Tensor operator
In pure and applied mathematics, quantum mechanics and computer graphics, a tensor operator generalizes the notion of operators which are scalars and vectors. A special class of these are spherical tensor operators which apply the notion of the spherical basis and spherical harmonics. The spherical basis closely relates to the description of angular momentum in quantum mechanics and spherical harmonic functions. The coordinate-free generalization of a tensor operator is known as a representation operator[1]
Rotations of quantum states
Quantum rotation operator
The rotation operator about the unit vector n (defining the axis of rotation) through angle θ is
where J = (Jx, Jy, Jz) are the rotation generators (also the angular momentum matrices):
and let be a rotation matrix. Taylor expanding to first order in θ gives the infinitesimal rotation operator:
An operator is invariant under a unitary transformation U if:
in this case for the rotation :
Angular momentum eigenkets
The orthonormal basis set for total angular momentum is , where j is the total angular momentum quantum number and m is the magnetic angular momentum quantum number, which takes values −j, −j + 1, ..., j − 1, j. A general state
in the space rotates to a new state by:
Using the completeness condition:
we have
Introducing the Wigner D matrix elements:
gives the matrix multiplication:
For one basis ket:
For the case of orbital angular momentum, the eigenstates of the orbital angular momentum operator L and solutions of Laplace's equation on a 3d sphere are spherical harmonics:
where Pℓm is an associated Legendre polynomial, ℓ is the orbital angular momentum quantum number, and m is the orbital magnetic quantum number which takes the values −ℓ, −ℓ + 1, ... ℓ − 1, ℓ The formalism of spherical harmonics have wide applications in applied mathematics, and are closely related to the formalism of spherical tensors, as shown below.
Spherical harmonics are functions of the polar and azimuthal angles, ϕ and θ respectively, which can be conveniently collected into a unit vector n(θ, ϕ) pointing in the direction of those angles, in the Cartesian basis it is:
So a spherical harmonic can also be written . Spherical harmonic states
rotate according to the inverse rotation matrix U(R−1), while rotates by the initial rotation matrix
Rotation of tensor operators
We define the Rotation of an operator by requiring that the expectation value of the original operator with respect to the initial state be equal to the expectation value of the rotated operator with respect to the rotated state,
Now as,
we have,
since, is arbitrary,
Scalar operators
A scalar operator is invariant under rotations:[2]
and we have a simple result, that the scalar operator commutes with the rotation generators:
Examples of a scalar operators include
- the energy operator:
- as well as the operator coupling term in spin-orbit coupling:
Vector operators
Vector operators (as well as pseudovector operators) are a set of 3 operators that can be rotated according to:[2]
from this and the infinitesimal rotation operator and its Hermitian conjugate, one can derive the commutation relation with the rotation generator:
where εijk is the Levi-Civita symbol, which all vector operators must satisfy, by construction. As the symbol εijk is a pseudotensor, pseudovector operators are invariant up to a sign: +1 for proper rotations and −1 for improper rotations.
Vector operators include
- the position operator:
- the momentum operator:
and peusodovector operators include
- the orbital angular momentum operator:
- as well the spin operator S, and hence the total angular momentum
In Dirac notation:
and since | Ψ > is any quantum state, the same result follows:
Note that here, the term "vector" is used two different ways: kets such as |ψ⟩ are elements of abstract Hilbert spaces, while the vector operator is defined as a quantity whose components transform in a certain way under rotations.
Spherical vector operators
A vector operator in the spherical basis is V = (V+1, V0, V−1) where the components are:[2]
and the commutators with the rotation generators are:
where q is a placeholder for the spherical basis labels (+1, 0, −1), and:
(some authors may place a factor of 1/2 on the left hand side of the equation) and raise (J+) or lower (J−) the total magnetic quantum number m by one unit. In the spherical basis the generators are:
The rotation transformation in the spherical basis (originally written in the Cartesian basis) is then:
One can generalize the vector operator concept easily to tensorial operators, shown next.
