔戒導師 Makai Dōshi) are trained fortune tellers, capable of sensing the fate and outcome of things through the use of tarot cards, little else is known about them other than that. Though they can predict the outcome of certain events, they weren't valued in the Makai Order, presumably for their limited abilities as well as limited need for such abilities, and they had nearly become extinct. Elda was the only known Makai Guide of her time.

By the time of Garo: Goldstorm Sho, Makai Guides have become effectively extinct and the title of "Guides" (導師 Dōshi) have become an honorable title of Makai Knights qualified and tasked to be instructors of young Makai Knights-to-be, with each Guide operating his own dojo taking several live-in students, aside from the usual Makai Knight duties of watching over a designated area.


Priests of the Watchdogs (番犬所 Bankenjo) are the middle-persons behind the works of the war between Makai and Horror. It is they who usually detect Horror activities and inform the Makai Knight of their missions. The Makai Knights are usually informed by a letter called "Orders Document" that is mailed to them. Watchdogs have no real control over Makai Knights, but they have been involved in directing the actions of the Makai for centuries and thus, have certain extent of powers over the Knights nonetheless. They help purify the Knights' weapons, refuel their Madō Fire Lighters, and send the spirits of the defeated Horrors (in the form of small daggers) back to their realm. Whenever they collect up to a dozen blades they will send the blades back into the demon realm. There are many Watchdogs existing and directing the Makai's will in different districts around Japan, and at least one is known to have originally been human. That very human splintered her form and addressed Garo as three cherubim-like girls who, though having the appearance of young teenagers, are technically centuries old. In general however, little is known about their origins.

By the time of Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono, Watchdogs have ceased to be and the traditional duties of a Watchdog falls onto the shoulders of a Makai Priest or Priestess taking charge of a designated area. Unlike Watchdogs however, these Priests and Priestesses do not hold any form of powers over their Knights, and such relationships are built solely on willing cooperation and mutual trust between both parties.


The Senate (元老院 Genrōin) is the supervising organization of the Watchdogs at the top of the Makai Order's hierarchy of command, where only exceptional Knights and Priests serve directly under it. It has a library housing ancient texts and it is where Makai Knights and Priests alike go for information. Prior to Messiah's awakening, the Senate does not interfere much with Horror hunting affairs, and even now, it only dispatch orders after detecting threats implying major catastrophe. As an organization of higher rank, the Senate can assign tasks to any Knight regardless of jurisdiction, and orders from the Senate supersedes that of the Watchdogs'.

Blood Dolce

Blood Dolces (血のドルチェ Chi no Doruche) are rare cases of humans who ingest Horror blood instead of the usual method of skin contact. Compared to humans stained with Horror blood who can be saved, Blood Dolces suffer a more antagonizing form of dying with no cure outside of death. When the corruption manifests, most of the Blood Dolce's body begins to rot with a sticky blood-like substance covering the skin. As Blood Dolces tend to be a very desirable meal for Horrors, who consider such victims sweet tasting, Ring has them exclusively in his community to keep his Horror followers from turning on the humans via a periodical lottery, where one human becomes a sacrificial Blood Dolce.


The Shadowfolks are a sub-community within the Makai community, consists of both Knights and Priests. Unlike the mainstream Makai practitioners, they are the black-ops of the Makai Order. As such, they rarely, if ever, operate in broad daylight and rely heavily on stealth. This is seen in the appearance of a Shadowfolk Knight's armor such as Crow's, which is of darker colors and subdued in decoration compared to the more ornate and glittering armors of other Knights. Also, in some circumstances, a Shadowfolk Knight will abandon his given name, only going by his title. They are so secretive that even high-ranking members of the community, such as a holder of the Garo title, rarely have knowledge of them. Little else is known about membership and difference in work with the mainstream practitioners thus far.

One notable difference between mainstream Knights and Shadowfolk Knights is seen among their sword-wielders: mainstream Knights wield double-edged straight blades, which are mostly of European design; while Shadowfolk Knights wield single-edged ones, which are mostly of Japanese design.

