Roads in Jersey

The road with the longest name in Jersey is in St Martin

Roads in Jersey are labelled "A", "B" or "C" in a similar scheme used in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. The maximum speed limit on Jersey's roads is 40 mph. On the 18th of January, Transport Minister Deputy Kevin Lewis announced that the speed limit on several Jersey roads will be lowered to 30 miles per hour. Deputy Lewis said that changes came following requests from parish officials.

A Visite du Branchage is an inspection of roads to ensure property owners have complied with the laws against vegetation encroaching on the highway.

Highway authorities

Main roads are administered by the Minister for Transport and Technical Services.

Parish roads are administered by the Roads Committee of the relevant parish. Roads Inspectors are also elected to report on roads within their vingtaine.

"A" roads

Looking west along part of the Esplanade (A1) and Victoria Avenue (A2)


External links

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