Robert Holzmann

Robert Holzmann (born February 27, 1949, in Leoben, Styria – a historic province of central Austria) is an Austrian economist with a distinguished career in both academia and international organizations. He held various positions at the University of Graz (1973–1975), University of Vienna (1975–1992), and University of Saarland 1992–2003), and worked at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (1985–1987), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (1988–1990), and the World Bank (1997–2011). At the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., he served as Sector Director (1997–2009), Research Director (2009–2011), and acting Senior Vice-President (2002–2003). From 1983 to 2005, he directed the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Economic Policy Analyses (Vienna). He currently holds honorary positions at the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) and the University of New South Wales (Sydney). He is a Research Fellow at IZA (a German labor market think tank in Bonn) and CESifo (Munich). In 2014 he was elected Full Member (Fellow) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. He consults for governments, international organizations, and research institutions.

Holzmann holds various editorial and advisory positions, including: Associate Editor‒ Journal of the Economics of Ageing; Associate Editor, Economics – E-journal; Member and Chairman of the Advisory Board ‒ EcoAustria Research Institute; Board Member ‒ Austrian Economic Association; Member ‒ Advisory Council of IIF Business School (New Delhi, India); Member‒ Advisory Board of Center of Development Studies (University of Rome II – Tor Vergata); Member – Editorial and Advisory Board of International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation (Australia); Member – Editorial Board of Journal of Public Policy; Member – Council of Advisors, Population Europe; and Distinguished Associate – Atlantic International Economic Society.

Holzmann’s research and operational involvement extends to all regions of the world. He has published 34 books and over 150 articles on social, fiscal, and financial policy issues. An avid traveler for both work and pleasure, he has visited over 80 countries and is fluent in German, English, French, and Spanish.

Educational background

Raised in Styria, Holzmann studied economics at the Universities of Graz (Austria), Grenoble (France), Bristol (England), and Vienna (Austria). He received an M.A. in economics in 1972 (Graz), a doctorate in economics in 1977 (Vienna), and a "habilitation" (kind of a second Ph.D.) in 1983 (Vienna), at which time he was promoted to Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna. Holzmann’s Ph.D. thesis on the Austrian pension system involved development of the first large-scale simulation/projection model in Austria, among the first of its kind in Europe (Bös and Holzmann 1976; Holzmann 1979). His habilitation thesis on intertemporal income distribution deepened his understanding of the role and limits of public policy as well as markets but also of the importance and limits of simulation techniques (Holzmann 1984, 1990). His work on this topic and the interaction between lifetime consumption, lifetime income, and intertemporal redistributive outcomes profited greatly from a research stay at the University of Bristol in 1982 and the intensive interaction with and guidance of Angus Deaton (the 2015 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Holzmann’s interest in policy-relevant modelling and strategic economic and social policy thinking would become the touchstone for the rest of his career.

Career highlights

Holzmann’s lengthy career oscillated between academia and international policy institutions ‒ he claims he missed the policy action when in academia and the time for contemplation when in international organizations. In his varying capacities, Holzmann held guest professorships at, inter alia, Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo), La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Santiago), and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Chengdu); he lectured, inter alia, at Harvard University (Boston) and Oxford University (Oxford, UK); and he consulted for the Austrian National Bank, the Commission of the European Union, the Council of Europe, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, now GIZ), the International Labour Organization, the IMF, the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the OECD, and the World Bank.

While on leave from the University of Vienna, Holzmann joined OECD’s Social Affairs Team in 1985 to establish its pension data base and wrote the policy think piece on "Reforming Public Pensions" (Holzmann 1988). Upon his return to Vienna in 1987, he was invited to join the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department. Hoping to leave behind pensions and return to broader fiscal and macroeconomic policy issues and looking forward to working on developing countries, he was instead thrown back into pension work on fiscal issues in Hungary and Poland before and during their transformation. He was involved in rethinking their social programs as those countries acknowledged the need to focus there as well as on their moves from centrally planned to market economies. This engagement led to Holzmann’s subsequent analytical and policy work on pensions and other social programs across essentially all Central and East European reform countries (Holzmann 1997b).

In 1992 the University of Saarland offered Holzmann a full professorship and a position as chair of the Institute of International Economic Relations as well as managing director of the Economic Section of the European Institute (a post-graduate institution with teaching staff that included Paul de Grauwe and European Commission staff and officials). This allowed him to return to his initial intellectual interest (European monetary integration), to work on Western European integration, and to teach authoritatively on Eastern European transitions. The 1990s were the heyday of discussing the Maastricht treaty implementation and preparing for introduction of the Euro; the European Institute offered intellectual stimulus and corrections to the debate. Yet Holzmann’s warning about the construction issues of the Euro and the likely consequences were little heard (Holzmann, Herve, and Demmel 1996; Demmel, Herve, and Holzmann 1999).