Shadowfolk Priests have the unusual mission of hunting down fallen Makai practitioners and purifying their remains to dispel the lingering darkness latching onto their dead bodies. They are referred to as the Darkness Slashers (闇斬師 Yamigirishi) or the Darkness Hunters (闇の狩師 Yami no Karishi). Due to their unique duties of mainly hunting humans instead of Horrors, they are exceedingly rare and are commonly scoffed at by the mainstream community for being grim reapers of sorts.



The term "Madōgu (魔導具 Madōgu)" technically refers to any Madō tools and equipment, but more commonly used to refer to the sentient accessory assistants of Makai Knights. Every Knight carries one such accessory that aid them as both an advisor and trainer in addition to Horror detectors. One noted model is the Madō Ring (魔導輪 Madōrin), but Madōgu also come in other shapes such as pendants, bracelets, and small handheld mirrors. Each Madōgu contains the spirit of a Horror that holds no enmity towards humanity and has pledged its loyalty the Makai order. Each Madōgu has its own unique capabilities, personality, and powers. Madōgu are given life and sustained by a special purifying water, which stagnates over time and causes the Madōgu to rust and come down with a burning fever before its supply is renewed. Forming contracts with Makai Knights, a Madōgu takes one day of life from its designated Knight for every month the two are contracted. Based on Zaruba's capabilities, the Madōgu may empower certain techniques when a Knight is in their armored form, and possess other abilities like dispelling Horror influence. It is implied that Madō Rings in particular are especially reserved for Knight lineages of high prestige. For example, Zaruba is always seen in the possession of a holder of the Garo title.

By the time of Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono, Madōgu are no longer common among the Knights and are more or less treated as relics from a bygone era, as noted by Takeru who quips about Zaruba's status and expressing curiosity as he had never seen one personally before.

Madō Lighter

The Madō Lighter is a Gothic-themed Madō Fire lighter that resembles a demonic eye. All Madō Lighters have a special piece of gemstone that can be revealed by removing the outer casing of the lighter. The lighter requires maintenance by the Makai Priests time and again or it can stall (as seen with Amon working on Kouga's lighter). The Madō Lighter also requires occasional "refueling", which is done by having Madō Fire blasted into the gemstone piece by the Watchdogs' wolf statue. The Madō Lighter is often seen used to heal, open "Orders Documents" (see below), detect Horrors, and activate the Blazing Armament technique. By the time of Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono, these lighters can be made small enough to be worn as rings. Makai Knights often confirm their suspicions about someone being a Horror by igniting the lighter in front of their face. If the person is indeed a Horror, the sight of Madō Fire causes several calligraphy-like markings to surround the pupil of the eye, revealing their true nature.

Madō Bell

The Madō Bell (魔導ベル Madō Beru) is a small bell shaped like an ornate eye that is commonly used by the Makai practitioners in Garo: Honō no Kokuin to detect Horrors during the Middle Ages. The vibrations from the ring pinpoint a Horror's location in a crowded area, causing the eyes of a Horror's human host to glow a reddish lavender and sometimes forcing it to assume its true form.

Madō Fire

Madō Fire (魔導火 Madōbi) is a multipurpose spiritual fire that's commonly used by the Makai to detect (eyes of Inga Horrors-in-disguise will show runes around the pupils) and destroy Horrors, enhance offensive capacity, and heal injuries. This unique fire is contained in a specially made lighter by Makai Priests, though the Priests themselves can generate the fire by various means without using one. The origin of Madō Fire was never explained. Madō Fire varies in color, though is usually seen as a vivid green or blue-white.

Madō Horses

The horse-like Madō Horses (魔導馬 Madōba) are Makai Beasts (魔戒獣 Makaijū) familiars that Makai Knights use in combat, gained upon killing their hundredth Horror and passing a trial to face their inner darkness, though there have been few exceptions in the later. Madō Horses can be summoned at will, and have the ability to enter and travel through other realms and can leave the battlefield if the Makai Knights so choose. Makai Knights can only ride Madō Horses in their armored form. Madō Horses have the ability to enhance their rider's combat abilities, but are not bound to their owner exclusively and can be lent to others, such in the case of Jabi when she summons Gōten to fight against Sigma.

