List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, January–June 2015

This is a list of individual incidents and statistical breakdowns of incidents of violence, including civilians killed or injured during protests, Israeli search-and-arrest operations, traffic incidents involving both parties whether deliberate or from as yet unknown causes,[1][2] property damage and expropriation, involving a violation of rights, taking place between Israel and Palestinians in 2015 as part of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, but exclusive of particular events that fall within the parameters of any full outbreak of war hostilities.

Housing demolitions are regarded by Israel as justified as a deterrent response to acts of terrorism or on the grounds that the houses in question in East Jerusalem, and the occupied West Bank were built without permits from the Israeli military authority governing the West Bank.[3] The practice is condemned as discriminatory,[4] a form of collective punishment, sometimes as a war crime in violation of international law, by the United Nations, many human rights organizations,[5] the United Nations,[6][7] and scholars such as Meron Benvenisti and Saree Makdisi.[8] Israel has clashed with the EU's funding and construction of buildings for Palestinian residents in Area C, and ordered the demolition of 400 units saying that under international law, such structures do require Israeli permits.[9]


According to Walla!, from January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage"attacks (attempted or actualized) have been launched. Many of policemen have been injured in these clashes.[10]

According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), from January 1 to April 22, at least 8,139 trees and saplings planted by Palestinians were uprooted or vandalized by Israeli settlers.[11] Israeli search and arrest operations in the Palestinian territories, which averaged 75 per week earlier, rose to 86 per week in the first five months of 2015.[12] According to the same source, averaging statistics from January through to June, 2 Israelis have been injured and, excluding settler assaults, 40 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces, per week.[13] In the Hebron governorate alone from January to June, 550 Palestinians, among them 105 teenagers, were arrested, and 225 sentenced to administrative detention without trial.[14]


According to Shabak, 124 attacks which it defined as "terrorist" were carried out in January, including: 1 stabbing, 3 small arms shootings, 17 improvised explosive devices and 102 firebombs attacks. 17 Israelis were wounded (7 seriously or moderately).[15]

In January, according to the Arab Group for Development and National Empowerment, an Arab Human Rights association, Israel detained over 400 Palestinians, on average 13 per day, of whom 57 were minors, and 18 women.[16] According to B'Tselem, Israeli forces since late 2014 through to January 2015 have confirmed a shift to resorting more frequently to the use of live 0.22 inch caliber bullet fire from Ruger 10/22 rifles in West Bank clashes contrary to regulations that prohibit recourse to live fire against stone-throwers.[17]

From Dec 30 to the 12 of January, according to OCHA, 42 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank, 45% (19) being children, and 14 being hit with live ammunition. Over the same period, 5,554 olive saplings and trees were reported to have been vandalized by Israeli settlers. Israeli media reported 11 Palestinian attacks, 6 involving stone-throwing and 3 the hurling of Molotov cocktails, on settlers and other Israelis in both the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The Israeli military administration razed 27 Palestinian structures in Area C of the West Bank, while 5 more were demolished in East Jerusalem, with 2 more demolished by their Palestinian owners to avoid fines, all due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits.[18] From 13 to 19 January, 25 Palestinians, of whom 10 were children and 3 women, were injured in clashes across the West Bank, 40% during protests against the Separation Barrier in Bil'in, the closure of the road to Kafr Qaddum and the road connecting the villages of Surif and Jab'a in the Hebron Governorate. 3 incidents involving Palestinians stoning Israeli vehicles were recorded for the same period.[19] Israeli forces fired 19 times in the same period in the direction of Palestinians found venturing into the Access Restricted Areas (ARA)[20] of the Gaza Strip.[19] From 20 to 26 January, 32 Palestinians, including eight children and two women, were injured in clashes, while Israeli authorities razed 41 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C of the West Bank, and four in East Jerusalem for lack of permits, displacing 81 Palestinians.[21] In the same period there were 29 incidents involving Israeli naval and ground forces firing on Gazan fishing boats and Palestinians within the Strip in the Access Restricted Areas (ARA).[21] From 27 January To 2 February, 41 Palestinians, inclusive of 7 children and 3 women were injured by Israeli forces in West Bank clashes. Three incidents of Palestinian stone-throwing occurred in East Jerusalem resulting in damage to 2 Israeli vehicles.[22] According to the Israeli Security Agency Shin Bet, 124 incidents related to Palestinian violence, defined by the agency as 'terrorist attacks' took place over the same month: 115 took place in the West Bank, 18 in Jerusalem and 1 in Tel Aviv. Of these 102 incidents consisted of throwing Molotov cocktails and 17 of throwing improvised hand bombs. 3 incidents involved small arms gunfire, and one related to a stabbing assault.[23]


In the week from the 3rd to the 9th of February, 36 West Bank Palestinians, inclusive of 9 children, sustained injuries from Israeli forces. 6 were casualties of live ammunition fire. Israel conducted 96 search and arrest operations over the same period. Israeli media reported 11 instances of Palestinians throwing stones or Molotov cocktails at settlers' cars or property, mostly in East Jerusalem. Israeli tanks and bulldozers twice breached Gaza territory, northeast of Khan Younis and east of Rafah, and conducted a ground-leveling operation.[94] In the week from 10 to 16 February, 30 Palestinians, including 9 children were injured in clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank. Six adults and 4 children were reportedly shot with live ammunition.[95] Over the week 17-23, one Palestinian was killed and 24 were injured in clashes with Israeli forces, which conducted 90 search and arrest operations, making 102 arrests, bringing to 899 the number of Palestinians detained since January 1. 3 incidents of Palestinians assaulting Israelis took place over the same period.[96] Over the period 24 February–March 2, 64 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli forces, while Palestinians targeted Israeli settlers and property on 7 occasions.[97]


Over the week 3–9 March, 31 episodes involving Israeli naval boats firing at Gaza fishing boats close to the 6 nautical miles limit imposed by Israel were recorded, with one fatality and six arrests. 43 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank. Four incidents, one involving a car running into 5 Israelis, and 3 involving stone-and Molotov cocktail throwing, were registered for the same period. Two people were injured and some cars damaged in the latter cases. 80 search and arrest operations were conducted by Israel, resulting in the arrests of 120 Palestinians. 6 settler attacks occurred, Six Israeli settler attacks resulting in Palestinian injuries or property damage were recorded, including the physical assault of a 15-year-old girl in Hebron and an elderly man in Jerusalem. 21 Palestinian structures were demolished in Area C for lack of Israeli building permits.[136] Between 10–16 March, in clashes with Israeli forced 42 Palestinians, 13 of them children, were injured across the West Bank, mostly in response to stone-throwing. 44%, or 18 of the injuries, including 9 children, were shot with live ammunition. Over the same week Israeli forces fired 'warning' fire into Gaza's Access Restricted Areas (ARA) on 23 occasions. The IDF made one incursion, to level ground, into Gaza, near the Maghazi Refugee camp. Settlers attacked Palestinians or damaged their property on 7 occasions. 