Holzmann was recruited to join the World Bank in 1997 under the leadership of James Wolfensohn, the just-appointed president. Out of 232 international candidates, he was selected to head the newly established Social Protection and Labor Sector. Given the University of Saarland’s budget cuts as part of a further bailout of the state of Saarland, Holzmann had strong incentives to once again leave academia and return to Washington, D.C. He was motivated by the intellectual and managerial challenges of this new World Bank sector, and derived great satisfaction from successfully addressing them. His notable achievements there include:

Since retiring from the World Bank in 2011 and returning to Alpine Austria, Holzmann has held the chair for Old-Age Financial Protection at the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) (2012–2015) and continues to serve the University’s Social Security Research Centre in an honorary position. His impact includes: initiation of and work on a database of 30,000 contributors to the Employees Provident Fund – Malaysia’s central provident fund ‒ that will soon be available to researchers, the first of its kind in Asia; and a think piece on issues and a reform vision for the Employees Provident Fund (Holzmann 2014a). Since 2012 he has held an honorary position at CEPAR – the Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research – at the University of New South Wales. In this capacity he initiated a joint CEPAR-CESifo project on a largely under-researched topic, namely taxation of public and private pensions in general and taxation of internationally portable pensions in particular. Two successful workshops in Sydney (2014) and Munich (2015) offer the material for a book under preparation. With his initiated work on the taxation of internationally portable pensions, Holzmann hopes to attract the attention of economists to offer conceptual guidance for policy makers in the design and reform of income taxes and the rethinking of double taxation treaties (Holzmann 2015a).


Since 2011, Holzmann has lived with his wife Chantale in a mountain village of Styria in the Austrian Alps. Chantale is a former master teacher of English and French who, during their stay in Washington, D.C., served as president and senior advisor to the World Bank Family Network, an organization serving over 3,500 World Bank Group (WBG) families. She was central to the expansion and strengthening of supportive and community-building services for the families of WBG staff. She was also pivotal in raising awareness of and establishing effective structures at the WBG for dealing with domestic abuse. Holzmann and his wife have two married children and four grandchildren.

Selected publications (referenced above)

Bös, D., and R. Holzmann. 1976. “Simulationsanalysen zur österreichischen Pensionsdynamik.“ Eine Studie zur Indexbindung von Einkommen, Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akadmie der Wissenschaften.

Demmel, R., Y. Hervé, and R. Holzmann. 1999. “The Impact of EMU on National Fiscal Policy: A Theoretical Analysis.“ Research Paper of the European Institute 9902, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken.

Holzmann, R. 1979. Quantitative Sozialpolitik, Finanzsysteme and Pensionsversicherung. Wien: Verlag der öster¬reichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Holzmann, R. 1984. “Lebenseinkommen and Verteilungsanalyse: Ein methodischer Rahmen für eine Neuorientierung der Verteilungspolitik.“ Studies in Contemporary Economics 9. Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo: Springer.

Holzmann, R. 1988. Reforming Public Pensions. Paris: OECD.

Holzmann, R. 1990. “The welfare effects of public expenditure programs reconsidered.” IMF Staff Papers 37(2): 338-359. Washington, D.C.: IMF.

Holzmann, R., Y. Hervé, and R. Demmel. 1996. “The Maastricht Fiscal Criteria: Required but Ineffective?” Empirica 23(1): 25-58.

Holzmann, R. 1997a. “Pension Reform, Financial Market Development, and Economic Growth: Preliminary Evidence from Chile.” IMF Staff Papers 44(3): 149-178. Washington, D.C.: IMF.

Holzmann, R. 1997b. “Starting over in Pensions: The Challenges and Chances Facing Central and Eastern Europe.” Journal of Public Policy 17(3): 195–222.

Holzmann, R. 1999. “On the Economic Benefits and Fiscal Requirements of Moving from Unfunded to Funded Pensions.” In The Welfare State in Europe, ed. Buti, M., D. Franco, and L. Pench, pp. 139-196. Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

Holzmann, R., and S. Jorgensen. 1999. “Social Protection as Social Risk Management: Conceptual underpinnings for the social protection sector strategy paper.” Journal of International Development 11: 1005-1027.

Holzmann, R., and S. Jorgensen. 2001. “Social Risk Management: A new conceptual framework for social protection, and beyond.” International Tax and Public Finance 8(4): 529-556.

