Source Han Sans
Source Han Sans is a sans-serif gothic typeface created by Adobe and Google. Latin-script letters and numerals are taken from the Source Sans Pro font, while simplified and traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese characters are created by other companies. It is also released under the name of Noto Sans CJK by Google as part of its Noto fonts family.[1]
Source Han Sans includes seven font weights: ExtraLight 100, Light 200, Normal 300, Regular 400, Medium 500, Bold 700, and Heavy 900. The font contains 65,535 glyphs (the maximum possible in a TrueType font), and covers 29,777 CJK Unified Ideographs and 409 CJK Compatibility Ideographs specified in the Unicode Standard.
Adobe's open source family
- Source Sans Pro, the first member of Adobe’s open source family.
- Source Code Pro, the second member of Adobe's open source family.
- Source Serif Pro, the third member of Adobe's open source family.
- Source Han Sans, the fourth member of Adobe's open source family and the first to include CJK characters.
See also
External links
| Operating system, corporate & professional |
- Bitstream Charter, Bitstream Vera
- Cantarell
- Computer Modern, Concrete Roman
- DejaVu
- Droid, Noto, Open Sans
- Fira Sans
- Ghostscript fonts, Garamond No. 8
- GNU FreeFont, GNU Unifont
- Liberation, Croscore
- Lohit
- Nimbus Mono, Sans, Roman
- Overpass
- PT Fonts
- Roboto
- Source Code, Source Han Sans, Source Sans, Source Serif
- STIX fonts
- Tiresias
- Ubuntu, Ubuntu Titling
- Utopia
| Other typefaces | |
| Software | |
| Licenses | |
| Groups and people | |
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