Sigma Phi Lambda

Sigma Phi Lambda
Founded November 14, 1988 (1988-11-14)
University of Texas
Type Social Christian
Vision statement Sigma Phi Lambda exists for the sole purpose of glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ and making His name great.[1]


Philanthropy World Vision[2]
Chapters 32[3]
Headquarters Austin, TX, United States

Sigma Phi Lambda (ΣΦΛ), Sisters for the Lord or Phi Lamb, is a sorority founded in 1988 in Austin, Texas.


Sigma Phi Lambda was founded in 1988 at the University of Texas at Austin by Patricia Adams Hogan, Robin Maedgen, Gina Williams Goveas, Jacqueline Goveas, and Eileen Howell Barlow.[4]

Phi Lamb was part of a broader movement to establish Christian sororities during the mid-1980s, as Evangelical Christian movement was on the rise in the United States.

Phi Lamb itself was also a part of the same movement as it affected men's fraternities. The founding of Sigma Phi Lambda can be linked to the founders' experiences and interactions with their male counterparts, who had, three years earlier, founded the Christian fraternity, Beta Upsilon Chi at Texas.

Sigma Phi Lambda has also spread the idea of Christian Greek Organizations. After the establishment of the Texas Tech University chapter, a group of men founded Kappa Upsilon Chi to serve as a counterpart.

Since the founding, the number of chapters has grown rapidly. The chapters on the campuses of the University of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Florida have well over 100 sisters, and the sorority continues to actively develop new chapters around the country.

Many local sororities arose during same period as Phi Lamb's founding across the country, but only a handful were successful in national expansion. Phi Lamb's success was accomplished through incorporation, a national board of directors and a national director.

Sigma Phi Lambda was the third National Sorority for Christian women, independent of a Greek council for colleges and universities. Alpha Delta Chi was first in 1925 founded at UCLA. Sigma Alpha Omega was the first sorority to be founded in the 1980s resurgence of Christian Greek Life, founded at East Carolina University in 1987. Phi Lamb seeks spiritual development through their sisterhood. Their traditions develop these standards.

Structure and Traditions

Sigma Phi Lambda is not like most traditional sororities. While most traditional sororities and even some Christian sororities require potential new members to be initiated only into their sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda allows other initiates to be initiated into Phi Lamb and conversely the sorority allows members to hold multiple Greek affiliations.

Sigma Phi Lambda does not offer membership bids. The stance of the organization is that a woman is to choose Phi Lamb. Phi Lamb does not choose their members.

Sigma Phi Lambda has multiple social events each semester to promote external growth and outreach. These are sometimes done with other Christian organizations on campus. Devotionals or testimonies are given at such open parties.

Colors: Red and white, symbolizing the blood and purity of Jesus Christ

Mascot: A lamb named Baasheeba, symbolizes the sisters' relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, the mascot is based on the nickname of "Phi Lamb" and the Psalm 100:3.

During chapter meetings, soft praise and worship music is played to wrap up individual prayer time. Phi Lamb has various prayer nights, prayer groups, and prayer partners within the chapter. Prayer partners are accountability partners that are set up for spending quality time with another sister to pray and get to know one another better. Phi Lamb has engagement circles that are a way of honoring ladies who become engages while members.

Gifts are given to graduating seniors. Officers cook and serve meals at retreat. Phi Lamb has an official dance that is danced to the song "Shackles" by Mary Mary.


Membership is open to any undergraduate or graduate student, another uniqueness considering most sororities close membership to the undergraduate level. Also, married women can become members of Sigma Phi Lambda. Members "pledge" for one semester where they are the "little sisters" before being initiated into the sorority. Initiation is a formal event. It is conducted according to a complete and secret script written by the founding mothers. The tradition of initiation is very important to Phi Lamb and is treated as such. There are several traditions that go along with initiation, such as: going out to dinner afterwords, giving James Avery pins during initiation, big sisters edifying their little sisters, and giving flowers to retiring officers at the closing ceremony for the new officers.

Cable Groups

Small groups that operate within chapter meetings, used for discussion, prayer, and various activities.


National Board of Directors

Phi Lamb is governed by Board of Directors. Five alumnae help keep things running smoothly and make policy decisions for the organization.

Executive Director

This is the person you work with if you'd like to start a chapter of Phi Lamb. The "ED" also helps keep things running by assisting the Board with daily tasks and she plans the All-Chapter Officer Retreat.

Regional Directors

These women oversee multiple chapters. They work with the Alumnae Council, if one is present at a chapter, to help guide the chapter in planning and decision-making.

Alumnae Councils

After a chapter has been established long enough to have alumnae, an Alumnae Council is formed. These three members must be former officers or founders of that chapter. The Alumnae Council provides guidance to the chapter and assistance to the Regional Director.


Five officers are elected yearly each spring in each chapter. The offices are President, Vice President, Chaplain, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers maintain the daily functions and lead the members of their chapter.

All officers must sign and abide by a covenant created by the national board.

Appointed Officers


These members of Phi Lamb are considered the big sisters of their chapter. They hold voting rights and may hold appointed officers positions that vary from chapter to chapter.

New Members

New to Phi Lamb, these members are the little sisters. They are cherished by their big sisters and are a vital part of Phi Lamb. Upon initiation into the sorority, they are able to vote and become Actives.

Sigma Phi Lambda Sorority Verse

Romans 15:5-6 ~ "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and one mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."



  1. "Sigma Phi Lambda › Who We Are". 2013-11-04. Retrieved 2014-05-17.
  2. "Sigma Phi Lambda › Philanthropy". Retrieved 2014-05-17.
  3. "Sigma Phi Lambda › Current Chapters". Retrieved 2014-05-17.
  4. "Sigma Phi Lambda | UTK". Retrieved 2014-05-17.

External links

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