Zomi nationalism

Gramatically position of Zomi

Zomi is the combination of two words, zo (highland) and mi (human/people) to form "highlandman"/"Highlander" it is hill tribe (Noun+Noun=Noun). The Zomi is an indigenous name. But they are more widely known as Kukis and Chin - which is their political identity in the context of Indian nation state. The Zo and the mi are two words but their relation is combination in physical and chemically in nature. Therefore, the products noun is stable. Therefore, the name is written as Zomi. Like Waterman which means all who live in highland is not Zomi ( highlandman). But the Zomi will live or travel in lowland the man or domestics animal not to loss their identity (Zo identity): Zovok, Zoak, etc.

Khamtung and Zo means highland. Man action can be converted to the man name or man name's meaning. Like the Judas Iscariot, John. The domestics animals like zovok (pig), zoak (chicken)etc. Zomi customs are Zopuan (ornaments), zokhi (necklace), zodial (muflers) etc. The man are also Zomi. All these are known from unknown time. The normal animals and the zo prefix animals are very different in characteristics. Therefore, the products noun (Zomi) is strong stable. The hill peoples, hill tribe and hill man means Zomi or Zo people . They live in the chin hill, the lushai hill and the chitagong hill tract and the sadar hill. In the Burma census 1891 the chin ethnology was dismissed due to the chin are the hill tribe.The Zomi hero Kamhau Sukte, Kan how, Yaw/how was the famous chiefs or king in Zogam around 1850 AD.[1]

In Personal Names; The human personal names are normally three words in a gap and started capital letter in each words. Like Chin Sian Thang, Pau Cin Hau, Dr Chin Do Kham. The sayer said with his determination or hopeful or plan or dream and an indefinite nouns or meaning. Therefore, the personal names is written in different words.

Basics Zomi Nationalism

The Zomi Re-Unification Organisation says:

Nationalism, by definition, is a state or a condition of mind characteristic of certain peoples with a homogeneous culture, living together in a close association in a given territory, and sharing a belief in a distinctive existence and a common destiny. It implies the identification of the state or nation with the people or at least the desirability of determining the extent of the state according to the ethnographic principles. This concept is particularly true for the Zomi who now live in three different countries. The ethnological unit and the relationship of the Zomi of India, Burma and Bangladesh have been conspicuously transmitted through their history, culture, social life, traditions, language, customs, folktales, poetry and songs.[2]

The Zomi Nationalism started that the Zomi were spread all over the world. The scattered Zomi to re-unificating acting body is Zomi Revolutionary Army. They were the Tibeto-Burman Tribe. They migrated from Tibet China to India and Burma. Due to for the escaped of force labour in constraction of the great wall of china. [3] The Zomi in Manipur are called Kukish and the Mizoram are called Mizo.

The Zomi in Chin State are called Chin. In the past many years the Zomi can not harmonised in any one of among Mizo, Kukish, Chin. They harmonise in highlander ie. Zo people which means Zomi. Some of the Zomi settled down to Northeast India and the Lusei family built Mizoram. [4] some were under the Manipur and Bangladesh.

The Zomi of Burma were named Chin by the government and their inhabited area called Chin State. The Chin State, the Kale District, the Sagaing Region, the Tamu are about two-thirds of the Zomi rejected Chinwaiting official Burma ethic census result 2014[5][6]The collective name hill peoples or hill tribe or hillman or Zo people or Zomi is moved to be legalise by the Zomi nationalist peoples.[7] Due to the owner of Chin meaning is absence among the Zomi. The Burma government widely recognised the small tribes, but the national's name whom they will acceptable name Zomi is greatly opposed with small impeachment.[8] The Mizoram is a group of Zomi . The Mizo is the poetrical word. And the Mizoram is build by the Lushai clan. The Kuki or Chin people group were live in India Lamka district, Tamenglong district and live in Burma Tedimdistrict, Tonzangdistrict, Chikha district, Kale district and Tamu etc. [9] Zomi Revolutionary Army. The Zomi Nationalism started in the ear of government in India and Burma, the Zomi National Congress (ZNC) was formed at Daizang, Manipur in 1972. The ZNC in Burma was registered as a political party in 1988 and cancelled by the Burma government in 1992.[10] Chin Sian Thang the president of ZNC was imprisoned.[11]

Zomi Ciimnuai Generation

Zomi generation[12]
BC 1200-200AD
Mon-Khama Thai-Chinese Tibet-Myaanmar 200-600AD
Mynmar&Ancient Myanmar Lolo-Musu Chin-Kachin 600-800AD
X Chindwin Gunkhawm 800-900AD
X Khawhkhen(Kalewa)
Kawlzang Zomite Kawlzang Kalemyo 1000-1300AD
Khanglam Zomi(Kanpelet, Mindat, Matupi) Tamu-Kabaw Khamtung Zomi 1000-1300 AD
X Bualtung ↓ Khul 1300-1400AD
X Lailun/Locom(Falam, Hakha) Ciimnuai 1400-1500 AD
Khuangzang ↓ Vangteh Balzang ↓ Sihzang ↓ Luika ↓ Saizang ↓ Dimpi( Brother Thang Ho and Lian Dos'village) ↓ Sasih ↓ Bualtung ↓ Tedim ← Location/Villages' name
Thahdo/Kuki Guite People Zou(smaller) Sihzang Teizang Saizang Dim Khuano Hualngo Tedim People Various clans/groups aroused from its place/famous leader