Tensor operators and their reducible and irreducible representations
A tensor operator can be rotated according to:[2]
Consider a dyadic tensor with components Tij = aibj, this rotates infinitesimally according to:
Cartesian dyadic tensors of the form
where a and b are two vector operators:
are reducible, which means they can be re-expressed in terms of a and b as a rank 0 tensor (scalar), plus a rank 1 tensor (an antisymmetric tensor), plus a rank 2 tensor (a symmetric tensor with zero trace):
where the first term
includes just one component, a scalar equivalently written (a·b)/3, the second
includes three independent components, equivalently the components of (a×b)/2, and the third
includes five independent components. Throughout, δij is the Kronecker delta, the components of the identity matrix. The number in the superscripted brackets denotes the tensor rank. These three terms are irreducible, which means they cannot be decomposed further and still be tensors satisfying the defining transformation laws under which they must be invariant. These also correspond to the number of spherical harmonic functions 2ℓ + 1 for ℓ = 0, 1, 2, the same as the ranks for each tensor. Each of the irreducible representations T(1), T(2) ... transform like angular momentum eigenstates according to the number of independent components.
Example of a Tensor operator,
- The Quadrupole moment operator,
- Two Tensor operators can be multiplied to give another Tensor operator.
in general,
Note: This is just an example, in general, a tensor operator cannot be written as the product of two Tensor operators as given in the above example.
Spherical tensor operators
Continuing the previous example of the second order dyadic tensor T = a ⊗ b, casting each of a and b into the spherical basis and substituting into T gives the spherical tensor operators of the second order, which are:
Using the infinitesimal rotation operator and its Hermitian conjugate, one can derive the commutation relation in the spherical basis:
and the finite rotation transformation in the spherical basis is:
In general, tensor operators can be constructed from two perspectives.[3]
One way is to specify how spherical tensors transform under a physical rotation - a group theoretical definition. A rotated angular momentum eigenstate can be decomposed into a linear combination of the initial eigenstates: the coefficients in the linear combination consist of Wigner rotation matrix entries. Spherical tensor operators are sometimes defined as the set of operators that transform just like the eigenkets under a rotation.
A spherical tensor Tq(k) of rank k is defined to rotate into Tq′(k) according to:
where q = k, k − 1, ..., −k + 1, −k. For spherical tensors, k and q are analogous labels to ℓ and m respectively, for spherical harmonics. Some authors write Tkq instead of Tq(k), with or without the brackets enclosing the rank number k.
Another related procedure requires that the spherical tensors satisfy certain commutation relations with respect to the rotation generators Jx, Jy, Jz - an algebraic definition.
The commutation relations of the angular momentum components with the tensor operators are:
For any 3d vector, not just a unit vector, and not just the position vector:
a spherical tensor is a spherical harmonic as a function of this vector a, and in Dirac notation:
(the super and subscripts switch places for the corresponding labels ℓ ↔ k and m ↔ q which spherical tensors and spherical harmonics use).
Spherical harmonic states and spherical tensors can also be constructed out of the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. Irreducible spherical tensors can build higher rank spherical tensors; if Aq1(k1) and Bq2(k2) are two spherical tensors of ranks k1 and k2 respectively, then:
is a spherical tensor of rank k.
Angular momentum and spherical harmonics
Orbital angular momentum and spherical harmonics
Orbital angular momentum operators have the ladder operators:
which raise or lower the orbital magnetic quantum number mâ„“ by one unit. This has almost exactly the same form as the spherical basis, aside from constant multiplicative factors.
Spherical tensor operators and quantum spin
Spherical tensors can also be formed from algebraic combinations of the spin operators Sx, Sy, Sz, as matrices, for a spin system with total quantum number j = â„“ + s (and â„“ = 0). Spin operators have the ladder operators:
which raise or lower the spin magnetic quantum number ms by one unit.
Spherical bases have broad applications in pure and applied mathematics and physical sciences where spherical geometries occur.
Dipole Radiative Transitions in a Single-Electron Atom (Alkali)
The transition amplitude is proportional to matrix elements of the dipole operator between the initial and final states. We use an electrostatic, spinless model for the atom and we consider the transition from the initial energy level Enℓ to final level En′ℓ′. These levels are degenerate, since the energy does not depend on the magnetic quantum number m or m′. The wave functions have the form,
The dipole operator is proportional to the position operator of the electron, so we must evaluate matrix elements of the form,
where, the initial state is on the right and the final one on the left. The position operator r has three components, and the initial and final levels consist of 2ℓ + 1 and 2ℓ′ + 1 degenerate states, respectively. Therefore if we wish to evaluate the intensity of a spectral line as it would be observed, we really have to evaluate 3(2ℓ′+ 1)(2ℓ+ 1) matrix elements, for example, 3×3×5 = 45 in a 3d → 2p transition. This is actually an exaggeration, as we shall see, because many of the matrix elements vanish, but there are still many non-vanishing matrix elements to be calculated.
