Academic Ranking of World Universities

Academic Ranking of World Universities
Categories Higher education
Frequency Annual
Publisher Shanghai Ranking Consultancy (since 2009)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2003–2008)
Country  China
Language Ten languages with English & Chinese

Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), also known as Shanghai Ranking, is an annual publication of university rankings by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy based in China.[1] The league table was originally compiled and issued by Shanghai Jiaotong University in 2003, the first global ranking with multifarious indicators,[2] after which a board of international advisories was established to provide suggestions.[3][4] The publication currently includes world's overall and subject league tables, alongside independent regional Greater China Ranking and Macedonian HEIs Ranking. ARWU is regarded as one of the most influential and widely observed university measures, including QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education World University Rankings.[5][6][7][8] It is praised for its objective methodology but draws some condemnation for narrowly focusing on raw research power, undermining humanities and quality of instruction.[5][7][9]

Global rankings



ARWU methodology[10]
Criterion Indicator Code Weighting Source
Quality of education
  • 10%
Official websites of Nobel Laureates & Fields Medalists[Note 1]
Quality of faculty
  • Staff as Nobel Laureates & Fields Medalists
  • Highly cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories
  • 20%
  • 20%
Official websites of Nobel Laureates & Fields Medalists[Note 1]
Thomson Reuters' survey of highly cited researchers[Note 1]
Research output
  • Papers published in Nature and Science[* 1]
  • Papers indexed in Science Citation Index-expanded and Social Science Citation Index
  • 20%
  • 20%
Citation index
Per capita performance
  • Per capita academic performance of an institution
  • 10%
  1. Not applicable to institutions specialized in humanities and social sciences whose N&S scores are relocated to other indicators.


ARWU is praised by several media and institutions for its methodology and influence. A survey on higher education published by The Economist in 2005 commented ARWU as "the most widely used annual ranking of the world's research universities."[11] In 2010, The Chronicle of Higher Education called ARWU "the best-known and most influential global ranking of universities".[12] EU Research Headlines reported the ARWU's work on 31 December 2003: "The universities were carefully evaluated using several indicators of research performance."[13] Chancellor of University of Oxford, Chris Patten and former Vice-Chancellor of Australian National University, Ian Chubb, said: "the methodology looks fairly solid ... it looks like a pretty good stab at a fair comparison." and "The SJTU rankings were reported quickly and widely around the world… (and they) offer an important comparative view of research performance and reputation." respectively.[14] Philip G. Altbach named ARWU's 'consistency, clarity of purpose, and transparency' as significant strengths.[15] Whilst ARWU has originated in China, the ranking have been praised for being unbiased towards Asian institutions. [16]


Like all other rankings, ARWU has criticism. It is condemned for "relying too much on award factors" thus undermining the importance of quality of instruction and humanities.[5][7][17][18] A 2007 paper published in the journal Scientometrics found that the results from the Shanghai rankings could not be reproduced from raw data using the method described by Liu and Cheng.[19] A 2013 paper in the same journal finally showed how the Shanghai ranking results could be reproduced.[20] In a report from April 2009, J-C. Billaut, D. Bouyssou and Ph. Vincke analyse how the ARWU works, using their insights as specialists of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Their main conclusions are that the criteria used are not relevant; that the aggregation methodology has a number of major problems; and that insufficient attention has been paid to fundamental choices of criteria.[21] The ARWU researchers themselves, N.C Liu and Y Cheng, think that the quality of universities cannot be precisely measured by mere numbers and any ranking must be controversial. They suggest that university and college rankings should be used with caution and their methodologies must be understood clearly before reporting or using the results. ARWU has been criticised by the European Commission as well as some EU member states for "favour[ing] Anglo-Saxon higher education institutions". For instance, ARWU is repeatedly criticised in France, where it triggers an annual controversy, focusing on its ill-adapted character to the French academic system.[22][23]


