List of Book of Mormon people
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This list is intended as a quick reference for individuals mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
Names with superscripts (e.g., Nephi¹) are numbered according to the index in the LDS scripture, the Book of Mormon.[1] Missing indices indicate people in the index who are not in the Book of Mormon; for instance, Aaron¹ is the biblical Aaron, brother of Moses.
- Bold type indicates the person was an important religious figure, such as a prophet or a missionary.
- Italic type indicates the person was a king, chief judge or other ruler.
- Underlined type indicates the person was a historian or record keeper; one whose writing (abridged or not) is included in The Book of Mormon.
- Combined typefaces indicate combined roles. For example, bold italic indicates an individual was both a religious and secular leader.
- Aaron², descendant of Heth² Jaredite king
- Aaron³, son of Mosiah², Nephite missionary
- Aaronâ´, Lamanite king (ca AD 330)
- Abinadi, Nephite prophet sent to people of Lehi-Nephi - converted Alma¹(ca 150 BC)
- Abinadom, son of Chemish, Nephite historian, and Nephite warrior.
- Abish, Lamanite woman, servant of Lamoni's wife
- Aha, Nephite military officer (ca 80 BC)
- Ahah, son of Seth², Jaredite king
- Akish, son of Kimnor, Jaredite king
- Alma¹, Nephite prophet (ca 173-91 BC)
- Alma², son of Alma¹, known as Alma the Younger. Nephite prophet and first chief judge (ca 100-73 BC).
- Amaleki¹, Nephite record keeper (ca 130 BC)
- Amaleki², seeker of Zeniff's people (ca 121 BC)
- Amalickiah, Nephite traitor who becomes king of the Lamanites and wars with Nephites - killed by Teancum (ca 70 BC)
- Amaron, son of Omni, Nephite record keeper
- Aminadab, Nephite dissenter living among the Lamanites - reconverted by Nephi² and Lehiⴠ(ca 30 BC)
- Amgid (/ˈæm.ɡɪd/[2]), a Jaredite king.
- Aminadi, descendant of Nephi¹
- Amlici, Nephite dissenter (ca 87 BC)
- Ammah, Nephite missionary, companion of Aaron³
- Ammaron, Nephite record keeper (ca AD 306)
- Ammon¹, leader of expedition to land of Nephi (ca 121 BC)
- Ammon², son of Mosiah², missionary to the Lamanites, becomes chief judge in land of Jershon to Anti-Nephi-Lehites (ca 100 BC)
- Ammoron, Nephite traitor, brother of Amalickiah, king of Lamanites after Amalickiah's death - killed by Teancum (ca 66-61 BC)
- Amnigaddah, son of Aaron², Jaredite king
- Amnor¹, Nephite spy in Amlicite campaign (ca 87 BC)
- Amoron, a Nephite officer and spy (ca AD 380-400)
- Amos¹, son of Nephiâ´, Nephite record keeper (ca AD 110-194)
- Amos², son of Amos¹, Nephite record keeper (ca AD 194-306)
- Amulek, son of Giddonah¹, Nephite missionary, companion of Alma²
- Amulon, priest of King Noah, tributary Nephite monarch of Land of Helam
- Antiomno, Lamanite king of land of Middoni.
- Antionah, a chief ruler in Ammonihah
- Antionum, Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Antipus, Nephite commander in city of Judea.(ca 65 BC)
- Archeantus (/É‘Ër.kiËˈæn.tÊŒs/[3]), Nephite soldier, one of three "choice men" (Moroni 9) slain in battle (ca AD 375)[4]
- Benjamin, known as King Benjamin, Nephite prophet and king (ca 120 BC)
- Brother_of_Jared², (also Mahonri Moriancumer),[5][6][7] Jaredite prophet and the most prominent person in the account given in the beginning (Chapters 1 - 6) of the Book of Ether.
- Captain Moroni, see Moroni¹
- Cezoram, eighth Nephite chief judge (ca 30 BC), preceded by Nephi, son of Helaman, and succeeded by his son, and eventually by Seezoram. Cezoram and Seezoram are two different people and should not be confused with one another.