3 incidents of Palestinian stone-throwing were recorded: one Israeli woman was injured, and two buses damaged.30 Palestinian structures were demolished in the West Bank, 22 in Area C and 8 in Jerusalem, for lack of Israeli building permission Of these 13 were residences, leaving 78 people homeless.[137] Between 17–23 March, 21 Palestinians, including 7 children, were injured in clashes with Israeli forces. Israel fired warning shots 21 times at sea and land into Access Restricted Areas in the Gaza Strip. In 86 search and arrest operations 93 Palestinians were arrested in the West Bank. In Area C of the West Bank, 30 Palestinian structures were razed for lack of Israeli permits, 27 belonging to the herding communities of Al Mak-hul and Al Hadidiya in the northern Jordan Valley, and 3 at Abu Dis, as part of an Israeli plan to forcibly relocate 46 communities. 492 trees and saplings on the West Bank village lands of Majdal Bani Fadil (Nablus), Biddya (Salfit) and ad-Dhahiriya (Hebron) were uprooted by Israeli forces, claiming they were planted on Israeli state lands. Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians 4 times, resulting in Palestinian injuries or property damage, which 2 Palestinian stone throwing incidents in East Jerusalem, one on a bus and another on settler housing injured 4 Israelis, including 2 children.[138] Between 34 March–April 2, 64 Palestinians, including five children, which injured during clashes with Israeli forces. Israel conducted 110 search and arrest operations, arresting 132 Palestinians in the West Bank. 3 Palestinian attacks took place in East Jerusalem, on injuring a 4-year-old Israeli child from stone throwing. Two of the incidents took place in Beit Hanina and Silwan respectively[139]



In the 2 weeks from March 31 to April 31, 117 Palestinians in clashes, mostly protest marches, involving stone throwing:14 from live fire, including 4 children. On 36 occasions Israeli forces fired on Gazan civilians near the perimeter fence or at sea. Gazan militants fired twice at Israeli communities over the border. 147 search-and-arrest operations were conducted, and 197 Palestinians arrested. 9 Palestinian structures were demolished in East Jerusalem for lack of Israeli permits.4 attacks by settlers were registered, injuring two 11- and 16-year-old girls, while 5 Palestinian attacks on settlers or their property were reported, 4 settlers being injured as a result of stone-throwing at buses.[181] 31 Palestinians, including 12 children, were injured in clashes with Israeli forces from 14 to 21 April. Half of the incidents involved stone-throwing. Israeli forces fired warning fire on 22 occasions into the Gaza Strip and its coastal waters. I Israeli man was killed, and a woman injured, in a traffic incident described by Israeli sources as deliberate and by Palestinian sources as accidental. 2 attacks by settlers were reported. 8 solar panels donated by an international NGO for two Bedouin houses in Khan al Ahmar Abu al Helu, Jerusalem, were dismantled and confiscated by Israeli authorities.[11] From 21 to 27 April, 49 Palestinians,(of whom 11 were children and 4 women) were injured by Israeli forces in various, mainly stone-throwing clashes. On 18 occasions Israel fired towards at Palestinians in the Access Restricted Areas (ARA) of the Gaza Strip. On two occasions a farmer and a 17-year-old boy were wounded. I settler was injured while on a bus, at At Tur, from stone-throwing. One settler's car was damaged by a Molotov cocktail near Beit Ur al-Tahta (Ramallah).[182]



In the week between 28 April and 4 May, 13 Palestinians, including 2 children and 5 journalists, were injured by Israeli forces operating in the West Bank, and one Palestinian was wounded by live fire in East Jerusalem. A rocket fired from Gaza towards Israeli fell short and exploded in the Gaza Strip.25 incidents of Israeli naval forces firing on fishermen's boats from Gaza in the ARA restricted area were reported. 320 Palestinians, half of them children were displaced from their dwellings for two days as Israeli military exercises took place in the Jordan Valley. 3 homes were demolished for lack of Israeli permits in Area C of the West Bank. The Israeli High Court turned down a request to halt the proposed demolition of the Palestinian village of Susiya. In 95 search-and-arrest operations 110 Palestinians were arrested.3 incidents of Palestinian stone throwing, resulting in injuries to 2 Israelis and damage to vehicles were reported.[237] Between 5 and 11 May, 31 Palestinians, including 7 children were injured by Israeli forces, 23 in the West Bank. A further 8, including 5 fisherman, 2 farmers and a child, were shot in restricted access areas inside or offshore from the Gaza Strip, where Israeli forces opened fire on 18 occasions. 102 Israeli search and arrest operations were conducted in the West Bank and 97 Palestinians were arrested. 3 families in Silwan were displaced when Israeli settlers took over 3 apartments. A health clinic in Shuafat providing services to 62 Palestinian schools was closed for 1 year, as contravening an Israeli law stating that the Palestinian Authority cannot operate in East Jerusalem. 8 Palestinian structures were demolished in Area C, affecting 51 families, and 3,000 metres of water pipes were confiscated. 30 electrical poles and 3000 meters in cables supplying electricity to the village of Um Sidra.[238] 4 Palestinian attacks on Israelis were registered.[239] 87 Palestinians, including 18 children and 3 women, were injured by Israeli forces, 29 by live ammunition. In the Gaza Strip, 74 Palestinian security forces were injured trying to defuse unexploded ordnance (UXO) west of Beit Lahiya. Israeli forces opened fire 20 times into ARA access restricted area inside or offshore of the Gaza Strip. In Area C, a commercial structure in Silwad (Ramallah) for lack of an Israelil permit. In the Jordan Valley, two kilometers of donor funded irrigation pipes in Al Jiftlik Abu al 'Ajaj and Umm Al Obor were confiscated for lacking Israeli permits. 10 settler attacks on Palestinians and their property, in which 5 people, among them an 18-month-old child and an elderly couple, were injured by Israeli stone throwing, occurred. 959 trees and sapling were destroyed by arson, and 22 vehicles damaged by settler stone throwing. A Palestinian injured 4 Israelis when he crashed his car into an Israeli bus station near Gush Etzion. There were 7 incidents of Palestinian stone throwing causing damage to settler property, and 4 injuries to Israelis.[238] I Palestinian was shot dead after his car hit several Israeli border policemen. 77 Palestinians, including 8 children, one shot in the eye, were injured during protest clashes. In the Gaza Strip, on at least, Israeli forces opened fire 22 times in the Access Restricted Area (ARA) in and arpound the Gaza Strip, injuring fisherman. including a 16-year-old youth. In 91 search-and-arrest operations, Israeli forces detained 106 Palestinians. 9 Palestinian buildings were demolished for lack of Israeli permits in Area C and East Jerusalem, displacing 9 families. Settlers made 5 attacks, resulting in injury or property damage. 235 trees were set on fire and vandalized on Palestinian lots in Salfit and Tulkarm. Two Palestinian attacks, one involving stabbing, injuring Israelis or their property occurred in East Jerusalem. An Israeli car was struck by a Molotov bomb near Beit Hanina.[240] Between May 26 and June 1, 64 Palestinians, including 9 children, were injured in the West Bank, the majority during clashes in solidarity protests over the administrative detention of Palestinians, and against construction of the separation barrier. Israeli naval forces fired on fisherman at least times in the offshore Gaza restricted access area, injuring 2. 81 search-and-arrest operations were launched in the West Bank. In cluding detentions of fishermen, 104 Palestinians were detained. Settlers attacked twice, once throwing stones and setting fire to a house in Tel Rumeida, the other involving stone throwing at Palestinian cars on the Nahalin to Husan road. One incident was recorded of a Molotov cocktail being thrown, which damaged an Israeli vehicle near Beit Hanina.[241]


