Lushootseed language
Lushootseed | |
Skagit-Nisqually | |
dxʷləšúcid | |
Native to | Canada, United States |
Region | Southern British Columbia into Northern Washington |
Ethnicity | Duwamish, Snohomish, Suquamish, Sammamish, Snoqualmie, Puyallup, Sahewamish, Skagit, Nisqually |
Native speakers |
(100 Skagit cited 1977)[1] 210 Southern Puget (2010 census), 10 Lushootseed proper (2007), 10 Snohomish (1998) |
| |
Language codes | |
ISO 639-3 |
Variously: lut – Lushootseed slh – Southern Puget Sound Salish ska – Skagit (covered by [lut]) sno – Snohomish (covered by [lut]) |
Glottolog |
lush1251 [2] |
Lushootseed (also Puget Salish, Puget Sound Salish, Skagit-Nisqually) is the language or dialect continuum of several Salish Native American tribes of modern-day Washington state. Lushootseed is a member of Coast Salish, one of two main divisions of the Salishan language family.
Related languages and current status
Lushootseed, like its neighbour Twana, is in the Southern Coast Salish subgroup of the Salishan family of languages. The language was spoken by many Puget Sound region peoples, including the Duwamish, Steilacoom, Suquamish, Squaxin Island Tribe, Muckleshoot, Snoqualmie, Nisqually, and Puyallup in the south and the Snohomish, Stillaguamish, Skagit, and Swinomish in the north.

Ethnologue quotes a source published in 1990 (and therefore presumably reflecting the situation in the late 1980s), according to which there were 60 fluent speakers of Lushootseed, evenly divided between the northern and southern dialects.[3] On the other hand, the Ethnologue's list of United States languages also lists, alongside Lushootseed's 60 speakers, 100 speakers for Skagit, 107 for Southern Puget Sound Salish, and 10 for Snohomish (a dialect on the boundary between the northern and southern varieties).[4] Some sources given for these figures, however, go back to the 1970s when the language was less critically endangered. Linguist Marianne Mithun has collected more recent data on the number of speakers of various Native American languages, and could document that by the end of the 1990s there were only a handful of elders left who spoke Lushootseed fluently. The language was extensively documented and studied by linguists with the aid of tribal elder Vi Hilbert, d. 2008, who was the last speaker with a full native command of Lushootseed.[5] There are efforts at reviving the language, and instructional materials have been published.
Language revitalization
As of 2013, the Tulalip Tribes' Lushootseed Language Department teaches classes in Lushootseed,[6][7] and its website offers a Lushootseed "phrase of the week" with audio.[8] The Tulalip Montessori School teaches Lushootseed to young children.[9] As of 2013, an annual Lushootseed conference is held at Seattle University.[10] A course in Lushootseed language and literature has been offered at Evergreen State College.[11] Lushootseed has also been used as a part of environmental history courses at Pacific Lutheran University.[5] It has been spoken during the annual Tribal Canoe Journey (Tribal Journeys) that take place throughout the Salish Sea.
There are also efforts within the Puyallup Tribe. They have created their own language department which operates a website and Facebook page available to assist anyone wanting to learn. Their website and social media are updated often.[12]
In the summer of 2016, the first ever adult immersion program in Lushootseed will be offered at the University of Washington's Tacoma campus. It will be taught by Assistant Professor Danica Miller, a member of the Puyallup Tribe, in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.[13]
Lushootseed consists of two dialect groups which can be further divided into subdialects:
- Northern Lushootseed
- Snohomish (at Tulalip)
- Stillaguamish
- Lower Skagit-Swinomish (on Skagit River and on Whidbey Island)
- Upper Skagit[14]
- Sauk-Suiattle (on Sauk River and Suiattle River)
- Southern Lushootseed
- Skykomish
- Snoqualmie
- Steilacoom
- Suquamish
- Duwamish
- bǝqǝlšuɫucid (Muckleshoot Language) (on Green and White rivers)
- txʷǝlšucid (The Official Language of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians)
- Nisqually
- Sahewamish
According to work published by Vi Hilbert and other Lushootseed language specialists, Lushootseed uses a morphophonemic writing system meaning that it is a phonemic alphabet with slight changes occurring periodically, such as when an affix is introduced. The chart below is based on the Lushootseed Dictionary. Typographic variations such as p' and p̓ do not indicate phonemic distinctions.
