The Best (PlayStation)

Official The Best and PSone Books badges used on PlayStation game covers.
The Best is a Sony PlayStation budget range in Japan and parts of Asia. Similar budget ranges include Greatest Hits in North America, Essentials in PAL regions and BigHit Series in Korea.
For the PlayStation, The Best was followed by PSone Books when the PSone was released in 2001. These games were top selling popular titles that were made available again in a low-priced version under this new label. Games released under the PSone Books label did not come in standard jewel cases like other PlayStation games, but instead came packaged in slim jewel cases. The games' instruction booklets were typically placed outside of the case, with both booklet and cased sealed in plastic packaging. The software contained on the discs was usually the original retail game, however bug fixes were applied for a few titles. PSone Books titles were still being released until late 2006.
The first PlayStation 3 The Best titles were released on March 19, 2008.[1] However Armored Core 4 had been prior released as early as January 10, 2008 in the Best Collection.[2]
The Best
The Best for Family
PSone Books
PlayStation 2
PlayStation 3
PlayStation Portable
PlayStation Vita
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