Zomi in Burma Ethnic Census 2014

Since the unknown time the Culturals', the poets' and the domestics animals' names are displaced to the Zo's name like Zopuan, Zola, Zobong, Zovok, Zoak etc. and the human is Zomi. But, the Zomi are not recognised any government in Ethnic Group,the India known as Mizo, Kuki and the Burma known as Chin. All these are the generation from the father Zo is also Zomi. In the 2014 Burma Census, the Zomi or the nationalist straggle to be recognised by the government through the other code number (914). The other code number 914 is for the new registration cord. The voluntory group, Various Zomi Innkuan is founded in some Country/city. The Zomi Innkuan USA (ZIUSA),[13] The Zomi Innkuan Washington D.C.,[14] Malaysia (ZIM)[15] and Aizawl etc. The families is non profit voluntary organisation in Zomi Nation.

Zomi Nationalists Peoples

Now, the nine group accepted the hill tribe Zomi. That is •TedimPaite peopleThahdo •Teizang •Dim •Khuano •Saizang •Zou •Sihzang

All these are overlap under Chin-Kuki-Mizo government recognition.

Some Importance Relation

Zomi is the group of Hill people in Asia. Their langguage are close similar and live in Asia. The "Zo" and "Mi" are common linguistic in them and the inhabited area in India, Burma and Bangladesh. Then Zomi is a national.


  1. http://www.nikonghong.files.wordpress.com/the chin hill vol 1
  2. "Zomi Nationalism". Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZRO).
  3. Vumson. Zo History (PDF). Published by the Author. p. 1. The term Zo or Jo was mentioned as the name of a people in a few historical publications of the Indo-Burman peoples. Fan- ch'o' a diplomat of the Tang dynasty of China, mentioned in 862 A.D. a kingdom in the Chindwin valley, whose princes and chiefs were called 'Zo'. In 1783 Father Sangermo' mentioned 'the petty nation called JO.- G. A. Grierson' recorded in 1904 'The name is not used by the tribes themselves, who used titles such as ZO or YO or SHO.'
  4. Vumson. Zo History (PDF). Published by the Author. p. 2. The Lusei and related clans who were absorbed under the Sailo chiefs accepted Mizo as their designation, and the name of the former Lushai Hills District was changed to Mizo District at India's independence.
  5. Vumson. Zo History (PDF). Published by the Author. p. 3. Many Zo people however cannot accept the name Chin, because they have never called themselves by that name, and, moreover, they know that the name Chin was officially used only after British annexation.
  6. "Who are the Zomi". Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZRO). [quoting G.A. Grierson:] The name (Kuki and Chin) is not used by the tribes themselves, who use titles such as ZOU or YO or CHO
  7. "Who are the Zomi? The Generic Name". Indy Zomi. Relating to this generic name, Fan-Cho a diplomat of the Tang dynasty of China, mentioned in 862 AD a Kingdom in the Chindwin Valley whose Princes and Chiefs were called Shou (Zo). In 1783, Father Vincentius Sangermano in his book, 'A Description of the Burmese Empire' described them as, 'a petty nation called JO (JAW)' Sir Henry Yule, as early as 1508 mentioned about the YO country the location of which was 'west of the mouth of the Kyen-dwen (Chindwin) the interior of Doab, between the Irrawaddy and the Chindwin'
  8. Dal, CS (31 May 2012). "Who are the Zomi?". Democratic Voice of Burma. The rejection of the ZNC's registration request shows that the government is not only violating their rights altogether but is also choosing not to recognise the existence of the Zo people, which might suggest that Burma is willing to cleanse the Zomi ethnic group from the country. This is not the first time the Zomi ethnic group have been denied their rights. They have been the subject to the systematic practice of ethnic cleansing under preceding governments.
  9. "Preamble". Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZRO).
  10. The ZNC in Burma was registered as a political party in 1988. It was permitted to function as a political organization until 1992, when the Burma military government abolished the party, and banned it from all political activities. While heavily oppressed as an un-sanctioned party, ZNC still exists within Burma, and is part of the global Zomi movement. ZNC
  11. Chin Sian Thang, 67, is chairman of the ZNC. Elected as a Member of Parliament during Burma's 1990 elections, he has worked diligently for many years in defiance of the country's ruling junta. During the 1960s, Chin Sian Thang served as a leader of the Chin Ethnic Student Union while a student at Rangoon University. He has been imprisoned on at least six occasions by successive military regimes for his political activities between 1972 and 1999 ZNC
  12. Naulak Innkuan Laibu. 2003.
  13. http://www.zomicommunityusa.org/
  14. http://www.zomidc.org
  15. http://sizaang.blogspot.com/2011/01/zomi-inkuan-malaysia-zim-laihawm.html
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