Between 2–9 June operations by Israeli forces and clashes in the West Bank led to injuries to 19 Palestinians, including 7 children, were injured by Israeli forces in the West Bank in the context of clashes.2 boys, 13 and 16 respectively, were shot by live ammunition at Silwad (Ramallah) and Balata Refugee Camp. 3 boys, aged 12 and 17, were hit by sound bombs in East Jerusalem, during clashes; a 17-year-old Abu Dis boy was wounded by a rubber-coated steel bullet. A 9-year-old boy suffered severe burns when he tampered with unexploded Israeli ordnance near his home in Tuba. A Gaza militant group fired rockets into Israel twice. On 25 occasions Israeli forces opened fire on Gazans fishing around the area of the restricted zone, or farming near the border. Search-and-arrest operations led to the arrest of 122 Palestinians. Israel demolished 28 structures in Area C of the West Bank and East Jerusalem for lack of Israeli permits. Two settler attacks involving stone throwing were registered against Palestinian traffic.[299] Between 9–15 June, 2 Palestinians were shot and killed, according to Israeli sources while trying to throw Molotov cocktails. 15 Palestinians, including 3 children, were injured. Israeli forces opened fire in the restricted access areas around Gaza on 12 occasions. 98 Palestinians were arrested during 81 search-and-arrest operations in the West Bank and one near Gaza.16 Palestinian-owned structures were razed for lack of Israeli permits, 13 in Area C and 3 in East Jerusalem. 2 settler attacks occurred: 8 trees in Susya (Hebron) were vandalized, and 20 dunams of wheat fields were fired at Kafr al-Labad near the Israeli settlement of Enav. 3 Palestinian attacks against Israelis in East Jerusalem were reported. In one an Israeli woman was injured by stone throwing; a settler's residence and a vehicle were also damaged.[300] Between 16–22 July, An Israel citizen was killed and another wounded by a Palestinian nearr Israeli civilian injured, reportedly by a Palestinian, while touring near Deir Ibzi in the West Bank. A Palestinian stabbed a policeman in East Jerusalem. 19 Palestinians, among whom 2 children, were injured. In two incidents in the Gaza Restricted zone, Israeli soldiers shot 3 civilians, and entered the Gaza Strip one to level land with bulldozers. A home was demolished in Beit Hanina for lack of a permit. 5 settler attacks damaging Palestinian property were registered, damaging olive trees or stoning Palestinian cars. 5 Israelis were injured from Palestinian stone throwing.[301] Over the week from 23 to 29 June, a Palestinian was shot dead near the Hamra checkpoint, and in a follow-up raid a 17-year-old was wounded by live ammunition at Al-Awja. I settler was killed and 3 wounded in a drive-by shooting near Nablus, and a Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli policewoman on checkpoint duty near Gilo. 3 incidents resulting in damage to Israeli property, including an ambulance fired on near Beit El settlement, were recorded. Israelis wounded 9 Palestinians, including g 2 children in multiple incidents during stone throwing clashes in Al-Ram, Kafr Qaddum, Ni'lin, Askar Refugee Camp and Al Awja. Israeli forces opened fire on 8 occasions in the Gaza ARA, and on one occasion shot a missile at an olive farm near Beit Hanoun. Boats and crops were damaged. 5 settler attacks, resulting in property damage and personal injury were registered at Hebron and in East Jerusalem, while 20 dunams at Tayba village were set on fire, and a vehicle was damaged from stone throwing near Majdal Bani Fadil.[302]

See also


  1. Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Unnalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, General Assembly Official Records, Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 35 (A/56/35) A/56/35 UNISPAL 31 October 2001:'Under the protection or due to indifference on the part of IDF, settler groups often resort to the use of firearms, hit-and-run incidents, torture and beatings of Palestinians. Archived June 14, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. 'Jerusalem: Israeli police hit in Palestinian car attack', BBC News 16 March 2015 :'Last year, Palestinian militants killed three Israelis and an Ecuadorian woman in attacks using vehicles in Jerusalem as tensions soared between Israel and the Palestinians.'
  3. Anthony H. Cordesman, Arab-Israeli Military Forces in an Era of Asymmetric Wars, Center for Strategic and International Studies 2006 pp.71-72.
  4. Mehran Kamrava, The Modern Middle East: A Political History since the First World War, University of California Press p.426 n.65:'Palestinian homes are often destroyed under the pretext of not having the proper building permits. The same requirement does not apply to homes of Jewish settlers, however. According to a statement by the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, 'With three unusual exceptions, in the past 30 years NO Jewish house non the West Bank has ever been threatened with demolition... Israeli settlers are citizens of Israel and are subject only to Israeli law. None of the planning guidelines, procedures for obtaining building permits from the civilian administration or house demolition penalties applies to them. The first 21 Jewish settlements on the West Bank were done so without plans or permits and, indeed, against the stated policies and wishes of the Israeli government.'
  5. 'Human Rights Watch calls on Israel to stop demolition of terrorist homes', Haaretz 22 November 2014.
  6. 1 2 'Israel illegally demolishing Palestinian homes, UN says', The Times of Israel 24 January 2015.
  7. 'UN accuses Israel of illegally razing homes of 77 Palestinians', Ma'an News Agency 24 January 2015.:'Demolitions that result in forced evictions and displacement run counter to international law and create unnecessary suffering and tension.'
  8. Saree Makdisi, Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation, W. W. Norton & Company, 2010 p.18:'Property expropriation is based on an Israeli reading of the Ottoman law of 1858, which is used to declare that all lands not registered as private at the time of Israel's conquest of the West Bank in the 1967 Six Day War are public lands. B'Tselem has remarked that, even were that interpretation correct, the lands declared state lands are 'public property belonging to the lawful residents of the West Bank, and as occupying power Israel is required to administer them for the benefit of that public, rather than denying Palestinians access to those lands while allocating to them to exclusive Jewish use and settlement.'
  9. 'PM orders demolition of EU-funded Palestinian 'settlements' in West Bank', The Times of Israel 7 February 2015.
  10. "שכפ"ץ לעורף": 995 אירועי טרור נגד מג"ב בשנה וחצי" [MISSING TRANSLATED TITLE]. Walla! (in Hebrew). 2015-04-27. Retrieved 28 April 2015.
  11. 1 2 Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 14 – 20 April 2015, OCHA 22 April 2015.
  12. 1 2 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian in Jenin camp', Ma'an News Agency 10 June 2015.
  13. 1 2 'Palestinian teen sentenced to 28 months in prison', Ma'an News Agency 16 June 2o15.
  14. 'Report: Israeli detained 550 Palestinians from Hebron in 6 months', Ma'an News Agency 2 July 2015.
  15. 1 2 Terror Data and Trends:Monthly summary – January 2015, Israel Security Agency February 2015.
  16. 'Group: 13 Palestinians being detained by Israel every day', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  17. 'Military steps up use of live 0.22 inch bullets against Palestinian stone-throwers', B'Tselem 18 January 2015.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 'Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 30 December 2014 – 12 January 2015', OCHA
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 'Protection of Civilians:Reporting Period:13-19 January, 2015', OCHA 23 January 2015.
  20. Access restricted Areas (ARA) in the Gaza Strip, UNISPAL 3 July 2013 Archived May 18, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 'Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 20 – 26 January 2015 OCHA 30 January 2015.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 'Protection of Civilians. Reporting Period:17 Jan-3 Feb 2015', OCHA 5 February.