- Chemish, son of Omni, Nephite record keeper
- Christ, see Jesus Christ
- Cohor¹, son of Noah²
- Cohor², early Jaredite king, son of Corihor¹ and brother to Noah. He joined his brother Noah, with "all his brethren and many of the people" to establish a rival kingdom to Shule’s (Ether 7:15). There are no further references, but he seems to have been influential, for his brother Noah later names a son after him (Ether 7:20) and the name is passed down to the end of the Jaredite lineage (Ether 13:17).
- Cohor³, late Jaredite
- Com¹ (/koʊm/[8]), early Jaredite king, son of Coriantum¹
- Com², late Jaredite king
- Corianton (/kÉ”Ër.iËˈæn.tÊŒn/[9]), son of Alma²
- Coriantor, late Jaredite, son of Moron, father of Ether. Although his father had been king, Coriantor "dwelt in captivity all his days".[10]
- Coriantum¹, early Jaredite king, son of Emer
- Coriantum², middle Jaredite, son of Amnigaddah
- Coriantumr³, early Jaredite, son of Omer
- Coriantumr¹, Jaredite king, last Jaredite survivor
- Coriantumr², Nephite apostate, commander of Lamanite forces
- Corihor¹, son of Kib, early Jaredite
- Corihor², late Jaredite, not to be confused with Korihor
- Corom (/ˈkÉ”Ër.ÊŒm/[11]), middle Jaredite king, son of Levi²
- Cumenihah (/kuË.məˈnaɪ.hÉ‘Ë/[12]), Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Emer (/ˈiË.mÉ™r/[13]), early Jaredite king and son of Omer.
- Emron (/ˈɛm.rÉ‘Ën/[14]), Nephite soldier
- Enos², son of Jacob², Nephite prophet and record keeper
- Esrom (/ˈɛz.rəm/[15]), early Jaredite and son of Omer.
- Ethem, later Jaredite king and son of Ahah.
- Ether (Book of Mormon prophet), Jaredite prophet and record keeper
- Ezias (/iË.ˈzaɪ.ÊŒs/[16]), prophet referenced in Helaman 8:20
- Gadianton, chief of Gadianton robbers (ca 50 BC)
- Gid, Nephite military officer (ca 63 BC)
- Giddianhi (/ɡɪd.iË.ˈæn.haɪ/[17]), chief of Gadianton robbers (ca AD 16-21)
- Giddonah¹ (/ɡɪdˈdoÊŠ.nÉ‘Ë/[18]), Amulek's father
- Giddonah², high priest in Gideon (ca 75 BC)
- Gideon, Nephite patriot (ca 145-91 BC)
- Gidgiddonah (/ɡɪd.ɡɪdˈdoÊŠ.nÉ‘Ë/[19]), deceased Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Gidgiddoni, Nephite commander (ca AD 16)
- Gilead, Jaredite military commander
- Gilgah (/ˈɡɪl.É¡É‘Ë/[20]), early Jaredite
- Gilgal, deceased Nephite commander at the battle of Cumorah (ca AD 385).
- Hagoth, Nephite shipbuilder (ca 55 BC)
- Hearthom, middle Jaredite king and son of Lib¹.
- Helam (/ˈhiË.lÉ™m/[21]), convert from the people of Noah² (ca 147 BC). First of those baptized by Alma¹
- Helaman¹, son of King Benjamin (ca 130 BC), brother of Mosiah² and Helorum. Helaman is only mentioned in one verse.[22]
- Helaman², eldest son of Alma², prophet and military commander (ca 74-56 BC)
- Helaman³, eldest son of Helaman² - sixth Nephite chief judge
- Helem (/ˈhiË.lÉ›m/[23]), brother of Ammon²
- Helorum (/hiË.ˈlÉ”Ër.ÊŒm/[24]), son of King Benjamin (ca 130 BC), brother of Mosiah² and Helaman¹. Helorum is mentioned in only one verse,[22] but is addressed with his brothers by King Benjamin.[25]
- Hem (/hɛm/[26]), brother of Ammon²
- Heth¹, early Jaredite and son of Com¹.
- Heth², middle Jaredite and son of Hearthom.