A great simplification can be achieved by expressing the components of r, not with respect to the Cartesian basis, but with respect to the spherical basis. First we define,
Next, by inspecting a table of the Yℓm’s, we find that for ℓ = 1 we have,
where, we have multiplied each Y1m by the radius r. On the right hand side we see the spherical components rq of the position vector r. The results can be summarized by,
for q = 1, 0, −1, where q appears explicitly as a magnetic quantum number. This equation reveals a relationship between vector operators and the angular momentum value ℓ = 1, something we will have more to say about presently. Now the matrix elements become a product of a radial integral times an angular integral,
We see that all the dependence on the three magnetic quantum numbers (m′,q,m) is contained in the angular part of the integral. Moreover, the angular integral can be evaluated by the three-Yℓm formula, whereupon it becomes proportional to the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient,
The radial integral is independent of the three magnetic quantum numbers (m′, q, m), and the trick we have just used does not help us to evaluate it. But it is only one integral, and after it has been done, all the other integrals can be evaluated just by computing or looking up Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
The selection rule m′ = q + m in the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient means that many of the integrals vanish, so we have exaggerated the total number of integrals that need to be done. But had we worked with the Cartesian components ri of r, this selection rule might not have been obvious. In any case, even with the selection rule, there may still be many nonzero integrals to be done (nine, in the case 3d → 2p). The example we have just given of simplifying the calculation of matrix elements for a dipole transition is really an application of the Wigner-Eckart theorem, which we take up later in these notes.
Magnetic resonance
The spherical tensor formalism provides a common platform for treating coherence and relaxation in nuclear magnetic resonance. In NMR and EPR, spherical tensor operators are employed to express the quantum dynamics of particle spin, by means of an equation of motion for the density matrix entries, or to formulate dynamics in terms of an equation of motion in Liouville space. The Liouville space equation of motion governs the observable averages of spin variables. When relaxation is formulated using a spherical tensor basis in Liouville space, insight is gained because the relaxation matrix exhibits the cross-relaxation of spin observables directly.[3]
See also
- ↑ Jeevanjee, Nadir (2015). An Introduction to Tensors and Group Theory for Physicists (2nd ed.). Birkhauser. ISBN 978-0-8176-4714-8.
- 1 2 3 4 E. Abers (2004). "5". Quantum Mechanics. Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-13-146100-0.
- 1 2 R.D. Nielsen, B.H. Robinson (2006). "The Spherical Tensor Formalism Applied to Relaxation in Magnetic Resonance" (PDF). pp. 270–271.
- P. T. Callaghan (2011). Translational Dynamics and Magnetic Resonance:Principles of Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo NMR. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-191-621-048.
- V. V. Balashov, A. N. Grum-Grzhimailo, N.M. Kabachnik (2000). Polarization and Correlation Phenomena in Atomic Collisions: A Practical Theory Course. Springer.
- J. A. Tuszynski (1990). Spherical Tensor Operators: Tables of Matrix Elements and Symmetries. World Scientific. ISBN 981-0202-830.
- L. Castellani, J. Wess (1996). Quantum Groups and Their Applications in Physics: Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 28 June-8 July 1994. Società Italiana di Fisica, IOS. ISBN 905-199-24-75.
- Introduction to the Graphical Theory of Angular Momentum. Springer. 2009. ISBN 364-203-11-96.
- A. R. Edmonds (1996). Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-025-894.
- L.J. Mueller (2011). "Tensors and rotations in NMR". Wiley Periodicals. doi:10.1002/cmr.a.20224.
- M.S. Anwar (2004). "Spherical Tensor Operators in NMR" (PDF).
- P. Callaghan (1993). Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy. Oxford University Press. pp. 56–57. ISBN 0-198-539-975.