Holzmann, R., and J. Stiglitz (eds.). 2001. New Ideas about Old Age Security – Toward sustainable pension systems in the 21st century. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Chinese translation (2004).

Holzmann, R., R. Palacios, and A. Zviniene. 2001. “On the Economics and Scope of Implicit Pension Debt: An International Perspective.” Empirica 28(1): 97-129.

Holzmann, R., and Rainer Muenz. 2004. Challenges and Opportunities of International Migration for the EU, Its Member States, Neighboring Countries and Regions. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Holzmann, R., R. Palacios, and A. Zviniene. 2004. “Implicit Pension Debt: Issues, Measurement and Scope in International Perspective.” Social Protection Discussion Paper No. 0403. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Holzmann, R., and Richard Hinz. 2005. Old-Age Income Support in the 21st Century: An International Perspective on Pension Systems and Reform. Washington, D.C. :The World Bank. Soporte del ingreso económico en la vejez en el siglo XXI: Una perspectiva internacional de los sistemas de pensiones y de sus reformas (2006, Banco mundial con Mayol Ediciones, Bogota, Colombia), (Translation into Chinese, Croatian, and Russian available on the web).

Holzmann, R. 2006. “Toward a Reformed and Coordinated Pension System in Europe: Rational and Potential Structure.” In Pension Reform: Issues and Prospect for Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) Schemes, ed. R. Holzmann and E. Palmer. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R., Johannes Koettl, and Taras Chernetsky. 2006. “Portability Regimes of Pension and Health Care Benefits for International Migrants: An Analysis of Issues and Good Practices.” Global Migration Perspectives. Geneva: Global Commission on International Migration.

Holzmann, R., David Robalino, and Nuriyuki Takayama. 2009. Closing the Coverage Gap: The Role of Social Pensions and Other Retirement Income Transfers. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R., and Y. Pouget. 2010. “Towards an objective-driven system of smart labor migration management.” Economic Premise 42. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R. 2011. “Bringing Financial Literacy and Education to Low and Middle Income Countries.” In Financial Literacy: Implications for Retirement Security and the Financial Marketplace, ed. Olivia Mitchell and Anamaria Lusardi, pp. 255-267. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Holzmann, R., and Milan Vodopivec. 2012. Reforming Severance Pay: An International Perspective. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R., Edward Palmer, and David Robalino. 2012. NDC Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, Volume 1: Progress, Issues, and Implementation. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank & Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Holzmann, R., Florentina Mulaj, and Valeria Perotti. 2013. “Financial Capability in Low and Middle Income Countries: Measurement and Effectiveness.” Knowledge Management Report on the Russia Trust Fund on Financial Literacy & Education (conference edition). Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R., Edward Palmer, and David Robalino. 2013. NDC Pension Schemes in a Changing Pension World, Volume 2: Gender, Politics, and Financial Stability. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank & Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

Holzmann, R., Richard Hinz, Nuriyuki Takayama, and David Tuesta. 2013. Matching Contributions for Pensions: A Review of International Experience. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Holzmann, R. 2014a. “Old-Age Financial Protection in Malaysia: Challenges and Options.” World Bank, Social Protection & Labor Discussion Paper No. 1425, November; University of Malaya, SSRC Working Paper No. 2014-3, October. (Also Social Protection Discussion Paper Series No. 2014-11, World Bank).

Holzmann, R. 2014b. “The Implicit Pension Debt: Concept and Role in Pension Economics and Reform.” In Pension Adequacy and Sustainability, ed. Jozsef Meszaros, pp. 9-35. Budapest: Central Administration of National Social Insurance.

Holzmann, R. 2015a.“Taxing the Pensions of an Internationally Mobile Labor Force: Portability Issues and Taxation Options.” CEPAR Working Paper 2015/27. Sydney: University of New South Wales.

Holzmann, R. 2015b. “Towards a Pan-European Pension Framework: Concept, Structure and Realization” In European Pension System: Fantasy or Reality, ed. Jozsef Meszaros, pp. 50-70. Budapest: Central Administration of National Social Insurance.

Holzmann, R. 2015c. “Do Bilateral Social Security Agreements Deliver on the Portability of Pensions and Health Care Benefits? A Summary Policy Paper on Four Migration Corridors Between EU and Non-EU Member States.” Mimeo. World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Holzmann, R., and J. Koettl. 2015. “The Portability of Pensions, Health, and other Social Benefits: Concepts and Issues.” CESifo Economic Studies (Advance Access published January 13, 2014; doi:10.1093/cesifo/ift017).

World Bank. 2001. Social Protection Sector Strategy: From Safety Net to Springboard. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

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