Solar Saros 133

Solar Saros 133 is one of the saros series of solar eclipse cycles. It began on July 13, 1219 with a partial eclipse occurring in northern Yukon at 68°24′N 137°12′W / 68.4°N 137.2°W / 68.4; -137.2, about 100 kilometres (60 mi) east of Canada's present-day Vuntut National Park. The final eclipse in the series will be on September 5, 2499.

June 24, 1778
Series member 32
August 18, 1868
Series member 37
August 29, 1886
Series member 38
November 13, 2012
Series member 45

The period separating each of the 72 eclipses in the series is approximately 6585.3 days (18 years, 11 days); that period was first called a saros by astronomer Edmond Halley.

20th and 21st century

Five of the series of solar eclipses occur during the 21st century: November 13, 2012, November 25, 2030, December 5, 2048, December 17, 2066, and December 27, 2084.

Solar Saros 133, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, contains 72 events. The series started with a partial solar eclipse on July 13, 1219. It contains annular eclipses from November 20, 1435, through January 13, 1526, with a hybrid eclipse on January 24, 1544. It has total eclipses from February 3, 1562, through June 21, 2373. The series ends at member 72 as a partial eclipse on September 5, 2499. The longest duration of totality was 6 minutes, 50 seconds on August 7, 1850.[1] The total eclipses of this saros series are getting shorter and farther south with each iteration.


In the following list, the Julian calendar is used for the first 21 members of the series; the Gregorian calendar is used for all the rest,[2] starting with the solar eclipse of March 7, 1598.