- Himni, son of Mosiah² (ca 100-74 BC)
- Isabel, harlot in land of Siron (ca 73 BC)
- Isaiah², one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Ishmael¹, an Ephraimite from Jerusalem (ca 600 BC)
- Ishmael², grandfather of Amulek
- Jacob², son of Lehi¹, Nephite prophet and record keeper
- Jacob³, Nephite apostate (ca 64 BC)
- Jacobâ´, Nephite apostate (ca AD 30-33)
- Jacom, son of Jared², early Jaredite
- Jared², founder of Jaredites
- Jared³, early Jaredite king
- Jarom, son of Enos², Nephite record keeper
- Jeneum (/ˈdÊ’É›n.iË.ÊŒm/[27]), Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Jeremiah², one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer
- Jonas¹ (/ˈdʒoʊ.nəs/[28]), son of Nephi³, one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Jonas², one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Joseph², son of Lehi¹ (ca 595 BC)
- Josh (/dÊ’É‘Ëʃ/[29]), Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Kib, early Jaredite king
- Kim, Jaredite king and son of Morianton¹.
- Kimnor (/ˈkɪm.nÉ”Ër/[30]), early Jaredite
- King Benjamin (see Benjamin)
- Kish, Jaredite king and son of Corom.
- Kishkumen, leader of robbers
- Korihor, an antichrist (ca 74 BC)
- Kumen (/ˈkuË.mÉ™n/[31]), one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Kumenonhi (/ˈkuË.mÉ™.ˈnÉ‘Ën.haɪ/[32]), one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Laban, custodian of the brass plates (ca 600 BC)
- Lachoneus¹, eleventh known Nephite chief judge (ca AD 1)
- Lachoneus², son of Lachoneus¹, twelfth known (and last) Nephite chief judge (ca AD 29-30)
- Lamah (/ˈleɪ.mÉ‘Ë/[33]), Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Laman¹, eldest son of Lehi¹ (ca 600 BC)
- Laman², Lamanite king (ca 200 BC)
- Laman³, son of Laman² (ca 178 BC)
- Lamanâ´, Nephite soldier
- Lamoni, Lamanite king converted by Ammon²
- Lehi¹, Hebrew prophet who led his followers to promised land in western hemisphere (ca 600 BC), father of Laman, Lemuel, Nephi¹, and Sam.
- Lehi², son of Zoram², possibly same as Lehi³.
- Lehi³, Nephite military commander
- Lehiâ´, son of Helaman², Nephite missionary
- Lehonti (/liËˈhÉ‘Ën.taɪ/[34]), Lamanite officer (ca 72 BC)
- Lemuel, second son of Lehi¹
- Levi², middle Jaredite king and son of Kim.
- Lib¹ (/lɪb/[35]), middle Jaredite king and son of Kish.
- Lib², late Jaredite king
- Limhah (/ˈlɪm.hÉ‘Ë/[36]), Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Limher, Nephite soldier (ca 87 BC)
- Limhi, son of Noah³, third Nephite king in land of Lehi-Nephi (ca 121 BC)
- Luram (/ˈluËr.É™m/[37]), Nephite soldier, one of three "choice men" (Moroni 9) slain in battle (ca AD 375) [4]
- Mahah, son of Jared³
- Manti, Nephite soldier (ca 87 BC)
- Mathoni (/mə.ˈθoʊ.naɪ/[38]), one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Mathonihah (/mæθ.oÊŠ.ˈnaɪ.hÉ‘Ë/[39]), one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Morianton¹ (/mÉ”Ër.iË.ˈæn.tÊŒn/[40]), Jaredite king and son of Riplakish.
- Morianton², founder of the Nephite city of Morianton, Nephite traitor and ruler of the people of Morianton, instigator of the Lehi-Morianton border dispute.
- Mormon¹, father of Mormon²
- Mormon², abridger of the Nephite record, military commander, historian, record keeper.
- Moron, late Jaredite king[41] who reigned during a time of great wickedness and turmoil, and was himself wicked. He lost half his kingdom for many years in a rebellion and, after regaining his kingdom, was completely overthrown and lived out his life in captivity. He was the grandfather of the prophet Ether.