  23. 'Monthly summary – January 2015', Shin Bet
  24. 'Israeli soldiers critically injure Palestinian in shooting near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 2 January 2015.
  25. Kh. 'Um al-Jamal: Israeli military demolishes 5 families' tents mere days before the storm', B'Tselem 8 January 2015.
  26. 'Palestinian fisherman critically injured in Israeli naval attack', Ma'an News Agency 3 January 2015.
  27. ' Israeli forces shoot 3 Palestinian shepherds near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 3 January 2015.
  28. '3 Palestinians said injured during clashes with settlers', The Times of Israel 3 January 2015.
  29. Stuart Winer, 'Two settlers arrested for shooting Palestinians', The Times of Israel 20 January 2015.
  30. 'Israeli security guard shoots, injures Hebron teen', Ma'an News Agency 4 January 2015.
  31. 'Israeli forces demolish shops in Bethlehem-area village', Ma'an News Agency 5 January 2015.
  32. 'Israeli forces demolish house under construction in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 5 January 2015.
  33. 'Israeli troops raid West Bank, shoot teenager', Ma'an News Agency 6 January 2015.
  34. Lazar Berman, 'Police arrest East Jerusalem youth for Thursday stabbing', The Times of Israel 9 January 2015.
  35. 'Report: Israeli stabbed near Jerusalem Old City', Ma'an News Agency 8 January 2015
  36. 'Jewish man stabbed near Jerusalem's Old City', The Times of Israel 8 January 2015.
  37. 'Israeli settlers chop down 45 olive trees south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 9 January 2015
  38. 'Israeli settlers chop down 300 olive trees south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015
  39. 'Israeli forces shoot 2 Palestinian youths with live fire in Burin', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015.
  40. 'Settler shoots Palestinian in village south of Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 10 January 2015
  41. 'Settler arrested on suspicion of shooting Hebron teen', Ma'an News Agency 12 January 2015.
  42. 'Israeli forces detain 7 Palestinian youths in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  43. '12-year-old injured after settlers hurl rocks at Palestinian car', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  44. '3rd attack in 3 days: Settlers chop down 170 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 11 January 2015
  45. 'Israeli forces shoot dead Palestinian at Gush Etzion', Ma'an News Agency 14 January 2015
  46. 'Police kill Palestinian man during alleged car theft', The Times of Israel 14 January 2015.
  47. Reuters, 'Israel: Soldier Kills Palestinian Suspected in Theft', The New York Times 14 January 2015.
  48. 'Israeli troops injure youth in Jenin raid,' Ma'an News Agency 15 January 2015 Archived March 5, 2016, at the Wayback Machine.
  49. 1 2 'One killed in clashes with police at funeral of Rahat man', The Times of Israel 19 January 2015.
  50. 'Bedouin towns on strike after youth slain by Israeli police', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015.
  51. Hassan Shaalan,'Rahat riots: Stones thrown at police, ATM uprooted', Ynet 20 January 2015.
  52. 'Palestinians in Israel declare national strike after police deaths', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015.
  53. Ilana Curiel,'Policeman arrested in Rahat shooting', Ynet 12 February 2015.
  54. 1 2 'Israeli forces destroy Palestinian wheat fields near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 16 January 2015
  55. 'Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian farmers across Gaza border', Ma'an News Agency 15 January 2015
  56. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 16 January 2015
  57. 'Soldiers arresting Beit Rima resident violently attack him and his family, leave his brother unconscious in street', B'Tselem 16 April 2015
  58. 'Israeli soldiers assault 3 men working at bakery in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 18 January 2015.
  59. 'Palestinian killed by Israeli police during Negev funeral', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015.
  60. 'Israeli forces assault, detain Palestinian teen in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  61. 'Israeli forces expel Hebron women from home, seal property', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  62. 'Israeli forces demolish house in al-Isawiya in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 January 2015
  63. '10-year-old injured, teen arrested during East Jerusalem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015.
  64. 'Israeli forces demolish house in al-Isawiya in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 20 January 2015
  65. 'Palestinian stabs passengers on Tel Aviv bus', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  66. Eli Senyor, Shahar Chai,'13 stabbed in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus; 4 badly hurt', Ynet 21 January 2015
  67. Yoav Zitun,'Video: Terrorist stabs woman as she flees from bus', Ynet
  68. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Gaza fisherman', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  69. ' Israeli forces demolish house in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  70. 'Israel carries out 3rd East Jerusalem home demolition in 2 days', Ma'an News Agency 21 January 2015
  71. "Communities Facing Expulsion - Live Blog". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  72. 'Settler car runs over 5-year-old Palestinian near Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  73. 'Israeli forces suppress West Bank marches', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  74. 'Palestinians hurl stones, injure 2 in West Bank', The Times of Israel 23 January 2015.
  75. 'Report: Stones thrown at settler car in northern West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 23 January 2015.
  76. 'Palestinian youths attack Israeli military tower with improvised bombs', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  77. 'Israeli troops injure young Palestinian man in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  78. 'Israeli settlers chop down olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  79. 'Israeli forces arrest 10-year-old boy, uncle in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 January 2015.
  80. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen near Joseph's Tomb', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  81. 'Israeli forces injure 3 Palestinians during clashes in al-Ram', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  82. 'Israel 'systematically mistreats' Palestinian children in custody', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  83. 'Israel confiscates hundreds of dunams in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 27 January 2015.
  84. 'Kidnapping attempt' in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 28 January 2015.
  85. 'Boy injured by unexploded Israeli ordnance in Jordan Valley', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  86. 1 2 'Israeli authorities demolish Palestinian home, barn in Idhna', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  87. 'Israel destroys water lines feeding Palestinian areas in Jordan Valley', Ma'an News Agency 29 January 2015.
  88. Matan Tzuri,'Three armed Palestinians caught after crossing into Israel', Ynet 30 January 2015.'Upon their arrest the Gazans admitted to having a grenade, leading the forces to call sappers to the scene.'
  89. "Teen hurt as Israeli forces suppress West Bank demos". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  90. Gili Cohen, 'IDF says army fire killed Palestinian about to throw firebomb', Haaretz 1 February 2015.
  91. Yoav Zitun,'Palestinian killed by IDF after throwing firebomb at Israeli vehicle', Ynet 1 February 2015.
  92. 'Israeli soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian youth south of Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  93. 'Settlers hurl rocks at Palestinian vehicles near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  94. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 'Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 3-9 February 2015', OCHA
  95. 1 2 Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 10-16 February 2015, OCHA, 21 February 2015.
  96. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period: 17-23 February 2015, OCHA 27 February 2015.
  97. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Protection of Civilians: Reporting Period:: 24 February – 2 March 2015, OCHA
  98. 'Israeli settler runs over B'Tselem photographer in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 1 February 2015.
  99. 'Israel demolishes agricultural structures near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  100. 'Settler shoots, injures Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  101. 'Settler car crashes into Palestinian security vehicle, 7 injured', Ma'an News Agency 2 February 2015.
  102. 'Israeli soldiers raid, shut down Palestinian school at gunpoint', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  103. 'Israeli authorities plan to destroy wells serving Silwad farmers', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  104. 'Israeli forces detain Palestinian child, youth', Ma'an News Agency 4 February 2015.
