Tĩnh Hải quân

History of Vietnam
(geographical renaming)
28792524 BC Xích Quỷ
2524258 BC Văn Lang
257179 BC Âu Lạc
207111 BC Nam Việt
111 BC – 40 AD Giao Chỉ
4043 Lĩnh Nam
43299 Giao Chỉ
299544 Giao Châu
544602 Vạn Xuân
602679 Giao Châu/An Nam
679757 An Nam
757766 Trấn Nam
766866 An Nam
866967 Tĩnh Hải quân
9681054 Đại Cồ Việt
10541400 Đại Việt
14001407 Đại Ngu
14071427 Giao Chỉ
14281804 Đại Việt
18041839 Việt Nam
18391887 Đại Nam
18871945 French Indochina (Tonkin,
Annam, & Cochinchina)
from 1945 Việt Nam
Main template
{{History of Vietnam}}

Tĩnh Hải quân or the Jinghai regiments (Chinese: 靜海軍, pinyin: Jìnghǎi-jūn) was the name of Viet Nam from 866 to 968. It was the reconstituted Chinese military protectorate of Annam in northern Vietnam during the Third Chinese domination of Vietnam.[1] The area of the commandery is sometimes referred to as "Circuit" (道 dao) in Jinghai the term Jinghai-jun was used.

This was the fifth section of the third domination commencing with Giao Châu (or Jiaozhou, 602–679), then An Nam (or Annam, 679–757), Trấn Nam (757–766), An Nam again (766–866) and then Tĩnh Hải quân (or Jinghai-jun, 866–967).

During the period until 939, Vietnam was governed by jiedushi, including finally the three generations of the Khuc family who briefly asserted autonomy from China. With the proclamation of independence by Ngo Quyen, this name was retain throughout the Ngo Dynasty and the Anarchy of the 12 Warlords. In 968, Dinh Bo Linh vanquished the warlords and renamed the country as Đại Cồ Việt.


  1. China and Her Neighbours, from Ancient Times to the Middle ... Sergeĭ Leonidovich Tikhvinskiĭ, Leonard Sergeevich Perelomov - 1981 "Gao Kan was appointed commander of the reconstituted military protectorate of Annan, which was renamed Jinghaijun [ 11, juan 250, 8117], but, as one source reports 'from the time of Li Zhuo, when Nanzhao made its attack on Annan, there ...
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