Sunni Tehreek

Part of a series on
The Barelvi movement
Tomb of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qadri
Founders & Central figures

Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi
Peer Jamaat Ali Shah
Hamid Raza Khan
Mustafa Raza Khan Qadri
Maulana Abdul Hamid Qadri Badayuni
Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari
Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi


All India Sunni Conference
Tehreek-e-Khatme Nabuwwat
Shaheed Ganj Mosque
Movement against Shuddhi
Shah Bano Movement

Notable Scholars

Khwaja Qamar ul Din Sialvi
Shah Ahmad Noorani
Abdul Sattar Khan Niazi
Arshadul Qaudri
Shamsul-hasan Shams Barelvi
Sarfraz Ahmed Naeemi
Sahibzada Haji Muhammad Fazal Karim
Nurul Islam Farooqi

Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Ashraf Asif Jalali
Qamaruzzaman Azmi
Ameen Mian Qaudri
Kanthapuram A. P. Aboobacker Musalyar
Syed Shujaat Ali Qadri
Muhammad Arshad Misbahi
Hamid Saeed Kazmi
Yaseen Akhtar Misbahi
Mukarram Ahmad
Muhammad Saeed Noori
Akhtar Raza Khan


India Jamiatur Raza Bareilly
Manzar-e-Islam Bareilly
Al Jamiatul Ashrafia Azamgarh
Al-Jame-atul-Islamia Mau
Jamia-tul-Madina Global
Jamia Markazu Ssaquafathi Ssunniyya Kerala
Jamia Nizamia Hyderabad,

Pakistan Jamia Naeemia Lahore
Jamia Amjadia Rizvia Karachi
Jamia Nizamia Ghousia Wazirabad,
'United Kingdom Jamia Al-Karam
Al-Mustafa Islamic Cultural Centre Ireland

Literature & Notable Works

Kanzul Iman, Fatawa-e-Razvia
Bahar-e-Shariat, Husamul Haramain


World Islamic Mission
Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan
Jamaat Ahle Sunnat
Sunni Tehreek
Sunni Ittehad Council
Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nabuwwat
Tanzeem ul Madaris
Raza Academy
Dargah-e-Ala Hazrat

Sunni Tehreek is a Pakistani Barelvi/Sufi [1] religio-political organization.[2] The organization was founded in Pakistan in 1990 to promote the interests of the Barelvi sect (that the majority adheres to), in conflicts against the Deobandi and Ahl al-Hadith movements.[3][4]


After the fragmenting and decline of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, Sunni Tehreek arose as the primary opposition to the Deobandi Banuri Mosque, headed by Nizamuddin Shamzai. The Sunni Tehreek strongly opposed the giving of important religious posts to Deobandis. Its branch in Lahore publicly declared its opposition to the appointment of a Deobandi cleric as khateeb of Badshahi Mosque, and other similar appointments.[5]


In May 2001, sectarian riots broke out after Sunni Tehreek leader Saleem Qadri was assassinated by Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, an anti-Shiite Deobandi militant group. His successor, Abbas Qadri, charged President Pervez Musharraf's regime with "patronising terrorists" and "standing between us and the murderers."[6]

In April 2007, according to some sources, Sunni Tehreek members opened gunfire on an Ahl al-Hadith Mosque in Karachi. One worshiper was killed in the attack.[7] After the attack, Western analysts described the movement as a radicalization of traditional beliefs in the Indian subcontinent.[2]


  1. ↑ The Barelvi claim to be followers of Sufi doctrines but events have shown that , in fact, they are only fake, pseudo-Sufis, using and exploiting the name and repute of Sufism as cover for their nefarious activities. According to KM Sidiqui sahib, a Sufi Shaykh or Master of the Ishq-Nuri Tariqa, a branch of the main Chishti Order, 'The Barelvis are the jackals and hyenas that scavenge on the leavings of the Lions of Truth (i.e authentic Sufism); they are violators of all the basic principles of Sufi conduct and behavior (Futtuwah) and, indeed, hardly human. Let no one be deceived.' In interview, 'Tameer i Watan ' Urdu journal, May 2005
  2. 1 2 Olivier Roy and Antoine Sfeir, The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism, pg. 275. Columbia University Press, 2007.
  3. ↑
  4. ↑ "Karachi suicide blasts have Al-Qaida links". The Times of India. Archived from the original on March 2, 2009. Retrieved 2008-04-13.
  5. ↑ [sacw] SACW Dispatch | 9 Sept. 00
  6. ↑ South Asia Monitor >
  7. ↑ Staff report (11 April 2007). "One dead as ST tries to take control of Ahle Hadith mosque". Daily Times. Retrieved 2 December 2011.

External links

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