  105. 'Settlers create outpost near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 5 February 2015.
  106. "2 Hebron-area boys hurt in traffic accidents". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  107. 'Palestinian shot in Hebron after grabbing soldier's gun', Ma'an News Agency 6 February 2015.
  108. 'Israeli settlers open fire at protesters near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 6 February 2015.
  109. 'Israeli settler opens fire at Palestinian cars in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  110. 'Environmental authority warns against Israeli toxic waste dumping', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  111. 'Israeli settlers set up mobile homes in Nablus-area village', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  112. 'Israeli soldiers assault Palestinian student near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  113. 'Settlers destroy 70 olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 7 February 2015.
  114. 'Israel demolishes East Jerusalem home, 14 displaced', Ma'an News Agency 10 February 2015.
  115. 'Israel earmarks vast area of Hebron land for annexation', Ma'an News Agency 11 February 2015.
  116. 'Israeli forces confiscate goods from East Jerusalem warehouse', Ma'an News Agency 11 February 2015.
  117. 'Teen shot, activists pepper-sprayed in West Bank demos', Ma'an News Agency 14 February 2015.
  118. 'Israeli forces critically injure Palestinian with live fire in Azzun', Ma'an News Agency 14 February 2015.
  119. 'Israeli forces uproot Tubas olive trees', Ma'an News Agency 19 February 2015.
  120. 'Settlers attack, injure Palestinian near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 18 February 2015.
  121. 'Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees', Ma'an News Agency 18 February 2015.
  122. 'Israeli settlers chop down 35 olive trees in southern Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 21 February 2015.
  123. 'VIDEO: Jerusalem mayor, bodyguards subdue terrorist', Ynet 22 February 2015.
  124. 'IDF raids home of Jerusalem knife attacker', The Times of Israel 23 February 2015.
  125. '7 injured by live bullets in clashes in Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 23 February 2015.
  126. 'Gunshots fired at Israeli vehicle near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 23 February 2015.
  127. 'Autopsy shows Palestinian teen was shot at close range', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  128. 'Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian teenager', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  129. 'Palestinian girl injured after being hit by settler vehicle in Silwan', Ma'an News Agency 24 February 2015.
  130. Elior Levy, Itay Blumenthal,'Palestinian killed during clashes with IDF troops, soldier lightly wounded', Ynet 24 February 2015.
  131. Stuart Winer, 'Mosque torched near Bethlehem in apparent hate crime', The Times of Israel 25 February 2015.
  132. Elior Levy,'West Bank mosque torched in suspected 'price-tag' hate attack', Ynet, 25 February 2015.
  133. 'Settlers burn mosque near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 25 February 2015.
  134. Roi Yanovsky,'Christian seminary set alight in suspected hate crime', Ynet 25 February 2015.
  135. 'Israeli forces suppress West Bank demos', Ma'an News Agency 27 February 2015.
  136. 1 2 3 Protection of Civilians:Weekly Report March 3-March9, OCHA 13 March 2015.
  137. 1 2 Protection of Civilians: Reporting period: 10 – 16 March 2015, OCHA 19 March 2015.
  138. 1 2 3 "United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  139. 1 2 "United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory". Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  140. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 young men in Duheisha camp', Ma'an News Agency 27 February 2015.
  141. 'Video clip catches soldiers threatening Palestinian teen with their dogs', Haaretz 2 March 2015.
  142. 'Video shows soldiers setting dog on Palestinian teen', The Times of Israel 2 March 2015.
  143. 'Israeli troops shoot, injure young Palestinian man west of Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 3 March 2015.
  144. 'Israel police destroy Bedouin agricultural crops in Negev', Ma'an News Agency 3 March 2015.
  145. 'Settlers torch 2 Palestinian cars near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 5 March 2015.
  146. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 fishermen off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 5 March 2015.
  147. 'Suspect in Purim attack plotted to harm Jews for a week', The Times of Israel 16 March 2015.
  148. Nir Hasson, 'Seven wounded in Jerusalem terror attack', Haaretz 6 March 2015.
  149. Roy Yanovski, 'Terror attack in Jerusalem: Five officers, Israeli hurt', Ynet 6 February 2015.
  150. Itamar Sharon, 'Five wounded in car-ramming terror attack in Jerusalem', The Times of Israel 6 March 2015.
  151. 'Palestinian factions praise Jerusalem car attack', Ma'an News Agency 6 March 2015.
  152. 1 2 Itamar Sharon, 'Jewish graves desecrated on Mount of Olives', The Times of Israel
  153. 'Israeli forces fire at Palestinian vehicle near Jenin, injure 2', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  154. 'Gaza fisherman dies after Israeli forces fire on boats', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.* "The spokeswoman added that every deviation by fishing boats from the fishing zone is perceived by Israeli forces as a security threat, citing an incident last month in which a vessel was caught outside of the fishing zone with arms intended for Hamas."
  155. 'Israeli forces fire rubber-coated bullet at 7-year-old in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  156. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 5 teens near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 7 March 2015.
  157. 'Bystanders injured as PA security forces enter Balata', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  158. 'Settlers assault elderly Palestinian man in the Old City', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  159. 'Israeli forces uproot 300 olive trees in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 9 March 2015.
  160. 'Israel demolishes Palestinian house near Tulkarem', Ma'an News Agency 9 March 2015.
  161. 'Settlers cut down 40 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 8 March 2015.
  162. 'Israeli forces level land east of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 March 2015.
  163. 'Dozens injured in clashes north of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 March 2015.
  164. 1 2 'Israeli forces demolish factory, animal barns near Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 11 March 2015.
  165. '3 Palestinians injured in weekly Qalqiliya march', Ma'an News Agency 13 March 2015.
  166. '11 injured, 3 detained as Israeli forces attack Nabi Saleh protest', Ma'an News Agency 13 March 2015.
  167. 'Israeli settler violently assaults Palestinian near Yatta', Ma'an News Agency 14 March 2015.
  168. 'Nablus family says Israeli soldiers stole money during home raid', Ma'an News Agency 18 March 2015.
  169. '9 injured as Israeli forces open fire on protest at Jalazun camp,' Ma'an News Agency 18 March 2015. Archived March 21, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
  170. "Palestinian shot in Ramallah clashes dies from injuries". Maan News Agency. Retrieved 6 August 2015.
  171. 'Official: Israeli soldiers uproot 300 olive trees near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 19 March 2015.
  172. 'Settlers uproot 60 olive trees in central West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 19 March 2015.
  173. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians near Gaza border', Ma'an News Agency 20 March 2015.
  174. 1 2 Itay Blumental, Elior Levy 'Palestinians: Jewish settlers wounded 6-year-old girl near Hebron', Ynet 21 March 2015.
  175. Justin Jalil,'Young girl said attacked by settlers in West Bank', The Times of Israel 21 March 2015.
  176. '4 Palestinians detained, 3 injured in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 March 2015.
  177. 1 2 'Israeli forces suppress weekly marches, injure 8', Ma'an News Agency 27 March 2015.
  178. 'Settlers destroy 1200 Palestinian olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 29 March 2015.
  179. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 31 March 2015.
  180. 'Israel demolishes foundations of 3 Jerusalem apartments', Ma'an News Agency 31 March 2015.
  181. 1 2 Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 31 March – 13 April 2015, OCHA 16 April 2015.
