Structure of the Italian Army

See also: Italian Army

The following list gives an overview of the entire chain of command and organization of the Italian Army for the year 2015 and includes all units currently active.[1]

Italian Army Command structure

The Armed Forces of Italy are under the command of the Italian Supreme Defense Council, presided over by the President of the Italian Republic. The Italian Army is commanded by the SME or "Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito" (Chief of the Army General Staff) in Rome. The Chief of staff has direct control of all support and logistics operations in Italy (i.e. military clinics, repair facilities, acquisitions,…), but no direct control of the operational forces, which are all assigned to and commanded by COMFOTER: "Comando delle Forze Operative Terrestri" (Command of Operational Land Forces).


COMFOTER has commands the Italian NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps (NRDC-IT), five commands (Special Forces, Army Aviation, Air Defense, Signal and Information, Operational Support), of three divisions Tridentina Division, Friuli Division and Acqui Division and the Folgore Parachute Brigade.

Order of Battle

Structure of the Italian Army (click to enlarge).

Geographical Distribution

1 Cavalry
32 Arm.
132 Arm.
132 Art.
10 Eng.
187 Para.
185 Artillery
185° RAO
183 Para.
186 Para.
121 AirDef
Railway Eng.
3 Cavalry
66 Infantry
11 Bers.
5 Av.
5 Cav.
5 Art.
7 Aviation
2 Cavalry
4 Cav.
Horse Artillery
3 Eng.
8 Alpini
131 Armored
8 Artillery
1 Bersaglieri
8 Bersaglieri
21 Engineer
3 Bersaglieri
19 Cavalry
151 Infantry
152 Infantry
5 Engineer
5 Infantry
24 Artillery
6 Cavalry
6 Bersaglieri
62 Infantry
4 Engineer
1 Granatieri
6 Pioneers
8 Cavalry
7 Bersaglieri
9 Infantry
82 Infantry
21 Artillery
11 Engineer
1 Aviation
3 Aviation
2 Aviation
4 Aviation
7 NBC Def
28 PsyOps
4 AirDef
17 AirDef
2 Bridge Eng.
Unit Locations (Signal and Logistic units not included)


The NRDC-IT or "NATO Rapid Deployable Italian Corps" is located in Solbiate Olona and has a support brigade at its dependency, formed by:

Army Special Forces Command

The Army Special Forces Command in Pisa commands all Special Operation Forces of the Army:

Folgore Parachute Brigade

The Folgore Parachute Brigade is the armys rapid reaction force and therefore directly under COMFOTER:

Tridentina Division

Alpini from the Taurinense Brigade.

The Tridentina Division commands the Mountain Troops of the Italian Army, called Alpini (English: Alpines). The division is headquartered in Bolzano and consists of the following units:

Friuli Division

An NH90 Helicopter of the Italian Army

The Friuli Division in Florence (Tuscany) commands following brigades of the Italian Army:

Acqui Division

The Acqui Division in San Giorgio a Cremano near Naples commands following brigades of the Italian Army:

Soldiers of the 8th Cavalry Regiment “Lancieri di Montebello”
Soldiers of the 6th Cavalry Regiment “Lancieri di Aosta”
Soldiers of the Sassari Brigade

Signal and Information Command

"Comando Trasmissioni e ed Informazioni dell’Esercito" or CoTIE is the Italian Army's Signal and Information Command, it resides in Anzio (Lazio) and consists of the following units:

Army Aviation Command

The Army Aviation Command resides in Viterbo and includes the non combat flying formations of the Army (i.e. Transport Planes, support helicopters,…)

Air Defense Command

Air Defense Artillery Command in Sabaudia, with dual training and operational role

Operational Support Command

The Operational Support Command commands the remaining support regiments of the army:

Support units

The following support units are not under the command of COMFOTER and their role is exclusively the support of units on Italian soil. They are commanded by various sub staffs of the SME- Army General Staff in Rome.


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, March 31, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.