Only four Madō Horses have appeared in the series so far: Gōten (轟天) who is the steed to the Makai Knights bearing the title of Garo, Zero's steed Ginga (銀牙), Dan's steed Hayate (疾風), and Kiba's steed Raigō (雷剛). Gōten has shown that he can increase Garo's battle potential by transforming the Garoken into the Garo Zanbaken and in two occasions, even doubling the size of the already massive cleaver. However, his sword can only transform with the help of Gōten. If Garo is not riding on Gōten and needs help, Gōten would stomp the earth to send a magical shockwave to transform the Garoken. Raigou can transform the Kokuenken into the Enma Zankouken.

While not shown in the series, in the Pachinko game, Baron has Shingetsu (震月).

Reverter of Time

The Reverter of Time (リバートラの刻 Ribātora no Toki) is a healing potion used treat minor injuries such as cuts. The potion is ingested by the injured party, who then applies Madō Fire to the wound, which heals it completely. Despite proving to be miraculous in treating minor injuries, it is utterly incapable of treating major ones.

Evil-Crushing Dagger

The Evil-Crushing Dagger (破邪の剣 Haja no Ken) is a kunai-like assassination weapon used for killing targets at a distance. Many Makai Knights had fallen to this weapon before. Rei was using this weapon to vent his anger towards Kouga under suspicion of killing his family.

Orders Document

The Watchdogs always mail letters to dispatch the Makai Knights. The Orders Document (指令書 Shireisho) itself is sealed in a traditional letter and branded with a wax seal. The Madō Lighter is used to burn the document, which causes the content, written in the ancient Makai Script, to form from the ashes and temporarily float in front of the reader. The letters typically contain either information about the appearance of a Horror or orders to meet with the Watchdogs. The documents are often written in elaborate metaphor or in the form of a riddle.

Madō Timer

The Madō Timer (魔導刻 Madōkoku) is a sandglass which counts down the remaining time of the Makai Knights' armor.

Soul Metal

A product derived from a plant grown from the seeds of Zedom as part of a Makai Priest ritual, Soul Metal (ソウルメタル Sōru Metaru) is used to develop various suits of Makai Knight armor and weapons to combat Horrors, due to the material's exceptional resilience and effectiveness against Horrors. Soul Metal has magical properties and responds to the wielder's strength and thoughts: Those strong in body and mind are effectively able to lift anything made out of Soul Metal of visible sizes, and can use weapons made out of them capable of cutting through rocks with ease. Possibly as part of the Makai Order's restrictions on women becoming Knights, they are also unable to properly wield Soul Metal weapons without utilizing risky and chronically painful magical assistance. Users like Taiga Saezima even displayed the ability to make Soul Metal light as a feather or heavy as a meteorite. Soul Metal armors actually enhance their wearers' abilities all around, instead of providing protection at the cost of impeding movement and quickening exhaustion like conventional armors would. Direct contact by those untrained in Soul Metal usage will lead to injury as the metal can burn human flesh. Even the most skilled of Makai Knights can only withstand contact for a few minutes at a time. As Soul Metal-based weapons also serve as temporary vessels used for sealing Horrors after slaying them, they require purification periodically after being used to slay Horrors. When a Makai Knight falls into darkness, like in Barago's case, the Knight's Soul Metal turns into Death Metal (デスメタル Desu Metaru), taking on a dark and grotesque appearance.

Horror Blades

Tiny blades created after the purification of a Soul Metal weapon after slaying a horror. These daggers have many different shapes. Kouga is often seen putting his sword into the mouth of a wolf statue that purifies the dark energies of recently defeated Horrors, converting their dark essences into small blades. However, in its natural form or in an altered state, a person who thrusts a blade into his/her body can defile the purification and Horror's free essence to reconstitute itself within a new host body.

