The Drama of King Shotaway

The Drama of King Shotaway, founded on Facts taken from the Insurrection of the Caravs on the Island of St. Vincent, written from Experience by Mr. Brown (1823) was believed to be by William Henry Brown;[1] this was the first known play by a black playwright in the United States. It was based on the life of Joseph Chatoyer (Satuye), a Garifuna chief who led a revolt of Black Carib on St. Vincent against the British colonists in 1795. Brown was from the West Indies and became established in New York.[2] He was both a playwright and the proprietor of the African Grove Theatre, which produced the play.[1]

No known copies of the play exist. It was produced in 1823 by the African Company at the African Grove Theatre in New York City; it was the first resident African-American company. It was the first play written in the United States by a black man. The play was produced by the African Company at the African Grove Theatre in New York City in 1823, but no manuscript survived.[2][1]


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