Symmetric decreasing rearrangement

In mathematics, the symmetric decreasing rearrangement of a function is a function which is symmetric and decreasing, and whose level sets are of the same size as those of the original function.[1]

Definition for sets

Given a measurable set, A, in Rn one can obtain the symmetric rearrangement of  A , called A^*, by

 A^* = \{x \in \mathbf{R}^n :\,\omega_n\cdot|x|^n < |A| \},

where \omega_n is the volume of the unit ball and where |A| is the volume of A. Notice that this is just the ball centered at the origin whose volume is the same as that of the set  A .

Definition for functions

The rearrangement of a non-negative, measurable real-valued function f whose level sets f^{-1}(y) (y \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq0}) have finite measure is

 f^*(x) = \int_0^\infty \mathbb{I}_{\{y: f(y)>t\}^*}(x) \, dt,

where \mathbb{I}_A denotes the indicator function of the set A. In words, the value of f^*(x) gives the height t for which the radius of the symmetric rearrangement of \{y: f(y)>t\} is equal to x. We have the following motivation for this definition. Because the identity

 g(x) = \int_0^\infty \mathbb{I}_{\{y: g(y)>t\}}(x) \, dt,

holds for any non-negative function g, the above definition is the unique definition that forces the identity  \mathbb{I}_{A}^* = \mathbb{I}_{A^*} to hold.


The function f^* is a symmetric and decreasing function whose level sets have the same measure as the level sets of  f, i.e.

 |\{ x: f^*(x)>t\}| = |\{x: f(x)>t\}|.

If f is a function in  L^p, then

 \|f\|_{L^p} = \|f^*\|_{L^p}.

The Hardy–Littlewood inequality holds, i.e.

 \int fg \leq \int f^* g^* .

Further, the Szegő inequality holds. This says that if 1 \leq p < \infty and if  f\in W^{1,p} then

 \|\nabla f^*\|_p \leq \|\nabla f\|_p.

The symmetric decreasing rearrangement is order preserving and decreases  L^p distance, i.e.

 f \leq g \Rightarrow  f^* \leq g^*


 \|f - g\|_{L^p} \geq \|f^* - g^*\|_{L^p}.


The PólyaSzegő inequality yields, in the limit case, with  p = 1, the isoperimetric inequality. Also, one can use some relations with harmonic functions to prove the Rayleigh–Faber–Krahn inequality.

See also


  1. Lieb, Elliott; Loss, Michael (2001). Analysis. Graduate Studies in Mathematics 14 (2nd ed.). American Mathematical Society. ISBN 978-0821827833.
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