- Moroni¹, known as Captain Moroni, Nephite military commander (ca 99-56 BC)
- Moroni², son of Mormon², Nephite prophet
- Moronihah¹, son of Moroni¹, Nephite general (ca 60 BC)
- Moronihah², Nephite general who perished at the battle of Cumorah, along with his ten-thousand (ca AD 385)
- Mosiah¹, Nephite prophet and king, father of King Benjamin
- Mosiah², son of King Benjamin, Nephite prophet and king (ca 154-91 BC)
- Mulek, son of Jewish king Zedekiah
- Muloki (/ˈmjuË.lÉ™.kaɪ/[42]), Nephite missionary
- Nehor², Nephite apostate, religious theorist (ca 91 BC)
- Nephi¹, son of Lehi¹
- Nephi², son of Helaman² - seventh Nephite chief judge
- Nephi³, son of Nephi², known as Nephi the Disciple
- Nephiâ´, son of Nephi³
- Nephihah (/niË.ˈfaɪ.hÉ‘Ë/[43]), second Nephite chief judge (ca 83-67 BC). He succeeded Alma the Younger when Alma had surrendered the judgment seat to him to devote more time to missionary work.[44] His son Pahoran inherited the judgment seat from him after his death.[45]
- Neum (/ˈniË.ÊŒm/[46]), Hebrew prophet quoted by Nephi¹
- Nimrah (/ˈnɪm.rÉ‘Ë/[47]), son of Akish, Jaredite
- Noah², son of Corihor¹, early Jaredite king
- Noah³, son of Zeniff, Nephite king
- Omer, early Jaredite king and son of Shule.
- Omner, son of Mosiah²
- Omni, son of Jarom, Nephite record keeper
- Orihah, first Jaredite king
- Paanchi, son of Pahoran¹, Nephite rebel (ca 52 BC)
- Pachus (/ˈpeɪ.kʌs/[48]), king of Nephite dissenters in land of Zarahemla (ca 61 BC)
- Pacumeni (/peɪ.ˈkjuË.mÉ›n.aɪ/[49]), son of Pahoran¹ fifth Nephite chief judge (ca 52 BC), brother of Pahoran, the son of Pahoran, and a contender for the judgement-seat over the people of Nephi.[50] After the death of his brother Pahoran, Pacumeni acquired the judgement-seat,[51] but he didn't keep it long; for the land was being invaded by Lamanites, and Coriantumr, a large and mighty man and descendant of Zarahemla and dissenter from the Nephites, caught Pacumeni in his attempt to run away, and killed him at the city walls. Helaman, son of Helaman, succeeded him as chief judge.
- Pagag (/ˈpeɪ.É¡É‘ËÉ¡/[52]), son of Brother_of_Jared²
- Pahoran¹, son of Nephihah, third Nephite chief judge (ca 68 BC)
- Pahoran², son of Pahoran¹, fourth Nephite chief judge, killed by Kishkumen (ca 52 BC)
- Sam, third son of Lehi¹ (ca 600 BC)
- Samuel², Lamanite prophet (ca 6 BC)
- Sariah, wife of Lehi¹ (ca 600 BC)
- Seantum (/siËˈæn.tÊŒm/[54]), member of Gadianton band (ca 23 BC)
- Seezoram (/siË.ˈzÉ”Ër.É™m/[55]), member of Gadianton band, tenth known Nephite chief judge (ca 26 BC), eventually succeeded by Lachoneus. How and when he began his reign as chief judge is not known; his first appearance in the Book of Mormon is when Nephi, son of Helaman, prophesied his murder by the hand of his brother, Seantum. To give the wicked Nephites a sign that he, Nephi, was a prophet, he prophesied this murder to his people.[56][57] Seezoram should not be confused with Cezoram, another Nephite chief judge who was assassinated earlier.
- Seth², son of Shiblom¹, Jaredite
- Shared (/ˈʃeɪ.rəd/[58]), Jaredite military leader
- Shem², Nephite commander (ca AD 385)
- Shemnon (/ˈʃɛm.nÉ‘Ën/[59]), one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Sherem (/ˈʃɛr.əm/[60]), an antichrist (ca fifth century BC)
- Shez¹ (/ʃɛz/[61]), early Jaredite king and son of Heth¹.
- Shez², son of Shez¹
- Shiblom¹ (/ˈʃɪb.lʌm/[62]) (also Shiblon),[63] late Jaredite king and son of Com².
