Serbians (Serbian: Србијанци/Srbijanci) is a demonym for the inhabitants of Serbia; it is most often applied to the majority of ethnic Serbs, though correctly used for all the people regardless of ethnicity. In Serbo-Croatian, Srbijanci is used for Serbs from Serbia, or in a narrow sense, Serbs from Central Serbia.[1] The term thus excludes ethnic Serbs in the neighboring countries, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Macedonia. They are correctly referred to as Srbin (pl. Srbi). In English, there has been confusion over the usage between the two, with the term "Serbians" some times erroneously applied to ethnic Serbs outside Serbia (such as "Bosnian Serbians" for Bosnian Serbs). Likewise, the term "Serbs" has been erroneously applied to citizens of Serbia regardless of their ethnicity.[2][3] The term Srbijanci has been viewed of as false and offensive by some, as it is mostly used in Croatia and Vojvodina.[4][5][6] It has been noted that this type of demonym is only present in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia (notably, as opposed to Albania and Croatia) — French people are French, whether living in France or in the diaspora, whether ethnic French or not, Italian people are Italian, etc.[7]
In the 1852 Serbian Dictionary, the entry includes the following:
“ | Srbijanac - čovek iz Srbije (man from Serbia); Srbijanski - koji je iz Srbije (who is from Serbia) | ” |
A popular Serbian folk song has the refrain " ...jelek (vest), anterija (short vest), and opanci (traditional moccasins), is how you recognize a Srbijanac (Serbian)...", describing the Serbian folk costume.[8]
See also
- ↑ Miller, Nick (2008). The Nonconformists: Culture, Politics, and Nationalism in a Serbian Intellectual Circle, 1944-1991. Central European University Press. p. 148.
- ↑ Uzelak, Gordona (1998). "Franjo Tudjman's Nationalist Ideology." East European Quarterly. 31.
- ↑ Petrovich, Michael B. (1985). "Review of The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics." Slavic Review. 4 (2), 369–370
- ↑ Nikola Živković. "Vojvodina? Gde je to?" (in Serbian). Nova srpska politička misao. Retrieved 2012-07-08.
Ovim nije kraj naših podela. Pored reč «dođoši», postoji i pojam «prečani» i «Srbijanci». A kako se zovu Hrvati iz Bosne? Hrvatijanci? Ne, ta reč je naravno moja, veštačka, izmišljena. Ali, zašto ta pojava postoji samo kod Srba? Srbi i Srbijanci. Austrougarska je izmislila te podele, a mi Srbi smo ih prihvatili. U tome je problem. Mi prihvatamo jezik neprijatelja. Tuđe olako uzimamo, a odričemo se svoga. Tako smo olako odbacili i ćirilicu.
- ↑ Nikola Tanasić (2012-07-20). "O Srbima, Srbijancima i srbijančenju Srba" (in Serbian). Nova srpska politička misao. Retrieved 2012-07-08.
O upotrebi pojma „Srbijanac“ [...] Međutim, unutar današnjih granica Srbije, „Srbijanci“ se uglavnom koriste na severu, kako bi se (uglavnom pežorativno i prezrivo) denotirali „gedžovani“, primitivci i sirotinja sa juga koja odudara od „zapadnoevropskih“ manira, običaja i „kulture“ tzv. „Vojvođana“. Očigledno je da ova upotreba, međutim, nastaje kasnije i nema veze sa onim „Srbijancima“ o kojima svedoče Vuk Karadžić i Branko Radičević.
- ↑ V., M. (2013-04-25). "Nigde u Evropi ne postoje "Francužani" ili "Hrvaćani", kao što postoje Srbijanci i Bosanci". Blic.
- ↑ "Srbin, Srbijanac i Bosanac". B92.
- ↑ "Јелек, антерија...". Srpski kod. 2011.
External links
The dictionary definition of Serbians at Wiktionary
Media related to People of Serbia at Wikimedia Commons
- "Serb Or Serbian – Is There A Difference?". Britić. September 14, 2011. (English)