Madō Brush

The Madō Brush (魔導筆 Madōhitsu) is a calligraphy brush which the Makai Priests use for various purposes, mainly as a focus for channeling magical energies into whatever the wielder is working on. The hairs of the brushes are made from pelts of Spirit Beasts, giving them the unusual magic-channeling qualities. Like many magical artifacts, their powers can weaken over time. Although many brushes are of the standard size of a traditional calligraphy brush with ornate decorations, there are nonetheless some odd ones. For example, Rekka's doubles as a flute or a dagger, Akaza's is oversized, wielded much like a large staff, and Ratess wields a two-pronged brush. Though usually seen to use and carry only one brush, Makai Priests can also have several brushes in their possession, such as in the case of Reo having several brushes stored in his suitcase.

Madō Bagua Tag

The Madō Bagua Tag (魔導八卦札 Madō Hakkefuda) is a tag which contains the power of Madō letters used by the Makai Priests. Eight different varieties of tag are used by the Priests. It is also referred to as World Charm (界符 Kaifu).

Sounding Plate

The Sounding Plate (鳴札 Narifuda) is the Makai Priests' Madō Fire generator. To use it, the Priest blows on a small spinning plate, which sends out a small orb of Madō Fire, which can be used to track Horrors or complete spells.

Magic Clothing

The Magic Clothing (魔法衣 Mahōi) are special attire worn by Makai practitioners. To Makai Knights, the term refers specifically to their dusters, which vary in color and ornamentation, though are typically dark in color and feature the Knights' personal emblem somewhere on the coat. Makai Priests' Magic Clothing is typically a dark-colored leather outfit of a unique design, with Priestesses in particular favoring flowing, highly ornamental outfits.


Barchess (バルチャス Baruchasu) is a game similar to regular chess, but played with Makai magical skills. The pieces represent a type of warrior in the form of a colored block decorated with a black ink illustration of a warrior. When the pieces encounter each other, the player puts the uncolored sides together and put the pieces on their sides. The players then charge energy to the pieces, and the ink-illustrated pieces come to "life" and fight. The pieces respond to players' reactions and if the piece is slain, the defeated pieces fly off the board and disintegrate. An old Makai tradition has a Makai Knight give a Barchess piece to a good friend going on a dangerous journey for luck.

Phosphorus Arrow

The Phosphorus Arrow (鷹麟の矢 Ōrin no Ya) is an arrow guarded by the Makai of Kantai and was made from the feathers of the Phosphorus Bird (鷹麟鳥 Ōrinchō). During the solar eclipse, the arrow must be shot into the barrier separating the world of the Horrors and the world of humans to prevent darkness entering the human world. However, if it draws blood during that event, it would revive the demonic Legules tribe. The Arrow possesses power to enhance and strengthen a Makai Knight's armor as seen with Garo's armor when he fought Legules. That feature, however, was never mentioned by the Makai Priests.

Demon Compass

A Demon Compass (魔針盤 Mashinban) is a small, handheld bowl-like device, able to project a three-dimensional map of an area in order to track Horrors and other magical entities.

Demon Sword of Rubis

The Demon Sword of Rubis (ルビスの魔剣 Rubisu no Maken) is a device designed specifically for Makai to safely enter the mirror the Horror Karma is housed in. When thrown at the mirror, the Demon Sword, initially just a bell-shaped hilt, splits open and produces a small blade, which impales the mirror and creates a temporary portal into Karma's realm.


Gōryū (号竜) are semi-sentient artificial Makai Beasts, usually folded in suitcases when not needed, invented by Reo to aid Makai Priests in combating Horrors. A Makai Priest can control one using his or her brush and it is capable of spitting Madō Fire. Although they are not very powerful creatures and could not do much on their own, they nonetheless give Makai Priests significant leverage in the fight against lesser Horrors. While introduced in Garo: Red Requiem, the Gōryū become more numerous in the events of Garo: Makai Senki as Reo owns a unique upgraded version named Colt (コルト Koruto) and Ratess pilots a floating sphere-like Gōryū. Reo's brother Sigma conceived functioning Gōryū designs on his own with his humanoid Gōryūjin (号竜人 Gōryūjin) having the forms of a black-robed In (隠) and a skeletal Zen (漸), bird-like Tekki (鉄機), and two-faced Rigl (リグル Riguru) models. Sigma also conceived the ultimate Gōryū Magōryū Idea (魔号竜イデア) as the weapon instantly destroy Horrors and their gates, though it requires human lives as fuel and was taken over by Gyanon before the machine is destroyed.