  182. 1 2 3 4 5 Protection of Civilians: Reporting period: 21 – 27 April 2015, OCHA 30 April 2015.
  183. 'Israeli forces injure Palestinian, detain 2 in Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 1 April 2015.
  184. 'Israeli forces seize solar panels, injure child in village raid', Ma'an News Agency 2 April 2015.
  185. 'Civil Administration confiscates 12 solar panels from the Khan al-Ahmar community close to Ma'ale Adumim', B'Tselem 2 April 2015.
  186. Itay Blumenthal,'IDF paratrooper stabbed in West Bank; Palestinian arrested', Ynet 2 April 2015.
  187. 'Israeli forces uproot 120 olive trees near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 2 April 2015.
  188. Nir Hasson,'Palestinian boy, 13, loses eye apparently from Border Police bullet', Haaretz 6 April 2015.
  189. 1 2 'Dozens injured as Israeli forces suppress weekly marches', Ma'an News Agency 3 April 2015.
  190. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 Palestinians in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 4 April 2015.
  191. Ilan Ben Zion, '2 IDF soldiers stabbed in West Bank, attacker killed', The Times of Israel 8 April 2015.
  192. 1 2 'Israeli forces injure 22 Palestinians following highly charged funeral', 14 April 2015.
  193. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian fisherman off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 9 April 2015.
  194. 'Palestinian killed, 6 wounded in clashes with Israeli forces, Palestinians report', Haaretz 10 April 2015.
  195. 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian dead at his cousin's funeral', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  196. Elior Levy, 'Palestinian reportedly shot dead at funeral', Ynet 10 April 2015.
  197. 'Israeli forces open fire east of Khan Younis, 1 injured', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  198. '12 injured as Israeli forces open fire in Jalazun camp', Ma'an News Agency 10 April 2015.
  199. 'Military punishes Hizma's 7,000 residents by closure on village for alleged stone- throwing on nearby road', B'Tselem 14 April 2015.
  200. 'Palestinian employee assaulted in Israeli workplace', Ma'an News Agency 14 April 2015.
  201. B'Tselem,'State Attorney's Office: killing a wounded, fleeing boy by shooting him in the back merely a "reckless and negligent act"', B'Tselem 14 April 2015.
  202. Akiva Novik, 'Police chief: Car-ramming attack likely terror', Ynet 17 April 2015.
  203. Itamar Sharon,'Car-ramming suspect's wife insists fatal crash was accident', The Times of Israel 17 April 2015.
  204. 'I sought to kill Jews,' said terrorist who rammed car into Israelis at Jerusalem bus stop, Jpost 04/21/2015
  205. '7 Palestinians injured during clashes near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 16 April 2015.
  206. 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian in eye during clashes', Ma'an News Agency 16 April 2015.
  207. Nir Hasson, 'Another Palestinian loses eye to police sponge bullet', Haaretz 16 April 2015.
  208. 1 2 'Israeli forces injure 5 during Prisoner's Day marches across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 17 April 2015.
  209. 'Israeli forces open fire east of Khan Younis, injure 3 Palestinians', Ma'an News Agency 17 April 2015.
  210. 'Settlers steal rich soil from Palestinian lands near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency, 18 April 2015.
  211. Yaniv Kubovich, 'Jewish Israeli admits stabbing Arab worker out of racial motive', Haaretz 20 April 2015.
  212. 'Israeli stabs Palestinian worker near Tel Aviv', Ma'an News Agency 20 April 2015.
  213. Raanan Ben-Zur, 'Arab stabbed in Herzliya: "He yelled 'death to Arabs!"', Ynet 20 April 2015.
  214. 'Settlers uproot 450 olive trees in Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 21 April 2015.
  215. 'Israeli settler runs over 4 Palestinians in Qalqiliya', Ma'an News Agency 22 April 2015.
  216. 1 2 'E. J'lem teen shot dead in attempt to stab soldier', The Times of Israel 25 April 2015.
  217. 1 2 'Israeli forces suppress weekly marches across West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 24 April 2015.
  218. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian near Khan Younis', Ma'an News Agency 24 April 2015.
  219. '14-year-old shot by Israeli forces in Gaza Strip in critical condition', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  220. 'Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian youth in Jerusalem', Al Jazeera 25 April 2015.
  221. 1 2 '17-year-old shot dead at checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 25 April 2015.
  222. Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian shot dead after attempting to stab Border Police officer near J'lem', Ynet 25 April 2015.
  223. 1 2 'Thousands attend funeral for Palestinian accused of stabbing soldier,', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  224. 1 2 3 4 Roi Yanovsky, Omri Efraim, 'Four police officers wounded in Jerusalem terror attack', Ynet 25 April 2015.
  225. 'Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli soldier in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 25 April 2015.
  226. 1 2 'Dozens of Palestinians injured in clashes in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  227. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in northern Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 26 April 2015.
  228. 'Israeli forces demolish 4 structures in Jericho village', Ma'an News Agency 27 April 2015.
  229. 'Israeli military drill sparks fire on Palestinian farmland', Ma'an News Agency 27 April 2015.
  230. 'Father of Jenin teen says 'son killed in cold blood, Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  231. 'Palestinian teen killed by Israeli forces west of Jenin', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  232. Reuters,'Palestinian shot by IDF dies of wounds', Ynet 27 April 2015.
  233. 'Israeli forces close 2 checkpoints after settler car set on fire', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  234. 'Israeli forces open fire on farmers in eastern Khan Younis', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  235. 'Israeli forces demolish Ramallah home', Ma'an News Agency 28 April 2015.
  236. 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian barn near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 29 April 2015.
  237. Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 28 April – 4 May 2015, OCHA 7 May 2015.
  238. 1 2 Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 12 May – 18 May 2015, OCHA 21 May 2015.
  239. Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 5 May – 11 May 2015, OCHA 14 May 2015.
  240. Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 19–25 May 2015, OCHA 28 May 2015.
  241. Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 26 May–1 June 2015, OCHA 5 June 2015.
  242. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 3 teens near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 2 May 2015.
  243. 'Israeli forces injure 2 at Kafr Qaddum weekly march', Ma'an News Agency 1 May 2015.
  244. 'Palestinian shot in Jerusalem after attempted stabbing', Ma'an News Agency 4 May 2015.
  245. 'Security guards at Jerusalem light rail station shoot suspected Palestinian attacker', Ynet 4 May 2015.
  246. 'Israeli police withdraw claim Palestinian planned stabbing attack', Ma'an News Agency 5 May 2015.
  247. 'Israeli court approves demolition of Palestinian village', Ma'an News Agency 4 May 2015.
  248. Tovah Lazaroff, 'High Court ruling paves way for demolition of unauthorized Palestinian village', Jerusalem Post 5 May 2015.
  249. 'Israeli forces assault Palestinian farmer in eastern Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 5 May 2015.
  250. 'Settler organization takes over Silwan building', Ma'an News Agency 6 May 2015.
  251. 'Israeli forces raze lands in Hebron area', Ma'an News Agency 6 May 2015.
  252. 'Israeli forces shoot, seriously injure Palestinian near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  253. 'Settlers attack PA official's car near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  254. 'Israeli forces destroy electricity network of Hebron-area village', Ma'an News Agency 7 May 2015.
  255. 1 2 'Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Palestinian teen in Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 8 May 2015.
