Motion Picture |
Direction |
Actor in a leading role |
Actress in a leading role |
Actor in a supporting role |
Actress in a supporting role |
Original Screenplay |
Adapted Screenplay |
Best Feature Length Documentary |
Best Short Documentary |
Strand: Under the Dark Cloth, John Walker
- Le Trou du diable, Richard Lavoie, François Dupuis, and Marc Daigle
- White Lake, Colin Browne
Stunt People, Lois Siegel
- Reading Between the Lines, Martha Davis
- Who Gets In?, Barry Greenwald
Best Live Action Short Drama |
Best Animated Short |
In Search of the Last Good Man, Peg Campbell and Peggy Thompson
- The Journey Home, Mary Armstrong
- Monster in the Coal Bin, Tracy Traeger, Ellen Rutter, and Allen Schinkel
- Multiple Choice, Debbie McGee
- Odyssey in August, Leonard Farlinger and Stephen Roscoe
Art Direction/Production Design |
Cinematography |
Costume Design |
Editing |
Overall Sound |
Sound Editing |
Patrick Rousseau, Adrian Croll, Hans Peter Strobl, and Jocelyn Caron, Jésus de Montréal
- Paul Massey, Peter Kelly, and Garrell Clark, Bye Bye Blues
- Don White, Marvin Berns, Paul Coombe, and Douglas Ganton, Millennium
- Sal Grimaldi, Joe Grimaldi, Dino Pigat, and Peter Shewchuk, Termini Station
Marcel Pothier, Laurent Lévy, Antoine Morin, and Diane Boucher, Jésus de Montréal
- Alan Hardiman, Terry Burke, Barry Backus, Jim Hopkins, and Ingrid Rosen, American Boyfriends
- Alison Fisher, Penny Hozy, Bruno DeGazio, Peter Thilaye, and Alison Grace, Bye Bye Blues
- Paul Dion, Dans le ventre du dragon
- Alan Hardiman, Robin Leigh, Jim Hopkins, Penny Hozy, and Terry Burke, Millennium
- Terry Burke, David Templeton, Ralph Brunjes, and Brian Ravok, Termini Station
Original Score |
Original Song |
Special awards |