Madō Train

The Madō Train (魔導列車 Madō Ressha) is a train that can go to the True Demon World.


Ragō (羅号) is a Makai Beast that serves as Burai's familiar, able to pursue a target and devour Horrors. Ragō was also used as a sparring partner for Ryuga during his training to become a Makai Knight, momentarily killed by the youth as part of his final test. Prior to his death, Burai entrusts Ragō's care to Rian.

Madō Horror Detector

The Madō Horror Detector (魔導ホラー探知器 Madō Horā Tanchiki) is a music box-like device developed by Burai, using the tongue of the Madō Horror Rivera as a catalyst during its development. Due to the ineffectiveness of conventional Horror detection method against Madō Horrors, the group was originally reduced to rely solely on investigative deduction to locate them. The Madō Horror Detector's creation enables the Makai Knights stationed in Vol City to easily find and slay most of the remaining Madō Horrors within days. The detector functions like a music box, emits a chime that reveals the identities of any Madō Horrors within earshot much like the Madō Flame does with Inga Horrors. Due to the use of Rivera's tongue for development, the initial disadvantage to the device was that Rivera was able to use it as a means to locate the Makai Knights' base.

Madō Water

Madō Water (魔導水 Madōsui) is a special water that can protect oneself from fire.

Zirkel's Circle

Zirkel's Circle (ツィルケルの輪 Tsirukeru no Wa) is a forbidden Madōgu invented by Mendoza in Garo: Honō no Kokuin that allows one to summon Horrors directly from the Demon World and control them. However, the Madōgu requires a large amount of human blood and Inga.


Forced Repatriation

Even after being defeated by a Makai Knight, a Horror does not truly die. Instead, a Horror's essence is sealed within the Soul Metal sword used to slay it and thus, the blade must be purified before it is used on another Horror.

One method used by most Makai Knights is having the Horror's essence extracted and reduced to a dagger. But even in this state, a Horror may return to life, usually by the dagger being used to stab a human if it falls into the wrong hands. In order to prevent such an event, whenever twelve daggers are collected, the Watchdogs perform a ritual called Forced Repatriation to open the gateway to the Makai where the daggers are desposed. This technique is not limited to the Watchdogs however, Makai Priests are capable of performing such a ritual called the Moonlight Circle (月光陣 Gekkōjin), which opens the gate to the Makai.

The Shadowfolk have their own practice known as the Moonlight Ceremony (月光の儀 Gekkō no Gi). This method involves a Makai beast known as a Barg, sealing the Horror essence in its stomach by being stabbed with multiple Makai Swords. However, as a Barg can be vicious as a result of the torturing process, the method can be more dangerous with the chance of the Horror essence spilling back into the world upon a Barg's death.

Soul Restoration

When a human soul has been taken, it can be restored. When the soul is safely contained, it has to be ingested by the person saving the soul-less body. After ingestion, mystical words are spoken and followed by "kissing" to restore the soul. After soul-separation and restoration, the human body is weakened and suffers fatigue as a side-effect.

Demon Suppression Ceremony

Demon Suppression Ceremony (天魔降伏の儀 Tenma Kōfuku no Gi): Whenever a solar eclipse appears, the very dimensional barrier that separates the human realm and the nether realm becomes a gateway. When that happens, countless Horrors would unleash themselves onto humanity. The last time this event occurred unchecked, the demon family Legules was resurrected. Many Makai Knights and Priests died keeping the horde at bay that day.

To prevent future horrific events, the Makai order prepared for solar eclipses by performing a sacred ceremony in Kantai to put demons into submission. The Phosphorus Arrow is shot into the barrier during the solar eclipse to prevent darkness from spreading, by sealing the gateway itself. Because of the potential danger that may occur in the ceremony, additional Makai Priests and Knights from various districts are summoned as backup forces to ensure things don't go awry.