Further reading
Spherical harmonics
- G.W.F. Drake (2006). Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2nd ed.). Springer. p. 57. ISBN 0-3872-6308-X.
- F.A. Dahlen, J. Tromp (1998). Theoretical global seismology (2nd ed.). Princeton University Press. p. appendix C. ISBN 0-69100-1243.
- D.O. Thompson, D.E. Chimenti (1997). Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Review Of Progress In Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 16. Springer. p. 1708. ISBN 0-3064-55978.
- H. Paetz, G. Schieck (2011). Nuclear Physics with Polarized Particles. Lecture Notes in Physics 842. Springer. p. 31. ISBN 364-224-225-1.
- V. Devanathan (1999). Angular Momentum Techniques in Quantum Mechanics. Fundamental Theories of Physics 108. Springer. pp. 34, 61. ISBN 0-7923-5866-X.
- V.D. Kleiman, R.N. Zare (1998). "5". A Companion to Angular Momentum. John Wiley & Sons. p. 112. ISBN 0-4711-9249-X.
Angular momentum and spin
- "Vectors and Tensors in Spherical Basis". Angular Momentum Techniques in Quantum Mechanics. Fundamental Theories of Physics 108. 2002. pp. 24–33. doi:10.1007/0-306-47123-X_3. ISBN 978-0-306-47123-0.
- K.T. Hecht (2000). Quantum mechanics. Graduate texts in contemporary physics. Springer. ISBN 0-387-989-196.
Condensed matter physics
- J.A. Mettes, J.B. Keith, R.B. McClurg (2002). "Molecular Crystal Global Phase Diagrams:I Method of Construction" (PDF).
- B.Henderson, R.H. Bartram (2005). Crystal-Field Engineering of Solid-State Laser Materials. Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics 25. Cambridge University Press. p. 49. ISBN 0-52101-8013.
- Edward U. Condon, and Halis Odabaşı (1980). Atomic Structure. CUP Archive. ISBN 0-5212-98938.
- Melinda J. Duer, ed. (2008). "3". Solid State NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons. p. 113. ISBN 0-4709-9938-1.
- K.D. Bonin, V.V. Kresin (1997). "2". Electric - Dipole Polarizabilities of Atoms, Molecules and Clusters. World Scientific. pp. 14–15. ISBN 981-022-493-1.
- A.E. McDermott, T.Polenova (2012). Solid State NMR Studies of Biopolymers. EMR handbooks. John Wiley & Sons. p. 42. ISBN 111-858-889-4.
Magnetic resonance
- L.J. Mueller (2011). "Tensors and rotations in NMR". Wiley Periodicals. doi:10.1002/cmr.a.20224.
- M.S. Anwar (2004). "Spherical Tensor Operators in NMR" (PDF).
- P. Callaghan (1993). Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy. Oxford University Press. pp. 56–57. ISBN 0-198-539-975.
Image processing
- M. Reisert, H. Burkhardt (2009). S. Aja-Fernández, ed. Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Springer. ISBN 184-8822-995.
- D.H. Laidlaw, J. Weickert (2009). Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Advances and Perspectives. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer. ISBN 354-088-378-9.
- M. Felsberg; E. Jonsson (2005). Energy Tensors: Quadratic, Phase Invariant Image Operators. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3663. Springer. pp. 493–500.
- E. König, S. Kremer (1979). Tensor Operator Algebra for Point Groups. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3663. Springer. pp. 13–20.
External links
- (2012) Clebsch-Gordon (sic) coefficients and the tensor spherical harmonics
- The tensor spherical harmonics
- (2010) Irreducible Tensor Operators and the Wigner-Eckart Theorem
- Tensor operators
- M. Fowler (2008), Tensor Operators
- Tensor_Operators
- (2009) Tensor Operators and the Wigner Eckart Theorem
- The Wigner-Eckart theorem
- (2004) Rotational Transformations and Spherical Tensor Operators
- Tensor operators
- Evaluation of the matrix elements for radiative transitions
- C. Mueller (2009) Tensor Operators and the Wigner-Eckart Theorem
- D.K. Ghosh, (2013) Angular Momentum - III : Wigner- Eckart Theorem
- B. Baragiola (2002) Tensor Operators
- Spherical Tensors