Lat, Long
1331July 13, 12198:23:41Partial68°24′N 137°12′W / 68.4°N 137.2°W / 68.4; -137.21.53370.0308
1332July 23, 123715:20:43Partial69.4N 106.7E1.45620.1681
1333August 3, 125522:23:39Partial70.2N 11.5W1.38230.2996
1334August 14, 12735:35:26Partial71N 132.5W1.31460.4205
1335August 25, 129112:55:31Partial71.6N 103.8E1.25250.5314
1336September 4, 130920:25:26Partial72N 22.7W1.19740.63
1337September 16, 13274:04:29Partial72.1N 151.8W1.14890.7168
1338September 26, 134511:53:53Partial72N 76.5E1.10790.7902
1339October 7, 136319:52:55Partial71.6N 57.4W1.07410.8507
13310October 18, 13814:00:20Partial71N 167.1E1.04640.9004
13311October 29, 139912:17:08Partial70.2N 29.8E1.02560.938
13312November 8, 141720:41:02Partial69.2N 108.6W1.00970.967
13313November 20, 14355:12:02Annular68.2N 111.8E0.99910.9868--
13314November 30, 145313:46:17Annular60.4N 27.7W0.99030.98424691m 14s
13315December 11, 147122:25:20Annular57.1N 165W0.98490.98712871m 2s
13316December 22, 14897:04:57Annular54.6N 58.8E0.97910.99041750m 47s
13317January 2, 150815:45:09Annular52.8N 77W0.97320.9941920m 28s
13318January 13, 15260:22:31Annular51N 148.8E0.96440.9985190m 7s
13319January 24, 15448:57:45Hybrid49.7N 16E0.95331.0035400m 16s
13320February 3, 156217:27:33Total48.6N 114.5W0.93731.0091890m 41s
13321February 15, 15801:52:13Total47.9N 117.3E0.91641.01511271m 7s
13322March 7, 159810:10:01Total47.7N 8.2W0.88931.02141561m 33s
13323March 17, 161618:21:45Total48N 131.4W0.85681.02791801m 58s
13324March 29, 16342:25:11Total48.7N 108.6E0.81691.03461982m 24s
13325April 8, 165210:22:28Total49.6N 8.9W0.77131.04122132m 49s
13326April 19, 167018:12:20Total50.6N 123.3W0.71911.04762253m 15s
13327April 30, 16881:57:34Total51.4N 124.4E0.66211.05352343m 40s
13328May 12, 17069:35:09Total51.5N 15.2E0.59841.05912424m 6s
13329May 22, 172417:10:09Total50.8N 92.9W0.53181.0642474m 33s
13330June 3, 17420:39:57Total49N 160.2E0.46071.06832515m 0s
13331June 13, 17608:09:15Total46N 52.7E0.38831.07192545m 27s
13332June 24, 177815:34:56Total41.8N 55W0.31271.07462555m 52s
13333July 4, 179623:02:54Total36.8N 164.6W0.23851.07642556m 15s
13334July 17, 18146:30:29Total30.9N 84.7E0.16411.07742546m 33s
13335July 27, 183214:01:06Total24.5N 27.9W0.09191.07762526m 46s
13336August 7, 185021:33:54Total17.7N 141.8W0.02151.07692496m 50s
13337August 18, 18685:12:10Total10.6N 102.2E-0.04431.07562456m 47s
13338August 29, 188612:55:23Total3.5N 15.3W-0.10591.07352406m 36s
13339September 9, 190420:44:21Total3.7S 134.5W-0.16251.07092346m 20s
13340September 21, 19224:40:31Total10.7S 104.5E-0.2131.06782265m 59s
13341October 1, 194012:44:06Total17.5S 18.2W-0.25731.06452185m 35s
13342October 12, 195820:55:28Total24S 142.4W-0.29511.06082095m 11s
13343October 23, 19765:13:45Total30S 92.3E-0.3271.05721994m 46s
13344November 3, 199413:40:06Total35.4S 34.2W-0.35221.05351894m 23s
13345November 13, 201222:12:55Total40S 161.3W-0.37191.051794m 2s
13346November 25, 20306:51:37Total43.6S 71.2E-0.38671.04681693m 44s
13347December 5, 204815:35:27Total46.1S 56.4W-0.39731.0441603m 28s
13348December 17, 20660:23:40Total47.4S 175.8E-0.40431.04161523m 14s
13349December 27, 20849:13:48Total47.3S 47.7E-0.40941.03961463m 4s
13350January 8, 210318:04:21Total46.1S 80.8W-0.4141.03811402m 57s
13351January 19, 21212:54:15Total43.9S 150.1E-0.4191.03711372m 52s
13352January 30, 213911:42:25Total41S 20.7E-0.42551.03641352m 49s
13353February 9, 215720:25:36Total37.7S 108.4W-0.43581.03621352m 49s
13354February 21, 21755:04:24Total34.2S 122.9E-0.44951.03621352m 50s
13355March 3, 219313:36:08Total30.9S 4.4W-0.46891.03651372m 53s
13356March 15, 221122:01:40Total27.8S 130.6W-0.49311.03681402m 57s
13357March 26, 22296:17:35Total25.5S 105.5E-0.52511.03711443m 2s
13358April 6, 224714:26:51Total23.8S 16.9W-0.56241.03721493m 7s
13359April 16, 226522:26:19Total23.1S 136.8W-0.60731.03711543m 11s
13360April 28, 22836:18:21Total23.6S 105E-0.65811.03661603m 13s
13361May 9, 230114:00:59Total25.5S 11W-0.71611.03541683m 10s
13362May 20, 231921:37:23Total29S 125.8W-0.77861.03361783m 2s
13363May 31, 23375:05:56Total34.6S 121.2E-0.8471.03091952m 46s
13364June 11, 235512:28:18Total43.3S 9.2E-0.91961.02692332m 18s
13365June 21, 237319:45:29Total62.7S 100.1W-0.99541.0191-1m 24s
13366July 3, 23912:58:53Partial67.1S 143E-1.07320.8664
13367July 13, 240910:09:33Partial68.1S 24.6E-1.15230.7186
13368July 24, 242717:18:10Partial69.1S 93.7W-1.23180.5709
13369August 4, 24450:27:22Partial70S 147.3E-1.30970.4272
13370August 15, 24637:37:35Partial70.8S 27.4E-1.38530.2892
13371August 25, 248114:49:25Partial71.4S 93.5W-1.45850.1568
13372September 5, 249922:05:19Partial71.9S 144.2E-1.52730.034


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