Seal of Destruction

The Seal of Destruction (破滅の刻印 Hametsu no Kokuin) is an ornate tattoo that is magically imprinted on a person's chest and slowly drains their life away. The process is hastened every time an afflicted Makai Knight dons his armor, causing him intense pain and weakness, eventually killing him. Sigma Fudō uses the seal to systematically eliminate Makai Knights so Makai Priests can be rid of the role as the Knight's support once and for all, taking what he perceives to be their rightful place as defenders of mankind from Horrors. He planned to activate the seal at the night of the Awakening Moon (解我生来の月 Kaiga Shōrai no Tsuki), an event said to be a time where unlimited power will be bestowed upon anyone who wields Madō powers. It was eventually stopped by Kouga by cutting off Sigma's left forearm, and the seal was lifted from all the Makai Knights's bodies.

Peacefulness Ceremony

The Peacefulness Ceremony (安穏の儀 An'non no Gi) can convey one's feelings to someone the one cares about.

Scarlet Bird Flame Formation

The Scarlet Bird Flame Formation (緋鳥炎陣 Hichō Enjin) is one of the most powerful spells a Makai Priest can use, and also the most difficult to master with the slightest mistake potentially having a fatal consequence. The spell's process involves ten smaller versions of a Madō Brush that the priest launches with an array of melee punches and kicks to throw nine into the sky in a circular pattern and add the final Madō Brush in the middle to create a phoenix that would home onto the targeted opponent and incinerate upon impact. During the events of Garo Gaiden: Tougen no Fue, Rekka was attempting to master the technique with Jabi and her Madō Brushes. It was only while fighting the revived Higari that Rekka mastered the technique and uses it to obliterate the monster.


Saezima Estate

The property is well over one hundred years old, since three generations have lived in this house. Saezima Estate (冴島邸 Saejima-tei)'s actual location is not mentioned, but known to be in a country area close to the city and up in a hill or mountain. The mansion is destroyed in the final episode of Makai Senki, during Sigma Fudō's attempt to enact revenge on Kouga for thwarting his plans. The new Saezima Estate in Makai no Hana is called the Raimeikan (雷瞑館). Both mansions have a training room armed with gigantic swinging axes for honing fighting skills when not out hunting Horrors. The blades of the axes are made of the fangs from the Grou Dragon meant for hunting Horrors, as such, the Knight would run the risk of being mistaken as a Horror and being attacked ferociously during training, should he forget to go for periodic purification and has too much Horror essence latched onto him.

Crimson Forest

The Crimson Forest (紅蓮の森 Guren no Mori) is a spiritual realm in the form of a forest, a plane of existence between life and death. This realm is guarded by the Makai and it contains numerous Horrors ready to devour weak spirits, or those who end up there on the 100th day of being exposed to Horror blood via out-of-body experience and have lost the will to live. The Grou Dragon exists in the realm as a custodian, slaying any Horror in its path. Though Makai Knights are unable summon their armor while inside the forest, their Makai weapons take on the form they assume when armored. Kouga was able to use the Sword of Garo inside the forest to fend off Horrors before facing the Grou Dragon in order to win the Varakas Fruit (ヴァランカスの実 Varakasu no Mi) to purify Kaoru. There is the Amber Rock Valley (珀岩の谷 Hakugan no Tani) in the forest.


Kantai (é–‘å²±) is the training ground for people who study the ways of the Makai. All Makai Priests and Knights are trained here at one point or another, usually beginning their training at an early age with their parents or guardians and then sent here at an older age for further training, to contribute to Horror suppression. Graduates are recognized as full-fledged Knights or Priests. This is also the place that leads up to the Makai Forest. As a place for training and for ceremonial rituals this area is filled with Makai Priests, as well as future Priests and Knights. Kantai is the entrance to various realms that blend into the forest, and is Tsubasa's/Dan the Midnight Sun Knight's district of protection.

