Tạ Thu Thâu

Tạ Thu Thâu (May 5, 1906 – September 1945) was a Vietnamese Trotskyist and the leader of the Fourth International in Vietnam.
Early life
Tạ Thu Thâu was born in a small hamlet in Tân Bình, 17 km (11 mi) south of Long Xuyên, the capital of An Giang Province in Southern Vietnam. His family were poor and leading a semi-peasant lifestyle. His father was an itinerant village carpenter and when his family was established in Long Xuyên, Tạ Thu Thâu went to primary school, and by working as a servant during holiday periods was able to continue his studies further. He was a brilliant student who went to France for university studies in 1927. Like many of his generation he lived a time when Vietnamese revolutionary nationalism was passing over to Marxism and communism.
Political career
Arrested during a protest demonstration against the execution of the Yên Bái rebels in front of the Élysée Palace on 22 May 1930, he was arrested and expelled back to Vietnam. Several left opposition groups were formed - the Communist League in Western Saigon in May 1931, Left Opposition and Indochinese Communism. These groups united and Tạ Thu Thâu was acknowledged as the most notable leader of the Trotskyists in Vietnam. In 1932 the French Colonial authorities arrested many members of the Indochinese Communist Party and the Trotskyists. All left-wing activity in Indochina was clandestine.
However, in 1933 the Saigon Trotskyists and Communists formed an electoral bloc for the elections to the Saigon Municipal Council. The joint 'workers slate' was successful and the Trotskyists Tran Van Thach and Communist Nguyen Van Tao scored the highest votes. Though struck down by the Colonial authorities, this success indicated the growing popularity of the revolutionary groups. The other main activity of the united front was the publication of the legal newspaper La Lutte. The united front split in 1937 over the issue of the 'popular front' policy of the Comintern and under pressure from the Comintern via the French Communist Party.
La Lutte became an openly Trotskyist paper and in 1939, the Trotskyist candidates, Tạ Thu Thâu, Tran Van Thach and Phan Van Hum scored 80% of the vote, defeating three constitutionalists, two Communists and numerous independents. The Indochinese Communist Party vote in this election was one per cent. The Saigon Communists split, and so did the Trotskyists. When the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was signed in the summer of 1939, the French authorities declared the Communist Party illegal and in Indochina, all the Communists and the Trotskyists leaders were rounded up. The revolutionary movement was decimated. With more support from farmers, the Communists managed to continue their underground activity in the countryside and began to rebuild. The Trotskyists, reliant on working-class support in the cities, were virtually eliminated as a political force. Tạ Thu Thâu was arrested and incarcerated in Poulo-Condore during the war.
After the end of World War II, Tạ Thu Thâu reconstituted the 'La Lutte' ('The Struggle') group and became the foremost leader of Vietnamese Trotskyism, but in the events of the August Revolution of 1945, and under the impact of the re-establishment of French colonial rule and repression from the Communist-led Viet Minh, his political current lost any significant influence. Tạ Thu Thâu, along with other prominent Trotskyists and nationalists, was assassinated by the Viet Minh in 1945.[1]
See also
- ↑ Philippe M. F. Peycam - The Birth of Vietnamese Political Journalism: Saigon, 1916-1930 2013 "While the political scene was shifting toward a radical opposition between two irreconcilable sides—the Vietnamese ... Phan Văn Hùm, Tạ Thu Thâu, and probably others were killed in the days following the Japanese surrender in August ...
- Richardson, A.(Ed.) (2003) The Revolution Defamed: A documentary history of Vietnamese Trotskyism, London: Socialist Platform Ltd.
- Hemery, D. (1974) Révolutionnaires Vietnamiens et Pouvoir Colonial en Indochine: Communistes, trotskystes, nationalistes à Saigon de 1932 à 1937,Paris: François Maspero.
- Hammer, E. (1954) The Struggle for Indochina, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
- I. Milton Sacks, 'Marxism in Vietnam' [Chapter 4] in Trager, F.(1959) Marxism in South-East Asia, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
- Anh Van and Jacqueline Roussel (1947) National Movements and Class Struggle in Vietnam, London: New Park Publications [English translation 1987].
- Bà Phuong-Lan[Bui-The-My](1974) Nhà Cách Mang:Ta Thu Thâu, Saigon: Nhà Sách KHAI-TRĺ [in Vietnamese].
- Ngo Van (1995) Revolutionaries they could not break: The fight for the Fourth international in Indochina 1930-1945, London: Index Books.
- Huynh kim Khánh (1982) Vietnamese Communism 1925-1945, London: Cornell University Press.
External links
- A Short biographical article by Ngo Van Xuyet
- An article on La Lutte
- Loren Gouldner on Ngo Van and the trotskyist movement in the 1930s