United Arab States

United Arab States
الولايات العربية المتحدة
ad-Duwal al-‘Arabīyah al-Muttaḥidah





Capital Not specified

Cairo (de facto)

Languages Arabic
Religion Islam
Political structure Confederation
Historical era Cold War
   Established 8 March 1958
   Disestablished 26 December 1961

The United Arab States (UAS) was a short-lived confederation of the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria) and North Yemen from 1958 to 1961.

The United Arab Republic was a sovereign state formed by the union of Egypt and Syria in 1958. The same year, the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (North Yemen), which had already signed a defense pact with Egypt, joined with the new state in 1958 in a loose confederation called the United Arab States. However, unlike the member countries of the United Arab Republic, Yemen remained an independent sovereign state. It maintained its UN membership and separate embassies throughout the whole period of confederation.

Neither the union nor the confederation fulfilled their role as vehicles of pan-Arabism or Arab nationalism, as they were dissolved in 1961.

See also

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