United States law enforcement decorations
United States law enforcement decorations are awarded by the police forces of the United States of America. Since the United States has a decentralized police force, with separate independent departments existing on the state and local level, there are literally thousands of law enforcement decorations in existence.
Typically, law enforcement decorations are bestowed by a particular police department and may only be worn and displayed while a police officer is serving as a member of that particular law enforcement activity. Most such awards are provided by city, county and state officials.
Federal law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, DEA, and the Department of Homeland Security issue medals under the authority of the United States government which are considered separate civilian government awards.
The following sections list various police decorations by awarding agency
Columbia Police Department
- Medal of Valor
- Purple Heart
- Certificate of Commendation
- Letter of Appreciation
Denver Police Department
- Denver Police Medal of Honor
- Denver Police Service Cross
- Denver Police Medal of Valor
- Police Purple Heart
- Police Lifesaving Medal
- Police Campaign Medal
- Physical Fitness Award
Elyria Police Department
Elyria Police Medal of Honor
- Elyria Police Medal of Valor
- Police Lifesaving Medal
Police Medal of Merit
Police Purple Heart
- Police Commendation Medal
- Safe Driving Medal
- Tactical Squad Service Medal
- Community Service Medal
Police Education Medal
Advanced Certification Medal
- Field Training Officer Medal
- Top Gun Medal
Police Honor Guard Medal
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department
- Medal of Honor
- Purple Heart
- Medal of Valor
- Medal of Bravery
- Medal of Merit
- Ruthann Popcheff Memorial Award
Los Angeles Police Department
Los Angeles Police Medal of Valor
Liberty Award
Police Medal for Heroism
Los Angeles Police Star
Police Lifesaving Medal
Police Commission Distinguished Service Medal
Police Distinguished Service Medal
Police Meritorious Service Medal
Police Meritorious Achievement Medal
Community Policing Medal
Human Relations Medal
Police Commission Unit Citation
Police Meritorious Unit Citation
Reserve Police Officer Service Ribbon
- 1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon
1987 Papal Visit Ribbon
1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon
1994 Earthquake Ribbon
Minneapolis Police Department
- Medal of Honor
- Medal of Valor
- Medal of Commendation
New York City Police Department
NYPD Medal of Honor
NYPD Combat Cross
NYPD Medal of Valor
- NYPD Purple Shield
Meritorious Police Duty (MPD) Honorable Mention
Meritorious Police Duty (MPD) Exceptional Merit
Meritorious Police Duty (MPD) Commendation or Commendation - Integrity
Meritorious Police Duty (MPD) Commendation - Community Service
Meritorious Police Duty (MPD)
Excellent Police Duty (EPD)
Oklahoma City Police Department
- Oklahoma Police Medal of Honor
- Oklahoma Police Cross
- Police Medal of Valor
- Medal of Meritorious Service
Philadelphia Police Department
- Commendation for Valor
- Commendation for Bravery
- Commendation for Heroism
- Commendation for Merit
- Commendatory Citation
- RNC Service Ribbon
- Military Service Ribbon
Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department
- Saint Louis Meritorious Award
- Saint Louis Medal of Valor - Crusade Against Crime
- Saint Louis Chief of Police Letter of Accommodation
- Saint Louis Captains Letter of Accommodation
- Saint Louis Officer of the Year Award
- Saint Louis Officer of the Month Award (Given each month in each of the nine Districts)
- Proclamation by the Mayor of the City of Saint Louis
- Proclamation by the City of Saint Louis Board of Aldermen
St. Louis County Police Department
- St. Louis County Medal of Honor
- Police Medal of Valor
- St. Louis Distinguished Service Citation
- St. Louis Meritorious Service Citation
- Police Purple Heart
- Citizen's Recognition Medal
See also