Letter | Letter Name | IPA | Notes |
ʔ | Glottal stop | /ʔ/ | |
a | /ɑ/ | ||
b | /b/ | ||
bʼ | Glottalized b | /ɓ/ | Rare sound, does not begin words |
c | /t͡s/ | ||
cʼ | Glottalized c | /t͡sʼ/ | |
č | c-wedge | /c͡ç/ | |
čʼ | Glottalized c-wedge | /t͡sʼ/ | |
d | /d/ | ||
dᶻ | d-raised-z | /d͡z/ | |
ə | Schwa | /ə/ | |
g | /ɡ/ | ||
gʷ | g-raised-w | /ɡʷ/ | |
h | /h/ | ||
i | /ɪ~i/ | ||
ǰ | j-wedge | /ɟ͡ʝ/ | |
k | /k/ | ||
kʼ | Glottalized k | /kʼ/ | |
kʷ | k-raised-w | /kʷ/ | |
kʼʷ | Glottalized k-raised-w | /kʼʷ/ | |
l | /l/ | ||
lʼ | Strictured l | /lʼ/ | |
ɫ | Barred-l | /l/ | |
ƛʼ | Glottalized barred-lambda | /t͜ɬʼ/ | Alveolar lateral ejective affricate |
m | /m/ | ||
mʼ | Strictured m | /m̥ ̰ / | Laryngealized bilabial nasal |
n | /n/ | ||
nʼ | Strictured n | /n̥ ̰/ | Laryngealized alveolar nasal |
p | /p/ | ||
pʼ | Glottalized p | /pʼ/ | |
q | /q/ | ||
qʼ | Glottalized q | /qʼ/ | |
qʷ | q-raised-w | /qʷ/ | |
qʼʷ | Glottalized q-raised-w | /qʼʷ/ | |
s | /s/ | ||
š | s-wedge | /ç~ɕ/ | |
t | /t/ | ||
tʼ | Glottalized t | /tʼ/ | |
u | /ʉ/ | ||
w | /w~ʋ/ | ||
wʼ | Strictured w | /w ̰/ | Laryngealized high back rounded glide |
xʷ | x-w | /xʷ/ | |
x̌ | x-wedge | /χ/ | |
x̌ʷ | Rounded x-wedge | /χʷ/ | |
y | /j/ | ||
yʼ | Strictured y | /j ̰/ | Laryngealized high front unrounded glide |
Some vocabulary
Southern Lushootseed salmonoid vocabulary
- sčədadxʷ
- a word that covers all Pacific salmon and some species of trout.
- sac̓əb
- Chinook or King
- cʼuwad
- sockeye salmon
- skʷǝxʷic
- coho salmon
- ƛ̕xʷayʼ
- chum salmon
- hədu
- the pink salmon
- skʷawǝľ
- steelhead
- pədkʷəxʷic
- coho season
- sc̓ayʼayʼ
- gills
- ɫičaʔa
- nets
- ɫičaʔalikʷ
- net fishing
- ʔalil tiʔiɫ ƛ̕usq̓íl
- spawning season
- skʷǝɫt
- tailfin
- t̓altəd
- fillet knife
- sqʼʷəlus
- kippered dried salmon
- səlusqid
- fish heads
- qəlx̌
- dried salmon eggs
- ƛ̕ǝbƛ̕əbqʷ
- fresh eggs
- sɫuʔb
- dried chum
- sxʷudᶻəʔdaliɫəd
- fish with a large amount of body fat
- xʷšabus
- lightly smoked
Northern Lushootseed salmonid vocabulary
- sʔuladxʷ
- a word that covers all Pacific salmon and some species of trout.
