Alid dynasties of northern Iran

"Zaydids" redirects here. For the Shia religious community, see Zaidiyyah.
Zaydi Alid dynasties of northern Iran
علویون طبرستان
تبرسّون ِعلویون




White flag of the Alavids

Map of the Alid Emirate
Capital Amul
Languages Arabic, Mazandarani
Religion Zaydi Shi'a Islam
Government Theocratic monarchy
   864–884 (first) Hasan ibn Zayd al-Da'i ila'l-Haqq
  927–928 (last) Hasan ibn Qasim al-Da'i ila'l-Haqq
Historical era Middle Ages
   Established 864
   Disestablished 928
Alid-era art: Bowl with white slip, incised design, colored, and glazed. Excavated at Sabz Pushan, Nishapur, Iran. 9th-early 10th century. New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.
History of Greater Iran

In the 9th–14th centuries, the northern Iranian regions of Tabaristan, Daylam and Gilan, sandwiched between the Caspian Sea and the Alborz range, came under the rule of a number of Alid dynasties, espousing the Zaydi branch of Shi'ism. The first and most powerful Zaydi emirate was established in Tabaristan in 864 and lasted until 928. It was interrupted by Samanid occupation in 900, but restored in 914 by another Alid branch. The second period of the Alid emirate was plagued by internal dissensions and power struggles between the two branches, and ended in the second conquest of the region by the Samanids in 928. Subsequently, some of the soldiers and generals of the Alavids joined the Samanids, among them the founder of the Ziyarid dynasty, Mardavij, and Ali, Hassan and Ahmad, the sons of Buya and founders of the Buyid dynasty.

Local Zaydi rulers survived in Daylam and Gilan until the 16th century.

List of Zaydi emirs and imams of Tabaristan

Further information: Zaydis and History of Tabaristan

See also


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