Ŕ (minuscule: ŕ) is a letter of the Slovak and Lower Sorbian alphabets. It is formed from R with the addition of an acute. Their Unicode codepoints are U+0154 Ŕ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE (HTML Ŕ) and U+0155 ŕ UNICODE CHARACTER 'LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE (HTML ŕ). The PS names are Racute and racute.


It is used in Slovak to represent IPA: [ r̩ː ].

Lower Sorbian

It is used in Lower Sorbian to represent palatal r, IPA: [ rʲ ].


In Sabino Arana's orthography[1] of the Basque language, ŕ was used for the trill consonant. However, in the standard Basque alphabet, r is used in syllable-final positions and rr between vowels.

See also


  1. Lecciones de ortografía del euskera bizkaino, page 32, Arana eta Goiri'tar Sabin, Bilbao, Bizkaya'ren Edestija ta Izkerea Pizkundia, 1896 (Sebastián de Amorrortu).
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