  256. 'Israeli forces suppress Bilin weekly march', Ma'an News Agency 8 May 2015.
  257. 'Israeli forces injure 3 farmers, arrest 2 fishermen in northern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 10 May 2015.
  258. Roy Yanovsky, 'Israeli lightly hurt in West Bank stabbing', Ynet 11 May 2015.
  259. "VIDEO: Security camera captures Gush Etzion vehicular attack". Ynet. 15 May 2015.
  260. "Roadside Terror Attack at Alon Shvut, 4 Wounded". Hamodia. 14 May 2015.
  261. 'Israeli forces shoot 3 children, detain 6 near Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015.
  262. 'Palestinian youth injured during clashes in Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015
  263. 'Gaza officials: 70 hurt as Israel ordnance explodes', Ma'an News Agency 14 May 2015.
  264. '21 Palestinians injured as clashes break out near Nablus tomb', Ma'an News Agency 15 May 2015.
  265. '3 Palestinians in Gaza shot, injured in Nakba Day protest', Ma'an News Agency 15 May 2015.
  266. 'Israeli forces open fire on Nakba Day protests', Ma'an News Agency 16 May 2015.
  267. 'Photographer barred from treatment after being shot by Israeli forces', Ma'an News Agency 11 June 2015.
  268. 'Israeli forces injure Palestinians at Nakba march in Huwwara', Ma'an News Agency 16 May 2015.
  269. 'Settlers uproot hundreds of olive trees near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 17 May 2015.
  270. Nir Hasson,'Clashes erupt between Jews, Palestinians at Jerusalem Day march Day', Haaretz 17 May 2015:'In the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Sharet, ultra-Orthodox children threw rocks at firemen. In Silwan, firemen were also pelted with rocks, and Border Police arrested a 17-year-old Palestinian. Border Police also arrested a Palestinian man suspected of throwing rocks in Isawiya in north Jerusalem.'
  271. 'Israeli settlers destroy 250 olive trees in northern Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 18 May 2015.
  272. 1 2 Omri Ephraim, Roi Yanovsky, Elior Levy, 'Soldier recalls death of Jerusalem attacker', Ynet 20 May 2015.
  273. Nir Hasson,'Two Israeli police officers lightly wounded in suspected East Jerusalem terror attack', Haaretz 20 May 2015.
  274. 1 2 Roi Yanovsky, Omri Efraim 'Two Border Police officers hurt in vehicular attack in Jerusalem', Ynet 20 May 2015.' He appears to have veered off the road towards the group in order to carry out the attack.'
  275. 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Jerusalem after alleged car attack', Ma'an News Agency 20 May 2015.
  276. 'Family of alleged 'attacker' receives body, mourns his death', Ma'an News Agency 21 May 2015.
  277. גופתו של המחבל מפיגוע הדריסה בירושלים הועברה למשפחתו, 21 May 2015. "גופתו נעטפה במהלך ההלוויה בדגל חמאס."
  278. 'Palestinian boy, 10, critically injured by rubber bullet in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 May 2015.
  279. Gili Cohen, Nir Hasson,'Israel identifies assailant in Shavuot stabbing attack in Jerusalem', Haaretz 4 June 2015.
  280. Nir Hasson, 'Stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City leaves two Jewish youths wounded', Haaretz 24 May 2015.
  281. 'Two wounded in Jerusalem stabbing attack', Ynet 24 May 2015.
  282. '2 Israeli teens stabbed in Jerusalem, Palestinian suspect arrested', Ma'an News Agency 24 May 2015.
  283. 1 2 'Gaza fisherman shot, injured by Israeli navy', Ma'an News Agency 25 May 2015.
  284. Protection of Civilians - OCHA OPT weekly report (3 - 9 March 2015), UN OCHA Archived May 27, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
  285. Israel returns 15 seized fishing boats to Gaza, Reuters
  286. 'Israel to demolish electricity grid, water well in Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 25 May 2015.
  287. 1 2 Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury and Shirly Seidler, 'Israel warns Gaza will pay 'heavy price' if rocket fire continues', Haaretz 27 May 2015.
  288. 1 2 3 'Israel launches strikes across the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  289. 1 2 'Sirens sound, rocket fired into southern Israel', Ma'an News Agency 26 May 2015.
  290. Yaakov Lappin, 'Rocket fired from Gaza lands in Israeli territory; IDF strikes terror site', Jerusalem Post 24 April 2015. One rocket was fired on 20 December, 2 mortars, one falling short into Gaza, were fired on 23 April 2015.
  291. Israeli warplanes strike Gaza targets after rocket attack Jerusalem Post 27 May 2015.
  292. Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal, Elior Levy, Moran Azulay,'IDF: One Gaza rocket lands near Gan Yavne', Ynet 25 May 2015.
  293. 'Hamas: We arrested Gaza rocket launchers', Ynet,27 May 2015. A Hamas source said. "We consider the rocket fire to be a dangerous thing."
  294. 'Israeli warplanes strike Gaza targets after rocket attack', Jerusalem Post 27 May 2015.
  295. 'Palestinian fisherman injured by Israeli naval fire', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  296. Israeli settlers take over 10 dunums of land in Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 27 May 2015.
  297. 'Private Palestinian land in Jerusalem slated for confiscation', Ma'an News Agency 28 May 2015.
  298. '5 Palestinians detained, 5 injured in clashes in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 29 May 2015.
  299. Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 02 - 08 June 2015, OCHA 11 June 2015.
  300. 1 2 Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 09 - 15 June 2015, OCHA 19 June 2015.
  301. 1 2 3 4 Protection of Civilians:Reporting period: 16 - 22 June 2015, OCHA 25 June 2015.
  302. Protection of Civilians Weekly Report: 23 - 29 June 2015, OCHA 1 July 2015.
  303. '3 Gaza fishermen shot, injured by Israeli navy', Ma'an News Agency 2 June 2015.
  304. 'Israeli forces demolish 3 houses in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 2 June 2015.
  305. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 1 on Gaza border, detain 4 fishermen', Ma'an News Agency 3 June 2015.
  306. 'Settler vehicle hits Palestinian near Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  307. 1 2 'Israeli jets strike 3 targets in the Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  308. Ilana Curiel, Yoav Zitun, 'At least two rockets fired from Gaza, falling in Sdot Negev', Ynet 3 June 2015.
  309. 1 2 Ilana Curiel, Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun and Roi Kais,'IAF strikes Gaza after rocket fire on Israel', Ynet 4 June 2015.
  310. 'Israeli forces level private Palestinian land near Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 4 June 2015.
  311. 'Israeli forces injure two east of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 6 June 2015.
  312. Diaa Hadid, Majd Al Waheidi, 'ISIS Allies Target Hamas and Energize Gaza Extremists', The New York Times 30 June 2015.
  313. Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, 'MK Yellin: 'Protective Edge isn't over', Ynet 6 June 2015.
  314. 1 2 Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun,'IAF strikes Gaza targets in response to rocket on Ashkelon', Ynet 7 June 2015.
  315. 1 2 'Salafists claims responsibility for rocket, Israel launches strikes', Ma'an News Agency 7 June 2015.
  316. 'Israeli soldiers shoot 2 men in Beit Jala after pipe bomb thrown', Ma'an News Agency 8 June 2015.
  317. 'Palestinian man injured in hit-and-run by Israeli settler car', Ma'an News Agency 8 June 2015.