- yubəč
- Chinook or King
- scəqiʔ
- sockeye salmon
- ƛ̕xʷayʔ
- chum salmon
- skʷəxʷic
- silver salmon
Northern Lushootseed aquatic vocabulary
- qalʼqaləx̌ič
- Blackfish - Killer Whale
- čəxʷəluʔ
- Grey Whale
- sq̓aƛ̕
- otter
- sup̓qs
- seal
- sťəqxʷ
- beaver
- sqibk̕ʷ
- octopus
- ʔaləšək
- Western pond turtle
- waq̓waq̓
- frog
- sk̕ʷic̕i
- sea urchin
- təǰabac
- sea cucumber
- q̓ʷəlačiʔ
- star fish
- bəsqʷ
- crab
- ťaɫiɡʷs
- Rock Cod
- p̓uay̓
- flounder
- kəlapx̌ʷəlč
- jelly fish
- sʔax̌ʷuʔ
- clam
- tulqʷ
- mussel
- ƛ̕ux̌ʷƛ̕ux̌ʷ
- oyster
- c̕ubc̕ub
- barnacle
- sx̌aʔaʔ
- little neck steam clams
- xʷč́iɫqs
- large native oyster
- ɡʷidəq
- geoduck
- stxʷub
- butter clam
- sx̌əpab
- cockle clam
- haʔəc
- horse clam
- č́ič́əlpyaqid / puʔps
- periwinkle
- sč́awyʔ
- any seashell
- ʔuk̕ʷs
- large chiton
- x̌ald
- small chiton
- ↑ Lushootseed at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
Southern Puget Sound Salish at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
Skagit (covered by [lut)] at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015)
Snohomish (covered by [lut)] at Ethnologue (18th ed., 2015) - ↑ Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Lushootseed–Puget". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
- ↑ Ethnologue, Lushootseed
- ↑ Ethnologue, US languages
- 1 2 Brown, Drew (2003). "History professor helps keep local Native American language alive". Scene - Life of the Mind, Pacific Lutheran University. Retrieved 2013-04-04.
- ↑ "Tulalip Lushootseed". Tualip Tribes. Retrieved 2013-04-04.
- ↑ Fiege, Gale (2013-03-31). "For students, Tulalip Tribes' native language a connection to the past". (Everett, WA). Retrieved 2013-04-04.
- ↑ "Lushootseed". Tulalip Tribes. Retrieved 2013-04-04.
- ↑ Gauld, Ben (June 24, 2015). "Voices of Youth Keep Lushootseed Language Alive". 94.9 FM - Seattle News & Information. Retrieved 2015-10-03.
- ↑ "dxʷləšucid, Lushootseed Research". Retrieved 2013-04-04.
- ↑ Lushootseed_Syllabus_06.pdf (PDF), retrieved 2013-04-04
- ↑ Scigliano, Eric (2010-12-17). "The Language of the Land". Seattle Met. Retrieved 2013-09-23.
- ↑ UWT to offer Lushootseed immersion program this summer, Puyallup Tribal News, April 7, 2016 (retrieved April 25, 2016)
- ↑ Van Eijk, Jan. The Lillooet Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, UBC Press, 1985, p.xxiv.
Language learning materials
- Bates, D., Hess, T., & Hilbert, V. (1994). Lushootseed dictionary. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 9780295973234
- Indiana University, Bloomington (1996). Lushootseed texts: an introduction to Puget Salish narrative aesthetics. Studies in the anthropology of North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press in cooperation with the American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington. ISBN 0803212623.
- Chamberlain, Rebecca, Lushootseed Language & Literature: Program reader. (Lushootseed language, cultural, and storytelling traditions.)
- Hess, Thom (1995). Lushootseed reader. University of Montana occasional papers in linguistics. S.l.: Tulalip Tribes. ISBN 1879763141.
- Hess, Tom and Vi Hilbert. Lushootseed Book 1; The language of the Skagit, Nisqually, and other tribes of Puget Sound. An Introduction. Lushootseed Press 1995
- Hess, Tom and Vi Hilbert. Lushootseed Book 2 (Advanced Lushootseed). Lushootseed Press, 1995
- Hess, Tom (1995). Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar. Missoula: University of Montana. ISBN 1879763117.
- Hilbert, Vi. Haboo: Native American Stories from Puget Sound. Seattle: University of Washington, 1985
- Hilbert, Vi, Crisca Bierwest, Thom Hess. Way of the Lushootseed People; Ceremonies & Traditions of North Puget Sound's First People. Third Edition, Lushootseed Press, 2001
- dxʷlešucid xʷgʷədgʷatəd tul̓ʔal taqʷšəblu; Some Lushootseed Vocabulary from taqʷšəblu. Lushootseed Press, 1993
External links
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For a list of words relating to Lushootseed language, see the Lushootseed language category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- Puyallup Tribal Language Program
- The Tulalip Lushootseed Department's Website
- History professor helps keep local Native American language alive by Drew Brown for PLU Scene Magazine
- Lushootseed Peoples of Puget Sound Country
- Lushootseed Research
- Dr. David Beck, Salishan Language specialist
- Developing a corpus for Lushootseed