Radical 159

Radical 159 (U+2F9E)
車 (U+8ECA) "cart, car"
Pinyin: chē
Bopomofo: ㄔㄜ
Wade–Giles: ch'e1
Jyutping: ce1, geoi1
Cantonese Yale: che1, geui1
Hiragana: シャ sha
くるま kuruma
Kanji: 車偏 kurumahen
Hangul: 수레 sure
Sino-Korean: ê±° geo
Stroke order animation

Radical 159 meaning "cart" or "car" is 1 of 20 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 7 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 361 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.[1]

Characters with Radical 159

strokes character
without additional strokes 車 车
1 additional stroke 軋 轧
2 additional strokes 軌 軍 轨
3 additional strokes 軎 軏 軐 軑 軒 軓 軔 軕 轩 轪 轫
4 additional strokes 軖 軗 軘 軙 軚 軛 軜 軝 軞 軟 軠 軡 転 軣 转 轭 轮 软 轰
5 additional strokes 軤 軥 軦 軧 軨 軩 軪 軫 軬 軮 軯 軰 軱 軲 軳 軴 軵 軶 軷 軸 軹 軺 軻 軼 軽 轱 轲 轳 轴 轵 轶 轷 轸 轹 轺 轻
6 additional strokes 軭 軾 軿 輀 輁 輂 較 輄 輅 輆 輇 輈 載 輊 輋 輌 轼 载 轾 轿 辀 辁 辂 较
7 additional strokes 輍 輎 輏 輐 輑 輒 輓 輔 輕 辄 辅 辆
8 additional strokes 輖 輗 輘 輙 輚 輛 輜 輝 輞 輟 輠 輡 輢 輣 輤 輥 輦 輧 輨 輩 輪 輫 輬 輦 輪 辇 辈 辉 辊 辋 辌 辍 辎
9 additional strokes 輭 輮 輯 輰 輱 輲 輳 輴 輵 輶 輷 輸 輹 輺 輻 輼 輻 辏 辐 辑 辒 输 辔
10 additional strokes 輽 輾 輿 轀 轁 轂 轃 轄 轅 辕 辖 辗
11 additional strokes 轆 轇 轈 轉 轊 轋 轌 辘
12 additional strokes 轍 轎 轏 轐 轑 轒 轓 轔 辙 辚
13 additional strokes 轕 轖 轗 轘 轙 轚
14 additional strokes 轛 轜 轝 轞 轟
15 additional strokes 轠 轡 轢 轢
16 additional strokes 轣 轤
20 additional strokes è½¥



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