Academic Ranking of World Universities (500) – Top 50[24][Note 2]
Institution 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
United StatesHarvard University 1111111111111
United StatesStanford University 2233222322222
United StatesMassachusetts Institute of Technology 6555555433433
United StatesUniversity of California, Berkeley 4444333244344
United KingdomUniversity of Cambridge 5322444555555
United StatesPrinceton University 7788888777766
United StatesCalifornia Institute of Technology 3666666666677
United StatesColumbia University 10977777888888
United StatesUniversity of Chicago 111098999999999
United KingdomUniversity of Oxford 98101010101010101010910
United StatesYale University 8111111111111111111111111
United StatesUniversity of California, Los Angeles 15161414131313131212121212
United StatesCornell University 12121212121212121313131313
United StatesUniversity of California, San Diego 14131313141414141515141414
United StatesUniversity of Washington 16201717161616161616161515
United StatesJohns Hopkins University 24221920192019181817171716
United StatesUniversity of Pennsylvania 18151515151515151414151617
United KingdomUniversity College London 20252626252221212021212018
United StatesUniversity of California, San Francisco 13171818181818181718181818
SwitzerlandSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich 25272727272423232323201920
JapanUniversity of Tokyo 19142019201920202120212121
United StatesUniversity of Michigan 21192121212122222222232222
United KingdomImperial College London 17232323232726262424242223
United StatesUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison 27181616171717171919192424
CanadaUniversity of Toronto 23242424232427272627282425
JapanKyoto University 30212222222324242726262626
United StatesNew York University 55322929303132312927272727
United StatesNorthwestern University 29303133293030293030302828
United StatesUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 45252525262625252525252829
United StatesUniversity of Minnesota 37333232332828282829293030
United StatesDuke University 32313231323231353536313131
United StatesWashington University in St. Louis 22282828282929303131323232
United StatesRockefeller University 28293030303232343332343333
United StatesUniversity of Colorado at Boulder 31343534343434323233333434
DenmarkUniversity of Copenhagen 65595756464543404344423935
FrancePierre and Marie Curie University 65414645394240394142373536
United StatesThe University of Texas at Austin 47403639383938383535363937
United StatesUniversity of California, Santa Barbara 26353435353635323334354138
United StatesUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 52565559583839414241433639
CanadaUniversity of British Columbia 35363736363536363739403740
United KingdomUniversity of Manchester 89785350484041443840413841
FranceUniversity of Paris-Sud 72486164524943454037394241
United StatesUniversity of Maryland, College Park 75574737373737363838384343
AustraliaUniversity of Melbourne 92828278797375626057544444
United StatesUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 34363838394148495148464544
GermanyHeidelberg University 58647166656763636262544946
United KingdomUniversity of Edinburgh 43474752535553545351514547
SwedenKarolinska Institutet 39464548535150424442444748
United StatesUniversity of Southern California 40485047505046464646475149
United StatesUniversity of California, Irvine 44554744454646464845454750


As it may take much time for rising universities to produce Nobel laureates and Fields Medalists with numbers comparable to those of older institutions, the Institute created alternative rankings excluding such award factors so as to provide another way of comparisons of academic performance. The weighting of all the other factors remains unchanged, thus the grand total of 70%.

Alternative Rankings (500) – Top 50[Note 2]
Institution 2014[25] 2015[26]
United StatesHarvard University11
United StatesStanford University22
United StatesMassachusetts Institute of Technology43
United StatesUniversity of California-Berkeley34
United StatesCalifornia Institute of Technology55
United KingdomUniversity of Oxford66
United KingdomUniversity of Cambridge87
United StatesUniversity of California, San Diego78
United StatesUniversity of Washington109
United StatesYale University910
United StatesColumbia University1211
United StatesUniversity of Michigan1312
United StatesUniversity of California, Los Angeles1113
United StatesUniversity of California, San Francisco1514
JapanThe University of Tokyo1415
United StatesUniversity of Pennsylvania1615
United StatesCornell University1817
United StatesThe Johns Hopkins University1918
CanadaUniversity of Toronto1719
United StatesPrinceton University2020
United KingdomUniversity College London2121
SwitzerlandSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich2322
United StatesDuke University2223
United KingdomImperial College, London2424
United StatesNorthwestern University2525
United StatesUniversity of Minnesota2626
United StatesUniversity of Chicago2727
United StatesUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison2828
United StatesUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill2929
United StatesThe University of Texas at Austin3430
United StatesUniversity of California, Davis3130
DenmarkUniversity of Copenhagen4030
United StatesWashington University in St. Louis3030
United StatesNew York University3234
CanadaUniversity of British Columbia3335
United StatesPennsylvania State University3536
AustraliaThe University of Melbourne3937
United StatesUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign3838
JapanKyoto University3639
United StatesUniversity of Colorado at Boulder3740
United StatesThe Ohio State University, Columbus4141
United StatesUniversity of Maryland, College Park4242
United StatesUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Campus4343
FrancePierre and Marie Curie University4544
AustraliaUniversity of Queensland5845
CanadaMcGill University5146
BelgiumKU Leuven5947
United StatesUniversity of California, Santa Cruz5047
BelgiumGhent University5349
GermanyHeidelberg University6349
United StatesUniversity of California, Irvine4849


There are two categories in ARWU's disciplinary rankings, broad subject fields and specific subjects. The methodology is similar to that adopted in the overall table, including award factors, paper citation, and the number of highly cited scholars.

