Regular map (graph theory)

The hexagonal hosohedron, a regular map on the sphere with two vertices, six edges, six faces, and 24 flags.

In mathematics, a regular map is a symmetric tessellation of a closed surface. More precisely, a regular map is a decomposition of a two-dimensional manifold such as a sphere, torus, or real projective plane into topological disks, such that every flag (an incident vertex-edge-face triple) can be transformed into any other flag by a symmetry of the decomposition. Regular maps are, in a sense, topological generalizations of Platonic solids. The theory of maps and their classification is related to the theory of Riemann surfaces, hyperbolic geometry, and Galois theory. Regular maps are classified according to either: the genus and orientability of the supporting surface, the underlying graph, or the automorphism group.


Regular maps are typically defined and studied in three ways: topologically, group-theoretically, and graph-theoretically.

Topological approach

Topologically, a map is a 2-cell decomposition of a closed compact 2-manifold.

The genus g, of a map M is given by Euler's relation  \chi (M) = |V| - |E| +|F| which is equal to  2 -2g if the map is orientable, and  2 - g if the map is non-orientable. It is a crucial fact that there is a finite (non-zero) number of regular maps for every orientable genus except the torus.

Group-theoretical approach

Group-theoretically, the permutation representation of a regular map M is a transitive permutation group C, on a set \Omega of flags, generated by three fixed-point free involutions r0, r1, r2 satisfying (r0r2)2= I. In this definition the faces are the orbits of F = <r0, r1>, edges are the orbits of E = <r0, r2>, and vertices are the orbits of V = <r1, r2>. More abstractly, the automorphism group of any regular map is the non-degenerate, homomorphic image of a <2,m,n>-triangle group.

Graph-theoretical approach

Graph-theoretically, a map is a cubic graph \Gamma with edges coloured blue, yellow, red such that: \Gamma is connected, every vertex is incident to one edge of each colour, and cycles of edges not coloured blue, have length 4. Note that \Gamma is the flag graph or graph encoded map (GEM) of the map, defined on the vertex set of flags \Omega and is not the skeleton G = (V,E) of the map. In general, |\Omega| = 4|E|.

A map M is regular iff Aut(M) acts regularly on the flags. Aut(M) of a regular map is transitive on the vertices, edges, and faces of M. A map M is said to be reflexible iff Aut(M) is regular and contains an automorphism \phi that fixes both a vertex v and a face f, but reverses the order of the edges. A map which is regular but not reflexible is said to be chiral.


The following is a complete list of regular maps in surfaces of positive Euler characteristic, χ: the sphere and the projective plane.[1].

χ g SchläfliVert.EdgesFaces Group Graph Notes
2 0 {p,2}pp2 C2 × Dihp Cp Dihedron
2 0 {2,p}2pp C2 × Dihp p-fold K2 Hosohedron
2 0 {3,3}464 S4 K4 Tetrahedron
2 0 {4,3}8126 C2 × S4 K4 × K2 Cube
2 0 {3,4}6128 C2 × S4 K2,2,2 Octahedron
2 0 {5,3}203012 C2 × A5 Dodecahedron
2 0 {3,5}123020 C2 × A5 K6 × K2 Icosahedron
1 n1 {2p,2}/2pp1 Dih2p Cp Hemi-dihedron[2]
1 n1 {2,2p}/22pp Dih2p p-fold K2 Hemi-hosohedron[2]
1 n1 {4,3}/2463 S4 K4 Hemicube
1 n1 {3,4}/2364 S4 2-fold K3 Hemioctahedron
1 n1 {5,3}/210156 A5 Petersen graph Hemidodecahedron
1 n1 {3,5}/261510 A5 K6 Hemi-icosahedron

The images below show three of the 20 regular maps in the triple torus, labelled with their Schläfli symbols.

See also


  1. Coxeter (1980)
  2. 1 2 Séquin, Carlo. "Symmetrical immersions of low-genus non-orientable regular maps" (PDF). Berkeley University.
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