Radical 115

For the eleven stroke wheat radical, see Radical 199. For the twelve stroke millet radical, see Radical 202.
Radical 115 (U+2F72)
禾 (U+79BE) "grain"
Pinyin: hé
Bopomofo: ㄏㄜˊ
Wade–Giles: ho2
Jyutping: wo4
Cantonese Yale: wo4
Hiragana: ã‚« ka
いね, のぎ ine, nogi
Kanji: ノ木偏 nogihen
Hangul: ë²¼ byeo
Sino-Korean: í™” hwa
Stroke order animation

Radical 115 meaning "grain" is 1 of 23 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 5 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 431 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 115

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes 禾
2 additional strokes 禿 秀 私 秂 秃
3 additional strokes 秄 秅 秆 秇 秈 秉 秊
4 additional strokes 秋 秌 种 秎 秏 秐 科 秒 秓 秔 秕 秖 秗
5 additional strokes 秘 秙 秚 秛 秜 秝 秞 租 秠 秡 秢 秣 秤 秥 秦 秧 秨 秩 秪 秫 秬 秭 秮 积 称
6 additional strokes 秱 秲 秳 秴 秵 秶 秷 秸 秹 秺 移 秼 秽 秾
7 additional strokes 秿 稀 稁 稂 稃 稄 稅 稆 稇 稈 稉 稊 程 稌 稍 税
8 additional strokes 稏 稐 稑 稒 稓 稔 稕 稖 稗 稘 稙 稚 稛 稜 稝 稞 稟 稠 稡 稢 稣 稤 稥
9 additional strokes 稦 稧 稨 稩 稪 稫 稬 稭 種 稯 稰 稱 稲 稳 穀
10 additional strokes 稴 稵 稶 稷 稸 稹 稺 稻 稼 稽 稾 稿 穁 穂 穃
11 additional strokes 穄 穅 穆 穇 穈 穊 穋 穌 積 穎 穏 穐 穑 穒
12 additional strokes 穉 穓 穔 穕 穖 穗 穘 穙 穚 穛 穜 穝 穞
13 additional strokes ç©Ÿ ç©  ç©¡ ç©¢ ç©£
14 additional strokes 穤 穥 穦 穧 穨 穩 穪 穫
15 additional strokes 穬 穭 穮 穯
16 additional strokes 龝
17 additional strokes 穰 穳
18 additional strokes 穱
19 additional strokes 穲


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Radical 115.
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