By the time of Garo: Goldstorm Sho, due to unexplained reasons, Kantai is left in ruins and no longer a training ground for fledglings within the Makai Order, as mentioned by Rian. It is also her dream to one day rebuild the former training ground and stay permanently as an instructor of Makai Priests-to-be.

Makai Forest

The Makai Forest (魔戒の森 Makai no Mori) is a spiritual realm in the form of a forest of monochromic trees where Makai creatures exist. This particular forest gives a sensation of quietness even though spiritual creatures of Makai live there. These creatures are not under the control of the Makai, making the forest dangerous for those caught unprepared.

Abyss Forest

The Abyss Forest (奈落の森 Naraku no Mori) is an area in Kantai that has mystical properties and no Makai Knight has ever stepped foot in until Kouga, Rei, Tsubasa, and Jabi had to go rescue Rin. The gravity in this realm is unusual. The shift and change of gravity is not gradual, but by distance. As soon as a person steps close to the proximity of Abyss Forest, their gravity will almost instantly change from 270 degrees to 180 or 0 degrees. Once past a certain point, gravity returns to normal. The possible reason why no one has returned from this forest may be its gravity that prevents people from returning, though Kouga's group was able to return with no problems after the defeat of the Legules tribe.

Jewel Forest

The Jewel Forest (宝玉の森 Hōgyoku no Mori) is a spiritual realm in the form of a forest where only the Makai Priests can enter. There is the Life-Circulating Waterfall (巡命の滝 Junmei no Taki) in the forest. When enduring water in the Madōgu stagnates, the Makai Priests purify them with enduring water of the waterfall.

Tower of Heroic Spirits

The Tower of Heroic Spirits (英霊の塔 Eirei no Tō) is a sacred place amongst the Makai Knights and Priests, a memorial to Makai Knights who fell in battle against a worthy foe. It is also the place where Makai Knights receive the title of Garo and return for periodical purifications. Prior to the events of Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono, due to the epic battle that it previous wearer endured, the tower serves as a resting place for the blackened Garo armor. As children before entering the Makai Priesthood, Burai, Ouma, visited the Tower of Heroic Spirits alongside Hakana who sensed the Garo armor's wish for restoration. With only Burai believing her, deciding to act a decade prior to the events of Yami o Terasu Mono, Hakana visited the ruins one final time with her young son Ryuga Dougai. Having proclaimed to become its wearer upon seeing the armor, Ryuga trained as a Makai Knight and eventually inherited the Garo title.

Promised Land

The Promised Land (約束の地 Yakusoku no Chi) is mentioned in the finale of Garo: Makai Senki, and is where the events Garo: Soukoku no Maryu take place. It is a fantastical realm that is home to anthropomorphic representations of various items that have become lost and forgotten in the human world, with memory a vital means for such beings to exist. When an object fades into nothingness, the memory of its existence forgotten by other objects and its name lost, it becomes a shade called a Nanashi which desires an identity that only a new name can provide to regain physical form. There are various locations in the Promised Land: The Forest of Chaos (混沌の森 Konton no Mori), Temple of Wisdom (知恵の祠 Chie no Hokora) and the surrounding graveyard that the Nanashi reside in, the Land of Bliss (至福の大地 Shifuku no Daichi), and the Seas of Lamentation whose waves briefly form building structures.

Vol City

Vol City (ボルシティ Boru Shiti) is the setting for Garo: Yami o Terasu Mono. It is an independent city-state located in the middle of a vast forest, a futuristic metropolis built around a volcano that has a low cost of living with free healthcare and education, as such the city is regarded as a paradise or utopia by residents and outsiders alike. The city is noted for its bilingualism, as while Japanese is the common tongue, English is often used in official affairs. The city is run by the Kaneshiro Group (金城グループ Kaneshiro Gurūpu), often called "Kaneshiro City" as well due to the Kaneshiro family being omnipresent in all forms of socioeconomic development, who use their privatized paramilitary force SG1 (Security Guardian 1) to enforce the law while concealing any criminal activity from the public. However, despite the utopian presentation, Vol City is also a hotspot for Horrors and one of the few places where Madō Horrors are active. The reason for this is that the land on which Vol City is built on was once the first Makai Priest village that have come to be known as the Hill of Zedom's Head as it long served as the burial grounds of the Horror's dismembered head. All Makai Priestesses are all taught to sing a special song some call Zedom's Requiem, a song used to open a Zedom seal enough to obtain one of the Horror's seeds as part of a ritual to develop Soul Metal. However, Tousei Kaneshiro, who worked behind the scenes to usurp control of the city and create a shadow empire, allowed the return of the Madō Horrors with Hakana used to quicken the process. Statues of a praying goddess, originally seen where Zedom's body parts are sealed, are erected at various sites in the city.