  318. 1 2 3 Amira Hass,'In Israel, we walk amongst killers and torturers', Haaretz 22 June 2015.
  319. Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, Roi Yanovsky, 'Palestinian with IED killed by Israeli security forces in West Bank', Ynet 10 June 2015.
  320. 'Israeli authorities level Palestinian property in Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 10 June 2015.
  321. 'Palestinian farmer's land leveled near Bethlehem', Ma'an News Agency 11 June 2015.
  322. Shirly Seidler and Gili Cohen,'IDF confirms rocket fired at Israel after sirens sound in south', Haaretz 12 June 2015.
  323. 'Red Alert siren in Ashkelon after Gaza rocket falls short', Ynet 12 June 2015.
  324. 'Gaza Salafi group claims responsibility for Thursday rocket attack', The Times of Israel 12 June 2015.
  325. '5 injured, 2 critically as Israeli forces fire on Kafr Qaddum march', Ma'an News Agency 12 June 2015.
  326. Amira Hass, 'Palestinian bravery vs. IDF cowardice', Haaretz 17 June 2015.
  327. Gili Cohen, 'Israeli soldiers beating restrained Palestinian protester caught on tape', Haaretz 13 June 2015,
  328. 'Israel reprimands officer over beating of Palestinian', Ma'an News Agency 15 June 2015.
  329. Yoav Zitun, 'Soldiers filmed beating Palestinian get suspended sentence', Ynet 15 June 2015.
  330. Yoav Zitun,'Full video released of IDF soldiers arresting Palestinian', 18 June 2015.
  331. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 13 June 2015.
  332. 'Two stories, one death: family rejects Israel's 'accidental' killing', Ma'an News Agency 25 June 2015.
  333. 'Palestinian 'left for 3 hours' under Israeli jeep', Ma'an News Agency 14 June 2015.
  334. 'Palestinian killed during clashes with Israeli troops', Ma'an News Agency 14 June 2015.
  335. 'Israeli Forces Destroy Hundreds of Trees in Tubas Natural Reserve,' Wafa 16 June 2015 Archived July 13, 2015, at the Wayback Machine.
  336. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians near Nablus tomb', Ma'an News Agency 18 June 2015.
  337. Raanan Ben Tzur, Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal, 'Israeli killed in West Bank terror attack', Ynet 19 June 2015.
  338. 'Palestinian kills Israeli, wounds another near West Bank settlement', Ma'an News Agency 19 June 2015.
  339. Gili Cohen and Chaim Levinson. One Israeli shot dead, one wounded in West Bank terror attack,, 19.06.15
  340. 'Report: Hamas military wing claims responsibility for Friday shooting', Ma'an News Agency 20 June 2015.
  341. Yoaz Zitun and Itai Blumenthal, 'West Bank terror attack investigation inconclusive', Ynet 20 June 2015.
  342. 'Israeli security forces arrest terror cell behind murder of Danny Gonen', Ynet 15 July 2015.
  343. 'Israel forces arrest Palestinian suspected of West Bank attack', Ma'an News Agency 15 July 2015.
  344. Nahum Barnea, 'Nebi Salah footage a reflection of Israel', Ynet 6 September 2015.
  345. Terror attack: Border Police officer stabbed, critically hurt in Jerusalem Jerusalem Post 21 June 2015.
  346. 'Palestinian shot, injured after stabbing policeman in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 21 June 2015.
  347. Roi Yanovsky,'Border Policeman stabbed in Jerusalem, shoots Palestinian assailant', Ynet 21 June 2015.
  348. 1 2 Roi Yanovsky, Yoav Zitun, Hassan Shalaan, Elior Levy, 'Riots, rocks and terror mark Ramadan escalation', Ynet 22 June 2015.
  349. 'Firebombs, stones thrown at West Bank bus; one lightly injured', Jerusalem Post 21 June 2015.
  350. '4 injured in East Jerusalem clashes', Ma'an News Agency 22 June 2015.
  351. 'Israeli settlers chop down 70 olive trees in Salfit, Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 22 June 2015.
  352. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians in southern Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 23 June 2015.
  353. 1 2 'Israeli air force hits target in Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 24 June 2015
  354. 1 2 Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel, 'IAF strikes in Gaza after rocket explodes in Israel', Ynet 24 June 2014
  355. 1 2 3 Omri Efraim, 'Palestinian gang caught, suspected of assaults against Jews in Jerusalem', Ynet 28 July 2015.
  356. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian at Jordan Valley checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 26 June 2015.
  357. Yoav Zitun, Ahiya Raved, 'Palestinian shot dead after opening fire on soldiers at Jordan Valley', 26 June 2015.
  358. 'Israeli forces shoot, injure 14-year-old in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 27 June 2015.
  359. Blumenthal, Itay; Zitun, Yoav; Levy, Elior (2015-06-28). "MDA Ambulance hit by gun fire in the West Bank". Ynet. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
  360. Report: Shots fired at ambulance near Beit El Jerusalem Post 28 June 2015.
  361. 1 2 3 Yoav Zitun, Itay Blumenthal,'Terror attack in West Bank: Four Israelis wounded in shooting', Ynet 29 June 2015; "Acting Samaria Regional Council head, Yossi Dagan, said after the attack: "Recently we've been witnessing a concerning increase in serious terror attacks: The stabbing of the soldier this morning at Rachel's Tomb, the shooting on the MDA ambulance on Highway 60 over the weekend, Molotov cocktail being thrown at buses, and the cold-blooded murder of Danny Gonen near Dolev. We must stop this phenomenon before things deteriorate further. We will not allow terrorists to harm our citizens and we demand the Israeli government to allow the IDF to act without mercy against those savages who are turning civilians into targets. The term 'trickle' with regards to terrorism is a lie.".
  362. 'Settlers assault Palestinian in East Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 28 June 2015.
  363. 1 2 3 Avi Lewis, 'Female soldier wounded in Bethlehem stabbing attack', The Times of Israel 29 June 2015.
  364. Anav Silverman,'Dismay at continued vandalism at Mount of Olives cemetery', 29 June 2015.
  365. Omri Efraim, 'Palestinian woman stabs female IDF soldier', Ynet 29 June 2015.
  366. 'Palestinian woman stabs Israeli soldier at Bethlehem checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 29 June 2015.
  367. Omri Efraim, Itay Blumenthal, Roi Yanovsky, Yoav Zitun, 'West Bank shooting victim's 'life in danger' Ynet 30 June 2015.
  368. Chaim Levinson and Gili Cohen, 'Four wounded, one seriously, in West Bank shooting attack', Haaretz 30 June 2015.
  369. Nir Hasson, 'Israeli man succumbs to wounds following West Bank shooting', Haaretz 30 June 2015.
  370. Roi Yanovsky, 'Israeli hurt in drive-by shooting succumbs to wounds', Ynet 30 June 2015.
  371. 1 2 'Ya'alon: Hamas Istanbul headquarters behind recent shooting attacks', Ynet 30 June 2015
  372. 'Israeli forces, settlers carry out reprisals for West Bank shooting', Ma'an News Agency 30 June 2015.
  373. 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian at Qalandiya checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 30 June 2015.
  374. 'Attacks continue in West Bank as settlers assault Palestinian man', Ma'an News Agency 1 July 2015.
  375. 'Israeli security agency exposes 'Jewish terror ring, Ma'an News Agency 20 April 2016.
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