Rivervale, Singapore

Name transcription(s)
  Chinese 河谷
  Pinyin hégǔ
  Malay Rivervale
Country  Singapore

Rivervale is a neighbourhood of Sengkang New Town located between Sungei Serangoon and Compassvale. The house numbers of the public apartment blocks in Rivervale begin with the number '1' (1xx). Rivervale is the first neighbourhood of Sengkang New Town to be built, and many of the existing housing estates in Rivervale were completed by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) in as early as 1997.

Housing estates

Public housing estates

Private housing estates

Educational institutions

Primary schools
Secondary schools

Places of worship

Chinese temples

Shopping amenities

Rivervale Plaza.
Rivervale Plaza is the first shopping complex which was opened in Sengkang New Town. This shopping centre has about 46 shops and houses the Sengkang HDB Branch Office. The centre has a wet market, an NTUC Fairprice supermarket, two foodcourts, two fast food outlets, a music school and other retail shops that cater to the residents' daily shopping needs.
Rivervale Mall is the first private mixed development in Sengkang New Town, with about 85,000 square feet (7,900 m²) of retail space. The development has a modern architectural design. Retail units include the NTUC FairPrice, McDonald's, NTUC Foodfare, Daiso, KFC and EC House. Demand dropped when the bigger mall, Waterway Point opened. It is no longer under CapitaMalls Asia.

Public Transport

The Rivervale neighbourhood is linked to Sengkang Bus Interchange, MRT/LRT Station at the town centre via bus services originating from the Sengkang Bus Interchange and other parts of the island. The east loop of the Sengkang LRT Line also serves the area, such as Rumbia, Bakau and Kangkar.



External links

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