Unlike the usual Makai methodology of Horror hunting and slaying where the Knights and Priests do not usually concern themselves with discretion and secrecy, the Makai Knight group in Vol City opts to cover their tracks whenever possible, going so far as to knock out civilians onsite and even erase memories of civilian witnesses if deemed necessary. But upon Tousei becoming the Kaneshiro Group's new leader, the Makai Knights group finds themselves portrayed as terrorists to give him and the Madō Horrors an advantage. Furthermore, Tousei's actions indirectly cause Zedom's resurrection that would lead to Vol City's destruction once the Horror breaks free from his seal. Luckily, winning the SG1 over, the Makai Knights and Rian manage to destroy Zedom before the Makai Priestess wipes out the human residents' minds of any memories concerning themselves and the Horrors. Out of the surviving four of the original group of five, only Aguri remained to protect the Makai Priest Village and the city, with the rest embark on their own personal journeys elsewhere thereafter.

Lake of Lamentation

The Lake of Lamentation (慟哭の湖 Dōkoku no Mizuumi) is the place where the Horror Eyrith can bloom.

Valiante Kingdom

The Valiante Kingdom (ヴァリアンテ国 Variante-koku) is the main setting of Garo: Honō no Kokuin, culturally resembling Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. The kingdom's capital city is known as Santa Bard. In the Valiante Kingdom, public knowledge of Makai practitioners exists only in the form of the legendary "Knight of Light" (光の騎士 Hikari no Kishi), a mythical figure derived from the exploits of a past holder of the title of Garo, the Golden Knight. As part of Mendoza's plan to revive the Horror Anima to become immortal and have his revenge on the Makai Order, a witch hunt was orchestrated, driving the Makai people to near extinction and forcing the few surviving members of the order to go into hiding. This causes an age of suspicion and paranoia, making it easy for the kingdom to conquer surrounding areas and expand its influence. The kingdom also becomes infested with an inordinate number of Horrors, mainly because of the scarcity of Makai practitioners and Mendoza's use of the dangerous artifact known as Zirkel's Circle. Once Prince Alfonso becomes a Makai Knight and takes the throne, he begins a systematic extermination of these Horrors after Mendoza's supposed death.

Line City

Line City (ラインシティ Rain Shiti) is the setting for the Garo: Goldstorm Sho movie. The city is overseen by the ancient and powerful Makai Priestess Ryume. Line City is totally free from Horror influence, as Ryume performs a special purifying ritual once per month that cleanses the city by distributing her energies across special ley lines that spread outwards from a central shrine.

Homura Village

Homura Village (火群の里 Homura no Sato) is the village where the Makai Priests who sealed the Horror Radan lived, their knowledge on the Houken and the relevant sealing techniques passed on through generations. The village was lost sometime in the past, with only Gald and Haruna being some of the few surviving members. Homura Makai Priests and Priestesses are known to carry a special charm on their persons, which can be activated with magical energy and detonated like a powerful grenade, often used as a last-ditch suicide attack.

Spirit Forest

The Spirit Forest (精霊の森 Seirei no Mori) is a spiritual realm in the form of a forest. Gald and Haruna lived hidden away in a safehouse here due to Haruna's physical frailty, though they are forced to abandon it when it is discovered.


Heian-kyō (平安京) is the main setting of Garo: Guren no Tsuki. The Heian Palace called the Light Palace (光宮 Kōgū) is protected from Horrors by onmyōji.

See also

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