Broad fields[27] Specific subjects[28]
Natural sciences and mathematics Mathematics
Computer science and engineering Physics
Life and agricultural sciences Chemistry
Clinical medicine and pharmacy Computer science
Social sciences Economics and business

Regional rankings

Considering the development of specific areas, two independent regional league tables with different methodologies were launched.

Greater China


Methodology of Greater China Rankings[29][Note 2]
Criterion Indicator Weight
  • Percentage of graduate students
  • Percentage of non-local students
  • Ratio of academic staff to students
  • Doctoral degrees awarded
  • Alumni as Nobel Laureates & Fields Medalists
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • Annual research income
  • Nature & Science Papers
  • SCIE & SSCI papers
  • International patents
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • Percentage of academic staff with a doctoral degree
  • Staff as Nobel Laureates and Fields Medalists
  • Highly cited researchers
  • 5%
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • Annual budget
  • 5%


Greater China Rankings (100) – Top 10[Note 2][30]
Institution 2011 2012 2013 2014
ChinaTsinghua University 1111
TaiwanNational Tsing Hua University 4332
TaiwanNational Taiwan University 1223
Hong KongThe Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 5474
ChinaPeking University 7755
Hong KongThe University of Hong Kong 3646
Hong KongThe Chinese University of Hong Kong 6567
ChinaUniversity of Science & Technology of China 911108
TaiwanNational Chiao Tung University 8889
ChinaZhejiang University 109910

Former Yugoslavic republic of Macedonia


Methodology of rankings of Former Yugoslavic republic of Macedonia higher educational institutions[31][Note 3]
Criterion Indicator Weight
Teaching and learning
  • Percentage of incoming students who participated in state matura examination
  • Average score of incoming students in state matura examination
  • Percentage of foreign students
  • Academic staff / undergraduate students ratio
  • Proportion of academic staff with the highest degree
  • Proportion of academic staff with 1 year or above foreign work experience
  • Proportion of students with academic scholarships from Ministry of Education and Science
  • Institutional income per student
  • Spending on library resources per student
  • Spending on IT infrastructure and equipment per student
  • Proportion of undergraduates who graduated within regular time
  • Proportion of undergraduates with 3 months or above foreign study/practical experience under the state-level agreements
  • Employment rate of undergraduates
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 5%
  • 4%
  • 8%
  • 6%
  • 6%
  • 2%
  • 1%
  • 1%
  • 1%
  • 2%
  • 4%
  • Total research income per academic staff
  • Research income from the Ministry of Education & Science per academic staff
  • Papers published in peer reviewed journals per academic staff
  • Papers indexed by Web of Science per academic staff
  • Books published per academic staff
  • Numbers of doctorates granted per academic staff
  • 4%
  • 6%
  • 6%
  • 10%
  • 4%
  • 6%
Social service
  • Research income from industry per academic staff
  • Patents issued per academic staff
  • 6%
  • 8%


Macedonian HEIs Rankings (20) – Top 10[Note 2][32][33]
Institution 2011–12 2013–14
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje11
Goce Delčev University of Štip32
South East European University23
University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul The Apostle"54
University "Ss. Kliment Ohridski" – Bitola45
University American College Skopje106
International Balkan University67
FON University118
State University of Tetovo139
European University-Republic of Macedonia710


  1. 1 2 3 Official datum sources adopted by ARWU: Nobel Laureate Web, Fields Medalist Web, Thomson Reuters' survey of highly cited researchers & Thomson Reuters' Web of Science.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Order shown in accordance with the latest result.
  3. This table shows the latest version which is different from that of the previous year.


