Radical 104

Radical 104 (U+2F67)
(U+7592) "sickness"
Pinyin: chuáng, nè
Bopomofo: ㄔㄨㄤˊ, ㄋㄜˋ
Wade–Giles: ch'uang2, ne4
Jyutping: nik6
Cantonese Yale: nik6
Hiragana: ダク daku
ニャク nyaku
Kanji: 病垂 yamaidare
Hangul: 병 byeong
Sino-Korean: 녁 nyeok
Stroke order animation

Radical 104 meaning "sickness" is 1 of 23 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 5 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 526 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 104

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes
2 additional strokes 疓 疔 疕 疖 疗
3 additional strokes 疘 疙 疚 疛 疜 疝 疞 疟 疠
4 additional strokes 疡 疢 疣 疤 疥 疦 疧 疨 疩 疪 疫 疬 疭 疮 疯
5 additional strokes 疰 疱 疲 疳 疴 疵 疶 疷 疸 疹 疺 疻 疼 疽 疾 疿 痀 痁 痂 痃 痄 病 痆 症 痈 痉
6 additional strokes 痊 痋 痌 痍 痎 痏 痐 痑 痒 痓 痔 痕 痖
7 additional strokes 痗 痘 痙 痚 痛 痜 痝 痞 痟 痠 痡 痢 痣 痤 痥 痦 痧 痨 痩 痪 痫
8 additional strokes 痬 痭 痮 痯 痰 痱 痲 痳 痴 痵 痶 痷 痸 痹 痺 痻 痼 痽 痾 痿 瘀 瘁 瘂 瘃 瘄 瘅 瘆
9 additional strokes 瘇 瘈 瘉 瘊 瘋 瘌 瘍 瘎 瘏 瘐 瘑 瘒 瘓 瘔 瘕 瘖 瘗 瘘
10 additional strokes 瘙 瘚 瘛 瘜 瘝 瘞 瘟 瘠 瘡 瘢 瘣 瘤 瘥 瘦 瘧 瘨 瘩 瘪 瘫
11 additional strokes 瘬 瘭 瘮 瘯 瘰 瘱 瘲 瘳 瘴 瘵 瘶 瘷 瘸 瘹 瘺 瘻 瘼 瘽 瘾 瘿
12 additional strokes 癀 癁 療 癃 癄 癅 癆 癇 癈 癉 癊 癋 癌 癍 癎
13 additional strokes 癏 癐 癑 癒 癓 癔 癕 癖 癗 癘 癙 癚 癛 癜 癝 癞
14 additional strokes 癟 癠 癡 癣
15 additional strokes 癢 癤 癥 癦
16 additional strokes 癧 癨 癩 癪 癫
17 additional strokes 癬 癭 癮
18 additional strokes 癯 癰
19 additional strokes 癱 癲
21 additional strokes
23 additional strokes
25 additional strokes


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 104.
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, August 06, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.