- Shiblom², Nephite commander (ca AD 385)[64]
- Shiblon, son of Alma², Nephite missionary & record-keeper
- Shiz, Jaredite military leader
- Shule (/ʃuËl/[65]), early Jaredite king
- Teancum, Nephite military leader (ca 67-60 BC)
- Teomner (/tiËˈɑËm.nÉ™r/[66]), Nephite military officer (ca 63 BC)
- Timothy, brother of Nephi², one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Tubaloth (/ˈtuË.bÉ™.lÉ‘Ëθ/[67]), Lamanite king (ca 51 BC), son of Ammoron, the previous king. He appointed Coriantumr, a mighty man and Nephite dissenter, to lead his armies.[68]
- Zarahemla, descendant of Mulek, leader of Mulek's colony
- Zedekiah², one of twelve Nephite disciples (ca AD 34)
- Zeezrom, Nephite lawyer, Converted by Alma² and Amulek, later Nephite missionary (ca 82 BC)
- Zelph, a Lamanite soldier at the Battle of Cumorah
- Zemnarihah (/zÉ›m.nÉ™.ˈraɪ.hÉ‘Ë/[69]), leader of Gadianton band (ca AD 21)
- Zenephi (/ˈziËn.É™.faɪ/[70]), Nephite commander (ca AD 375)[4]
- Zeniff, Nephite king (ca 200 BC)
- Zenock, prophet of Israel
- Zenos, prophet of Israel
- Zerahemnah (/zÉ›r.É™.ˈhÉ›m.nÉ‘Ë/[71]), Lamanite commander at Sidon battle (ca 74 BC)
- Zeram (/ˈziË.rÊŒm/[72]), Nephite military officer (ca 87 BC)
- Zoram¹, servant of Laban (ca 600 BC)
- Zoram², Nephite chief captain (ca 81 BC)
- Zoram³, Nephite apostate (ca 74 BC)
See also
- List of Book of Mormon groups
- List of Book of Mormon places
- List of Book of Mormon prophets
- Wars mentioned in the Book of Mormon
- ↑ Index
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ăm´gÄd»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «är-kē-ăn´tus»
- 1 2 3
- ↑ "The Jaredites," The Juvenile Instructor, [1 May 1892], p. 282 n.
- ↑ Chapter 48, Book of Mormon Student Manual, Religion 121 and 122, 1996
- ↑ "Understanding the Scriptures", "Ether 2 The Jaredites Build Barges", Book of Mormon Seminary Student Study Guide, [2000]
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kÅm»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kÅr-Ä“-ăn´tun»
- ↑ Ether 11:19
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kÅr´um»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū-ma-nī´hä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ē´mer»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ĕm´rän»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ĕz´rum»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ē-zī´us»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gÄd-Ä“-ăn´hī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gÄd-dÅ´nä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gÄd-gÄd-dÅ´nä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «gÄl´gä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hē´lum»
- 1 2 Mosiah 1:2
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hē´lĕm»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hÄ“-lÅr´um»
- ↑ Mosiah 1:2-8
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «hĕm»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «jĕn´ē-um»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «jÅ´nus»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «jäsh»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kÄm´nÅr»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū´mun»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «kū´ma-nän´hī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lÄ´mä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lē-hän´tī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lÄb»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lÄm´hä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «lūr´um»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «ma-thÅ´nī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «măth-Å-nī´hä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «mÅr-Ä“-ăn´tun»
- ↑ Ether 11:14-18
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «myū´la-kī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nē-fī´hä»
- ↑ Alma4:17-18
- ↑ Alma 50:37-39
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nē´um»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «nÄm´rä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pÄ´kus»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pÄ-kyū´mÄ•n-ī»
- ↑ Helaman 1:3
- ↑ Helaman 1:13
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «pÄ´gäg»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «rÄp-lÄ´kÄsh»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «sē-ăn´tum»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «sÄ“-zÅr´um»
- ↑ Helaman 8:27-28
- ↑ See also Helaman 9:20-37
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shÄ´rud»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕm´nän»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕr´um»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shĕz»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shÄb´lum»
- ↑ Shiblom is mentioned in Ether 1:11-12, where he is identified as Shiblon, but it is clear from the context that it is the same individual whose troubled reign is described in Ether 11:4-9.
- ↑ Mormon 6:14
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «shūl»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «tē-äm´ner»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «tū´ba-läth»
- ↑ Hel. 1:16-17
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zĕm-na-rī´hä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zēn´a-fī»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zĕr-a-hĕm´nä»
- ↑ "Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide" (retrieved 2012-02-25), IPA-ified from «zē´rum»
External links
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