  1. "About Academic Ranking of World Universities". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 26 September 2014. Since 2009 the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) has been published and copyrighted by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy.
  2. "World university rankings: how much influence do they really have?". The Guardian. 2013. Retrieved 27 January 2015. The first international rankings, the Academic Ranking of World Universities or Shanghai Rankings
  3. "Shanghai rankings rattle European universities". ABS-CBN Interactive. 8 December 2010. Retrieved 27 January 2015. France's higher education minister travelled to Jiaotong University's suburban campus last month to discuss the rankings, the Norwegian education minister came last year and the Danish minister is due to visit next month.; The idea for the rankings was born in 1998, when Beijing decreed China needed several world-leading universities.
  4. "ARWU International Advisory Board". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 27 January 2015.
  5. 1 2 3 "University rankings: which world university rankings should we trust?". The Telegraph. 2015. Retrieved 27 January 2015. It is a remarkably stable list, relying on long-term factors such as the number of Nobel Prize-winners a university has produced, and number of articles published in Nature and Science journals. But with this narrow focus comes drawbacks. China's priority was for its universities to 'catch up' on hard scientific research. So if you're looking for raw research power, it's the list for you. If you're a humanities student, or more interested in teaching quality? Not so much.
  6. Ariel Zirulnick. "New world university ranking puts Harvard back on top". The Christian Science Monitor. Those two, as well as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, produce the most influential international university rankings out there
  7. 1 2 3 Indira Samarasekera & Carl Amrhein. "Top schools don't always get top marks". The Edmonton Journal. Archived from the original on October 3, 2010. There are currently three major international rankings that receive widespread commentary: The Academic World Ranking of Universities, the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education Rankings.
  8. Philip G. Altbach (11 November 2010). "The State of the Rankings". Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved 27 January 2015. The major international rankings have appeared in recent months — the Academic Ranking of World Universities, the QS World University Rankings, and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE).
  9. ""Shanghai Academic Ranking: a French Controversy" by Marc Goetzmann, for ''La Jeune Politique''". 29 August 2013. Retrieved 9 June 2014.
  10. "ARWU – Methodology". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 30 January 2015.
  11. "A world of opportunity". The Economics. 8 September 2005. Retrieved 30 January 2015. It is no accident that the most widely used annual ranking of the world's research universities, the Shanghai index, is produced by a Chinese university.
  12. "International Group Announces Audit of University Rankings". The Chronicle of Higher Education. 10 October 2010. Retrieved 30 January 2015. ...Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which produces the best-known and most influential global ranking of universities...
  13. "Chinese study ranks world's top 500 universities". European Research Headlines. 2003. Retrieved 4 February 2015.
  14. "Rankings and Accountability in Higher Education: Uses and Misuses". United Nations Educational. 2013. p. 26. Retrieved 30 January 2015.
  15. Philip G. Altbach (11 September 2010). "The State of the Rankings". INSIDE HIGHER ED. Retrieved 30 January 2015. Nonetheless, AWRU's consistency, clarity of purpose, and transparency are significant advantages.
  16. "Academic Ranking of World Universities 2013 released". Times Higher Education (THE). Retrieved 2016-01-20.
  17. J. Scott Armstrong and Tad Sperry (1994). "Business School Prestige: Research versus Teaching" (PDF). Energy & Environment 18 (2): 13–43.
  18. "" (PDF). Retrieved 9 June 2014.
  19. Răzvan V. Florian (17 June 2007). "Irreproducibility of the results of the Shanghai academic ranking of world universities". Scientometrics. Retrieved 30 January 2015.
  20. Domingo Docampo (1 July 2012). "Reproducibility of the results of the Shanghai academic ranking of world universities". Scientometrics. Retrieved 19 May 2015.
  21. Jean-Charles Billaut, Denis Bouyssou & Philippe Vincke. "Should you believe in the Shanghai ranking?". CCSD. Retrieved 30 January 2015.
  22. ""Shanghai Academic Ranking: a French Controversy" by Marc Goetzmann, for ''La Jeune Politique''". 29 August 2013. Retrieved 9 June 2014.
  23. Spongenberg, Helena (5 June 2014). "EUobserver / EU to test new university ranking in 2010". Retrieved 9 June 2014.
  24. "Academic Ranking of World Universities 2015". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2015. Retrieved 29 October 2015.
  25. "Alternative Ranking 2014 ( Excluding Award Factor ) ( Excluding Award Factor )". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 30 January 2015.
  26. "Alternative Ranking 2015 ( Excluding Award Factor )". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2015. Retrieved 4 September 2015.
  27. "Academic Rankings of World Universities in subject fields". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  28. "Academic Rankings of World Universities in specific subjects". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  29. "Greater China Ranking – Methodology". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  30. "Greater China Rankings". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  31. "Macedonian HEIs Ranking 2013–2014 – Methodology". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  32. "Macedonian HEIs Ranking 2013–2014". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.
  33. "Macedonian HEIs Ranking 2011–2012". Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. 2014. Retrieved 31 January 2015.

External links

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